6 min 10 sec

Forsythia Propagation
http://MikesBackyardNursery.com - Learn how to propagate Forsythia (and other plants) by u...
published: 16 Jun 2014
Forsythia Propagation
Forsythia Propagation
http://MikesBackyardNursery.com - Learn how to propagate Forsythia (and other plants) by using the layering technique.- published: 16 Jun 2014
5 min 8 sec

How To Trim Forsythia
http://www.mikesbackyardnursery.com - Learn exactly how I trim my Forsythia and how I make...
published: 16 Jun 2014
How To Trim Forsythia
How To Trim Forsythia
http://www.mikesbackyardnursery.com - Learn exactly how I trim my Forsythia and how I make them look ten times better in the spring!- published: 16 Jun 2014
4 min 50 sec

How to Propagate Forsythia from Softwood Cuttings
This video is how you can get your own Forsythia plants from cuttings in the spring. It's ...
published: 16 Jun 2014
How to Propagate Forsythia from Softwood Cuttings
How to Propagate Forsythia from Softwood Cuttings
This video is how you can get your own Forsythia plants from cuttings in the spring. It's a lovely flowering shrub and I should be doing a hardwood cutting video in the winter. Check out my Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/HuwsNursery/230570577036933- published: 16 Jun 2014
2 min 55 sec

When forsythia pops into bloom, we know -- everybody knows in their bones that the days ar...
published: 16 Jun 2014
When forsythia pops into bloom, we know -- everybody knows in their bones that the days are getting longer and the nights are getting a little warmer and the sun is getting stronger and that Spring is well underway. This iconic symbol of spring is actually an import from the Far East. It came to this country in the early days, early -- I would say early 19th century-late 18th century, even. It is not really fragrant but it sure makes a splash with the color in the spring. Forsythia prefers full sun for good flowering but it will tolerate light shade. In fact, I've seen it growing in pretty dense shade but you don't get much flowering out of it. It prefers well-drained soil and a sunny location, but other than that, it's very care-free. It doesn't need a whole lot of care. There aren't any pest or disease problems to worry about. The branches tend to dip down to the ground. Perhaps it grows to twelve to fifteen feet tall but with a very much greater spread when you consider the arching branches. If you do trim this plant, you want to renovate -- do a renovation pruning, taking the whole -- the largest and the oldest canes out of the middle of the plant and letting the new growth reach its maturity, maybe trimming some of the longer canes back if it's near a sidewalk or if it's in a place you don't want it to be. One thing I will caution you against is trimming the forsythia into geometric shapes. The little squares, boxes and balls that you see in front of people's houses -- if there's a picture next to the word 'gauche' in the dictionary, that would be it. If it ever comes to pass that you are trimming your forsythia into those kids of shapes, I'll find you! I'll come to your house late at night and I'll hide your pruners. This is a shrub that really should be let go. It should be given its graceful, arching habit and let it show its beauty, even when not in bloom.- published: 16 Jun 2014
4 min 26 sec

Forsythia --- A Yellow Baby
HIGH QUALITY DOWNLOAD: http://www.animemusicvideos.org/members/members_videoinfo.php?v=176...
published: 16 Jun 2014
Forsythia --- A Yellow Baby
Forsythia --- A Yellow Baby
HIGH QUALITY DOWNLOAD: http://www.animemusicvideos.org/members/members_videoinfo.php?v=176128 Was intended to be a Mariko-centric AMV, and she is still sort of the focus, but due to the very limited amount of footage of her in the Elfen Lied anime, I had to switch to making it about all of the diclonius instead. I also made them yellow (because of the song lyrics)... ^-^ Hello friends! This video has been finished since before May. I am a failure and did not post it here until now. Although, it has been available through AMVs.Org for quite some time.- published: 16 Jun 2014
3 min 39 sec

