Nike Contractor in Malaysia using forced labour
An investigation by Australian Channel 7 into the Nike Contractors in Malaysia using force...
published: 22 Jul 2008
author: diendantudodanchu
Nike Contractor in Malaysia using forced labour
An investigation by Australian Channel 7 into the Nike Contractors in Malaysia using forced labour
published: 22 Jul 2008
views: 80562
North Korean Forced Labor Camps Exposed
From: video.foxnews.com PigMine's FaceBook page, please Like here: www.facebook.com April ...
published: 15 Apr 2012
author: PigMine3
North Korean Forced Labor Camps Exposed
From: video.foxnews.com PigMine's FaceBook page, please Like here: www.facebook.com April 14, 2011 - Escapee's account of harsh regime.FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 USC section 106A-117 of the US Copyright Law.
published: 15 Apr 2012
views: 1103
Forced labor and human trafficking of refugees from Burma in Malaysia
Sign the petition here: chn.ge and don't forget to visit our Facebook page and click 'like...
published: 26 Oct 2011
author: heimsia
Forced labor and human trafficking of refugees from Burma in Malaysia
Sign the petition here: chn.ge and don't forget to visit our Facebook page and click 'like' www.facebook.com Health Equity Initiatives (HEI) recently did a research on the mental health problems of Burmese refugees and asylum seekers in the Klang Valley who have experienced forced labour and human trafficking. Refugees and asylum seekers are people who fled their home country from persecution. Ethnic and religious minorities in Burma have been experiencing on-going persecution which includes oppressive conditions of forced labour, confiscation of lands/homes, systematic rape, torture and other forms of religious and ethnic persecution. The majority of the Burmese population are persons fleeing such persecution. To survive in Malaysia, until they find a long term solution in terms of being resettled to another country, refugees and asylum seekers work in situations where they face verbal and physical abuse from employers, low and unpaid wages, long working hours in exploitative conditions. The campaign is scheduled for 31 Oct - 5 Nov, and we really need your support. Please sign the petition and your stand against forced labor and human trafficking in Malaysia will make a difference. So sign the Petition Letter to the Prime Minister of Malaysia, Dato' Seri Najib Tun Razak today! The petition is here: chn.ge
published: 26 Oct 2011
views: 5800
Ikea Admits Forced Labor Was Used in 1980s
published: 17 Nov 2012
author: wheresnews
Ikea Admits Forced Labor Was Used in 1980s
Forced Labor Produced Ikea Products in Germany, Alleges Spokesman
Ikea, the Swedish furniture manufacturer with stores worldwide, has been accused of profit...
published: 16 Nov 2012
author: Big4Video
Forced Labor Produced Ikea Products in Germany, Alleges Spokesman
Ikea, the Swedish furniture manufacturer with stores worldwide, has been accused of profiting from forced labor through one of its East German suppliers in the 1960s, 70s, and 80s. Big4 firm Ernst & Young has been retained to audit the company's operations from the era and determine if forced labor was in fact a part of Ikea's supply chain.
published: 16 Nov 2012
views: 3
Modern Day Slavery: Forced Labour in the UK - Nancy Kelley
Thousands of people are estimated to be working as slaves within the UK, in highly exploit...
published: 03 Nov 2011
author: GreshamCollege
Modern Day Slavery: Forced Labour in the UK - Nancy Kelley
Thousands of people are estimated to be working as slaves within the UK, in highly exploitative conditions, with no rights, and under threat of violence. This lecture will discuss some of the issues. Nancy Kelley is the Deputy Director of Policy and Research at the Rowntree Foundation. For more information on the issues covered in this lecture, please visit this website: www.jrf.org.uk Thetranscript and downloadable versions of the lecture are available from the Gresham College website: www.gresham.ac.uk Gresham College has been giving free public lectures since 1597. This tradition continues today with all of our five or so public lectures a week being made available for free download from our website. www.gresham.ac.uk
published: 03 Nov 2011
views: 542
African Movie SPADE Exposes Human Trafficking, Forced Labor and Prostitution
Agent Spade is back on the job, fighting artifacts and human-traffickers, slave-labor and ...
