- published: 12 Sep 2012
- views: 23086
A trade union (British English / Australian English / New Zealand English / South African English / Caribbean English; also trades union), labour union (Canadian English), or labor union (American English) is an organization of workers who have come together to achieve common goals such as protecting the integrity of its trade, improving safety standards, achieving higher pay and benefits such as health care and retirement, increasing the number of employees an employer assigns to complete the work, and better working conditions. The trade union, through its leadership, bargains with the employer on behalf of union members (rank and file members) and negotiates labour contracts (collective bargaining) with employers. The most common purpose of these associations or unions is "maintaining or improving the conditions of their employment". This may include the negotiation of wages, work rules, complaint procedures, rules governing hiring, firing and promotion of workers, benefits, workplace safety and policies.
Bernard "Bernie" Sanders (born September 8, 1941) is an American politician and the junior United States Senator from Vermont. He is a candidate for the Democratic nomination for President of the United States in the 2016 U.S. presidential election. A Democrat as of 2015, Sanders had been the longest-serving independent in U.S. congressional history, though his caucusing with the Democrats entitled him to committee assignments and at times gave Democrats a majority. Sanders has been the ranking minority member on the Senate Budget Committee since January 2015, and previously served for two years as chair of the Senate Veterans' Affairs Committee.
Sanders was born and raised in the New York City borough of Brooklyn and graduated from the University of Chicago in 1964. While a student, he was an active civil rights protest organizer for the Congress of Racial Equality and the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee. After settling in Vermont in 1968, Sanders ran unsuccessful third-party campaigns for governor and U.S. senator in the early to mid-1970s. As an independent, he was elected mayor of Burlington, Vermont's most populous city, in 1981, and was reelected three times. In 1990, he was elected to represent Vermont's at-large congressional district in the U.S. House of Representatives. In 1991, Sanders co-founded the Congressional Progressive Caucus. He served as a congressman for 16 years before being elected to the U.S. Senate in 2006. In 2012, he was reelected with 71% of the popular vote. During the 2016 presidential primaries, Sanders became the first self-described democratic socialist and first Jewish American to win a presidential primary of a major party, namely the New Hampshire primary.
Milton Friedman (July 31, 1912 – November 16, 2006) was an American economist who received the 1976 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences for his research on consumption analysis, monetary history and theory and the complexity of stabilization policy. With George Stigler and others, Friedman was among the intellectual leaders of the second generation of Chicago price theory, a methodological movement at the University of Chicago's Department of Economics, Law School, and Graduate School of Business from the 1940s onward. Several students and young professors that were recruited or mentored by Friedman at Chicago went on to become leading economists; they include Gary Becker, Robert Fogel, and Robert Lucas, Jr..
Friedman's challenges to what he later called "naive Keynesian" theory began with his 1950s reinterpretation of the consumption function. In the 1960s, he became the main advocate opposing Keynesian government policies, and described his approach (along with mainstream economics) as using "Keynesian language and apparatus" yet rejecting its "initial" conclusions. He theorized that there existed a "natural" rate of unemployment, and argued that employment above this rate would cause inflation to accelerate. He argued that the Phillips curve was, in the long run, vertical at the "natural rate" and predicted what would come to be known as stagflation. Friedman promoted an alternative macroeconomic viewpoint known as "monetarism", and argued that a steady, small expansion of the money supply was the preferred policy. His ideas concerning monetary policy, taxation, privatization and deregulation influenced government policies, especially during the 1980s. His monetary theory influenced the Federal Reserve's response to the global financial crisis of 2007–08.
Bernie Sanders Explains Unions to Young People
Do Labor Unions Still Matter?
Milton Friedman - The Real World Effects Of Unions
Teachers Unions vs. Students
The History of Labor Unions
UNIONS - NOT(Official Music Video)
The TRUTH About Labor Unions [Comedy & News]
Some people love unions. Some people say unions are no good. This video does a spectacular job of showing what happens with public union employees, our taxes and their money. Also, how are politicians involved in all this? Paul Ryan says, "In a Romney-Ryan administration we will not be ambiguous, we will stand with education reform, we will champion bipartisan education reforms putting students first." Consider the teachers' strike going on in Chicago (Sept 2012), then watch the video: ** Chicago teachers average salary: $70,000 -- $76,000 per year (Highest or 2nd highest in nation). ** Chicago average family income: $47,000 per year. ** The city has already offered an 11% raise to teachers, but the union denied it. ** The Chicago Teachers Union originally asked for a 30% raise. ** Av...