How to Propagate Forsythia from Hardwood Cuttings
Very easy to root shrub, so give it a go and is very popular when the full bloom is out, l...
published: 16 Jun 2014
How to Propagate Forsythia from Hardwood Cuttings
How to Propagate Forsythia from Hardwood Cuttings
Very easy to root shrub, so give it a go and is very popular when the full bloom is out, like a gold sea of colour (color). I have to say sorry about the wind, had to cut the video before I was about to say: Please help me reach my target of 750,000 views by 1/1/2014. Anyway I hope you enjoyed this and learnt something and please comment and subscribe to these great gardening channels: http://www.youtube.com/user/GardenFrugal http://www.youtube.com/user/TheKiwiGrower- published: 16 Jun 2014
1 min 59 sec

Forsythia snoeien - Groei & Bloei
Om een rijke bloei van Forsythia te garanderen, moet je hem elk jaar na de bloei snoeien. ...
published: 16 Jun 2014
Forsythia snoeien - Groei & Bloei
Forsythia snoeien - Groei & Bloei
Om een rijke bloei van Forsythia te garanderen, moet je hem elk jaar na de bloei snoeien. In deze video leert u hoe u dat moet doen. Kijk ook op www.groei.nl.- published: 16 Jun 2014
1 min 59 sec

Forsythia care and propagation
Forsythia bush is one of the easiest plants to propagate. The two techniques shown only r...
published: 16 Jun 2014
Forsythia care and propagation
Forsythia care and propagation
Forsythia bush is one of the easiest plants to propagate. The two techniques shown only require minimal tools. Forsythia, in many areas, can be invasive but the pruning technique shown can help control it.- published: 16 Jun 2014
3 min 11 sec