published: 01 May 2010
author: africanevents
African Movie SPADE Exposes Human Trafficking, Forced Labor and Prostitution
Agent Spade is back on the job, fighting artifacts and human-traffickers, slave-labor and forced Prostitution. This time, his nemesis is Blackjack, the "Clean-up Guy" for the "Consortium," a network of international criminals. The crafty heroics of Spade aided by the FBI and APD manpower is on a collision course with Black Jacks splashy Casanova and wild wild West lifestyle aided by a bunch of gun-toting bodyguards and henchmen serviced by a bunch of seductive, and dangerous ladies sometimes compelled to do the dirty work of the syndicate. The stage is set and the game is on. Written and Directed by Oliver O. Mbamara (DGN) Details at www.Spademovie.com
published: 01 May 2010
views: 11745
China's Abuse: Forced Abortion and Forced Labor
romereports.com China's Abuse: Forced Abortion and Forced Labor...
published: 19 May 2011
author: romereports
China's Abuse: Forced Abortion and Forced Labor
romereports.com China's Abuse: Forced Abortion and Forced Labor
published: 19 May 2011
views: 1592
Re-Education Fema Camp Manual w/ Slave Labor and Torture
A shocking US Army manual that describes how "political activists," including American cit...
published: 08 May 2012
author: TheAlexJonesChannel
Re-Education Fema Camp Manual w/ Slave Labor and Torture
A shocking US Army manual that describes how "political activists," including American citizens, are to be indoctrinated in re-education camps also includes rules on forced labor and separating political prisoners by confining them in isolation. Aside from detailing how PSYOP teams will use "indoctrination programs to reduce or remove antagonistic attitudes," as well as targeting "political activists" with indoctrination programs to provide "understanding and appreciation of US policies and actions," the manual directs political prisoners to be separated from the rest of the camp population. On page 284, the manual (PDF) describes how "Malcontents, rabble-rousers, trained agitators, and political officers who may attempt to organize resistance or create disturbances within the I/R facility," are to be confined "in isolated enclosures to deny them access to the general population." The document also makes clear that the internment facility is not only a re-education camp but also a forced labor camp. Page 277 of the manual states, "Detainees constitute a significant labor force of skilled and unskilled individuals. These individuals should be employed to the fullest extent possible in work that is needed to construct, manage, perform administrative functions for, and maintain the internment facility." Page 69 of the manual notes in a section called 'Detainee Processing Technique' that prisoners should first have their weapons confiscated before "silence" is guaranteed by ...
published: 08 May 2012
views: 10835
Inta (Komi). Former forced labour camps
Former Gulag places visited by Latvian survivors in 1989. Survivor Alfred Geidans tells ab...
published: 23 Dec 2006
author: Laikraadis
Inta (Komi). Former forced labour camps
Former Gulag places visited by Latvian survivors in 1989. Survivor Alfred Geidans tells about everyday's life of prisoners and some attempts to escape. Inta is a coal mining town in the Komi Republic, Russia. It had its origin in one of th Former Gulag places visited by Latvian survivors in 1989. Survivor Alfred Geidans tells about everyday's life of prisoners and some attempts to escape. Inta is a coal mining town in the Komi Republic, Russia. It had its origin in one of the more notorious forced labour camps of the Gulag. Materiāli videofilmai "Inta-Vorkuta" tika iegūti 1989. un 1990. g totalitārisma noziegumu pētnieka Alfrēda Geidāna organizētajās ekspedīcijās uz bijušajām Komi reģiona gulaga nometnēm. Filmas fragmenti vairākkārt tika rādīti Latvijas TV programmās, filma tika izplatīta trimdas latviešu vidē ASV un Kanādā.
published: 23 Dec 2006
views: 13660
Slavery and Child Slave Labour
Slavery is a form of forced labor in which people are considered to be, or treated as, the...
