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- Madrid is the name of a province and town in Spain. PROVINCE. Madrid is one of the five provinces into which New Castile is divided: area 3084 ...22 KB (3,800 words) - 18:57, 25 May 2013
- 21st Century Department of Justice Appropriations Authorization Act/Division C/Title III/Subtitle D (redirect Madrid Protocol Implementation Act)MADRID PROTOCOL IMPLEMENTATION_TOC_ Sec. 13401. | Sec. 13401. Short Title. This subtitle may be cited as the `Madrid Protocol Implementation ...24 KB (3,702 words) - 17:55, 8 April 2013
- The conference will be convened in Madrid on October 30, 1991. President Bush and President Gorbachev request your acceptance of this ...4 KB (700 words) - 02:46, 2 May 2011
- title Resolution for the relief of the Inhabitants of the County of New Madrid | author | override_author George Bullitt, S. Hammond, ...413 B (35 words) - 16:54, 16 August 2012
- ALCALÁ DE HENARES, a town of Spain, in the province of Madrid, 17 m. E.N.E. of Madrid, on the river Henares, and the Madrid-Saragossa ...3 KB (413 words) - 00:03, 25 December 2012
- There are schools of architecture at Madrid and at Barcelona; veterinary schools at Madrid, Saragossa, León, Cordova, and Santiago ...147 KB (24,042 words) - 17:46, 21 April 2013
- HARTZENBUSCH, Juan Eugenio, a Spanish author, born in Madrid. Sept. 6, 1806. His father was a German carpenter. He was educated by the ...1 KB (182 words) - 20:36, 19 December 2012
- of an acre, from what is called a New Madrid patent, issued to one Peltier under the act of Congress passed on the 17th February, 1815, ch. ...84 KB (15,128 words) - 06:55, 29 June 2011
- The commissioners' or New Madrid certificate, issued 20 of November, 1817, to Baptiste Delisle, for two hundred arpens, in lieu of his ...52 KB (9,392 words) - 16:50, 2 July 2011
- There are indications that Rodrigo de Cervantes resided at Valladolid in 1554, at Madrid in 1561, at Seville in 1564-1565, and at Madrid ...35 KB (5,804 words) - 09:19, 25 December 2012
- Jesuit, born at Madrid, February, 1585; died at lima, Peru, 7 August 1670. He joined the Society of Jesus in 1603, and was ordained a ...1,014 B (154 words) - 12:19, 21 April 2013
- MONTALVAN, Juan Perez de, a Spanish dramatist,born in Madrid in 1602, died in June, 1638. His father was bookseller to the king, and the son ...780 B (119 words) - 20:21, 17 July 2013
- in the district, now county, of New Madrid, in that State, by virtue of his settlement thereon under permission from the Spanish ...22 KB (3,808 words) - 19:39, 19 June 2011
- MADRID. MY DEAR BROTHER,—You did not make me Duc de Soria in order that my actions should belie the name. How could I tolerate my happiness ...2 KB (398 words) - 13:17, 17 April 2012
- (1830-1904), queen of Spain, was born in Madrid on the 10th of October 1830. She was the eldest daughter of Ferdinand VII., king of Spain ...4 KB (641 words) - 17:23, 10 April 2012
- In virtue of the declarations exchanged at Madrid on the 24th of July, 1790, and of the convention signed at the Escorial on the 18th (28th ...3 KB (533 words) - 05:51, 17 April 2012
- ESCORIAL, or ESCURIAL, a royal palace of Spain, distant from Madrid about 24 miles (by rail 32 miles) in a northwesterly direction and ...4 KB (603 words) - 16:56, 16 March 2012
- TAMAYO Y BAUS, MANUEL (1820-1898), Spanish dramatist,was born at Madrid on the 15th of September 1829. He came of a family connected with ...4 KB (634 words) - 18:16, 25 December 2012
- SANTAYANA, GEORGE (1863-), American philosopher and writer, was born in Madrid, Spain, Dec. 16 1863. At the age of nine he came to America ...1 KB (183 words) - 00:50, 27 January 2011
- A French socialist and historian, born in Madrid,October 29, 1811. In 1820 he was placed in the college at Rhodez; in 1830 he went to ...5 KB (743 words) - 23:45, 6 December 2011