Muffin Stories - The Forsythia that Bloomed from Dog Droppings | Children's Tales, Stories and Fables | muffin songs
A strange old man appeared in a village.
"Please give me some food."
But the villagers cal...
published: 16 Jun 2014
Muffin Stories - The Forsythia that Bloomed from Dog Droppings | Children's Tales, Stories and Fables | muffin songs
Muffin Stories - The Forsythia that Bloomed from Dog Droppings | Children's Tales, Stories and Fables | muffin songs
A strange old man appeared in a village. "Please give me some food." But the villagers called the old man a beggar and didn't give him any food. "Go away, you old beggar." "I wouldn't even give you dog droppings." Some people even threw water at the old man. The old man had to go away again without eating any food. But, an old lady gave the old man some food. "We're poor, too, but have some of this." The old man was moved by the woman's actions. "Thank you. Thank you so much." The old man gave the woman a bowl made of straw. The woman thought it strange and opened it. Inside, there were gold and silver pieces. A bad rich man heard of this and went in search of the old man to get gold and silver. "Old man, take this and give me gold and silver." The old man knew he was a bad man, but he gave him a straw bowl anyway. The rich man was excited and opened the bowl. But, inside there were dog droppings instead of gold and silver. "Huh? These are dog droppings." The rich man was angry and he threw the droppings on the ground. Yellow forsythia suddenly bloomed from the ground. "You wouldn't even give me dog droppings, so here you are. Ha ha." The old man said this and disappeared. The yellow forsythia had bloomed from dog droppings. DOWNLOAD MP3 - 50 Best Kids' Songs, Vol. 1. iTunes (Apple iphone/ipad/ipod) US: http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/muffin-songs-50-best-kids/id492247041 AU: http://itunes.apple.com/au/album/muffin-songs-50-best-kids/id492247041 JP: http://itunes.apple.com/au/album/muffin-songs-50-best-kids/id492247041 UK: http://itunes.apple.com/au/album/muffin-songs-50-best-kids/id492247041 BR: http://itunes.apple.com/br/album/muffin-songs-50-best-kids/id492247041 CA: http://itunes.apple.com/ca/album/muffin-songs-50-best-kids/id492247041 Amazon US: http://www.amazon.com/Muffin-Songs-Best-Kids-Vol/dp/B006PTE9AW JP: http://www.amazon.co.jp/Muffin-Songs-Best-Kids-Vol/dp/B006PNPNPI UK: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Muffin-Songs-Best-Kids-Vol/dp/B006PV9VBM FR: http://www.amazon.fr/Muffin-Songs-Best-Kids-Vol/dp/B006PRBVZU DE: http://www.amazon.de/Happy-Birthday-You-Song/dp/B006PTJGUA الإنجليزية، قصة، حكاية، قصة، والأطفال، وطفل رضيع، جدة Английски, приказка, приказка, разказ, деца, бебе, баба Anglès, conte, rondalla, conte, els nens, nadó, l'àvia 英语,故事,寓言,故事,儿童,婴儿,祖母 Engleski, priča, priča, priča, djeca, dijete, baka Angličtina, pohádka, bajka, příběh, děti, dítě, babička Engelsk, fortælling, fabel, historie, børn, baby, bedstemor Engels, verhaal, fabel, verhaal, kinderen, baby, oma Inglise, lugu, faabula, lugu, lastele, baby, vanaema Ingles, kuwento, katha, kuwento, ang mga bata, sanggol, lola Englanti, tarina, satu, tarina, lapset, vauva, isoäiti Anglais, conte, fable, histoire, enfants, bébé, grand-mère Englisch, Geschichte, Fabel, Geschichte, Kinder, Baby, Großmutter Αγγλικά, παραμύθι, ο μύθος, η ιστορία, τα παιδιά, μωρό, γιαγιά אנגלית, סיפור, אגדה, סיפור, ילדים, תינוק, סבתא अंग्रेजी, कहानी, कल्पित कहानी, कहानी, बच्चों, दादी, बच्चे, Angol, mese, mese, történet, gyermek, baba, nagymama Enska, saga, dæmisaga, saga, börn, barn, amma Inggris, dongeng, fabel, cerita, anak, bayi, nenek Inglese, racconto, favola, storia, bambini, bambino, la nonna 英語、物語、寓話、物語、子供、赤ん坊、祖母 Angļu, stāsts, pasaka, stāsts, bērni, bērnu, vecmāmiņu Anglų, pasaka, pasakėčia, istorija, vaikai, kūdikis, močiutė Engelsk, historie, fabel, fortelling, barn, baby, bestemor Angielski, opowieść, baśń, opowiadanie, dzieci, dziecko, babcia Inglês, conto, fábula, história, crianças, bebê avó, Inglês, conto, fábula, história, crianças, bebê avó, Engleză, poveste, fabula, poveste, copii, copil, bunica Английский, сказка, басня, рассказ, дети, ребенок, бабушка Енглески, прича, бајки, прича, деце, беба, баба Angličtina, rozprávka, bájka, príbeh, deti, dieťa, babička Angleščina, pravljica, pripovedka, zgodba, otroci, baby, babica Inglés, cuento, fábula, cuento, los niños, bebé, la abuela Engelska, historia, fabel, berättelse, barn, barn, mormor เรื่องภาษาอังกฤษ, นิทาน, นิทาน, เด็กทารกยาย, İngilizce, masal, masal, hikaye, çocuk, bebek, büyükanne Англійська, казка, байка, оповідання, діти, дитина, бабуся Tiếng Anh, câu chuyện, truyền thuyết, câu chuyện, trẻ em, trẻ em, bà- published: 16 Jun 2014
2 min 49 sec

13 - Forsythia - Contagion (Movie) Soundtrack (OST) - Cliff Martinez
By Cliff Martinez. 13th Track of the OST.
No copyright Infringement Intended...
published: 16 Jun 2014
13 - Forsythia - Contagion (Movie) Soundtrack (OST) - Cliff Martinez
13 - Forsythia - Contagion (Movie) Soundtrack (OST) - Cliff Martinez
By Cliff Martinez. 13th Track of the OST. No copyright Infringement Intended- published: 16 Jun 2014
2 min 16 sec

How To Prune Forsythia and Force Blooms Indoors - The Home Depot
Maureen (BostonRoots) from our How-To Community treks through snowy Massachusetts to show ...
published: 16 Jun 2014
How To Prune Forsythia and Force Blooms Indoors - The Home Depot
How To Prune Forsythia and Force Blooms Indoors - The Home Depot
Maureen (BostonRoots) from our How-To Community treks through snowy Massachusetts to show you how to prune your Forsythia. She also gives you some tips on forcing their blooms indoors to help bring spring in your home.- published: 16 Jun 2014