published: 10 Oct 2009
author: hplaserjet2001
Slavery and Child Slave Labour
Slavery is a form of forced labor in which people are considered to be, or treated as, the property of others. Slaves can be held against their will from the time of their capture, purchase or birth, and deprived of the right to leave, to refuse to work, or to receive compensation (such as wages). Freedom from slavery is an internationally recognized human right. Article 4 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that "No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms." Visit www.nlcnet.org for more information.
published: 10 Oct 2009
views: 6053
Directed, Produced and writen by Vietnamese. THE number of people, including refugees, liv...
published: 30 Sep 2007
author: AhmekKhmer
Directed, Produced and writen by Vietnamese. THE number of people, including refugees, living in the urban areas, on the eve of the communist victory probably was somewhat more than 3 million, in a wartime population that has been estimated between 5.7 and 7.3 million. As mentioned, despite their rural origins, the refugees were considered "new people" - that is, people unsympathetic to Democratic Kampuchea. Some doubtless passed as "old people" after returning to their native villages, but the Khmer Rouge seem to have been extremely vigilant in recording and keeping track of the movements of families and of individuals. The lowest unit of social control, the Krom (group), consisted of ten to fifteen nuclear families whose activities were closely supervised by a three-person committee. The committee chairman was selected by the KCP. This grass roots leadership was required to note the social origin of each family under its jurisdiction and to report it to persons higher up in the Angkar hierarchy. The number of "new people" may initially have been as high as 2.5 million. The "new people" were treated as slave laborers. They were constantly moved, were forced to do the hardest physical labor, and worked in the most inhospitable, fever-ridden parts of the country, such as forests, upland areas, and swamps. "New people" were segregated from "old people," enjoyed little or no privacy, and received the smallest rice rations. When the country experienced food shortages in 1977 ...
published: 30 Sep 2007
views: 31796
Youtube results:
Cambodia: THE FORCED LABOR OF ANGKAR LUE/CAP TREN 1975-1979 (2/11) [KH-EN]
Many Yuon Vietcong soldiers, who could speak, write and read Khmer very well, had secretly...
published: 03 Jun 2009
author: AhmekKhmer
Cambodia: THE FORCED LABOR OF ANGKAR LUE/CAP TREN 1975-1979 (2/11) [KH-EN]
Many Yuon Vietcong soldiers, who could speak, write and read Khmer very well, had secretly disguised themselves as the men-in-black, the leaders of super-illiterate-ignorant Khmer Rouge yotheas, announced in the shadowy name of the murderous Angkar Leu/Cap Tren throughout the city of Phnom Penh, like in the rest of the country, that we had gained victory over the US imperialists. 17 April 1975 transformed into a historical day of victory over the American imperialists. Since the war ended, the regime of the US imperialists also fell. After victory was won on 17 April 1975, the people throughout the country, especially the people in the city of Phnom Penh, were extremely happy and joyful tears. They considered this was a valuable victory in Cambodian history that Dracula Angkar Leu/Cap Tren Yuon came out of the jungles and forests in Cambodia. The first day, the city of Phnom Penh was liberated, was the first day tears fell from the eyes of the Cambodian people who had hoped that the country would achieve peace. The pain and misery endured by each person were caused by the terrible, barbarous and inhumane acts of all the Dracula-Angkar Leu/Cap Tren Yuon who had no mercy and compassion for both Khmer Krom and Khmer Kandal people at all. But the hope of everyone transformed into tears that fell from Unforgettable Past Painful Suffering Tragedies that all Cambodian people and the people in the outside world are still terribly misled that Cambodia was completely liberated by ...
published: 03 Jun 2009
views: 41956
Cambodia: THE FORCED LABOR OF ANGKAR LUE/CAP TREN 1975-1979 (3/11) [KH-EN]
In fact, the liberation of Phnom Penh on 17 April 1975 with the secret helps of Vietcong w...
