American Spectator01 Nov 2012
By Chris Reed on 11.1.12 @ 6.09AM ... Some have been effective ... Some have been disasters ... 6. That's when San Diegans have to choose between Republican Councilman Carl Demaio, a hard-charging, 38-year-old gay libertarian who is a champion of outsourcing government services, and longtime Democratic congressman Bob Filner, a 70-year-old paleoliberal whose relentlessly combative manner has produced nonstop headlines for three months ... ....(size: 5.6Kb)
Business Insider09 Aug 2012
Congress went put a lot of effort into resisting efforts by governors (including GOP governors), bureaucrats, paleoliberals, and non-profit softies to water down the work requirements (by allowing, for example, extended “job search” or BS-type activities like self-esteem classes, and more generally by emphasizing what will help ......(size: 13.0Kb)
Yahoo Daily News12 Aug 2011
It is Thursday afternoon, and Republican presidential candidate is calling from somewhere on the Iowa freeway ... Now he’s headed back to the state fair in Des Moines, where he will enjoy pork on a stick, chat with voters, maybe jam on his guitar (he’s a committed ax man), and wait for the evening’s big event ... Think Kucinich’s paleoliberalism or Ron Paul’s gold-standard libertarianism or Gravel’s obsession with federal ballot initiatives....(size: 14.4Kb)