Before Bernie Sanders appeared at the Iowa Brown and Black Forum he sat down with Fusion correspondent Nando Villa to explain what a union is and why they are important.
Subscribe! http://bitly.com/1iLOHml Labor Union membership in the United States has fallen steadily since the 1960s. Today, with so few American workers belonging to a union, many argue that they should be done away with altogether. So are labor unions still useful? Learn More: Viewpoint: The Decline of Unions Is Your Problem Too http://ideas.time.com/2013/01/29/viewpoint-why-the-decline-of-unions-is-your-problem-too/ "A mere 11.3% of workers now belong to a union, and a great chunk of those are in the shrinking public sector. In the private sector, unionization fell to an abysmal 6.6%, down from a peak of 35% during the 1950s." Unions, inequality, and faltering middle-class wages http://www.epi.org/publication/ib342-unions-inequality-faltering-middle-class/ "The last decade ...
UNIONS "OUR LIFE IS OUR ARTS" 47 TOUR 2016 日本全国47都道府県リリースツアー開催! http://www.unionsjp.com/ 2016.05.11 Release "UNIONS" First Full Album 「OUR LIFE IS OUR ARTS」 GOME-60 ★ Amazon http://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B01CUOUOU4 ★ Tower Records http://tower.jp/item/4211750/OUR-LIFE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ずば抜けて新しい音楽を鳴らすUNIONS。今作の「OUR LIFE IS OUR ARTS」は、 血の通ったアナログサウンドと、近代的なデジタルサウンドを見事なまでにミックス出来ており、 ここまでうまく融合させれるバンドはそうそういないと思う。 しかも今作の11曲全て(アレンジ違い含む)にそれぞれの違ったキャラクターを持たせれる所が、UNIONSの音楽センスの深さを感じさせてくれる。名盤とはこういった作品だなと改めて感じました。いい意味で日本の音楽シーンをかき乱して欲しいです。 いや、きっとかき乱すだけでなく、新たな音楽シーンを作ること間違いなしです!時代を超えたUNIONS。必見です!! SABOTEN キヨシ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- このアルバムは1st Full Albumと...
There is a dilemma in American education. On the one hand, teachers are essential to student achievement. On the other, teachers unions promote self-interests of their members which are antithetical to the interests of students. So, how do we fix this problem? In five minutes, Terry Moe, Professor of Political Science at Stanford University, delineates this quandary and offers solutions. You can support PragerU by clicking https://www.classy.org/checkout/donation?eid=60079 Free videos are great, but to continue producing high-quality content, contributions -- even small ones -- are greater. Do you shop on Amazon? Now you can feel even better about it! Click http://smile.amazon.com/ch/27-1763901 and a percentage of every Amazon purchase will be donated to PragerU. Same great products. Sam...
The history of labor unions
UNIONS "OUR LIFE IS OUR ARTS" 47 TOUR 2016 日本全国47都道府県リリースツアー開催! http://www.unionsjp.com/ 2016.05.11 Release "UNIONS" First Full Album 「OUR LIFE IS OUR ARTS」 GOME-60 ★ Amazon http://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B01CUOUOU4 ★ Tower Records http://tower.jp/item/4211750/OUR-LIFE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ずば抜けて新しい音楽を鳴らすUNIONS。今作の「OUR LIFE IS OUR ARTS」は、 血の通ったアナログサウンドと、近代的なデジタルサウンドを見事なまでにミックス出来ており、 ここまでうまく融合させれるバンドはそうそういないと思う。 しかも今作の11曲全て(アレンジ違い含む)にそれぞれの違ったキャラクターを持たせれる所が、UNIONSの音楽センスの深さを感じさせてくれる。名盤とはこういった作品だなと改めて感じました。いい意味で日本の音楽シーンをかき乱して欲しいです。 いや、きっとかき乱すだけでなく、新たな音楽シーンを作ること間違いなしです!時代を超えたUNIONS。必見です!! SABOTEN キヨシ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- このアルバムは1st Full Albumと...
