Defcon 18 Pwned By the owner What happens when you steal a hackers computer zoz part
Defcon 18 Pwned By the owner What happens when you steal a hackers computer zoz part
Defcon bot gameplay, this game is worth purchasing the boxed version and the steam version.
DEFCON 18: How I Met Your Girlfriend 1/3
DEFCON 18: How I Met Your Girlfriend 1/3
Speaker: Samy Kamkar How I Met Your Girlfriend: The discovery and execution of entirely new classes of Web attacks in order to meet your girlfriend. This includes newly discovered attacks including HTML5 client-side XSS (without XSS hitting the server!), PHP session hijacking and random numbers (accurately guessing PHP session cookies), browser protocol confusion (turning a browser into an SMTP server), firewall and NAT penetration via Javascript (turning your router against you), remote iPhone Google Maps hijacking (iPhone penetration combined with HTTP man-in-the-middle), extracting extremely accurate geolocation information from a Web browser (not using IP geolocation), and more. For presentations, whitepapers or audio version of the Defcon 18 presentations visit: defcon.org
DEFCON 17: Failure
DEFCON 17: Failure
Speaker: Adam Savage Co-Host, MythBusters A meditation on how I've screwed things up, lost friends and clients, and learned about myself in the process. Adam Savage has spent his life gathering skills that allow him to take what's in his brain, and make it real. He's built everything from ancient Buddhas to futuristic weapons, from spaceships to dancing vegetables, from fine art sculptures to animated chocolate -- and just about anything else you can think of. The son of a filmmaker/painter and a psychotherapist, Adam has been making his own toys since he was allowed to hold scissors. Having held positions as a projectionist, animator, graphic designer, carpenter, interior and stage designer, toy designer, welder, scenic painter, he's worked with every material and process he could get his hands on -- metal, paper, glass, plastic, rubber, foam, plaster, pneumatics, hydraulics, animatronics, neon, glassblowing, moldmaking and injection molding to name just a few. Since 1993, Adam has concentrated on the special effects industry, honing his skills through more than 100 television commercials and a dozen feature films, including Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace and Episode II: Attack of the Clones, Galaxy Quest, Terminator 3, AI and the Matrix sequels. He's also designed props and sets for Coca-Cola, Hershey's, Lexus and a host of New York and San Francisco theater companies. Not only has he worked and consulted in the research and development division for toy <b>...</b>
DefCon 15 - T112 - No-Tech Hacking
DefCon 15 - T112 - No-Tech Hacking
DefCon 15 - T112 - No-Tech Hacking
DEFCON Game Play
DEFCON Game Play
Six Computer players playing DEFCON at Speed DEFCON mode. Brutal DEFCON website: www.introversion.co.uk
DEFCON 19: Hacking MMORPGs for Fun and Mostly Profit
DEFCON 19: Hacking MMORPGs for Fun and Mostly Profit
Speaker: Josh Phillips Senior Malware Researcher Online games, such as MMORPG's, are the most complex multi-user applications ever created. The security problems that plague these games are universal to all distributed software systems. Online virtual worlds are eventually going to replace the web as the dominant social space on the 'Net, as Facebook apps have shown, and this is big business. MMORPG game security is something that is very important to game studios and players, yet bots and exploits continue to infest all major MMORPG's, the creators and maintainers of the next generation of MMORPG's will need to understand software security from the ground up or face failure. The problem extends from software bugs such as item or money duplication, to mechanical exploitation such as botting, which leads to economic forces and digital identity theft. There is upwards of a billion dollars at stake, for both game hackers and game operators. Both Josh and Kuba have explored game hacking from both sides, and this talk presents a pragmatic view of both threats and defenses. For more information visit: bit.ly To download the video visit: bit.ly Playlist Defcon 19: bit.ly
www.humblebundle.com, Inspired by the classic geek film WarGames, DEFCON emulates the experience of Cold War-era, global thermonuclear war on a "big board" map of the world. Up to six players compete as generals of various nations, with the basic goal of eliminating as much of the enemy's population as possible while minimizing their own losses. As the DEFCON counter goes from 5 to 1, players can take progressively more aggressive actions against their neighbors, ending with cataclysmic nuclear launches.
