- published: 19 Apr 2009
- views: 37092
- author: WireLover2

The Wire - "We used to build shit in this country"
After lobbyist Bruce tells him that certain politicians are not willing to vote for his id...
published: 19 Apr 2009
author: WireLover2
The Wire - "We used to build shit in this country"
After lobbyist Bruce tells him that certain politicians are not willing to vote for his ideas anymore because of the arrest, Frank explains what's wrong with the country today . (Season 2, Episode 11 "Bad Dreams")

The Wire - Frank's Workers Get Served
Bunk, Cole and Beadie serve summons for the dock workers who worked on the "Atlantic Light...
published: 20 Jun 2009
author: WireLover2
The Wire - Frank's Workers Get Served
Bunk, Cole and Beadie serve summons for the dock workers who worked on the "Atlantic Light", including Johnny Fifty and Horseface. Frank becomes enraged when he is accused of knowing about the Jane Does in the can before their death. (Season 2, Episode 5 "Undertow")
- published: 20 Jun 2009
- views: 15193
- author: WireLover2

A Life Sentence
Frank Sobotka and his son Ziggy are both facing life sentences: Ziggy is in lockup for the...
published: 03 Aug 2011
author: ecidadeII
A Life Sentence
Frank Sobotka and his son Ziggy are both facing life sentences: Ziggy is in lockup for the murder of a Greek fence, and Frank has spent more time at the Union hall paying off bribes than caring for his family. Frank tries to console his son, assuring him the sacrifices he made as a father and husband were necessary to build a better life for them and the Polish community, but Ziggy resents his father, telling him they share only the same last name.
- published: 03 Aug 2011
- views: 20804
- author: ecidadeII

The Wire Season 2 Recap
Catch up on season 2 of The Wire...
published: 29 Oct 2006
author: OmarLittle
The Wire Season 2 Recap
Catch up on season 2 of The Wire
- published: 29 Oct 2006
- views: 148223
- author: OmarLittle

The Wire - Valchek Goes Ballistic
Valchek lets it be known he's not thrilled by how the Frank Sobotka investigation is going...
published: 30 Jul 2009
author: WireLover2
The Wire - Valchek Goes Ballistic
Valchek lets it be known he's not thrilled by how the Frank Sobotka investigation is going. (Season 2, Episode 9 "Stray Rounds") Featuring Al Brown, Deirdre Lovejoy, Lance Reddick, John Doman and Frankie Faison
- published: 30 Jul 2009
- views: 19898
- author: WireLover2

Frank Sobotka - "Blue steel, Gentlemen"
The introduction of Frank Sobotka in season 2 of The Wire...
published: 04 Oct 2012
author: BigDaddyKingsnake
Frank Sobotka - "Blue steel, Gentlemen"
The introduction of Frank Sobotka in season 2 of The Wire
- published: 04 Oct 2012
- views: 110
- author: BigDaddyKingsnake

Ziggy style
Chester Karol "Ziggy" Sobotka kills George "Double G" Glekas in Season 2 This clip is prop...
published: 25 Jan 2012
author: johle
Ziggy style
Chester Karol "Ziggy" Sobotka kills George "Double G" Glekas in Season 2 This clip is property of HBO. All rights belong to their respective owners.
- published: 25 Jan 2012
- views: 10637
- author: johle

The Wire - Nick Sobotka in Season 5
After the tragicness of season two, we finally see a vague appearance of Nick Sobotka (who...
published: 08 Oct 2011
author: TheWireForYou
The Wire - Nick Sobotka in Season 5
After the tragicness of season two, we finally see a vague appearance of Nick Sobotka (who is believed to be under Witness Protection). Here, he protests against Carcetti who is doing his usual mayoral thing to gain popularity and likeliness.
- published: 08 Oct 2011
- views: 1926
- author: TheWireForYou

Stan Valchek jodiendo a Frank Sobotka con las multas (The Wire) (Spanish)
Frank Sobotka indignado porque Valchek manda ponerle multas a los de su sindicato...
published: 28 Nov 2010
author: Fradelo
Stan Valchek jodiendo a Frank Sobotka con las multas (The Wire) (Spanish)
Frank Sobotka indignado porque Valchek manda ponerle multas a los de su sindicato
- published: 28 Nov 2010
- views: 1491
- author: Fradelo

The Wire Greatest Death Scenes
Contains MAJOR spoilers for Season 1-5. A collection of the best death scenes from The Wir...
published: 02 Sep 2008
author: suspectshadow
The Wire Greatest Death Scenes
Contains MAJOR spoilers for Season 1-5. A collection of the best death scenes from The Wire, with a few exceptions. I wanted to include Frank Sobotka's last walk, Ziggy killing Double G, The Greeks executing the shit captain, Marlo killing Devonne and others but I was limited to 10 minutes. Enjoy.
- published: 02 Sep 2008
- views: 23892
- author: suspectshadow

The Wire Season 2 Ending Montage
The song is "I Feel Alright" by Steve Earle This is the ending montage of the second seaso...
published: 08 Feb 2012
author: MaroonSoldier
The Wire Season 2 Ending Montage
The song is "I Feel Alright" by Steve Earle This is the ending montage of the second season (my personal favorite) of the HBO television series The Wire.
- published: 08 Feb 2012
- views: 4048
- author: MaroonSoldier

The Wire: The Nighthawks- Sixteen Tons
The Wire: All the Pieces Matter[Soundtrack] Track 6 Intro: "We used to make shit in this c...
published: 17 Dec 2008
author: unknownuserXXXXX
The Wire: The Nighthawks- Sixteen Tons
The Wire: All the Pieces Matter[Soundtrack] Track 6 Intro: "We used to make shit in this country..." - Frank Sobotka ==================== I didn't see a point in uploading just the intro's off the album so i compiled all of them with the songs.
- published: 17 Dec 2008
- views: 22668
- author: unknownuserXXXXX
Youtube results:

The Wire (ITA) Pallottole Vaganti (2 Stagione)
La seconda stagione di uno dei serial polizieschi più crudi e realistici della televisione...
published: 13 May 2012
author: thewireseries
The Wire (ITA) Pallottole Vaganti (2 Stagione)
La seconda stagione di uno dei serial polizieschi più crudi e realistici della televisione americana ruota ancora attorno alla piaga del traffico di stupefacenti: in particolare si concentra sul problema della tossicodipendenza nella fascia povera della popolazione, e ancora una volta sui Barksdale, i quali continuano i loro traffici nonostante la cattura di Avon. McNulty si vede assegnato, come incarico collaterale, il controllo del porto, dove scopre un corpo e ha così la possibilità di farla pagare al Colonnello Rawls provando che era sua responsabilità il controllo dell'area; infine, incontriamo un nuovo personaggio, Frank Sobotka.Vengono affidate a Russell le indagini sul caso di tredici donne trovate assassinate in un cargo container; McNulty si offre di aiutare, e assicura che il caso tornerà al dipartimento omicidi di Rawls; infine, Valchek fa un accordo con Burrell, che aspira a far carriera, riguardo alle indagini su Sobotka.Nick è disperato, non sa come provvedere alla sua fidanzata ea sua figlia: decide così di unirsi al suo balordo cugino Ziggy nel furto di containers di Vondas ei Greci. Avon discute con Stringer Bell circa le partite di droga e la sempre più pesante distanza di D'Angelo; infine, Sobotka cerca di ottenere favori politici.D'Angelo affronta Avon circa il cattivo carico, e decide di uscire dal business; Avon media un accordo per una riduzione della sua pena; Valchek chiede specificamente del tenente Daniels per le indagini su Sobotka; infine, l ...
- published: 13 May 2012
- views: 184
- author: thewireseries

Lágrimas de Sangre (Still ill) - Letras de letrina Vol. II (Videoclip)
Letras de letrina, escrito y grabado por Still ill, producción por Only Güan, Cámara PriX,...
published: 26 May 2012
author: Pau Torrente Vidal
Lágrimas de Sangre (Still ill) - Letras de letrina Vol. II (Videoclip)
Letras de letrina, escrito y grabado por Still ill, producción por Only Güan, Cámara PriX,, editado por Torrente. Letra: Nos quieren bajo tierra, eso tenlo claro, Solo una mente limpia vive libre pa cambiarlo, Con un boli y un folio yo sacié la sed y el hambre, Aun tengo objetivos, la rima es el grande. Lágrimas de Sangre es amor trabajo y arte, Compongo cabizbajo y es lo más gratificante, Es gratis y edificante pa una mente, Que vive en movimiento constante, y esto no es ningún alarde, Me agobio, si un percance me impide el avance, Salto con la fuerza d mi madre contra el cáncer, Fuerza y ciencia, que nadie se equivoque, No existen los milagros a menos q los provoques, Aprendí, que mirar solo por ti es inmoral, Y vi q el mas normal enmascara al mas macabra, Del camarada Florín que lo único que tu podrás Tragarte si tu hijo pasa hambre es tu palabra, Trágatela, por cualquiera de los que ya la está pasando Canto a todo aquel su puño levantó, y le acompañó la voz, Yo le canto al martillo ya la hoz por poder paliar llanto Innato y azaroso con el que hay que apechugar, Te chutan de tu casa y te prohíben mendigar, Porque eso queda feo en un país donde sube el desempleo Y un turista con dinero es un trofeo, Donde hoy los genocidios son ayuda humanitaria, Y la caja no es tonta nos atonta con la farsa, Dicen quédate tranquilo toma yonki mira el Barça, Desplazan mi esperanza por la clase proletaria, Así que alzaros, y calladme la boca, Pondré toda mi fe en la efe de Frank Sobotka ...
- published: 26 May 2012
- views: 9493
- author: Pau Torrente Vidal