UNIONS - NOT(Official Music Video) 【PV】NOT/UNIONS 【Recorded at feel the air】 【Studio torico】 Director: Landon Lake First EP "NOT issues" 2015.10.3 Release 1. T.R.A.P 2. NOT 3. Adieu&Meet(Remastering) 4. Adieu&Meet; Acoustic Ver. ¥500(tax in) Check UNIONS OFFICIAL WEB SITE http://www.unionsjp.com UNIONS OFFICIAL Twitter http://twitter.com/unionsjp UNIONS OFFICIAL Face Book Page http://facebook.com/unionsjp
Labor Unions, they’re not just a bunch of teamsters picketing over the quality of company lunches. No, labor unions are very much a part of American history and the reason why we all aren’t slaving away in salt mines seven days a week for 10 cents an hour. This and more on Redacted Tonight. Join the ‘Redactivist’ movement online... Subscribe to the Redacted Tonight YouTube channel for more comedy news with saber tooth tiger teeth: http://youtube.com/user/RedactedTonight Find Redacted Tonight on Facebook for source material about our stories and daily updates: http://facebook.com/RedactedTonight Follow us on Twitter for funny, informative info and to participate in our weekly ‘Redactivist’ hashtag: http://twitter.com/RedactedTonight Visit Lee Camp’s official site to listen to the ‘Momen...
To watch David Mill's recent video on the OCTOBER 2016 WAKE UP CALL FOR TWIN FLAMES video I'm discussing, CLICK HERE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g0QnmF06HM0 Love Liberated: Break Free from Relationship Frustration - a 5-Module E-Course (with 60 page manual workbook, videos and meditations), is OFFICIALLY AVAILABLE NOW: https://www.alisonlessard.com/love-liberated/ 3 Keys to Ditching Relationship Drama for Good, a 90 min webinar, is also available for $9.97 on my site here: https://www.alisonlessard.com/ditch-relationship-drama/ For any Q+A for today's video, the video will be posted on my website blog, so you're free to comment there! The comments are moderated, so please keep specific questions relevant to the group conversation so they'll be posted and answered by me. To leave a...
Author: Daniel Ting, Facebook Abstract: Estimating the cardinality of unions and intersections of sets is a problem of interest in OLAP. Large data applications often require the use of approximate methods based on small sketches of the data. We give new estimators for the cardinality of unions and intersection and show they approximate an optimal estimation procedure. These estimators enable the improved accuracy of the streaming MinCount sketch to be exploited in distributed settings. Both theoretical and empirical results demonstrate substantial improvements over existing methods. More on http://www.kdd.org/kdd2016/ KDD2016 Conference is published on http://videolectures.net/
South Africa Student protests gain union support\ https://youtu.be/DAd3KXZfOMk South Africa's Federation of Trade Unions has thrown its weight behind student protests demanding free education. The demonstrations have brought universities across the country to a standstill and there is no sign they will end anytime soon. Al Jazeera’s Tania Page reports from Johannesburg.
For latest news updates, Subscribe us @ http://goo.gl/MkmvFW Visit us @ http://www.10tv.in Like us on www.fb.com/news10tv Follow us on https://twitter.com/thetentv Circle us on https://plus.google.com/+10tvIntelugunews Watch 10TV, a leading 24/7 Telugu news channel for all the latest news updates, breaking news, Political News, Live Reports, Weather Reports, Sports Update, Business Trends, Entertainment News And Stock Market News Along With Special Programs Like Exclusive Interviews, Cookery Shows, And Health Specials.
The role of labor unions in American life was once so vast and profound that it affected virtually everyone. But that was a long time ago. Labor’s influence has declined to such a degree that it’s fair to ask if unions have much relevance at all today. Bob tackles this subject with his guest, Richard Greenwald, a labor historian and co-editor of the book, “Labor Rising.” Professor Greenwald is also the dean of the School of Humanities and Social Sciences at Brooklyn College. (Taped: 9/27/2016) Bob Herbert's Op-Ed.TV is a weekly half-hour program featuring interviews with significant men and women from a variety of fields: officeholders and activists, economists, labor leaders, writers and artists. Herbert, a longtime journalist and former columnist for The New York Times, takes a close lo...
Read your free e-book: http://downloadapp.us/mebk/50/en/B01F95WUQ2/book In recent years, social and legal historians have called into question the degree to which the labour that fuelled and sustained industrialization in England was actually free. The corpus of statutes known as master and servant law has been a focal point of interest: throughout the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, at the behest of employers, mine owners, and manufacturers, Parliament regularly supplemented and updated the provisions of these statutes with new legislation which contained increasingly harsh sanctions for workers who left work, performed it poorly, or committed acts of misbehaviour. The statutes were characterized by a double standard of sanctions, which treated workers breach of contract as a crimina...
Read your free e-book: http://easyget.us/mebk/50/en/B009D0MTVG/book The Polish crisis in the early 1980s provoked a great deal of reaction in the West. Not only governments, but social movements were also touched by the establishment of the Iindependent Trade Union Solidarnosc in the summer of 1980, the proclamation of martial law in December 1981, and Solidarnosc's underground activity in the subsequent years. In many countries, campaigns were set up in order to spread information, raise funds, and provide the Polish opposition with humanitarian relief and technical assistance. Labor movements especially stepped into the limelight. A number of Western European unions were concerned about the new international tension following the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan and the new hard-line polic...