DEFCON 16: Hijacking the Outdoor Digital Billboard Network
DEFCON 16: Hijacking the Outdoor Digital Billboard Network
Speakers: Tottenkoph, Business Analyst, Raymond James Financial Rev, Security Researcher Philosopher, Security Researcher Outdoor digital billboards are becoming the new way to advertise multiple products/services/etc with a single board as compared to having a street littered with dozens of these eyesores. Therefore, they're more fun to take apart and play with. While driving one day, I noticed a 404 error on one of these billboards and after discussing it with my fellow speakers, hatched a plan to hack into their network and advertise our own ideas/ "products". We will be talking about how we exploited the physical and network security of this well known company and used these to upload our own images. This is *not* a step-by-step how to, but rather addresses the vulnerabilities that exist and how they could be used for guerilla advertising and digital graffiti. For more information visit: bit.ly To download the video visit: bit.ly
Defcon 19: DIY Non-Destructive-Entry
Defcon 19: DIY Non-Destructive-Entry
Probably the most casual talk I've ever given. From Defcon 19.
DEFCON 19: Safe to Armed in Seconds: A Study of Epic Fails of Popular Gun Safes (w speaker)
DEFCON 19: Safe to Armed in Seconds: A Study of Epic Fails of Popular Gun Safes (w speaker)
Speaker: Deviant Ollam Cluebat Quartermaster Hackers like guns. Hackers like locks. Hackers like to tinker with guns and locks. And, most of the time, hackers protect their guns with high-quality locks. However, while it's one thing to own a nice gun safe protected by a high security dial, that sort of solution tends to be best for the firearms that one doesn't have in daily use. Many of us who wear a firearm as part of our daily routine opt to store and secure our carry piece in a separate, more easily-accessible way at the end of the day. This talk is an in-depth evaluation of some of the most popular small firearm lockboxes in-use today. Some rely on mechanical locks, others on biometric locks, and some offer a combination of both. But overall, they tend to fail miserably in the face of any dedicated attacker. Come and learn how your favorite gun lockbox might be preventing your toddler from having an accidental discharge, but why it's not at all likely to repel a criminal or even perhaps a curious teenager. Means of both attacking as well as improving upon the lockboxes you already may own will be demonstrated, and audience members will be invited to participate in all sorts of attacks... live and on stage! For more information visit: bit.ly To download the video visit: bit.ly Playlist Defcon 19: bit.ly
DEFCON 17: Advanced SQL Injection
DEFCON 17: Advanced SQL Injection
Speaker: Joseph McCray Founder of Learn Security Online SQL Injection is a vulnerability that is often missed by web application security scanners, and it's a vulnerability that is often rated as NOT exploitable by security testers when it actually can be exploited. Advanced SQL Injection is a presentation geared toward showing security professionals advanced exploitation techniques for situations when you must prove to the customer the extent of compromise that is possible. The key areas are: •IDS Evasion, Web Application Firewall Bypass •Privilege Escalation •Re-Enabling stored procedures •Obtaining an interactive command-shell •Data Exfiltration via DNS For more information visit: bit.ly To download the video visit: bit.ly
HakTip - DEFCON 19: Android Botnets
HakTip - DEFCON 19: Android Botnets
In this HakTip from DEFCON 19 Darren is joined by Georgia Weidman of GRMn00bs to talk all things Android Botnets.
