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by the fine gentlemen at Primal Screen.
"I huff gasoline from your shirt and blur the questions that no one could ever answer I empty my head of all that I know seems like the best view is the one ...
SXSW @ Pure Volume Outdoor - Austin, TX.
for fun.
just a 30 second clip of Snowden playing Anti-Anti at Stubbs BBQ in Austin, tx.
mel this was the little petit cadeaux i told you about. Enjoy!
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Snowden performs Anti Anti Live on Fearless Music
Snowden Live playing at Forecastle 2008 Official video: Snowden - Anti Anti.
Snowden live.
US whistle blower Edward Snowden warned Canadians of new anti-terrorism legislation being prepared by Prime Minister Stephen Harper's government. In a live video conference yesterday with Toronto high school students, Snowden urged extreme caution when governments demands extraordinary intelligence powers. teleSUR
Mehr auf unserer Webseite: In Kanada wurden in einem Gesetzentwurf von Premierminister Harper mit Vorwand, den „Dschihadismus“ effektiver bekämpfen zu können, den Geheimdiensten große Freiräume geschaffen. Statt lediglich zu überwachen und Informationen zu sammeln, könnten die Geheimdienste Flüge stornieren, Finanztransaktionen stoppen und Pässe einziehen, und das ohne die Polizei einzuschalten. Die Polizei wiederum könnte dann Verdächtige bis zu sieben Tage ohne Anklage festhalten. Bei einer Audienz vor kanadischen Studenten, sprach der Whistleblower Edward Snowden seine Besorgnis über die neuen Gesetzesplanungen aus und warnte, dass solche Machtübergaben an Geheimdienste zur Einflussnahme von Regierungen auf politische Ideologien, mit der Begründung gegen Radikalisierung vorzugehen, mit äußerster Vorsicht zu genießen seien, denn so ein Prozess ist sehr leicht zu beginnen und kann sehr gefährlich werden. Folge uns auf Facebook: Folge uns auf Twitter: Folge uns auf Google+: RT Deutsch nimmt die Herausforderung an, die etablierte deutsche Medienlandschaft aufzurütteln und mit einer alternativen Berichterstattung etablierte Meinungen zu hinterfragen. Wir zeigen und schreiben das, was sonst verschwiegen oder weggeschnitten wird. RT - Der fehlende Part.
Song: "Anti-Anti (Jordan's Stutter Mix)" Artist: Snowden Albums: Fuel of the Celebration EP & the Give. Listen. Help. compilation.
Snowden jam out to their song "Anti Anti" at JBTV studios on February 24, 2013. Watch more at Also don't forget to like us on social m...
Snowden - Anti-Anti Recorded Live: 3/2/2007 - Independent (San Francisco,CA) Subscribe to Paste on YouTube: Visit Paste Magazine: http:/...
While Edward Snowden continues to be viewed as a traitor by Washington, a poster campaign on the city's bus routes is putting across a very different message...
Snowden playing "Anti-Anti" at Mercury Lounge in New York, NY on 5/15/08 For interview with singer/guitarist Jordan Jeffares, go here:
Snowden playing "Anti-Anti" at Southpaw, Brooklyn, NY, on 12/4/08. For full review, go here: For photo...
Snowden performing Anti-Anti at the Beat Kitchen, Chicago, Friday 23 February 2007.
Piraten starten Drohne bei pro-Snowden Anti-Prism Demo am Dagger-Komplex in Griesheim bei Darmstadt CC by Joachim S. Müller (Bei Namensnennung frei verwendba...
Snowden played at The Masquerade.
Snowden performs Anti Anti at Mercury Lounge, NYC 1/21/11.
My great movie.
090713 Presidente Nicolás Maduro reiteró que conciencia patria e ideales bolivarianos fortalecen a la FANB. Venezuela antiimperialista y países hermanos da...
SNOWDEN Vs GOVT: State Department's Jen Psaki Left Speechless When Grilled Tensions are high as NSA leaker Edward Snowden officially submitted application fo...
Don't thank Edward Snowden for surveillance debate, Obama says (CBS) Former government contractor Edward Snowden has been widely credited with kick-starting ...
Snowden - Full Concert Recorded Live: 3/2/2007 - Independent (San Francisco, CA) Subscribe to Paste on YouTube: Visit Paste Magazine: Setlist: 0:00:00 - Black Eyes 0:04:35 - Victim Card 0:10:25 - Between the Rent and Me 0:14:35 - Innocent Heathen 0:19:34 - Stop Your Bleeding 0:24:49 - Anti-Anti 0:28:46 - Like Bullets 0:33:15 - Filler is Wasted
. Themen: Abbau von Nikotin beeinflußt Raucher beim Aufhören - Edward Snowden kritisiert Kanadas neue Anti-Terror-Regelungen - Ortungs-App: VS-Polizei fürchtet Überwachung durch Bürger - VSA verbieten Störung und Drosselung von Internet-Empfang - Weißes Haus: Taliban sind keine Terrorgruppe mehr - VSA erhöhen Atomwaffen-Budget für 2016 um 8% - Designierter neuer Pentagon-Chef für Waffenlieferungen an Ukraine - Nachhaltige Waldbewirtschaftung der Caatinga soll vor fortschreitender Wüste schützen - Indigene halten Ölfelder im Norden Perus besetzt - Tot aufgefundener Staatsanwalt wollte Kirchner verhaften - Pentagon bestätigt Drohnenangriff am Wochenende gegen Somalia - Islam wirft Mann von Hochhaus und steinigt ihn - China, Indien und Rußland – Partnerschaft für eine multipolare Weltordnung - China: Geheime Hubschrauber-Basis nahe Senkaku-Inseln im Bau - Australische Notenbank senkt Leitzins auf Rekordtief - Rubelverfall: Rußland wird zum Billig-Reiseland - Rubel erholt sich, Rußland-Anleihen steigen - Rußland modernisiert Luftstreitkräfte schneller als geplant - Putin warnt! Nato-Staaten erhalten atomare Antwort - Ukraine ratifiziert Abkommen über gemeinsame Militärbrigade mit Polen und Litauen - Christoph Hörstel: "Flurgeflüster" aus Berlin offener Krieg gegen Rußland wird im März 2015 erklärt! - Ukrainische Armee beschießt Flüchtlingskonvoi - Fünf Tote - Donezker Volksrepublik: Beweise für Einsatz von NATO-Granaten - Wohnhäuser in Donezk mit Granaten aus deutscher Produktion beschossen - Lugansker Miliz meldet ersten Luftangriff auf Armeeeinheiten Kiews - Europa vor dem Krieg: Eskaliert der Ukraine-Konflikt zum großen Flächenbrand? - Rußland soll Panzer an Separatisten geliefert haben - Budapest: Keine Waffenlieferungen an Ukraine - Supermächte kämpfen um Griechenland – Europa zittert vor Angst um 3. Weltkrieg - Londoner Bürgermeister: circa 4000 extremistische Staatsbürger Englands bereiten Angriff auf diese Stadt vor - Ukraine: Deutschland muß das Spiel mit dem Feuer beenden! - Zuschauermanipulation - Programmbeschwerde gegen ZDF Maybrit Illner "Aufstand in Athen" - Merkel will Griechenlands Premierminister isolieren - Deutsche gegen Kompromisse mit Griechenland - Fast jede dritte Familie hat ausländische Wurzeln - Fichte an jeden Deutschen - . Sollten Sie bereit sein uns durch einen Betrag zu unterstützen, die Honigmann Nachrichten und Honigmann-Treffen aufrecht zu erhalten, so können Sie uns Ihre Spende übers Spendenkonto unten im Gästebuch zukommen lassen, oder hier: SPARKASSE VEST RECKLINGHAUSEN, BLZ 426 501 50, Kto.-Nr. 105 10 22 877 IBAN: DE17426501501051022877 BIG: WELADED1REK * – Danke – …und hier gehts zum Honigmann-Shop: . Gruß Der Honigmann .
Yep. Its another installment of this crap, bitches! Jimmy Carter supports Edward Snowden, an anti-protest law passes Congress and signed by Obama, Pope is no...
First Contact Radio 3/24/14 Show #1109 hosted by Joshua Poet COSMIC WEATHER Astrology This Week's Sky at a...
Support my videos on Patreon at 1:40 Socialism and whether US tax, benefit policies are or have been socialist, plus current budget fight 9:09 Islam and muslim extremist debate on whether the blame for terrorism from Islamic extremism lies with Islam or extremism 22:20 ISIS beheads another Japanese hostage, Kenji Goto, proposes prisoner swap with Jordan 47:28 Sen John McCain doubles down on calling Code Pink low-life scum for protest of Henry Kissinger 51:18 NSA spying addressed in BIll Maher interview of Laura Poitras documentarian of Edward Snowden 55:59 Measles outbreak in US driven by anti-science, anti-vaccination activists 1:07:44 Many Republicans considering 2016 run for President after Mitt Romney declares he will not 02/015 clips by guest/show: Michael Che on Saturday Night Live; Mel Brooks, Laura Poitros, Katty Kay, Bill Maher on Real Time with Bill Maher; Rep Paul Ryan, Chuck Todd on Meet The Press; Sen Kelly Ayotte, Conor Powell, Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday; For Min Nasser Judeh, Sen Lindsey Graham, Sen Dick Durbin, Dr. Tom Frieden, Holly Williams, Nora O'Donnell on Face The Nation; Gov Scott Walker, Jonathon Karl, Dr Richard Besser, Martha Raddatz on This Week with George Stephanopoulos; Sen John McCain, Mike Huckabee, Dana Bash on CNN State of the Union; Pres Barack Obama, Fareed Zakaria on CNN Fareed Zakaria GPS Info/Sources on upcoming video "Cops, Justice System Racist, Classist or Both?" at Saturday Night Live (J. K. Simmons/ D'Angelo) full episode at More info on HBO's Real Time with Bill Maher at Much of HBO's Real Time with Bill Maher available free on YouTube at Full ABC This Week with George Stephanopoulos at Full NBC Meet The Press at Full CBS Face The Nation at Full Fox News Sunday at More CNN State of the Union video at More CNN Fareed Zakaria GPS video at
Abby Martin Breaks the Set on Cops Killing Pets, Cindy Sheehan's Tour de Peace, No Asylum for Snowden, and Egypt's Next Phase. LIKE Breaking the Set @ http:/...
This Active Citizenship - Free News Sharing - YouTube produced by Doug Brinkman Visit "Don't Hate The Media, Be The Media!" Jello Biafra Active Citizenship - Free News Sharing is a non profit news service in the City of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on Treaty 6 Territory. This free news service utilizes Social Media tools to distribute news and information publicly and is protected under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. This news service employs Civil Information Activism as a way and means to distributing news and information safely and effectively into the public. Doug Brinkman is the publisher of this free news service. "The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new." Socrates Civil Information Activism is taking action in a safe, non confrontational approach that never puts the public or activist at risk. It's foundation is based on respect for all people, property and the rule of law and it promotes a zero tolerance to violence and hate. Disclaimer: Disclaimer: The publisher may or may not support the claims said by others on this YouTube
Edward Snowden addresses over 1700 attendees at the 8th Annual International Students For Liberty Conference at the Marriott Wardman Park in Washington, DC. This was part of the opening night of the ISFLC15 on February 13th, 2015. He was awarded Students For Liberty's "Alumnus of the Year" award at this event. More information can be found at
Links: Thanks to Squarespace: Music:, Merch: Game Deals: ==== The Tek 0169 TOC: 0:00 - INTRO 1:10 - START 1:58 - RadioShack files for bankruptcy protection 4:46 - Japan to open first hotel run by robots 8:24 - US health insurer Anthem suffers massive data breach 10:31 - Comcast customer says she got a bill addressed to "Super Bitch" 13:08 - Alibaba drones fly over Beijing while Amazon pleads for U.S. tests 16:07 - Google, Microsoft, and Amazon are paying Adblock Plus huge fees to get their ads unblocked 19:29 - Ross Ulbricht, accused of operation Silk Road, is convicted of drug charges 22:28 - Windows 10 installs automatically on Windows 7 and Windows 8 23:24 - Meet the two New Yorkers who are starting a preschool for adults 24:39 - SPONSOR SLOT [SQUARESPACE] 27:13 - The man who brought us the lithium-ion battery at the age of 57 has an idea for a new one at 92 29:12 - FCC will reclassify Internet as public utility; AT&T; and Verizon will immediately sue , The FCC's new net neutrality proposal everyone is so excited about may have a huge loophole , Why the ex-cable lobbyist running the FCC turned against his old clients , 3 ways your wireless service will change under the FCC's net neutrality rules 38:10 - Edward Snowden warns Canadians to be 'extraordinarily cautious' over anti-terror bill 39:20 - Samsung Global Privacy Policy - SmartTV Supplement 40:55 - Company implants microchips in employees' hands, enables them to use photocopier and pay for lunch 44:14 - Raspberry Pi 2 , Raspberry Pi 2 runs free Windows 10, costs $35 , Microsoft Surface 2 manufacturing has ceased 48:08 - ARM's trifecta: New CPU, GPU, and interconnect hardware on the way 48:57 - Silicene could help create an alternative to graphene, with many of its benefits 49:55 - New graphene display creates LEDs at an atomic level 50:40 - NASA makes plans to head to Europa and search for life 52:42 - Business on the Moon: FAA backs Bigelow Aerospace 55:06 - Underworld Ascendant [Kickstarter] 58:13 - Fahrenheit Indigo Prophecy Remastered 59:47 - OUTRO, END ==== Thanks to Milkshake! Join the community: You can create a new account or join using your google, steam, facebook, openID, twitter, linkedin, yahoo, etc. If you have questions, comments, suggestions, or if would like to use a portion of this video please email us: For marketing (sponsorship opportunities) inquiries email Social: Twitter: Logan's Twitter: Facebook:
-- SUBSCRIBE TO PRISONPLANET.TV-- -- Get 12 Months For Only $29.95 - Share With 20 People -- -- -- -- -- -- iSpy iPhone -- Date: 01/25/2015 -- -Today - On this Sunday, January 25 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex covers the ever-expanding surveillance and police state as Edward Snowden reveals a secret iPhone feature that allows expanded government spying on citizens. He also covers the alleged murder of two Japanese citizens at the hands of the Islamic State, the potential of U.S. boots on the ground in Ukraine as tensions rise there, and the election win of an anti-EU, anti-austerity political party in Greece that threatens the political hegemony of the banksters in Europe. Thanks to Alex Jones and the whole INFOWARS Crew for producing a great show. Ron Gibson (1-25-15) YouTube: Subscribe: TWITTER: FACEBOOK: This Video: Also Try These Shows On My Channel: INFOWARS Nightly News What Really Happened Radio Show with Michael Rivero (Mike Rivero) USA Prepares Radio Show with Vincent Finelli
"The government has developed an exploit chain that provides basically the root password to our constitution. They've escaped the sandbox of our democracy an...
Appearing by telepresence robot, Edward Snowden speaks at TED2014 about surveillance and Internet freedom. The right to data privacy, he suggests, is not a partisan issue, but requires a fundamental rethink of the role of the internet in our lives — and the laws that protect it. "Your rights matter," he say, "because you never know when you're going to need them." Chris Anderson interviews, with special guest Tim Berners-Lee. TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes (or less). Look for talks on Technology, Entertainment and Design -- plus science, business, global issues, the arts and much more. Find closed captions and translated subtitles in many languages at Follow TED news on Twitter: Like TED on Facebook: Subscribe to our channel:
The Webster Tarpley Program 6/25/2013 Webster Griffin Tarpley is a philosopher of history who seeks to provide the programs and strategies needed...
-- SUBSCRIBE TO PRISONPLANET.TV-- -- Share With 20 People -- -- -- -- -- -- Friday: The Infowars Nightly News. Feds: Anti-Government Groups A Bigger Threat Than ISIS. -- Date: 02/20/2015 -- On the February 18, 2015 broadcast of The Infowars Nightly News, FEDS: ANTI-GOVERNMENT GROUPS A BIGGER THREAT THAN ISIS. Despite this...FBI director not invited to terror summit. Latest Snowden: NSA/GCHQ stole vital cellphone encryption keys. Venezuela blames problems on US coup attempts. State Dept denies involvement with Coup. Nixon: "Make their economy scream". - Watch now Thanks to Alex Jones and the whole INFOWARS Crew for producing a great show. Ron Gibson (2-20-15) YouTube: Subscribe: TWITTER: FACEBOOK: This Video: Also Try These Shows On My Channel: The Alex Jones Show Commercial Free Video The Alex Jones Show Commercial Free Audio What Really Happened Radio Show with Michael Rivero (Mike Rivero) USA Prepares Radio Show with Vincent Finelli
Edward Snowden's Legal Advisor Goes #OffTheGrid | Jesse Ventura Off The Grid - Ora TV Edward Snowden's legal advisor and director of the ACLU's Speech, Priva...
Speaking via videolink at a Paris conference organised by pressure group Amnesty International, Snowden, who exposed secret NSA documents. said he was "deeply saddened and to a great extent angered' by what he read. RT LIVE Subscribe to RT! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Instagram Follow us on Google+ Listen to us on Soundcloud: RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 1 billion YouTube views benchmark.
If you liked this clip of The Thom Hartmann Program, please do us a big favor and share it with your friends... and hit that "like" button! Follow Us on Twitter: Subscribe to The Thom Hartmann Program for more:
When you watch these videos of the religion without a name, please take this opportunity to pretend you are in the religion. I think it will open your mind j...
The truth about the new age religion and its counterfeit 'love' and 'oneness'.
Courtesy: The Texas Tribune. Speaking remotely from Russia on Monday, former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden told attendees at the SXSW In...
Stephen Cohen is a professor of Russian Studies and History at New York University, one of the nation's foremost experts on Russian-American relations and the author of nine books on Russian history, including his latest, "Soviet Fates and Lost Alternatives: From Stalinism to the New Cold War." He's also a contributor to The Nation Magazine, and with his wife, The Nation editor and publisher Katrina vanden Heuvel, recently traveled to Russia to personally interview American dissident Edward Snowden. Cohen has been a vocal critic of US/NATO policy over the Ukraine crisis, as well as US media's depiction of Putin as the aggressor and Ukraine the victim. What is the true standing of Russia as an international power? Do you agree with Professor Cohen on the Russian-Ukranian conflict? and Russia's popular image? Is he indeed a "Putin apologist" as his critics have said? Cenk Uygur has a thorough interview and discussion on Russia with Stephen F. Cohen, Professor of Russian Studies at NYU. Soviet Fates and Lost Alternatives: From Stalinism to the New Cold War:
Mehr auf unserer Webseite: In Kanada wurden in einem Gesetzentwurf von Premierminister Harper mit Vorwand, den „Dschihadismus“ effektiver bekämpfen zu können, den.
Fourth track on the disc Anti - Anti 2006
Fifth track of the disc Anti - Anti 2006
Third track of the disc Anti - Anti 2006
Second track of the disc Anti - Anti 2006
First track of the disc Anti - Anti 2006
Anti-Anti Snowden ℗ 2006 Jade Tree Released on: 2006-08-22 Auto-generated by YouTube.
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Snowden, who addressed conference attendees on Saturday via video link from Moscow, said he intends to devote much of his time to promoting such technologies, including ones that allow people to communicate anonymously and encrypt their messages. \n "You in this room, right now have both the means and the \n capability to improve the future by encoding our rights into \n programs and protocols by which we rely every day," he told the New York City conference, known as Hackers On Planet Earth, or HOPE. \n "That is what a lot of my future work is going to be \n involved in," he told hundreds of hackers who crowded into an \n auditorium and overflow rooms to hear him speak from Moscow, where he fled to last year. \n He escaped the United States after leaking documents that detailed massive U.S. surveillance programs at home and abroad - revelations that outraged some Americans and sparked protests from countries around the globe. \n Snowden did not discuss the status of a request h
Snowden - Counterfeit rules from their album Anti-Anti record played on a technics sl-d20. audio from mixer connected directly to Nikon d3200 camera
Click here to view: connectingdots2- connectingdots3-
Here's WWE heel Rusev's "social ambassador" Lana introducing him, while implying that NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden is an unpatriotic Russian spy.
Another video of WWE heel Rusev's "social ambassador" Lana introducing him, while implying that NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden is an unpatriotic Russian spy.
While Edward Snowden continues to be viewed as a traitor by Washington, a poster campaign on the city's bus routes is putting across a very different message. The scheme, launched by a free speech advocacy group, calls on the public to take a stand against America's notorious surveillance operations - and thanks the former CIA man for exposing wrongdoing. READ MORE: RT LIVE Subscribe to RT! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Instagram Follow us on Google+ RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 1 billion YouTube views benchmark.
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Short News #7 Quellen: Italien: Russland:
Federal District Court Judge Richard J. Leon ruled Monday that the NSA's system of collecting metadata on millions of Americans' phone calls is unconstitutio...
Federal District Court Judge Richard J. Leon ruled Monday that the NSA's system of collecting metadata on millions of Americans' phone calls is unconstitutio...
Then, in 2013, NSA contractor Edward Snowden leaked a treasure-trove of top-secret documents.
National Public Radio 2015-03-31The Gujarat Government on Tuesday defended the controversial anti-terror bill, saying it will ensure ...
DNA India 2015-03-31Asada, Australia’s anti-doping authority which brought the case against Essendon, has 21 days to appeal the verdict.
The Guardian 2015-03-31Ace newscaster and host of The Stand Point, Gifty Anti has said she has no intentions to divert her ...
Peace FM Online 2015-03-31Yemen crisis, Indian warships, Indians in Yemen, anti-piracy services.
The Hindu 2015-03-31Speaking on the last day of the anti-bullying campaign, Deputy O' Brien said: ... anti-bullying campaign.
noodls 2015-03-31All the cases will be investigated by the anti-corruption branch of the Delhi government.
The Hindu 2015-03-31... to the alleged violation by 34 players of the AFL anti-doping code ... of the AFL anti-doping code.
Canberra Times 2015-03-31The Gujarat Government on Tuesday defended the controversial anti-terror bill, saying it will ensure ...
Zeenews 2015-03-31Hollywood Blasts Indiana Governor Over Anti-lgbt Law "You cannot fix gay, do you understand that?"
IMDb 2015-03-31CNN’s Chris Cuomo Grills Anti-lgbt Indiana Law Defender:
IMDb 2015-03-31Fox's Megyn Kelly misleadingly compared Indiana's controversial anti-gay "religious freedom" law to ...
Media Matters 2015-03-31... to the alleged violation by 34 players of the AFL Anti-Doping Code ... of the AFL Anti-Doping Code.
noodls 2015-03-31Snowden is a surname, and may refer to the following:
Anti may refer to:
Treasure Fingers is a DJ / producer based in Atlanta USA, who is signed to Fool's Gold Records.
Born Ashley Jones, in a small town in Oklahoma, he started originally in the drum 'n' bass band Evol Intent.
He released the world wide club smash Cross the Dancefloor which was remixed by the likes of Chromeo, Likelike and Laidback Luke. He has remixed the likes of Chromeo, Miami Horror, Miike Snow amongst other artists.
I huff gasoline from your shirt
and blur the questions that no one could ever answer
I empty my head of all that I know
seems like the best view is the one from below
we are anti-movements, we are anti-anti
one time we believed but now we dont even try
and I cant cut a rug, without my fashion drugs
inebriation leads revelation
gettin down in the town that makes no sound
you say there's nothing wrong but I dont hear it
I will burn your love letters in a parking deck
where I have harbored great things that I will never
we keep fresh paint on the countenance
now we keep it simple but make it more complex
we are anti-movements, we are anti-anti
one time we believed but now its pass and clich
and she'll say anything to make you move again