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  • EU Flies to Cairo European foreign policy czarina Catherine Ashton makes a visit to Egyptrules...0:56
  • The Taliban in Pakistan...18:47
  • Washington Dinner Date Launches Resumption of Middle East Peace Talks...0:50
  • Pope Francis on Gay Catholics: 'Who Am I to Judge?'...2:00
  • Three Mursi supporters reportedly shot dead at Cairo barracks protest...1:34
  • A People's History of American Empire by Howard Zinn...8:35
  • #Togo Législatives 2013: tour de quelques centres de vote de Lomé après l'affichage des résultats...8:42
  • Bloody Day Of Violence In Iraq Kills Dozens...2:21
  • US Worried by Election-Related Irregularities in Cambodiaស.រ.អា.​បារម្ភអំពីភាព​មិនប្រក្រតី...4:00
  • Arab League back Kerry's revival of Israel-Palestinian peace talks...1:03
  • Italy Bus Crash Italian Bus Plunges off a highway in Southern Italy Bus Dropped in Avellino...1:08
  • Israeli cabinet agrees to free 104 Palestinian prisoners...1:06
  • Egypt : The Muslim Brotherhood puts a burden on Egypt as Violent Protest Erupt (Jun 30, 2013)...8:35
  • Egypt: Epidemic of Sexual Violence...5:15
add video playlist EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton has taken wing to Egypt as the country's political crisis deepened with a deadlock between the interim government and supporters of ousted President Mohammed Morsi. Ashton's visit, confirmed by Egypt's vice president, comes a day after dozens of pro-Morsi protesters were killed at a sit-in in support of their Islamist leaders. Sporadic violence continued throughout the country on Sunday, with two killed in separate clashes. The bloodshed prompted defiance from Morsi's supporters, who have remained in their protest encampment calling for his reinstatement. Egypt's interim military rules have said they were
EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton has taken wing to Egypt as the country\'s political crisis deepened with a deadlock between the interim government and supporters of ousted President Mohammed Morsi. Ashton\'s visit, confirmed by Egypt\'s vice president, comes a day after dozens of pro-Morsi protesters were killed at a sit-in in support of their Islamist leaders. Sporadic violence continued throughout the country on Sunday, with two killed in separate clashes. The bloodshed prompted defiance from Morsi\'s supporters, who have remained in their protest encampment calling for his reinstatement. Egypt\'s interim military rules have said they were
EU Flies to Cairo Eu­ro­pean for­eign pol­i­cy cza­ri­na Cather­ine Ash­ton makes a visit to Egyp­trules
We went to Pakistan to invesitage why suicide bombings, IED use, and the Taliban are all growing at alarming rates. In a recent trip to Pakistan to report on...
The Tal­iban in Pak­istan
Wash­ing­ton Din­ner Date Launch­es Re­sump­tion of Mid­dle East Peace Talks
The new pontiff makes global headlines with new comment on sexual orientation.
Pope Fran­cis on Gay Catholics: 'Who Am I to Judge?'
According to eyewitnesses at least three protesters have been killed outside the Republican Guard...

euronews, the most watched news channel in Europe
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According to eyewitnesses at least three protesters have been killed outside the Republican Guard barracks in Cairo, where deposed President Mohammed Mursi is being held.

Reportedly troops shot into the air and then at Mursi supporters as crowds grew and pressed forward. 

However, a spokesman for the army said only blank rounds and teargas had been fired. It was unclear whether security forces units other than army troops were also present.

A journalist with the Reuters news agency who was on the scene reported seeing at least eight demonstrators who had been hit by shotgun pellets.

The incident occured as hundreds of members of the Muslim Brotherhood movement approached the military cordon. 

They were taking part what the Brotherhood has called a \
Three Mursi sup­port­ers re­port­ed­ly shot dead at Cairo bar­racks protest
Empire or Humanity?
What the Classroom Didn\'t Teach Me about the American Empire
by Howard Zinn
Narrated by Viggo Mortensen
Art by Mike Konopacki
Video editing by Eric Wold

To read more from Howard Zinn visit
A Peo­ple's His­to­ry of Amer­i­can Em­pire by Howard Zinn
Tour de quelques centres de vote de Lomé après le décompte des voix et l\'affichage des résultats.
#Togo Législa­tives 2013: tour de quelques cen­tres de vote de Lomé après l'af­fichage des résul­tats
A series of roadside bombings, exploding cars and gun battles have killed at least 111 people and injured more than 200 across Iraq in the deadliest day of violence in more than two years.

 The coordinated attacks on Monday come after al Qaeda\'s leader in Iraq, Abu Bakr al Baghdadi, warned the militant network was returning to strongholds from which it was driven before US troops left the country in December.

Bloody Day Of Vi­o­lence In Iraq Kills Dozens
US Worried by Election-Related Irregularities in Cambodia​
The US State department on Monday urged all parties and their supporters in Cambodia election to act in an orderly and peaceful manner in the post-election period. The United States commends the Cambodian people for their active and peaceful participation during the national election, US State Department spokesperson Jen Psaki told the media Monday. Pin Sisovann, Washington. 

អំពើ​ហិង្សា​ទាក់ទង​នឹង​ភាពមិន​ប្រក្រតី​ក្នុង​ការ​បោះឆ្នោត​នៅ​កម្ពុជា​បាន​កើត​មាន​ឡើង​ ហើយ​ស្ងប់​ទៅវិញ​ តែ​ភ្លើង​នេះ​មិន​ទាន់​រលត់​ទាំងស្រុង​ទេ​ ព្រោះ​មូលហេតុ​នៃ​អំពើ​ហិង្សា​នេះ​មិនទាន់​ដោះស្រាយ​នៅ​ឡើយ។​ លោកពិន​ស៊ីសុវណ្ណ​នៃ​វីអូអេ​រាយ​ការណ៍​ពី​រដ្ឋធានី​វ៉ាស៊ីនតោន៕
US Wor­ried by Elec­tion-Re­lat­ed Ir­reg­u­lar­i­ties in Cam­bo­diaស.រ.អា.​បារម្ភអំពីភាព​មិនប្រក្រតី
The Arab League have backed US secretary of state John Kerry\'s push to revive Israel-Palestinian...

euronews, the most watched news channel in Europe
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The Arab League have backed US secretary of state John Kerry\'s push to revive Israel-Palestinian peace talks at a meeting in Jordan. 

At a press conference an optimistic Kerry reminded Israel of the rewards of a deal leading to the creation of Palestinian state on land seized in the 1967 Middle East war, an Arab league idea dating back to 2002.

Arab League back Kerry's re­vival of Is­rael-Pales­tini­an peace talks
\'Italy Bus Crash\' \'Italian Bus Crash\' Avellino 30 Dead In Italian Bus crash at Avellino in southern Italy  Italy Bus Plunges off a highway in Southern Italy Bus Dropped in Avellino ||  At least 24 people have been killed in a bus crash  in Italy\'s Avellino province.

Police say the bus was carrying pilgrims when it plunged off a highway into a ravine in southern Italy after slamming into several cars.

The bus dropped about 30 metres.

Police said at least seven people, including the driver, were killed. But Italian news agency ANSA quoted its photographer, Cesare Abbate, at the scene as saying he saw some 30 bodies covered by sheets near the bus.

Highway police told state radio that the bus slammed into several cars which had slowed for heavy traffic before plunging off the highway and falling dozens of metres down the ravine. 

THIRTY people have died after a bus came off a flyover and plunged 30 metres down a slope in southern Italy.

Italy Bus Crash Ital­ian Bus Plunges off a high­way in South­ern Italy Bus Dropped in Avel­li­no
After much political wrangling, the Israeli cabinet has agreed to release 104 Palestinian...

euronews, the most watched news channel in Europe
Subscribe for your daily dose of international news, curated and explained:
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After much political wrangling, the Israeli cabinet has agreed to release 104 Palestinian prisoners. 

Thirteen ministers voted in favour of the release, seven voted against and two abstained.

It\'s hoped the move, bitterly opposed by some sectors of Israeli society, will restart peace talks with the Palestinians. 