DEFCON 19: Cipherspaces/Darknets: An Overview Of Attack Strategies (w speaker)
DEFCON 19: Cipherspaces/Darknets: An Overview Of Attack Strategies (w speaker)
Speaker: Adrian Crenshaw "Irongeek" Tenacity Institute and Irongeek.com Darknets/Cipherspaces such as Tor and I2P have been covered before in great detail. Sometimes it can be hard to follow attack strategies that have been used against them as the papers written on the topic have been academic and abstract. What this talk will attempt to do is step back and give an overview of the topic in a manner hopefully more conducive to the understanding of security practitioners, giving more concrete examples. While little to nothing in this talk will be "new and groundbreaking" it should lead to a better understanding of how encrypted anonymizing networks can be subverted to reveal identities. For more information visit: bit.ly To download the video visit: bit.ly Playlist Defcon 19: bit.ly
DEFCON 17: Search And Seizure Explained - They Took My Laptop!
DEFCON 17: Search And Seizure Explained - They Took My Laptop!
Speaker: Tyler Pitchford, Esq. CTO - Digome, LLC. An overview of recent developments surrounding the Fourth and Fifth Amendments of the United States Constitution and their impact upon privacy conscious computer professionals. The presentation includes discussions on the United States Constitution, Federal Statutes, Administrative decisions, and, most importantly, the case laws that interpret and define the Fourth Amendment and Fifth Amendments. Special attention is given to topics affecting computer professionals, including border crossings, foreign nationals, encryption, forced disclosures, the Crist decision, and the Boucher decisions. For more information visit: bit.ly To download the video visit: bit.ly
DEFCON 19: Tracking the Trackers: How Our Browsing History Is Leaking into the Cloud (w speaker)
DEFCON 19: Tracking the Trackers: How Our Browsing History Is Leaking into the Cloud (w speaker)
Speaker: Brian Kennish Founder of Disconnect What companies and organizations are collecting our web-browsing activity? How complete is their data? Do they have personally-identifiable information? What do they do with the data? The speaker, an ex--Google and DoubleClick engineer, will answer these questions by detailing the research he did for The Wall Street Journal (j.mp and CNN (j.mp talking about the crawler he built to collect reverse-tracking data, and launching a tool you can use to do your own research. For more information visit: bit.ly To download the video visit: bit.ly Playlist Defcon 19: bit.ly
HakTip - DEFCON 19: Wireless Security Assessment
HakTip - DEFCON 19: Wireless Security Assessment
In this HakTip from DEFCON 19 Darren is joined by Mark Wuergler of Immunity to demo Silica, a wireless security assessment tool he has been developing.
Defcon 14 - Hard Drive Recovery Part 1
Defcon 14 - Hard Drive Recovery Part 1
Speech at Defcon 14 - Hard Drive Recovery by Scott Moulton of Forensic Strategy Services, LLC. www.ForensicStrategy.com Very detailed info on rebuilding hard drives and recovery of your own data.
Hacking the Defcon 2009 badge
Hacking the Defcon 2009 badge
Hackers modify the Defcon 2009 badge to act as a lie detector, confuse facial recognition systems and get around motion detection systems.
Defcon 2010 - Who cares about IPv6 - Sam Bowne - Part.mov
Defcon 2010 - Who cares about IPv6 - Sam Bowne - Part.mov
Defcon 18
DEFCON: Everybody Dies -- Full Game
DEFCON: Everybody Dies -- Full Game
Quick video I slapped together in an hour or so. The game is Defcon: Everybody dies, an amazing game. Hope you enjoy. The song in the credits is Engel by Rammstein
DEFCON 19: Hacking the Global Economy with GPUs or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Bitcoin
DEFCON 19: Hacking the Global Economy with GPUs or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Bitcoin
Speaker: Skunkworks In the post 9/11 era when it's nearly impossible to buy a pack of gum without alerting the big three credit bureaus, you may think that anonymity is long gone from the economy. That's where bitcoin comes in. Bitcoin is a decentralized peer-to-peer currency based solely on computing power. It is (mostly) untraceable and highly anonymous, not backed by any banks or companies, and in the words of Jason Calacanis "the most dangerous project we've ever seen". In my talk I'll explain what bitcoin is and isn't, and why this 70+ PetaFLOP network has caught the attention of everyone from The Washington Post and MSNBC to Wikileaks and the EFF. For more information visit: bit.ly To download the video visit: bit.ly Playlist Defcon 19: bit.ly