REINER KRÖHNERT "Klassiker" aus "Reiner flog über´s Kuckucksnest"
REINER KRÖHNERT "Klassiker" aus "Reiner flog über´s Kuckucksnest"
REINER KRÖHNERTS Prophezeiung 1992 Verteidigungsminister und NATO-Generalsekretär Manfred Wörner zum Deutschen Kriegseinsatz in Afghanistan.
Tagesschau vom 29.11.1973
Tagesschau vom 29.11.1973
Tagesschau vom 29.11.1973 Werner Veigel Energiekrise - Arbeitsplätze Bundestag - Brandt - Franz-Josef Strauß Mineralölgesellschaften Großbritanien - Benzingutscheine - Edmund Gruber Reform der Wehrstruktur - Julius Leber - Manfred Wörner Bundesbank - Klasen Jugoslawien Israel - Suez-Kanal Kaufhausbrand in Japan
5/7 Fight The New World Order
5/7 Fight The New World Order
Gorbachev's formulation The first press reference to the phrase came from Russo-Indian talks, 21 November 1988. Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi used the term in reference to the commitments made by the USSR through the Delhi Declaration of two years previous. The new world order which he describes is characterized by "non-violence and the principles of peaceful coexistence." He also includes the possibility of a sustained peace, an alternative to the nuclear balance of terror, dismantling of nuclear weapons systems, significant cuts in strategic arms, and eventually a general and complete disarmament. Three days later, a Guardian article quotes NATO Secretary General Manfred Wörner as saying that the Soviets have come close to accepting NATOs doctrine of military stability based on a mix of nuclear as well as conventional arms. This, in his opinion, would spur the creation of "a new security framework" and a move towards "a new world order." But the principal statement creating the new world order concept came from Mikhail Gorbachevs 7 December 1988 speech to the United Nations General Assembly. His formulation included an extensive list of ideas in creating a new order. He advocated strengthening the central role of the United Nations, and the active involvement of all members—the Cold War had prevented the UN and its Security Council from performing their roles as initially envisioned. The de-ideologizing of relations among states was the mechanism through which this new <b>...</b>
Andrew Foxwell: How Technology Can Improve Political Dialogue
Andrew Foxwell: How Technology Can Improve Political Dialogue
Watch video of Andrew Foxwell speaking about the impact of technological advances on dialogue Nov. 14 at Vanderbilt University. Andrew Foxwell is the Marketing and New Media Director for iConstituent, a Washington DC-based company that works with over half of the United States Congress, focusing on improved online strategy, outreach and advocacy to constituents. Prior to working with iConstituent, Foxwell was the Press Secretary and New Media Director to US Congressman Erik Paulsen from Minnesota's Third Congressional District. In that role, Foxwell helped the Congressman become one of only two freshmen members in the 111th Congress to receive the Golden Mouse Award, an honor bestowed to winners of an annual competition of the best websites on Capitol Hill. Foxwell has also worked on US Presidential campaigns, spoke at the Personal Democracy Forum in 2011, was a 2010 German Marshall Fund Manfred Worner Defense Fellow, and currently sits on the St. Olaf College Board of Regents. Foxwell spent his youth on a Wisconsin farm and still has no idea how he got into the fast-paced world of technology and politics.
András Hamary: Missa brevis (1982)
András Hamary: Missa brevis (1982)
Missa brevis für Sprecher, gemischten Chor und zwölf Instrumentalisten Nach Texten von W. Majakowski, Hans Magnus Enzensberger, Paul Celan, Alois Mertes, Arnold Gehlen, Helmut Schmidt, Friedrich Hölderlin, KM Herzog, Thomas Brasch, Volker Braun, FDJ, Manfred Wörner ua Sprecher: Barbara Stoll, Ute Ronwald, Dirk Morgner, Halvor Boller Vokalensemble und Ensemble Neue Musik der Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Stuttgart Aufnahme: SWR Stuttgart
Dienst nach Vorschrift
Dienst nach Vorschrift
Schneeräum-Mann macht seine Arbeit, Gehirn leider inaktiv dabei. Eingänge voller Schneehaufen.
Mike Svoboda: "Der unglaubliche Spotz", Part 1
Mike Svoboda: "Der unglaubliche Spotz", Part 1
Not a fairy tale. An opera for everyone 6 and up. Libretto by Manfred Weiss Mira Ebert - stage direction Isabelle Kittnar - stage Sandra Hartmann - Princess Asta Basta Anne-May Krüger - Albert Einstein Steffen Fichtner - Bartolomäus Brummhold Frank Wörner - King Astus Bastus Ulrike Stortz - violin Scott Roller - cello Michael Kiedaisch - percussion A production of Indieoper eV in cooperation with Theater Augsburg Theaterhaus Stuttgart 2008/09
Mike Svoboda: "Der unglaubliche Spotz", Part 2
Mike Svoboda: "Der unglaubliche Spotz", Part 2
Not a fairy tale. An opera for everyone 6 and up. Libretto by Manfred Weiss Mira Ebert - stage direction Isabelle Kittnar - stage Sandra Hartmann - Princess Asta Basta Anne-May Krüger - Albert Einstein Steffen Fichtner - Bartolomäus Brummhold Frank Wörner - King Astus Bastus Ulrike Stortz - violin Scott Roller - cello Michael Kiedaisch - percussion A production of Indieoper eV in cooperation with Theater Augsburg Theaterhaus Stuttgart 2008/09
Mike Svoboda: "Der unglaubliche Spotz", Part 3
Mike Svoboda: "Der unglaubliche Spotz", Part 3
Not a fairy tale. An opera for everyone 6 and up. Libretto by Manfred Weiss Mira Ebert - stage direction Isabelle Kittnar - stage Sandra Hartmann - Princess Asta Basta Anne-May Krüger - Albert Einstein Steffen Fichtner - Bartolomäus Brummhold Frank Wörner - King Astus Bastus Ulrike Stortz - violin Scott Roller - cello Michael Kiedaisch - percussion A production of Indieoper eV in cooperation with Theater Augsburg Theaterhaus Stuttgart 2008/09
Mike Svoboda: "Der unglaubliche Spotz", Part 4
Mike Svoboda: "Der unglaubliche Spotz", Part 4
Not a fairy tale. An opera for everyone 6 and up. Libretto by Manfred Weiss Mira Ebert - stage direction Isabelle Kittnar - stage Sandra Hartmann - Princess Asta Basta Anne-May Krüger - Albert Einstein Steffen Fichtner - Bartolomäus Brummhold Frank Wörner - King Astus Bastus Ulrike Stortz - violin Scott Roller - cello Michael Kiedaisch - percussion A production of Indieoper eV in cooperation with Theater Augsburg Theaterhaus Stuttgart 2008/09
Mike Svoboda: "Der unglaubliche Spotz", Part 5
Mike Svoboda: "Der unglaubliche Spotz", Part 5
Not a fairy tale. An opera for everyone 6 and up. Libretto by Manfred Weiss Mira Ebert - stage direction Isabelle Kittnar - stage Sandra Hartmann - Princess Asta Basta Anne-May Krüger - Albert Einstein Steffen Fichtner - Bartolomäus Brummhold Frank Wörner - King Astus Bastus Ulrike Stortz - violin Scott Roller - cello Michael Kiedaisch - percussion A production of Indieoper eV in cooperation with Theater Augsburg Theaterhaus Stuttgart 2008/09
Mike Svoboda: "Der unglaubliche Spotz", Part 6
Mike Svoboda: "Der unglaubliche Spotz", Part 6
Not a fairy tale. An opera for everyone 6 and up. Libretto by Manfred Weiss Mira Ebert - stage direction Isabelle Kittnar - stage Sandra Hartmann - Princess Asta Basta Anne-May Krüger - Albert Einstein Steffen Fichtner - Bartolomäus Brummhold Frank Wörner - King Astus Bastus Ulrike Stortz - violin Scott Roller - cello Michael Kiedaisch - percussion A production of Indieoper eV in cooperation with Theater Augsburg Theaterhaus Stuttgart 2008/09
Mike Svoboda: "Der unglaubliche Spotz", Part 7
Mike Svoboda: "Der unglaubliche Spotz", Part 7
Not a fairy tale. An opera for everyone 6 and up. Libretto by Manfred Weiss Mira Ebert - stage direction Isabelle Kittnar - stage Sandra Hartmann - Princess Asta Basta Anne-May Krüger - Albert Einstein Steffen Fichtner - Bartolomäus Brummhold Frank Wörner - King Astus Bastus Ulrike Stortz - violin Scott Roller - cello Michael Kiedaisch - percussion A production of Indieoper eV in cooperation with Theater Augsburg Theaterhaus Stuttgart 2008/09
Isle of Man TT and MGP Memorial - Part 1 of 2
Isle of Man TT and MGP Memorial - Part 1 of 2
This video (and Part 2 www.youtube.com is designed as a tribute and remembrance to the 225 people that have died on the Isle of Man TT Snaefell mountain course (1911 to 2008) during both the Tourist Trophy (TT) and the Manx Grand Prix (MGP) races/practices. The TT course is the most challenging road racing course in the world. The names and locations of fatal accidents appear on the video as we travel the course - in real time. The Snaefell mountain course will be 100 years old in 2011. These riders and passengers, along with thousands of others, have all thrilled millions of motorcycle racing fans over the last 100 years, though tragically died doing what they were free to do - race. Please consider donating to those charities mentioned in the video to support them, and please continue to support the TT and MGP. The riders are: Victor J.Surridge, Frank R Bateman, Fred Walker, JHH Veasey, Ned Brew, JTA Temple Archie Birkin, John Cooke, Cecil T Ashby, Doug Lamb, Freddie G.Hicks, Frank Longman, Arthur Pilling, Syd Crabtree, John Gilbert, JPWilliamson, JAMacDonald, Doug Pirie, Jack Moore, Percy Pritlove, Karl Gall, AWFJohns, Peter M Aitchinson, Benjy Russell, Johan Erik van Tilburg, Thomas Bryant, Neil ('Noel') Christmas, Ben Drinkwater, John Makaula-White, Thomas A. Westfield, Alfred Bent, Leonard C Bolshaw, John P. ODriscoll, John T Wenman, Doug L Parris, Chris Horn, JM Crowe, Frank WA Fry, Brian A. Jackson, Ivor K. Arber, Kenneth RV James, Michael Richardson, Harry L <b>...</b>
Isle of Man TT and MGP Memorial - Part 2 of 2
Isle of Man TT and MGP Memorial - Part 2 of 2
This video (and Part 1 www.youtube.com ) is designed as a tribute and remembrance to the 225 people that have died on the Isle of Man TT Snaefell mountain course (1911 to 2008) during both the Tourist Trophy (TT) and the Manx Grand Prix (MGP) races/practices. The TT course is the most challenging road racing course in the world. The names and locations of fatal accidents appear on the video as we travel the course - in real time. The Snaefell mountain course will be 100 years old in 2011. These riders and passengers, along with thousands of others, have all thrilled millions of motorcycle racing fans over the last 100 years, though tragically died doing what they were free to do - race. Please consider donating to those charities mentioned in the video to support them, and please continue to support the TT and MGP. The riders are: Victor J.Surridge, Frank R Bateman, Fred Walker, JHH Veasey, Ned Brew, JTA Temple Archie Birkin, John Cooke, Cecil T Ashby, Doug Lamb, Freddie G.Hicks, Frank Longman, Arthur Pilling, Syd Crabtree, John Gilbert, JPWilliamson, JAMacDonald, Doug Pirie, Jack Moore, Percy Pritlove, Karl Gall, AWFJohns, Peter M Aitchinson, Benjy Russell, Johan Erik van Tilburg, Thomas Bryant, Neil ('Noel') Christmas, Ben Drinkwater, John Makaula-White, Thomas A. Westfield, Alfred Bent, Leonard C Bolshaw, John P. ODriscoll, John T Wenman, Doug L Parris, Chris Horn, JM Crowe, Frank WA Fry, Brian A. Jackson, Ivor K. Arber, Kenneth RV James, Michael Richardson, Harry L <b>...</b>