Prime Minister Netanhayhu said: \
Is­raeli cab­i­net agrees to free 104 Pales­tini­an pris­on­ers

News Articles:

Fears of a civil war growing as Egyptians prepare for day of reckoning over Mohamed Morsi

Millions take to Egypt\'s streets in fatal protests

At least four dead as violence erupts in Egypt and clerics warn of civil war

Egypt streets fill with protesters for, against Morsi

Violent clashes in Egypt amid warnings of civil war

FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a \'fair use\' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C. section 106A-117 of the U.S. Copyright Law.
Egypt : The Mus­lim Broth­er­hood puts a bur­den on Egypt as Vi­o­lent Protest Erupt (Jun 30, 2013)
(New York, July 3, 2013) -- Egyptian anti-sexual harassment groups confirmed that mobs sexually assaulted and in some cases raped at least 91 women in Tahrir Square over four days of protests beginning on June 30, 2013 amid a climate of impunity. Human Rights Watch has long documented the problem of sexual assault in Cairo\'s streets and particularly at protests. A new video highlights the stories of women who have been attacked, in some cases as recently as January.
For more information:
Egypt: Epi­dem­ic of Sex­u­al Vi­o­lence
WARNING: Some people may find the footage distressing - Was passenger train travelling too fast in moments before smash?
This is the horrifying moment a Spanish passenger train derailed killing at least 78 people and injuring scores more in the country\'s worst train accident in decades.

The haunting footage, taken from a CCTV at track level, shows the train rounding a bend before a carriage appears to \'jump\' causing a domino effect.

The train\'s cabin skids along the tracks before flipping on its side and smashing into a concrete siding along with a number of other carriages.

Today it was reported that the Class 730 train may have been travelling way over the speed limit as it went round a bend outside Santiago de Compostela.

Investigators are likely to look at excessive speed as a possible cause of the horrific smash, which left 141 hurt, including one Briton in north-west Spain.

The subsequent derailment left a scene of devastation, with toppled and smashed carriages lying alongside the track, bodies being laid out beside the line, and bloodied survivors being carried to safety.

One passenger said the train, from Madrid to Ferrol, was \
Spain Train Crash: CCTV Footage | Tren Descar­ri­la en San­ti­a­go de Com­postela: Ca­ma­ra de Se­guri­dad

updated 29 Jul 2013; published 29 Jul 2013
EU Flies to Cairo Eu­ro­pean for­eign pol­i­cy cza­ri­na Cather­ine Ash­ton makes a visit to Egyp­trules
New Straits/Business Times 30 Jul 2013, CAIRO: Egypt’s ousted president Mohamed Morsi is “well” and has access to news, EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton said Tuesday after meeting him at an undisclosed location. “Morsi is well,” she told reporters, adding that he had access...
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updated 28 Jul 2013; published 02 Aug 2012
The Tal­iban in Pak­istan
Asia Times 30 Jul 2013, By Syed Fazl-e-Haider Pakistan Taliban KARACHI - As many as 243 prisoners escaped after heavily armed Pakistan Taliban, some dressed in police uniform, stormed one of the main prisons in Pakistan's northwestern Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province late on Monday to free militants belonging to the outlawed group and other banned sectarian outfits. Thirty...
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updated 30 Jul 2013; published 30 Jul 2013
Wash­ing­ton Din­ner Date Launch­es Re­sump­tion of Mid­dle East Peace Talks
The Guardian 30 Jul 2013, DAN PERRY Associated Press= JERUSALEM (AP) — The contours of Israeli-Palestinian peace are clear, experts say: If only the sides summon up the will, the inevitable outcome is two states roughly along the pre-1967 borders, with Jerusalem as a shared capital and a finessing of the Palestinian refugee issue. The notion of a virtually preordained...
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updated 30 Jul 2013; published 30 Jul 2013
Pope Fran­cis on Gay Catholics: 'Who Am I to Judge?'
Dayton Daily News 30 Jul 2013, A remarkably candid Pope Francis struck a conciliatory stance toward gays Monday, saying "who am I to judge" when it comes to the sexual orientation of priests. "We shouldn't marginalize people for this. They must be integrated into society," Francis said during an extraordinary 82-minute exchange with reporters aboard his plane returning from his...
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updated 05 Jul 2013; published 05 Jul 2013
Three Mursi sup­port­ers re­port­ed­ly shot dead at Cairo bar­racks protest
Al Jazeera 30 Jul 2013, Supporters of Egypt's deposed president have marched towards security headquarters in Cairo, raising fears of new clashes as the EU's foreign policy chief met local officials. The marches on Monday night came despite a warning from the National Defence Council late on Sunday that it would take "decisive and firm action" against demonstrators if...
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updated 28 Mar 2008; published 28 Mar 2008
A Peo­ple's His­to­ry of Amer­i­can Em­pire by Howard Zinn 29 Jul 2013, Article by Correspondent Dallas Darling The gradual decline of the United States Empire, starting with its colonial wars in Indochina, and the more obvious and rapid collapse of the Soviet Empire marked the beginning of history, not its end. A new age has dawned with the rays of popular Separatist movements, rejecting quixotic efforts at...
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updated 27 Jul 2013; published 27 Jul 2013
#Togo Législa­tives 2013: tour de quelques cen­tres de vote de Lomé après l'af­fichage des résul­tats
Business Day 29 Jul 2013, LOMÉ — Togo’s ruling party has won 62 of 91 seats in parliamentary elections, provisional results showed on Sunday, allowing the ruling family to maintain its decades-long grip on power. The West African nation’s constitutional court must verify the results for them to become final. The closest opposition party was the Let’s Save Togo coalition,...
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updated 23 Jul 2012; published 23 Jul 2012
Bloody Day Of Vi­o­lence In Iraq Kills Dozens
The Independent 29 Jul 2013, A wave of over a dozen car bombings hit central and southern Iraq during morning rush hour today, officials said, killing at least 47 people in the latest coordinated attack by insurgents determined to undermine the government. The blasts, which wounded scores more, are part of a months-long surge of attacks that is reviving fears of a return to...
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updated 29 Jul 2013; published 29 Jul 2013
US Wor­ried by Elec­tion-Re­lat­ed Ir­reg­u­lar­i­ties in Cam­bo­diaស.រ.អា.​បារម្ភអំពីភាព​មិនប្រក្រតី
BBC News 29 Jul 2013, Cambodia's opposition has rejected the result of Sunday's elections, citing "serious irregularities". Names were missing from voter lists and some voters found others had used their ballot, reports said. Provisional results suggest Prime Minister Hun Sen's ruling party has won by 68 seats to the opposition's 55....
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updated 17 Jul 2013; published 17 Jul 2013
Arab League back Kerry's re­vival of Is­rael-Pales­tini­an peace talks
Reuters 29 Jul 2013, WASHINGTON/JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israel and the Palestinians plan to resume peace negotiations this week for the first time in nearly three years after an intense effort by U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry to bring them back to the table. The talks are scheduled to resume in Washington on Monday evening and Tuesday and will be conducted by senior...
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updated 28 Jul 2013; published 28 Jul 2013
Italy Bus Crash Ital­ian Bus Plunges off a high­way in South­ern Italy Bus Dropped in Avel­li­no
Belfast Telegraph 29 Jul 2013, At least 36 people have been killed in southern Italy after a tour bus slammed into several cars, plunged 30m (98ft) down a steep slope and landed in a ravine. The Italian news agency ANSA quoted firefighters among the rescuers as also saying at least 11 people were injured in the crash on Sunday night on the 116 autostrada near Avellino, some 160...
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updated 28 Jul 2013; published 28 Jul 2013
Is­raeli cab­i­net agrees to free 104 Pales­tini­an pris­on­ers
The Independent 28 Jul 2013, More than a hundred Palestinian prisoners are to be released after Israel’s cabinet voted to authorise the move today, paving the way for the first direct peace talks between the two sides for three years. The issue of Palestinian prisoners is a controversial one for both sides in the conflict. While most Israelis view them as terrorists, many...
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updated 01 Jul 2013; published 01 Jul 2013
Egypt : The Mus­lim Broth­er­hood puts a bur­den on Egypt as Vi­o­lent Protest Erupt (Jun 30, 2013)
Swissinfo 28 Jul 2013, Arab Spring Reuters July 28, 2013 - 18:40 By Maggie Fick and Noah Browning CAIRO (Reuters) - Thousands of supporters of Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood stood their ground outside a Cairo mosque on Sunday a day after at least 72 were gunned down by security forces, braced for a move against them by the army chief behind the overthrow of Islamist...
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updated 02 Jul 2013; published 02 Jul 2013
Egypt: Epi­dem­ic of Sex­u­al Vi­o­lence
New Straits/Business Times 28 Jul 2013, CAIRO: Human Rights Watch on Sunday condemned the deaths of more than 70 people in violence that erupted at protests in Egypt, accusing authorities of a “criminal disregard for people’s lives”. At least 72 people were killed in Cairo alone on Saturday morning, according to the health ministry, at a rally of...
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Egypt's ousted Morsi 'well,' has access to news: Ashton
Full Article New Straits/Business Times
30 Jul 2013

CAIRO: Egypt’s ousted president Mohamed Morsi is “well” and has access to news, EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton said Tuesday after meeting him at an undisclosed location. “Morsi is well,” she told reporters, adding that he had access... Morsi
Thousands of supporters raise a poster of Egypt's Islamist President Mohammed Morsi as they celebrate in Tahrir Square, birthplace of the uprising that ousted Hosni Mubarak 18 months ago, in Cairo late Sunday, Aug. 12, 2012.
photo: AP / Amr Nabil

Taliban free hundreds in Pakistan jailbreak
Full Article Asia Times
30 Jul 2013

By Syed Fazl-e-Haider Pakistan Taliban KARACHI - As many as 243 prisoners escaped after heavily armed Pakistan Taliban, some dressed in police uniform, stormed one of the main prisons in Pakistan's northwestern Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province late on Monday to free militants belonging to the outlawed group and other banned sectarian outfits. Thirty...
A plainclothes police officer takes a photo with his mobile phone of a damaged gate of center jail caused by Taliban militants attacked, Tuesday, July 30, 2013 in Dera Ismail Khan, Pakistan.
photo: AP / Ishtiaq Mahsud

Analysis: Mideast peace deal seems far off
Full Article The Guardian
30 Jul 2013

DAN PERRY Associated Press= JERUSALEM (AP) — The contours of Israeli-Palestinian peace are clear, experts say: If only the sides summon up the will, the inevitable outcome is two states roughly along the pre-1967 borders, with Jerusalem as a shared capital and a finessing of the Palestinian refugee issue. The notion of a virtually preordained... Talks
Secretary of State John Kerry, second left, is seated with Israel's Justice Minister and chief negotiator Tzipi Livni, second right, Palestinian chief negotiator Saeb Erekat, right, and Yitzhak Molcho, an adviser to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and former U.S. Ambassador to Israel Martin Indyk, left, at an Iftar dinner, which celebrates Ramadan, at the State Department in Washington, marking the resumption of Israeli-Palestinian peace talks, Monday, July 29, 2013.
photo: AP / Charles Dharapak

'Who am I to judge?' pope says of gay priests
Full Article Dayton Daily News
30 Jul 2013

A remarkably candid Pope Francis struck a conciliatory stance toward gays Monday, saying "who am I to judge" when it comes to the sexual orientation of priests. "We shouldn't marginalize people for this. They must be integrated into society," Francis said during an extraordinary 82-minute exchange with reporters aboard his plane returning from his... Rights Francis
Pope Francis gestures as he answers reporters questions during a news conference aboard the papal flight on the journey back from Brazil, Monday, July 29, 2013.
photo: AP / Luca Zennaro, Pool

Morsi supporters hold fresh Egypt protests
Full Article Al Jazeera
30 Jul 2013

Supporters of Egypt's deposed president have marched towards security headquarters in Cairo, raising fears of new clashes as the EU's foreign policy chief met local officials. The marches on Monday night came despite a warning from the National Defence Council late on Sunday that it would take "decisive and firm action" against demonstrators if...
Supporters of Egypt's ousted President Mohammed Morsi chant slogans one holding a picture of Morsi with Arabic writing that reads: "Morsi is my president," at Nasr City, where protesters have installed a camp and hold daily rallies, in Cairo, Egypt, Monday, July 29, 2013.
photo: AP / Khalil Hamra

Age of Separatism and 'Beginning' of History?
Full Article
29 Jul 2013

Article by Correspondent Dallas Darling The gradual decline of the United States Empire, starting with its colonial wars in Indochina, and the more obvious and rapid collapse of the Soviet Empire marked the beginning of history, not its end. A new age has dawned with the rays of popular Separatist movements, rejecting quixotic efforts at...
A Beninese peacekeeper of the UN Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA) patrols the grounds of the El Farouk Hotel in Bamako, during a meeting of the Mixed Commission composed of representatives of the Malian government and Tuareg separatist rebels, 22 July 2013.
photo: UN / Marco Dormino

Elections keep Togo’s ruling family in power
Full Article Business Day
29 Jul 2013

LOMÉ — Togo’s ruling party has won 62 of 91 seats in parliamentary elections, provisional results showed on Sunday, allowing the ruling family to maintain its decades-long grip on power. The West African nation’s constitutional court must verify the results for them to become final. The closest opposition party was the Let’s Save Togo coalition,...
Inauguration of the new general head office of the direction of the taxes of Togo. For the festival of the fiftieth birthday of the independence of Togo and much other African countries. Inauguration du nouveau siège social de la direction général des impôts du Togo. Pour la fête du cinquantième anniversaire de la indépendance du Togo et seize autres pays africains . Le chef de l'Etat Togolais Faure Gnassingbe
photo: WN / Eteh

Dozens killed as wave of car bombings hits Iraq
Full Article The Independent
29 Jul 2013

A wave of over a dozen car bombings hit central and southern Iraq during morning rush hour today, officials said, killing at least 47 people in the latest coordinated attack by insurgents determined to undermine the government. The blasts, which wounded scores more, are part of a months-long surge of attacks that is reviving fears of a return to... qaida
Iraqi security forces inspect the site of a bomb explosion in Basra, 340 miles (550 kilometers) southeast of Baghdad, Iraq, Sunday, July 28, 2013.
photo: AP / Nabil al-Jurani

Cambodia election: Opposition party rejects results
Full Article BBC News
29 Jul 2013

Cambodia's opposition has rejected the result of Sunday's elections, citing "serious irregularities". Names were missing from voter lists and some voters found others had used their ballot, reports said. Provisional results suggest Prime Minister Hun Sen's ruling party has won by 68 seats to the opposition's 55....
Villagers try to overturn a military police car near a polling station at Stung Meanchey district, in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, Sunday, July 28, 2013.
photo: AP / Heng Sinith

Israeli-Palestinian peace talks to resume after three years
Full Article Reuters
29 Jul 2013

WASHINGTON/JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israel and the Palestinians plan to resume peace negotiations this week for the first time in nearly three years after an intense effort by U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry to bring them back to the table. The talks are scheduled to resume in Washington on Monday evening and Tuesday and will be conducted by senior... talks
Palestinian Authority president Mahmoud Abbas attends the opening session of the Arab league Summit in Sirte, Libya
photo: AP / Nasser Nasser

36 dead in Italy tour bus plunge
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
29 Jul 2013

At least 36 people have been killed in southern Italy after a tour bus slammed into several cars, plunged 30m (98ft) down a steep slope and landed in a ravine. The Italian news agency ANSA quoted firefighters among the rescuers as also saying at least 11 people were injured in the crash on Sunday night on the 116 autostrada near Avellino, some 160...
Firefighters work on the wreckage of a bus that plunged off the A16 highway near Avellino, southern Italy, early Monday, July 29, 2013.
photo: AP / Gregorio Borgia

Israel to clear the way for negotiations with the release of 104 Palestinian prisoners
Full Article The Independent
28 Jul 2013

More than a hundred Palestinian prisoners are to be released after Israel’s cabinet voted to authorise the move today, paving the way for the first direct peace talks between the two sides for three years. The issue of Palestinian prisoners is a controversial one for both sides in the conflict. While most Israelis view them as terrorists, many...
File - Palestinian children holding pictures and banners of the Islamic Jihad Movement during a solidarity protest with Palestinian prisoners held by Israel, in Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip, on June 17, 2013.
photo: WN / Ahmed Deeb

Egypt's Brotherhood stands ground after killings
Full Article Swissinfo
28 Jul 2013

Arab Spring Reuters July 28, 2013 - 18:40 By Maggie Fick and Noah Browning CAIRO (Reuters) - Thousands of supporters of Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood stood their ground outside a Cairo mosque on Sunday a day after at least 72 were gunned down by security forces, braced for a move against them by the army chief behind the overthrow of Islamist... spring
Supporters of Egypt's ousted President Mohammed Morsi pray during a protest near Cairo University in Giza, Egypt, Sunday, July 28, 2013.
photo: AP / Manu Brabo

Rights group slams Egypt over protest deaths
Full Article New Straits/Business Times
28 Jul 2013

