
The Internet Whisperers

The Snowden leaks of the NSA Prism programme have introduced the term ‘metadata’ into the public lexicon and it is likely to become the most hated word of the decade.


100 Years of Anarchism in New Zealand Celebrated Today

A Jewish tailor and fox terrier owner; a Wellington carpenter and staunch family-man—not your typical anarchist-cum-bomber stereotypes. Yet one hundred years ago today, Philip Josephs and Carl Mumme were two founding members of the Freedom Group.


Coromandel Watchdog Activists Camping on Gold Drill Rig

Watchdog activists peacefully shut down a Newmont gold drilling rig in the Parakiwai Valley since 8am on Saturday July 6.


Edmund Rice Christchurch host “Voiceover Riots Reframed”

This documentary reframes England’s 2011 riots through voices of resistance – threading perspectives together using moody instrumentals, dramatic monologue and raw spoken word.

Protest & Revolution

Road To Somewhere: Protest Hikoi in Rotorua

Capitalism is the economic system that prevails globally. One of the main characteristics of this system is the pursuit of profit by a minority and the ‘development’ of infrastructure for this purpose, above the needs or wants of the people at large.

State Repression

A Chat with Paul Neazor 4

Just come to light is an endearing telephone chat with Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security Paul Neazor.

State Repression

On Fear and Terror: the Prime Minister's Justification for Expanded Spying 1

John Key accuses opponents of the GCSB amendment bill of making New Zealand less safe, and cites the flawed example of the Boston bombings as justification. The facts do not bear him out.

Immigration & Borders

Thoughts on World Refugee Day

Today is World Refugee Day. One of those official commemorative days when middle class people in relatively rich countries like NZ are asked to think of those less privileged and maybe make a donation or some other token gesture.


21 July 2013
20 July 2013
19 July 2013
18 July 2013
15 July 2013
13 July 2013
12 July 2013
11 July 2013
10 July 2013

Upcoming Events

Book Launch of Fighting to Choose by Alison McCulloch

Auckland, Tomorrow, 5:30pm

Coalition to stop the GCSB Bill - Public Meeting

Auckland, 7pm, this Thursday

Aotearoa Animal Rights Conference 2013

Wellington, 12am, this Saturday

Nationwide protests gainst GCSB Bill

Nationwide, 2pm, this Saturday

Protest - Waihopai Spy Base

Waihopai Valley Rd, 2pm, this Sunday

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