Mark Blyth: Austerity - The History of a Dangerous Idea
Governments today in both Europe and the United States have succeeded in casting governmen...
published: 03 Jun 2013
Into the Fire - The Hidden Victims of Austerity in Greece
Embed this film: http://intothefire.org/embed Also see our other coverage of the Greek cri...
published: 20 Apr 2013
author: ReelNews
Mark Blyth on Austerity
A Watson Institute video on the global trend toward Austerity budgets featuring Mark Blyth...
published: 30 Sep 2010
Is Austerity to Blame for Europe's Economic Woes?
From Nobel laureate Paul Krugman to the free-market-friendly Economist magazine to former ...
published: 11 May 2012
author: ReasonTV
Is austerity working in Britain and Europe?
A look at whether austerity measures are bringing massive government borrowing under contr...
published: 12 Mar 2013
author: Channel4News
Obama praises Greek austerity but urges growth
US President Obama has praised the Greek government's strict austerity measures and struct...
published: 09 Aug 2013
author: Euronews
Inside Story - The true cost of austerity
We look at the human disaster unfolding as European & American economic reforms wreck havo...
published: 01 May 2013
Prosperity Without Austerity - Sweden
Can the Euro bankrupt learn from Sweden's austerity success? To see more go to http://www....
published: 10 Oct 2011
Obama Calls on Greece to Balance Austerity
Following a meeting at the White House, President Barack Obama called on Greece to balance...
published: 08 Aug 2013
John Stossel - "Austerity"
Senator Rand Paul and CATO economist Dan Mitchell join John to discuss a pipe dream called...
published: 11 Jul 2013
author: LibertyPen
The Meaning of "Austerity"
TRANSCRIPT AND SOURCES: http://ur1.ca/0balr ..."Austerity" is one of those Orwellian terms...
published: 22 Jun 2010
The Watson Institute at Brown University presents Mark Blyth on Austerity
A Watson Institute video on the global trend toward Austerity budgets featuring Mark Blyth...
published: 29 Sep 2010
author: John Mazza
Yaron Answers: What Is "Austerity"?
Yaron Brook answers a question from Corbin: "What is austerity and why is it considered to...
published: 26 Nov 2012
'Germany enforces same austerity that paved way to Third Reich'
One in four people are now officially out of work in Spain as unemployment in the debt-rid...
published: 26 Oct 2012
author: RussiaToday
Youtube results:
Who Benefits from Austerity?
Bob Pollin fields the question: are the very rich hunkering down for a long recession and ...
published: 10 Mar 2013
author: TheRealNews
Inside Story - Is austerity undermining democracy?
As Greece shuts down state broadcaster ERT, we ask how meeting eurozone bailout obligation...
published: 15 Jun 2013
Assaulting Austerity
Austerity & Neo-Nazis, oh my! Stay up-to-date with the latest animation! http://tinyurl.co...
published: 14 May 2012
author: markfiore
The Watson Institute presents Mark Blyth on Austerity
from The Global Conversation 2 years ago / via Vimeo Desktop Uploader NOT YET RATED A vide...
published: 10 Apr 2013
author: Ar Netakias