CAIRO: Human Rights Watch on Sunday condemned the deaths of more than 70 people in violence that erupted at protests in Egypt, accusing authorities of a “criminal disregard for people’s lives”. At least 72 people were killed in Cairo alone on Saturday morning, according to the health ministry, at a rally of... spring rights
Egyptians mourn supporters of Egypt's ousted President Mohammed Morsi after they were killed in clashes with security forces at Nasr City, where pro-Morsi protesters have held a weeks-long sit-in, in a field hospital in Cairo, Egypt, Saturday, July 27, 2013.
photo: AP / Hassan Ammar

Casillas backing Bale pursuit
Full Article Orange News
30 Jul 2013

Real Madrid captain Iker Casillas has described Tottenham winger Gareth Bale as "one of the top three or four players in Europe". Madrid have earmarked the 24-year-old Wales international as their major summer target but have so far not persuaded Spurs to sell. Madrid-based newspaper Marca's front page on Tuesday morning suggested Spurs were...
Spain goalkeeper Iker Casillas gestures during the Euro 2012 soccer championship final between Spain and Italy in Kiev, Ukraine, Sunday, July 1, 2012.
photo: AP / Matthias Schrader

Lewandowski: I will give everything for Dortmund
Full Article Goal
30 Jul 2013

The striker has assured supporters he will do his utmost for the team on the pitch this year despite his public desire to leave the club £5 £10 £20 £50 £100 = WHV Draw BVB £5 £10 £20 £50 £100 = WHV Draw BVB £5 £10 £20 £50 £100 = WHV Draw BVB Robert Lewandowski has vowed to...
Dortmund's Robert Lewandowski of Poland celebrates scoring the opening goal during the Champions League Group D soccer match between Borussia Dortmund and Real Madrid in Dortmund, Wednesday, Oct. 24, 2012.
photo: AP / Martin Meissner

Liverpool should offload Suarez as soon as possible, warns Barnes
Full Article Goal
30 Jul 2013

The former Reds winger has urged the club to sell the wantaway striker because there is no way of guaranteeing his commitment to the side should he remain at Anfield Former Liverpool midfielder John Barnes says the club should aim to sell Luis Suarez as soon as possible. Goal revealed that the striker is preparing to hand in a formal transfer...
Liverpool's Luis Suarez, right, celebrates with teammate Stewart Downing after scoring a goal
photo: AP / Tim Hales

Casillas: We must be grateful to Mourinho
Full Article Goal
30 Jul 2013

The Spain captain believes the Portuguese coach made an important contribution to Real Madrid during his three-year spell and believes Gareth Bale is one of Europe's very best Iker Casillas insists he is grateful to former Real Madrid coach Jose Mourinho for his contribution to the success of the club. Mourinho won three trophies during his...
Real Madrid's goalkeeper Iker Casillas walks on the pitch before a Spanish La Liga soccer derby match against Atletico de Madrid at the Vicente Calderon stadium in Madrid, Spain Saturday April 27, 2013. Casillas has been dropped since coming back from an injury with Diego Lopez taking his place.
photo: AP / Paul White

Moyes confident over new Manchester United signings
Full Article Goal
30 Jul 2013

The Red Devils boss remains optimistic he can add new blood to his squad ahead of the new season despite suffering a number of setbacks in the transfer market already this summer Manchester United manager David Moyes remains confident he can still bring in new signings this summer. The Red Devils have had multiple bids for Barcelona midfielder Cesc...
 Everton boss David Moyes hailed the impact made by Kevin Kilbane just days after losing another influential midfielder in Thomas Gravesen.  sa1
photo: WN

England bid to retain Ashes in style
Full Article The Times of India
30 Jul 2013

LONDON: England will look to leave Australia in a spin and retain the Ashes by taking a 3-0 series lead at Old Trafford from Thursday with team selection seen as key on the famously dusty track. The wicket in Manchester may have been moved by 90 degrees since Australia last played there in the nerve-jangling drawn 2005 Test but it is still expected...
England Batsman Celebration
photo: WN / Bhaskar Mallick

Ashes rivals England & Australia in same ICC World Cup 2015 group
Full Article BBC News
30 Jul 2013

England have been drawn in the same group as co-hosts Australia and New Zealand for the 2015 Cricket World Cup. Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and two other associate nations from qualifying tournaments will join them in Pool A of the 14-team tournament. Holders India, South Africa, Pakistan, West Indies, Zimbabwe, Ireland and a qualifier will compete in...
England's Alaistar Cook plays a shot on the third day of play in the 5th Ashes Test Match in Sydney, Australia, Wednesday, Jan. 5, 2011.
photo: AP / Rob Griffith

Victoria Azarenka continues to raise bar for herself
Full Article The Times of India
30 Jul 2013

CARLSBAD: After a rough past couple of months that included a tight loss to Maria Sharapova at the French Open and an injury-enforced withdrawal from Wimbledon, world number three Victoria Azarenka enters the Southern California Open as hungry as ever. Australian Open champion Azarenka has not played since she was forced out of Wimbledon prior to...
Victoria Azarenka , left, of Belarus is congratulated by Romania's Monica Niculescu after winning their first round match at the Australian Open tennis championship in Melbourne, Australia, Tuesday, Jan. 15, 2013.
photo: AP / Andy Wong

Fans' love spurs me to make more music: AR Rahman
Full Article The Times of India
30 Jul 2013

Legendary composer, singer and song-writer AR Rahman, who on Monday announced an India road tour in October, said he keeps getting motivated to make more and more music thanks to the...
A.R. Rahman at The Nobel Peace Price Concert 2010
photo: Creative Commons / Harry Wad

Singing 'Happy Birthday' makes cake taste better‚ study says
Full Article The Himalayan
29 Jul 2013

Added At: 2013-07-29 2:53 PM Last Updated At: 2013-07-29 2:53 PM The Himalayan Times - Saved Articles(s) The headlines has been added to your saved article(s) To View your saved article(s)please Click Here » Close ..finds that the ritual of singing before eating a slice of cake‚ or any other...
Birthday cake with cherry and pineapple pieces - food
photo: WN / Aruna Mirasdar

Toni Braxton 2009 2
photo: Creative Commons / burningkarma

Psy Reveals Incredible Drinking Problem
Full Article IMDb
28 Jul 2013

While Korean pop sensation Psy's party anthems are no doubt the soundtrack to booze-fueled gatherings across the globe, it turns out...
FILE - In this Nov. 28, 2012 file photo, South Korean rapper PSY, who sings the popular "Gangnam Style," greets Thai fans after a press conference in Bangkok, Thailand. As "Gangnam Style" gallops toward 1 billion views on YouTube, the first Asian pop artist to capture a massive global audience has gotten richer click by click. So too has his agent and his grandmother. But the money from music sales isn't flowing in from the rapper's homeland South Korea or elsewhere in Asia. With one song, 34-year-old Park Jae-sang — better known as PSY — is set to become a millionaire from YouTube ads and iTunes downloads, underlining a shift in how money is being made in the music business.
photo: AP / Sakchai Lalit

Lady Gaga Labeled A ‘Bully’ By Former Crew Member
Full Article The Inquisitr
28 Jul 2013

Lady Gaga was reportedly called a “bully” by one of her former crew members. Although the singer claims to have been the victim of bullying in the past, she now stands accused of being unusually cruel to one of her backup singers. The unidentified crew member recently slammed Lady Gaga for being a bully who unexpectedly...
Lady Gaga performs during the
photo: WN / Aaron Gilbert

Robin Thicke Surprised By ‘Blurred Lines’ Success
Full Article The Inquisitr
28 Jul 2013

Robin Thicke is surprised by the success of Blurred Lines. As previously reported by The Inquisitr, Robin Thicke’s Blurred Lines grabbed more than 100 million views on YouTube. Talking about Blurred Lines, Robin Thicke said, “We felt like maybe it was something special but it was so different. We...
Robin Thicke
photo: Creative Commons / Michelle Uthoff

Adam Levine Addresses ‘Stupid Media Hype’ During TCA Panel
Full Article The Inquisitr
28 Jul 2013

Adam Levine took a moment during the recent Television Critics Association (TCA) panel to address the “stupid media hype” surrounding the controversial comment he made earlier this year. The Maroon 5 singer landed in hot water after a hot mic picked up his “I hate this country” remark during an episode of The Voice back in...
 Adam Levine from Maroon 5.             wnhires   (js1)
photo: Creative Commons

Britney Spears Teases New Album On Twitter
Full Article The Inquisitr
28 Jul 2013

Britney Spears wants you to know that she’s still working on her next album. In case you haven’t heard, the pop star is hard at work on another batch of songs. In fact, Billboard believes it’s the most highly-anticipated “event” of 2013. Although she’s been working on the album for a while now, Spears recently...
Singer Britney Spears performs on ABC's "Good Morning America" show at the Bill Graham Civic Auditorium in San Francisco on Sunday, March 27, 2011.
photo: AP / Tony Avelar

Jolie continues her Hollywood reign
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
30 Jul 2013

Angelina Jolie has remained the queen of the film industry, as she tops a list of Hollywood's most powerful women. Despite not starring on the big screen for the past three years, the actress-turned-director usurped last year's number one - Twilight star Kristen Stewart - to become Hollywood's top earning actress on the list, compiled by...
Actress Angelina Jolie on the Salt panel at the 2010 San Diego Comic Con in San Diego, California.
photo: Creative Commons / Gage Skimore

Box office: The cutting message of Hugh Jackman's 'The Wolverine'
Full Article The Los Angeles Times
29 Jul 2013

By now even the most cautious observer has come to admit that this has been one of the most topsy-turvy U.S. moviegoing summers in years. Overall revenue numbers are up by double digits over last summer--yet many studios are bleeding hundreds of millions on Nearly every Hollywood major has a surprise hit ("The Conjuring," "The Heat," "This Is the...
Actor Hugh Jackman poses with the award for best performance by an actor in a motion picture - comedy or musical for "Les Miserables" backstage at the 70th Annual Golden Globe Awards at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on Sunday Jan. 13, 2013, in Beverly Hills, Calif.
photo: AP / Jordan Strauss/Invision/ap

'The Wolverine' Credits Scene: Director James Mangold Explains How It Came About
Full Article Huffington Post
29 Jul 2013

If you haven't seen "The Wolverine" and are still planning to, this is where you'll want to stop reading. After "The Wolverine" story ends, there is a mid-credits scene that teases the next X-Men adventure, "X-Men: Days of Future Past." Since you're only supposed to be reading this if you've seen "The Wolverine," there's no need to spoil the...
Australian actor Hugh Jackman poses on the Spanish steps during a photo call to present his movie 'X-Men Origins: Wolverine', in Rome, Tuesday, April 14, 2009.
photo: AP / Andrew Medichini

Akshay Kumar: 'Al Pacino praise is a dream come true'
Full Article Digital Spy
29 Jul 2013

Al Pacino has reportedly said that the trailer of Once Upon A Time In Mumbaai Dobaara (OUATIM Dobaara) reminded him of his "Godfather days". According to The Times of India, Pacino was shown the trailer by a business associate and described the film as Bollywood's answer to edge-of-the-seat gangster entertainers. © Rex Features © WENN...
Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar waves to his fans during a promotion of his upcoming movie "Khatta Meetha" in Ahmadabad, India, Monday, July 19, 2010. The film will be released on July 23.
photo: AP / Ajit Solanki

Kareena’s Diet secrets
Full Article Deccan Chronicle
29 Jul 2013

I have no idea how the news spread about me being size zero. In fact, while shooting in Ladakh for Tashan, I was advised to have everything available locally. I lived on butter tea and sugar while shooting out there. Also, I do not eat meat. However, if I’m advised to eat meat by my dietician then it is just for one meal. But I just can’t eat meat...
Bollywood stars, Saif Ali Khan, left, and Kareena Kapoor, step out on a balcony to greet waiting fans after getting married in Mumbai, India, Tuesday, Oct. 16, 2012.
photo: AP

Hugh Jackman speaking at the 2013 San Diego Comic Con International, for "The Wolverine", at the San Diego Convention Center in San Diego, California.
photo: Creative Commons / Gage Skidmore

Sir Martin Sorrell warns after advertising agencies' mega-merger
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
30 Jul 2013

WPP advertising supremo Sir Martin Sorrell has said rivals Publicis and Omnicom will suffer a wave of client defections and an exodus of talent after their £23bn mega-merger. France's Publicis – owner of agencies Saatchi & Saatchi and Starcom Media Vest – and America's Omnicom, which owns Abbott Mead Vickers and Adam & Eve DDB, are each...
Martin Sorrell, Group Chief Executive WPP, United Kingdom, participates in a panel session on business and the EU, during the World Economic Forum WEF in Davos, Switzerland, Friday, Jan. 27, 2006.
photo: AP / Keystone, Walter Bier

BMW i3 debuts in New York, London and Beijing
Full Article Newstrack India
30 Jul 2013

Tweet New York/London/Beijing, July 29 (ANI-Business Wire India): The BMW Group debuted the series version of its innovative electric vehicle, the BMW i3, simultaneously in New York, London and Beijing on Monday. The i3 is more than just a car. It's a revolutionary step towards sustainable mobility. It is purpose-built around an electric power...
BMW i3 Concept at IAA Frankfurt 2011
photo: Creative Commons

CNX Bank Nifty on a roller coaster ride
Full Article The Hindu
30 Jul 2013

The CNX Bank Nifty, which put up a brave show immediately after RBI Governor left the key rates untouched, appears to be wilting with four of the Bank Nifty constituents declining to new 52-week lows around 11.40 a.m. What was surprising was that...
People walk past as Indian Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee reading the federal budget speech is seen on a television screen outside the Bombay Stock Exchange in Mumbai, India, Monday, Feb. 28, 2011. India pledged to reduce its deficit while ramping up social spending Monday as the government unveiled an annual budget aimed at balancing populism with pragmatism. India's benchmark Sensex stock index was up 0.8 percent in afternoon trading.l)
photo: AP / Rafiq Maqbool

Drugstores going upscale as prescription for growth
Full Article Detroit news
30 Jul 2013

Karen Dybis Special to The Detroit News Comments Purchase Image The 20,462-square-foot Walgreens store in Birmingham, which opened in May, has a LOOK Boutique beauty department with dozens of prestige and niche cosmetic, skincare and hair-care brands. Sales growth, especially to aging baby boomers, is fueling improvements. (Photos by Daniel...
photo: WN / Sweet Radoc

McAuliffe Addresses Latino Voters in Northern Virginia
Full Article NBC Washington
30 Jul 2013

Virginia's Latino community is finding a growing voice in the race for governor. On Monday, Democratic candidate Terry McAuliffe launched a Latino coalition - Latinos Con Terry - in support of his campaign. McAuliffe held the kick-off at Todos Supermarket in Woodbridge, where storeowner Carlos Castro showed McAuliffe around his shop. He explained...
In this July 6, 2012 photograph, GreenTech Automotive chairman Terry McAuliffe speaks during the unveiling of GreenTech Automotive's new electric MyCar at their manufacturing facility in Horn Lake, Miss.
photo: AP / Rogelio V. Solis

Facebook rises to highest since May 2012 as mobile ads gain
Full Article North Jersey
29 Jul 2013

Facebook Inc. rose to the highest price since May 2012, the month of its initial public offering, amid optimism that the world's largest social network can bolster sales from mobile advertising. AP A view of an iPhone in Washington Tuesday, May 21, 2013, showing the Twitter and Facebook apps among others. The stock jumped 2.9 percent to $34.98 at...
Facebook - Mobile phone
photo: WN / Yolanda Leyba

Icahn contests condition in latest Dell offer
Full Article Denver Post
29 Jul 2013

Billionaire investor Carl Icahn is warning that the latest offer from Dell's founder to buy the struggling computer maker bypasses an important shareholder safeguard. Icahn and the investment firm Southeastern Asset Management said in a letter to a special committee of Dell Inc. board members that Michael Dell wants to circumvent the voting process...
In this Oct. 11, 2007 file photo, private equity investor Carl Icahn speaks at the World Business Forum in New York. Antagonistic investor Carl Icahn became a billionaire by bullying already distressed companies, but his harassment of Yahoo Inc. could leave him with a black eye, and a big hole in his pocket, if he's wrong about Microsoft Corp.'s desire to buy the Internet pion
photo: AP / Mark Lennihan, file

Poverty remains despite economic growth in Zimbabwe
Full Article Deutsche Welle
29 Jul 2013

Zimbabwe's economic troubles used to make headlines the world over. The situation has improved but challenges still remain. On paper, Zimbabwe's economy is doing well. Between 2009 and 2011, the country's Gross Domestic Product grew by 20.1 percent. Zimbabwe benefited especially from high demand for its gold, platinum and other metals, which are...
Harare second street, Zimbabwe
photo: GFDL / Seabifar

EU Flies to Cairo  European foreign policy czarina Catherine Ashton makes a visit to Egyptrules
EU Flies to Cairo European foreign policy czarina Catherine Ashton makes a visit to Egyptrules
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  • Duration: 0:56
  • Updated: 29 Jul 2013
EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton has taken wing to Egypt as the country's political crisis deepened with a deadlock between the interim government and supporters of ousted President Mohammed Morsi. Ashton's visit, confirmed by Egypt's vice president, comes a day after dozens of pro-Morsi protesters were killed at a sit-in in support of their Islamist leaders. Sporadic violence continued throughout the country on Sunday, with two killed in separate clashes. The bloodshed prompted defiance from Morsi's supporters, who have remained in their protest encampment calling for his reinstatement. Egypt's interim military rules have said they were
  • published: 29 Jul 2013
  • views: 0

The Taliban in Pakistan
The Taliban in Pakistan
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  • Duration: 18:47
  • Updated: 28 Jul 2013
We went to Pakistan to invesitage why suicide bombings, IED use, and the Taliban are all growing at alarming rates. In a recent trip to Pakistan to report on...
  • published: 02 Aug 2012
  • views: 745676
  • author: VICE

Washington Dinner Date Launches Resumption of Middle East Peace Talks
Washington Dinner Date Launches Resumption of Middle East Peace Talks
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  • Duration: 0:50
  • Updated: 30 Jul 2013
"A very special moment," said Secretary of State John Kerry U.S. as he sat at the table with Israeli and Palestinian negotiators in Washington to resume the peace talks in the Middle East. President Obama has warned both sides will have to make some tough decisions, if they are made after an interval of three years in meaningful discussions. The talks about talks following the liberation of Israel from more than 100 Palestinian prisoners - a gesture met with anger and dismay by some Israeli families of victims who have died in Palestinian attacks. . There was also anger in Ramallah where Palestinians have called on Israel to abandon the lands occupied in the 1967 Israel - Palestinian war before agreeing to any peace talks.
  • published: 30 Jul 2013
  • views: 0

Pope Francis on Gay Catholics: 'Who Am I to Judge?'
Pope Francis on Gay Catholics: 'Who Am I to Judge?'
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  • Duration: 2:00
  • Updated: 30 Jul 2013
The new pontiff makes global headlines with new comment on sexual orientation.
  • published: 30 Jul 2013
  • views: 664'Who_Am_I_to_Judge?'

Three Mursi supporters reportedly shot dead at Cairo barracks protest
Three Mursi supporters reportedly shot dead at Cairo barracks protest
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:34
  • Updated: 05 Jul 2013
According to eyewitnesses at least three protesters have been killed outside the Republican Guard... euronews, the most watched news channel in Europe Subscribe for your daily dose of international news, curated and explained: Euronews is available in 13 other languages: According to eyewitnesses at least three protesters have been killed outside the Republican Guard barracks in Cairo, where deposed President Mohammed Mursi is being held. Reportedly troops shot into the air and then at Mursi supporters as crowds grew and pressed forward. However, a spokesman for the army said only blank rounds and teargas had been fired. It was unclear whether security forces units other than army troops were also present. A journalist with the Reuters news agency who was on the scene reported seeing at least eight demonstrators who had been hit by shotgun pellets. The incident occured as hundreds of members of the Muslim Brotherhood movement approached the military cordon. They were taking part what the Brotherhood has called a "Friday of Rage" to protest against Mursi's ouster. It is calling for the immediate release of those held by the miltary. Away from the capital, there were clashes reported between troops and Mursi supporters in three cities on Friday - El-Arish in North Sinai and Suez and Ismailia on the Suez Canal. Protesters tried to enter government buildings in all three towns according to eyewitnesses. Some threw rocks and troops responded by shooting in the air and firing teargas into the crowds, security sources said. Thousands of Islamists took to the streets in the cities of Alexandria and Assiut to join protests, opposing a planned interim government which is backed by their liberal opponents. Egypt's liberal coalition issued an "urgent call" for its supporters to take to the streets in response to the Islamist protests. *Latest:* Egypt Muslim Brotherhood leader Mohamed Badie appears on stage at islamist rally in Cairo after reports he was arrested Photo: MB supreme leader Badie speaks to supporters at pro-Morsi rally— Ahmed Al Omran (@ahmed) July 5, 2013 Find us on: Youtube Facebook Twitter
  • published: 05 Jul 2013
  • views: 17404

A People's History of American Empire by Howard Zinn
A People's History of American Empire by Howard Zinn
  • Order:
  • Duration: 8:35
  • Updated: 28 Mar 2008
Empire or Humanity? What the Classroom Didn't Teach Me about the American Empire by Howard Zinn Narrated by Viggo Mortensen Art by Mike Konopacki Video editing by Eric Wold To read more from Howard Zinn visit
  • published: 28 Mar 2008
  • views: 459486's_History_of_American_Empire_by_Howard_Zinn

#Togo Législatives 2013: tour de quelques centres de vote de Lomé après l'affichage des résultats
#Togo Législatives 2013: tour de quelques centres de vote de Lomé après l'affichage des résultats
  • Order:
  • Duration: 8:42
  • Updated: 27 Jul 2013
Tour de quelques centres de vote de Lomé après le décompte des voix et l'affichage des résultats.
  • published: 27 Jul 2013
  • views: 394égislatives_2013_tour_de_quelques_centres_de_vote_de_Lomé_après_l'affichage_des_résultats

Bloody Day Of Violence In Iraq Kills Dozens
Bloody Day Of Violence In Iraq Kills Dozens
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:21
  • Updated: 23 Jul 2012
A series of roadside bombings, exploding cars and gun battles have killed at least 111 people and injured more than 200 across Iraq in the deadliest day of violence in more than two years. The coordinated attacks on Monday come after al Qaeda's leader in Iraq, Abu Bakr al Baghdadi, warned the militant network was returning to strongholds from which it was driven before US troops left the country in December. "The majority of the Sunnis in Iraq support al Qaeda and are waiting for its return," he said in a statement last week. The bombings and shootings all took place within a few hours of each other, shattering a two-week lull in violence in the run-up to the Muslim holy fasting month of Ramadan, which started in Iraq on Saturday. Sectarian violence peaked in Iraq in 2006-2007, but deadly attacks have persisted while political tensions among Iraq's main Shi'ite, Sunni and Kurdish factions have mounted since the American military withdrawal. No group has claimed responsibility for the latest wave of assaults, but a senior Iraqi security official blamed the local wing of al Qaeda, made up of Sunni Muslim militants hostile to the Shi'ite-led government. "Recent attacks are a clear message that al Qaeda in Iraq is determined to spark a bloody sectarian war," the official said, asking not to be named. "With what's going on in Syria, these attacks should be taken seriously as a potential threat to our country. Al Qaeda is trying to push Iraq to the verge of Shi'ite-Sunni war," he said. "They want things to be as bad as in Syria," he added. In Taji, 12 miles north of Baghdad, six explosions, including a car bomb, went off near a housing complex. A seventh blast caused carnage among police who had arrived at the scene of the earlier attacks. In all, 42 people were killed, including more than a dozen police officers, and 48 were wounded. Two car bombs struck near a government building in Sadr City, and in the mainly Shi'ite area of Hussainiya on the outskirts of the capital, killing a total of 16 people and wounding 73. Gunmen killed 13 soldiers and wounded five in an attack on a checkpoint in the town of Udaim, north of the capital, they said. In the Baghdad suburb of Hussainiya, a car exploded near a construction site, killing two, police said. Farther north, bombs planted in five towns around Kirkuk and in the oil-rich city itself, killed nine people and wounded 17, officials said. At least four attacks in the northern city of Mosul - a former al Qaeda stronghold - left 10 people dead, police said. Explosions and gun attacks on security checkpoints around the north eastern Diyala province, including a drive-by shooting, killed 11 people including soldiers and wounded 30, police sources said. Two car bombs parked near a military checkpoint killed five people and wounded 22 in the town of Khan Bani Saad, 20 miles northeast of Baghdad, police sources said. And there was a bombing in the southern town of Diwaniyah that police said killed three people and wounded 25. The orchestrated spate of attacks followed car bombs on Sunday in two towns south of Baghdad and in the Shi'ite shrine city of Najaf that killed 20 people and wounded 80. Monday's rising death toll is the largest since a string of nationwide attacks on May 10, 2010, which killed at least 119 people. Last month was one of the bloodiest since the US withdrawal, with at least 237 people killed and 603 wounded.
  • published: 23 Jul 2012
  • views: 2200

US Worried by Election-Related Irregularities in Cambodiaស.រ.អា.​បារម្ភអំពីភាព​មិនប្រក្រតី
US Worried by Election-Related Irregularities in Cambodiaស.រ.អា.​បារម្ភអំពីភាព​មិនប្រក្រតី
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:00
  • Updated: 29 Jul 2013
US Worried by Election-Related Irregularities in Cambodia​ The US State department on Monday urged all parties and their supporters in Cambodia election to act in an orderly and peaceful manner in the post-election period. The United States commends the Cambodian people for their active and peaceful participation during the national election, US State Department spokesperson Jen Psaki told the media Monday. Pin Sisovann, Washington. ស.រ.អា.​បារម្ភអំពីភាព​មិនប្រក្រតី​ក្នុងការបោះឆ្នោត​នៅកម្ពុជា​ អំពើ​ហិង្សា​ទាក់ទង​នឹង​ភាពមិន​ប្រក្រតី​ក្នុង​ការ​បោះឆ្នោត​នៅ​កម្ពុជា​បាន​កើត​មាន​ឡើង​ ហើយ​ស្ងប់​ទៅវិញ​ តែ​ភ្លើង​នេះ​មិន​ទាន់​រលត់​ទាំងស្រុង​ទេ​ ព្រោះ​មូលហេតុ​នៃ​អំពើ​ហិង្សា​នេះ​មិនទាន់​ដោះស្រាយ​នៅ​ឡើយ។​ លោកពិន​ស៊ីសុវណ្ណ​នៃ​វីអូអេ​រាយ​ការណ៍​ពី​រដ្ឋធានី​វ៉ាស៊ីនតោន៕
  • published: 29 Jul 2013
  • views: 397សរអា​បារម្ភអំពីភាព​មិនប្រក្រតី

Arab League back Kerry's revival of Israel-Palestinian peace talks
Arab League back Kerry's revival of Israel-Palestinian peace talks
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:03
  • Updated: 17 Jul 2013
The Arab League have backed US secretary of state John Kerry's push to revive Israel-Palestinian... euronews, the most watched news channel in Europe Subscribe for your daily dose of international news, curated and explained: Euronews is available in 13 other languages: The Arab League have backed US secretary of state John Kerry's push to revive Israel-Palestinian peace talks at a meeting in Jordan. At a press conference an optimistic Kerry reminded Israel of the rewards of a deal leading to the creation of Palestinian state on land seized in the 1967 Middle East war, an Arab league idea dating back to 2002. "Israel needs to look hard at this initiative, which promises Israel peace with 22 Arab nations and 35 Muslim nations - a total of 57 nations that are standing and waiting for the possibility of making peace with Israel," said Kerry. On Wednesday Israel approved 732 new homes to be built in a West Bank settlement . Peace talks have remained deadlocked over Israel continued settlement construction on occupied land. Find us on: Youtube Facebook Twitter
  • published: 17 Jul 2013
  • views: 2952's_revival_of_Israel-Palestinian_peace_talks

Italy Bus Crash Italian Bus Plunges off a highway in Southern Italy Bus Dropped in Avellino
Italy Bus Crash Italian Bus Plunges off a highway in Southern Italy Bus Dropped in Avellino
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:08
  • Updated: 28 Jul 2013
'Italy Bus Crash' 'Italian Bus Crash' Avellino 30 Dead In Italian Bus crash at Avellino in southern Italy Italy Bus Plunges off a highway in Southern Italy Bus Dropped in Avellino || At least 24 people have been killed in a bus crash in Italy's Avellino province. Police say the bus was carrying pilgrims when it plunged off a highway into a ravine in southern Italy after slamming into several cars. The bus dropped about 30 metres. Police said at least seven people, including the driver, were killed. But Italian news agency ANSA quoted its photographer, Cesare Abbate, at the scene as saying he saw some 30 bodies covered by sheets near the bus. Highway police told state radio that the bus slammed into several cars which had slowed for heavy traffic before plunging off the highway and falling dozens of metres down the ravine. THIRTY people have died after a bus came off a flyover and plunged 30 metres down a slope in southern Italy. "Looking down from the overpass, the scene of the tragedy: some 30 bodies covered by white sheets, lined up along the roadside," Cesare Abbate of Italy's ANSA news agency said on Sunday. Cars that had been hit by the coach lay piled up on the flyover, he added. Official sources would not put a number on those killed in the night-time accident. "I cannot yet confirm the number of victims, we are still pulling people from the vehicle," a police spokesman told AFP. "Our priority now is to free the wounded." The Naples-Bari highway had been closed down to traffic, he added. Rescue workers at the scene near Avellino, a town in the southern Campania region, said the coach had hit several cars before plunging off the flyover. Some passengers may have been flung from the vehicle as it fell, they added. "The situation is critical," head fireman Pellegrino Iandolo told SKY TG24 television. "Our men are working to save as many lives as possible." The driver was among the dead and several of those injured were children, La Repubblica newspaper and Corriere della Sera daily reported. The 40 or so passengers had been returning to Naples following a pilgrimage. Eye witnesses said it looked as if the coach might have had brake problems. Others said it was not clear whether the driver had fallen asleep at the wheel or whether the coach had burst a tyre on the fast-moving road. Firemen working by the light of lamps set up around the coach, which lay on its side, said rescue efforts were being hampered by access problems Autobuses Víctimas Italia Carreteras Vehículos Accidentes Transporte carretera Europa occidental Europa Sucesos Transporte Italian Bus Crash Italy Bus crash bus plunged bus plunges Irpinia precipita pullman viadotto Mattino morti Italy Country Avellino Bus crashAutobuses Víctimas Italia Carreteras Vehículos Accidentes Transporte carretera Europa occidental Europa Sucesos Transporte Italian Bus Crash Italy Bus crash bus plunged bus plunges Irpinia precipita pullman viadotto Mattino morti Italy Country Avellino Bus crash Autobuses Víctimas Italia Carreteras Vehículos Accidentes Transporte carretera Europa occidental Europa Sucesos Transporte Italian Bus Crash Italy Bus crash bus plunged bus plunges Irpinia precipita pullman viadotto Mattino morti Italy Country Avellino Bus crash
  • published: 28 Jul 2013
  • views: 15563

Israeli cabinet agrees to free 104 Palestinian prisoners
Israeli cabinet agrees to free 104 Palestinian prisoners
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:06
  • Updated: 28 Jul 2013
After much political wrangling, the Israeli cabinet has agreed to release 104 Palestinian... euronews, the most watched news channel in Europe Subscribe for your daily dose of international news, curated and explained: Euronews is available in 13 other languages: After much political wrangling, the Israeli cabinet has agreed to release 104 Palestinian prisoners. Thirteen ministers voted in favour of the release, seven voted against and two abstained. It's hoped the move, bitterly opposed by some sectors of Israeli society, will restart peace talks with the Palestinians. Prime Minister Netanhayhu said: "There are moments in which tough decisions must be made for the good of the nation and this is one of those moments." Israelis opposed to the prisoner release demonstrated outside Netanhayhu's office. Meanwhile Palestinian protesters in Ramallah and Gaza showed their opposition to peace talks. They are against swapping any Palestinian land as part of a peace deal. Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas had demanded that the 104 prisoners, all of whom have been held for more than 20 years, be freed in order to resume negotiations. It's estimated that more than 4,500 Palestinians remain in Israeli jails Find us on: Youtube Facebook Twitter
  • published: 28 Jul 2013
  • views: 1691

Egypt : The Muslim Brotherhood puts a burden on Egypt as Violent Protest Erupt (Jun 30, 2013)
Egypt : The Muslim Brotherhood puts a burden on Egypt as Violent Protest Erupt (Jun 30, 2013)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 8:35
  • Updated: 01 Jul 2013
SOURCE: News Articles: Fears of a civil war growing as Egyptians prepare for day of reckoning over Mohamed Morsi Millions take to Egypt's streets in fatal protests At least four dead as violence erupts in Egypt and clerics warn of civil war Egypt streets fill with protesters for, against Morsi Violent clashes in Egypt amid warnings of civil war FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C. section 106A-117 of the U.S. Copyright Law.
  • published: 01 Jul 2013
  • views: 40208,_2013