Read your free e-book: http://downloadapp.us/mebk/50/en/B01ILTZ4N4/book Kathy Jackson was hailed as a heroine for blowing the whistle on the million-dollar fraud of Michael Williamson, the corrupt boss of the Health Services Union. While remaining steadfast in this very public ordeal, she endured bitter personal attacks from enemies in the Labor Party and the union movement. But what if Jackson was just as corrupt as Williamson? Or worse?this is the real Hsu story. The unbelievable misuse of the union dues of some of the lowest paid workers in Australia.while Jackson was portrayed as a Joan of Arc figure, she had been spending vast amounts of her own union members' money on jet-setting holidays, fashion, jewellery, a home mortgage and even part of a divorce settlement. Nothing, it seems, w...
VISIT US AT: Millions of Americans exercise their right to participate in a union every . Millions of Americans exercise their right to participate in a union every year. Unions make the middle class strong by ensuring that workers have a strong voice . VISIT US AT: Millions of Americans exercise their right to participate in a union every . VISIT US AT: Millions of Americans exercise their right to participate in a union every .
Sept. 20th This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C. section 107 of the US Copyright Law.
UNIONS - Live Full ver (岐阜club roots) 1. S.S 0:15〜 2. Live 1:38〜 3. Flames 5:04〜 4. No Time is Waiting Me 10:08〜 5. BET 13:35〜 6. NOT 16:57〜 7. Cellphones 21:26〜 8. I Promise 33:21〜 MC - 26:27〜 UNIONS 結成2年と、まだ新しいバンドではあるが、メンバー全員がそれぞれ様々なジャンルでのキャリアを持つ実力派。透明感のあるクリーン・ヴォーカルが導く美しいメロディ・ラインを軸に、パワフルでキレのあるシャウトとラップが絡むスリリングな展開は、聴く者をその重厚で壮大な世界観へと引き込んでいく。中でも、叙情系バンド出身のtaitoによる、熱狂と哀愁が入り混じったシャウトは秀逸。 7月17日UNIONS 47都道ツアー岐阜に行きました。 とても感動するライブを見させてもらいました。一本の映画を見てるような感覚でした。カメラを片手に撮っていて本当に良かったです。 1人でも多くの人に見てもらいたくて動画をUPしています。 47都道を全力で駆け抜けているUNIONSを是非一度生のライブに行ってみてください。 U&I; Forever
Subscribe to our channel http://bit.ly/AJSubscribe For decades, labour unions in the US have been on the decline. While they are widely credited with boosting safety standards and worker pay, many have received blame for wanting too much in times of a struggling economy. Unemployment is at nine per cent and people are clamouring for jobs, unionised or not. And their greatest political ally, the Democratic party, has taken its support for granted, weakening its pull on the strings of power in Washington, DC. A new battle has emerged in 2011 as Republican governors have taken on public sector unions, in some cases stripping them of rights that have been in place for 50 years. It is part of a trend that is happening in key swing states and may weaken democratic voting strength in next yea...
Recorded at MIT in Cambridge, Massachusetts on May 9, 1995
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) discusses upcoming debate on union labor legislation in the US Senate.
Traces the history of the American labor movement. Provides an overview of the major attitudes held by management and government toward unions. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFdKnjmeaUvJ4ZJmENHwCCA
It's Labor Day, which means we're hearing all about how the labor movement have made our country and the world a better place. One bumper sticker reads, "The Weekend: Brought to You By Labor Unions." That's just plain false, and I explain why. Subscribe to the Tom Woods Show: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-tom-woods-show/id716825890?mt=2 http://www.TomWoods.com/730 http://www.SupportingListeners.com http://www.RonPaulHomeschool.com http://www.FreeHistoryCourse.com
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.
You are everything,
my love, my joy, my song,
You're my peace all day long,
and everything is You.
You're the air I breath, the song I sing,
oh, my Lord, You are everything.
My love is You (that's You).
My peace is You (oh it's You).
The joy I have is You (that's You),
all my hope is You (oh it's You).
My kingdom is You (that's You),
when I sing it's for (oh it's You)
There is none like You,
say there's none like You,
You're the beginning, You're the ending,
and everything in between.
There is none like You,
say there's none like You,
so I'll always sing Your praises,
'cause You're everything.
I will sing Your praises,
'cause You're everything.
Listen Lord,
ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba,