Job ads drop for fifth month

Job ads drop for fifth month

A leading indicator of the labour market has weakened for a fifth straight month, adding weight to concerns the unemployment rate may surge in coming quarters.

Live |  Rudd attacks Murdoch over tweet, coverage

Live |  Rudd attacks Murdoch over tweet, coverage

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd has hit back at a critical tweet from media mogul Rupert Murdoch and responded to critical coverage in his Australian newspapers, as the second day of the federal election campaign rolls on.

Leighton settles $899m Perth airport deal details

Contracting giant Leighton Holdings has reached agreement with Main Roads WA on the price, scope and construction of the $1 billion Gateway Perth Airport and Freight Access Project.

Cochlear’s US sales fall 4pc ahead of new product

Updated | Bionic ear marker Cochlear says it has a strong product pipeline that will drive growth in the new fiscal year, despite sales in the key region of the United States falling 4 per cent over fiscal 2013.

Downer EDI profit up despite tough ride

Updated | Better project execution and cost control helped Downer EDI to a 10 per cent rise in full-year underlying net profit, despite a difficult operating environment for contractors.

ASX down ahead of RBA rates decision

Updated | The ASX fell ahead of the Reserve Bank of Australia’s decision on the cash rate at 2.30pm AEST Tuesday after overseas markets were tepid.

Brokers downcast on loss-making Virgin

Brokers have slashed their 2013-14 financial year earnings forecasts for Virgin Australia by around two-thirds after the airline on Monday revealed it expected to report a loss for the 2012-13 financial year.

Packer, Bassat, Libermans pour millions into start-up fund

Packer, Bassat, Libermans pour millions into start-up fund

James Packer and Seek’s Paul Bassat have joined some of Australia’s most successful entrepreneurs and investors in pouring hundreds of millions of dollars into a fund aimed local and international start-ups.

Orica appoints Calderon, Tilbrook to board

Explosives manufacturer Orica has announced the appointment of Alberto Calderon and Gene Tilbrook as non-executive directors, effective August 14.

Karen Maley

Time to unwind QE: senior Fed official

Richard Fisher, the head of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, has said the central bank’s massive bond purchases has created a “monetary Gordian knot” which it now needed to unwind.

Suspect Whiteley painting case settled on eve of trial

Suspect Whiteley painting case settled on eve of trial

Sydney investment banker and newly appointed Sydney Swans chairman Andrew Pridham has settled his legal case against a Melbourne art dealer from whom he paid $2.5 million for a Brett Whiteley painting which he alleged was fake.

Taper talk a negative for bond funds

Taper talk a negative for bond funds

Talk of the US Federal Reserve scaling back its bond-buying weighed on bond fund returns leading up to July, with long-dated global and Australian-government debt suffering the greatest losses in the past three months.

Emerging markets offer rare opportunity for risk-takers

Emerging markets offer rare opportunity for risk-takers

Everything that could go wrong for emerging market equities has done so in recent months. But for those with an appetite for risk and a longer-term outlook, there’s a rare investment opportunity.

Markets Summary

Change % Chg
S&P/ASX 200 5098.4 - 12.9 - 0.25%
Dow Jones 15612.13 - 46.23 - 0.30%
FTSE 100 6619.58 - 28.29 - 0.43%
SPI 200 SEP3 5050.000 - 12.000 - 0.20%
AUD/USD 0.8922 - 0.0007 - 0.08%

Markets Data »

Price % Chg
GPT GPT $ 3.675 + 3.81%
NVT NAVITAS $ 6.400 + 3.56%
BBG BILLABONG $ 0.445 + 3.49%
AQG ALACERGOLD $ 2.390 + 3.02%
MMS MCMILLAN $ 9.450 + 2.94%

Markets Data »

Price % Chg
RSG RESOLUTE $ 0.737 - 6.71%
MDL MINDEPOSIT $ 2.095 - 5.20%
BLY BOART $ 0.550 - 4.35%
DCG DECMIL GRP $ 2.060 - 4.19%
EVN EVOLUTION $ 0.815 - 4.12%

Markets Data »

Street Talk

IRESS in $206m rights issues to buy Avelo

IRESS in $206m rights issues to buy Avelo

IRESS is raising $206 million to fund the acquisition of UK business Avelo, in a rights issue through Goldman Sachs.