Egypt: Epidemic of Sexual Violence
Egypt: Epidemic of Sexual Violence
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  • Duration: 5:15
  • Updated: 02 Jul 2013
(New York, July 3, 2013) -- Egyptian anti-sexual harassment groups confirmed that mobs sexually assaulted and in some cases raped at least 91 women in Tahrir Square over four days of protests beginning on June 30, 2013 amid a climate of impunity. Human Rights Watch has long documented the problem of sexual assault in Cairo's streets and particularly at protests. A new video highlights the stories of women who have been attacked, in some cases as recently as January. For more information:
  • published: 02 Jul 2013
  • views: 218476

Spain Train Crash: CCTV Footage | Tren Descarrila en Santiago de Compostela: Camara de Seguridad
Spain Train Crash: CCTV Footage | Tren Descarrila en Santiago de Compostela: Camara de Seguridad
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  • Duration: 1:34
  • Updated: 25 Jul 2013
WARNING: Some people may find the footage distressing - Was passenger train travelling too fast in moments before smash? This is the horrifying moment a Spanish passenger train derailed killing at least 78 people and injuring scores more in the country's worst train accident in decades. The haunting footage, taken from a CCTV at track level, shows the train rounding a bend before a carriage appears to 'jump' causing a domino effect. The train's cabin skids along the tracks before flipping on its side and smashing into a concrete siding along with a number of other carriages. Today it was reported that the Class 730 train may have been travelling way over the speed limit as it went round a bend outside Santiago de Compostela. Investigators are likely to look at excessive speed as a possible cause of the horrific smash, which left 141 hurt, including one Briton in north-west Spain. The subsequent derailment left a scene of devastation, with toppled and smashed carriages lying alongside the track, bodies being laid out beside the line, and bloodied survivors being carried to safety. One passenger said the train, from Madrid to Ferrol, was "travelling very fast" moments before the derailment in what is Spain's worst train crash for more than 40 years. The Briton was one of 141 people injured, with casualties being treated in local hospitals. With the dead being taken to a makeshift morgue set up in a Santiago indoor sports arena, Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy, who was born in the city, visited the crash scene. Prime Minister David Cameron wrote to Mr Rajoy today, saying: "People in Britain have been greatly saddened by this tragedy. Please pass my deep condolences to those who have lost loved ones and my thoughts and prayers to all those who have been injured." Pilgrims converge on the Santiago de Compostela annually to celebrate a festival honouring St James, the disciple of Jesus whose remains are said to rest in a shrine. Foreign Secretary William Hague said: "I was very saddened to hear of the terrible train accident near Santiago de Compostela in Spain last night. "My thoughts are with all those affected and their friends and family. The British Embassy team in Spain are working closely with the Spanish authorities as they respond to this tragedy. "We know that one British citizen was injured in this accident and the embassy has been providing consular support." Lidia Cannon, who previously lived in the city and was visiting for the local fiesta celebrating St James, said she saw a woman who had lost a foot as a result of the train crash. She told the BBC Radio 4 Today programme: "We heard a big bang, like, we thought it was an air crash, I thought it was a car crash, other people thought it was a bomb. It was very, very loud, the noise." Ms Cannon said people went to help and told of one man's experience of visiting the crash site. She said: "He couldn't cope with it. He said he was there 20 minutes but he took out a man that was asking for his wife and his wife was inside, dead. A boy was looking for his girlfriend and she was inside the train, dead. "He was taking out people that had mobile phones in their pockets ringing all the time. He couldn't cope with it because policemen and doctors and everyone was crying and he had to leave. "I saw a woman who had lost one foot. But instead of crying or shouting or whatever because of the pain, she was looking very, very serious. They were carrying her away and she had her sight, her eyes, were looking to one point - she was in shock." Alberto Nunez Feijoo, president of the region of Galicia, described the scene as "Dante-esque". One of the passengers, Sergio Prego, said: "The train travelled very fast and derailed and turned over on the bend in the track. It's a disaster. I've been very lucky because I'm one of the few to be able to walk out." Keith Barrow, associate editor of International Railway Journal, whose editorial offices are in Falmouth in Cornwall, said today: "Spanish railways' safety record is pretty good. "Major accidents have been extremely rare. A lot of money has been poured into the system and passenger numbers were rising before the 2008 recession, which has hit Spain particularly badly. "There has been a big reduction in fares lately to try to get more passengers to use the railways. A number of lines have been electrified and there are plans to allow private companies to operate services." Mr Barrow said the train involved in the Santiago accident was a Class 730 high-speed. "spain train crash kills 12" "spanish train crash" "spain train accident video" "spanish news spain" "train wreck in spanish" "spain train accident" "spanish river train wreck" "CCTV Spanish train" CCTV: Camera Accidente tren Santiago: Descarrilamiento del tren spain train crash cctv Spain Train Crash CCTV Warning Graphic Video Galicia Train Derailment "Tren santiago" "Tren santiago de Compostela" "spain train derailment"
  • published: 25 Jul 2013
  • views: 1781194|_Tren_Descarrila_en_Santiago_de_Compostela_Camara_de_Seguridad

Secretary of State John Kerry stands with former U.S. Ambassador to Israel Martin Indyk at the State Department as he announces that Indyk will shepherd the Israeli Palestinian peace talks beginning in Washington, Monday, July 29, 2013. Game 7 of the 2011 World Series. Albert Pujols takes his last at-bat in the bottom of the 7th inning against Texas Rangers relief pitcher Mike Adams, 28 October 2011 President Barack Obama responds as he is interrupted while announcing that his administration will stop deporting and begin granting work permits to younger illegal immigrants who came to the U.S. as children and have since led law-abiding lives, Friday, June 15, 2012, during a statement in the Rose Garden of the White House in Washington. Justin Trudeau speaks during We Day at Air Canada Centre on Friday, Sept. 28, 2012, in Toronto.

Central University of Himachal Pradesh confers honorary DPhil degree on His Holiness the Dalai Lama India's bowler Ravindra Jadeja, right, celebrates with captain Mahendra Singh Dhoni the dismissal of England's batsman Samit Patel, not seen, during their fifth one-day international cricket match in Kolkata, India, Tuesday, Oct. 25, 2011. In this Tuesday, March 26, 2013 photo Caroline Kennedy is photographed during an interview with the Associated Press in New York. Household item (shampoo, detergent, face wash etc.) in most of which chemicals added - which are harmful to human health

Pope Francis waves from his popemobile as he makes his way into central Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Monday, July 22, 2013. Jurgen Klinsmann                            Next  FirstEnergy Stadium Home of the Cleveland Browns Brazil's Finance Minister Guido Mantega attends a meeting on changes in economic policy at the Planalto presidential palace in Brasilia, Brazil, Thursday, May 3, 2012. Builder Constructionman Nathan Crowell, right, assigned to Naval Mobile Construction Battalion (NMCB) 5, receives his annual influenza vaccination.

Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu attends the weekly cabinet meeting in Jerusalem, Sunday, March 28, 2010 In this photo released by the Syrian official news agency SANA, Syrian citizens gather near damaged cars that were burned after a car bomb exploded in the suburb of Jaramana, Damascus, Syria, Thursday , July 25, 2013. Supporters of ousted Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi, left, shout slogans at Egyptian army soldiers during a demonstration in front of the National Council for Human Right building in Cairo, Egypt, Sunday, July 21, 2013. Coronaviruses

File - Sitting Bull, a tribal chief of the Hunkpapa Lakota Sioux, led his people in resisting United States government policies. Indian batsman Virat Kohli leaps in the air to celebrate his century as he took his team to victory over Sri Lanka in their one day international cricket match in Hobart, Australia, Tuesday, Feb. 28, 2012. Jay-Z The Buffy Hummingbird (Leucippus fallax), a species of hummingbird in the Trochilidae family, pictured on Isla Margarita, Venezuela.

Julian Assange, founder of WikiLeaks speaks to the media and members of the public from a balcony at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, Thursday, Dec. 20, 2012. Assange who faces extradition to Sweden over sexual assault, claims which he denies, took refuge in the embassy in June. Australia's Ben Hilfenhaus, right, celebrates with Shane Watson after claiming the wicket of Pakistan's Salman Butt during the first day of the second test at the Headingley cricket ground, Leeds, England, Wednesday July 21, 2010. Twitter app on mobile phone - Social networking Variety grocery items such as honey, cordial drinks, and fish oil.

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