Greens/Green Party USA
The Greens/Green Party USA (G/GPUSA) formed out of the Green Committees of Correspondence in 1990 and was recognized as a national political party by the FEC from 1991 till 2005. It is based in Chicago. Synthisis/Regeneration, an affiliated journal of green social thought, is published in St. Louis. The now predominant, Green Party of the United States split from the G/GPUSA in 2001.
Contrast with the Green Party of the United States
The Green Party of the United States and Greens/Green Party USA have no organizational connection but share a common and difficult history. The G/GPUSA is not an electoral party, although some of its members participate in elections. The name "G/GPUSA" is said to have reflected a compromise or a synergy between Greens who emphasized the primacy of combining non-electoral movement building with electoral campaigns, and those who sought to participate actively only in elections. It has also been characterized as a power grab when the original Committees of Correspondence split and a small group registered the name without consultation with the five existing state parties, all in the western states.