Archive for August, 2012

Maywa Montenegro’s Food Waste Linkorama

By on 08/25/2012 in Uncategorized with 1 Comment

Berkeley’s excellent Maywa Montenegro sent this fine romp through the latest food waste links, each one of which is a winner. Many thanks MM!

The new NRDC report on food waste gets some media attention. “Americans are throwing away 40 percent of food in the U.S., the equivalent of $165 billion in uneaten food each year,” writes Environmental Leader, a trade publication. While losses come at each step in the supply chain — from farm to processor to retailer to household – The Atlantic digs through the report and notes, “by far the most significant point of waste is at the consumer level…. A family of four can lose more than $2,000 per year in uneaten food.” Meanwhile, the Times Green Blog focuses on thepredominant reasons for wastage (science says: inconclusive data!) and the ecological upshot (25% of freshwater resources go into the life cycle of wasted food). Searching for the silver lining, NPR’s Salt blog looks at 5 innovative ways folks around the world are “combating waste and rerouting food to where it’s needed.” And Jonathan Bloom, author of American Wasteland, maintains a website entirely dedicated to wasted food, featuring a FlickR set of funky-shaped veggies, and links to everything from Apps for food recovery programs to recipes for unsellable-peach salsa. Bloom’s gallery is particularly worth a visit, if only to glimpse the Mutato Project, a German photographer’s homage to non-standard food.

MT @abahlali_abm Deeply moved …

By on 08/20/2012 in Via Twitter with No Comments

MT @abahlali_abm Deeply moved by Ayanda Kota’s statement on the Marikana massacre in #SouthAfrica

Never thought I’d be able to w…

By on 08/17/2012 in Via Twitter with No Comments

Never thought I’d be able to write this: Thanks Jake Gyllenhaal for the endorsement! Help us hit $60k in 12 hrs?

Tx @tomcolicchio @AAMCommons @…

By on 08/17/2012 in Via Twitter with No Comments

Tx @tomcolicchio @AAMCommons @HavenBourque @AAPremlall @2Peter8 @timmylawe @DanCitizen @TeditorTed @MADGEAustralia -We hit 50k w 24hrs 2 go!

Wish I could make this ace sto…

By on 08/15/2012 in Via Twitter with No Comments

Wish I could make this ace story-changing conference! Food + Justice = Democracy, Sept. 24, Mpls (@FoodPlusJustice)

RT @anirvan: Why #climate chan…

By on 08/15/2012 in Via Twitter with No Comments

RT @anirvan: Why #climate change doesn’t spark moral outrage, and how it could

Ce que j’ai fait cet été

By on 08/14/2012 in Uncategorized with No Comments

This post, translated by the fine Axel Waysbort.

Les braves gens du journal canadien Globe and Mail, m’ont demandé d’écrire un article intitulé “Ce que j’ai fait cet été”. Comme je n’en avais jamais écrit un auparavant, j’ai pensé que je pourrais faire appel à l’enfant de 12 ans qui sommeille en moi.

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Just mailed 60 postcards from …

By on 08/14/2012 in Via Twitter with No Comments

Just mailed 60 postcards from Peru – thanks to all the Seeds donors! Not too late to get yours from Malawi next month.

What I did this summer… htt…

By on 08/14/2012 in Via Twitter with No Comments

What I did this summer…

What I Did This Summer

By on 08/11/2012 in featured, Uncategorized with 10 Comments

The good folk at Canada’s Globe & Mail asked me to write a piece called “What I Did This Summer.” Never having written one before, I thought I’d channel my inner 12 year old.

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