published: 05 Jun 2009
author: AhmekKhmer
Cambodia: THE FORCED LABOR OF ANGKAR LUE/CAP TREN 1975-1979 (3/11) [KH-EN]
In fact, the liberation of Phnom Penh on 17 April 1975 with the secret helps of Vietcong who I have already mentioned before and later. Prince Norodom Sihanouk also tells extremely clearly that Cambodia was liberated from 1970 on was all Vietcong who were secretly behind all Khmer resistances, but the Khmer Rouge of Pol Pot, who didnt want to serve Yuon as the slaves of Indochinese Communist Party, unlike Laos that has been swallowed up completely in 1975, also tried to get rid Vietcong out of Cambodia: Was it the fact that the Khmer Rouge subjected their own people and even their own followers to genocide, massacres, forced labor, slavery, concentration camps, and political purges horrified the entire world and the drove DK deeper into isolation each day in the countryside? Let me reiterate that the Vietnamese were behind the Khmer resistance effort from March 18, 1970 on, an important factor in the eventual victory over the US and Lon Nol. The historic truth is that Kampuchea was liberated with Vietnamese help, and not that Saigon and South Vietnam were liberated with Khmer Rouge help. In fact, between 1970 and 1975 the Khmer Rouge did everything in their power to trip up their Yuon comrades! Summers concludes, in the same fashion as her first article, Cambodia: Consolidating the Revolution, by returning to the realm of foreign policy and Kampuchea's position vis-à-vis its historical enemies. She notes that the new regimes posture towards Vietnam is cool, but that with ...
published: 05 Jun 2009
views: 21852
Cambodia: THE FORCED LABOR OF ANGKAR LUE/CAP TREN 1975-1979 (5/11) [KH-EN]
To be summarized, the event of 17 April 1975 was the very mysterious event; the winners ma...
published: 05 Jun 2009
author: AhmekKhmer
Cambodia: THE FORCED LABOR OF ANGKAR LUE/CAP TREN 1975-1979 (5/11) [KH-EN]
To be summarized, the event of 17 April 1975 was the very mysterious event; the winners masqueraded using the name of Angkar Leu/Cap Tren. They praised Khmer-Vietminh to be masked. And then they used the Khmer victims to shout, Bravo, wonderful, great leap forward for themetc. Mr Kim Nguon Trach confirmed that Yuon Vietminh, Yuon Vietcong, when they invaded Kampuchea. They always lied to divert that to come to help Khmers. But in fact, it was they came in to instigate to divide, pushing Khmers to fight with Khmers until its nearly extinct so that its easy for them to swallow up Khmer at once. Because if fighting by force, they saw it cant be won over Khmers. For two examples that they disgracefully were defeated: First, in Khmer Krom from 1945-46, Second, in 1954, they wanted to break up Kampuchea into two. Mr Kim Nguon Trach clarified, our hereditary enemy has been annihilating Khmer race, plundering Khmers properties because of the name of Angkar Leu/Cap Tren. They have closely hidden their faces. Mr Kim Nguon Trach was a Khmer Krom man, as a steady politician who used to working under the command of Son Ngoc Thanh. He knew tactics and tricks of Vietminh who had a ploy to swallow up Khmer Krom. Then he explained to all listeners that currently Vietcong have been collecting the same tricks given to Angkar Leu/Cap Tren who only reformed a little. Now, Angkar Leu/Cap Tren has been applying this trick to expand Kampuchea Kandal again. Despairingly then, Mr Kim Nguon Trach ...
published: 05 Jun 2009
views: 18238
Torture of Gao RongRong in the Longshan forced Labor Camp
Interviews with 2 survivors of the chinese Labor Camps and victims of the persecution of F...
published: 22 Sep 2007
author: Emmanuel Goldstein
Torture of Gao RongRong in the Longshan forced Labor Camp
Interviews with 2 survivors of the chinese Labor Camps and victims of the persecution of Falun Gong. Both have since died as a result of the persecution. more videos about the persecution are here: www.faluninfo.de (website is in german, but videos are in english)
published: 22 Sep 2007
views: 66350
Emmanuel Goldstein