Fortescue TPI Sale

The higher iron ore price has taken the pressure off Fortescue Metals’ need to sell its rail and port business TPI.  More AFR TV



Tony Walker

Lifeboat ethics and the benefit of quiet reflection

Tony Walker

The Cranlana programme in Melbourne, founded by Kenneth Myer in 1993, exposes business leaders and other attendees to the moral and ethical dilemmas of our time in an environment that enables quiet reflection.

Philip Baker

Abbott win could have CEOs finding excuses

Philip Baker

Chief executives have a few excuses up their sleeves if their numbers aren’t up to scratch as the reporting season unfolds.

Same old government, same old tax ideas

Same old government, same old tax ideas

The August Economic Statement continues the pattern of sub-optimal knee-jerk tax reform that has marked this government since the failed resource super profits tax of Prime Minister Kevin Rudd’s first term.


Bangkok braced for fresh political street protests

Bangkok braced for fresh political street protests

Thailand’s capital is braced for unrest in the week ahead, with street protests expected over moves in parliament that could eventually lead to a pardon for ousted prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra.


Downer in good shape despite downturn

Downer in good shape despite downturn

Grant Fenn has transformed Downer EDI from a market dog to one of the few companies exposed to the mining sector that has managed to meet its earnings guidance this year.


Toshiba Portege Z10t needs some breaking in

Toshiba Portege Z10t needs some breaking in

Here at Digital Life Labs we don’t particularly enjoy trying to break things, but the Toshiba Portege Z10t convertible ultrabook needs to be broken just a little, so it can work properly.


Majority govt would boost confidence

Majority govt would boost confidence

Professional investors say a change in government would decrease regulatory risk and boost business confidence that has waned in the past six years leading to better corporate profits and higher share prices.

Personal finance

Proposed financial stability fund too small: analysis

Proposed financial stability fund too small: analysis

The financial stability fund proposed by the Rudd government to bail out depositors in the event of a future bank failure will be too small to fully cover even small institutions like the Bank of Queensland.


Telluride weather – and skiing – is heaven sent

Telluride weather – and skiing – is heaven sent

Luxury accommodation, fine dining, great shopping, excellent snowboarding and a wine bar at 12,000 feet. Be careful, you’ll get stuck in the spot that Butch Cassidy escaped.

Fiat 500 and Gucci make a fashion statement

Fiat 500 and Gucci make a fashion statement

Gucci has partnered with Fiat on the stylishly branded Fiat 500, but if you want one, be quick, as there are only 101 available to Australian buyers.

Wristwatches go all out for all white

Wristwatches go all out for all white

The latest watch look to be winning over our forearms is white – a trend that owes a lot to a material, namely ceramics, and a brand, namely Chanel.

Hotel rooms provide a blank canvas for escape

Hotel rooms provide a blank canvas for escape

From Mexico to Mykonos, hotels are embracing the brilliance of all-white interiors to stunning effect – they have become a retreat from an overstimulated world.

Latest TV

Review | Toshiba Portege Z10T

Toshiba’s new convertible laptop sports a mobile data SIM, but its inflexible screen angle may be a disaster for the tall.  More AFR TV

Fortescue TPI Sale

The higher iron ore price has taken the pressure off Fortescue Metals’ need to sell its rail and port business TPI.  More AFR TV

Chanticleer | Virgin downgrade

Tony Boyd says yet another profit downgrade shows Virgin Australia chief John Borghetti has overextended himself.  More AFR TV

Barnett on election and NDIS

West Australian Premier Colin Barnett says an agreement with the Commonwealth over the NDIS has been reached and an election date will end years of uncertainty.  More AFR TV