Australian Electoral Commission

Australian Electoral Commission

Election day is Saturday 7 September 2013

Polling places open at 8am and close at 6pm sharp.

You can vote at any polling place in your state or territory on election day. We are currently finalising polling place locations now that we have the date for the election but latest polling place information is available and updated daily.

Electoral boundaries may change between elections so you should check which electorate you live in.

If you can't make it to a polling place in your state or territory on election day, there are options. Please note early voting does not start until 20 August.

If eligible, you can either vote:

In person

Before election day:


By post

Application forms are available from any Australia Post outlet. The AEC must receive your application for a postal vote no later than 6pm Thursday 5 September 2013.

More information

Who you choose to vote for is your decision. Outside the polling place, candidate representatives may give you how-to-vote cards, suggesting you vote in a particular way. You do not have to follow how-to-vote cards.

A full list of candidates will be available on 16 August 2013.

More information

  1. In the polling place a polling official will ask you for your full name and address, and whether you have voted before in this election. They will mark your name off the electoral roll.
  2. You will be given two ballot papers – a green one for the House of Representatives, and a white one for the Senate.
  3. Read the instructions on all ballot papers carefully. You need to complete each ballot paper differently. Ask a polling official for help if you are unsure.
  4. Once you have completed your ballot papers, fold them and place them in the ballot boxes provided.