- published: 13 Jul 2012
- views: 134427
The somatosensory system, also known as somatic senses, touch or tactile perception, is a complex sensory system. It is considered one of the five traditional senses. It is made up of a number of different receptors, including thermoreceptors, photoreceptors, mechanoreceptors and chemoreceptors. It also comprises essential processing centres, or sensory modalities, such as proprioception, mechanoreception (touch), thermoception (temperature), and nociception (pain). The sensory receptors cover the skin and epithelial tissues, skeletal muscles, bones and joints, internal organs, and the cardiovascular system.
Somatic senses are sometimes referred to as somesthetic senses, with the understanding that somesthesis includes touch, proprioception and (depending on usage) also haptic perception.
Processing primarily occurs in the primary somatosensory area in the parietal lobe of the cerebral cortex: information is sent from the receptors via sensory nerves, through tracts in the spinal cord and finally into the brain.
A Touch of Cloth is a British television comedy police procedural series created and written by Charlie Brooker and Daniel Maier. It is a parody of British detective and crime dramas, and stars John Hannah as title character Jack Cloth, a police detective with personal issues, and Suranne Jones as Anne Oldman, his bisexual colleague. The title is a play on the title of another detective series, A Touch of Frost, as well as the British euphemism "to touch cloth". To date there have been three series.
Broadcast on 26 August 2012
A Touch of Cloth is set around the life of former detective inspector Jack Cloth (John Hannah), who quit his profession after his wife was murdered. At the start of the first episode, Jack has been called back in to investigate a new killing and is assigned a new partner, DC Anne Oldman (Suranne Jones). After inspecting the crime scene, they are confronted by their Chief Constable, Tom Boss (Julian Rhind-Tutt), who informs them he wants answers quickly and gives them an unrealistic 2pm deadline. During the ensuing investigation, subsequent murders are discovered, and a link is revealed between all the victims and a witness.
A Touch of Cloth Series 1 - Hoody Chase Scene
A Touch Of Cloth - Interrogation / It was 1996
A Touch Of Cloth - Super computer
A Touch Of Cloth - Tom Boss / Granddaughter
A Touch of Cloth Series 1 - Trailer 2
A Touch of Cloth 2 - My Heist Presentation
A Touch of Cloth
A Touch of Cloth - Identifying a loved one
A Touch of Cloth 2 - Boss, Oldman, Cloth scene
A Touch of Cloth - Piers Morgan Scene (S01E01)
Jack Cloth & Anne Oldman's visit to a youth club in search of Crossbow sends them on a chase. Official site - http://www.sky.com/tv/show/a-touch-of-cloth Like us on Facebook - http://on.fb.me/jXJXk5 Tweet us on Twitter - http://bit.ly/1cgja8N
Something's up and everyone can see it.
Featuring CSI-style-over-the-top super computer by Framestore. With John Hannah, Suranne Jones, Navin Chowdhry. http://www.framestore.com/work/touch-cloth
Short clip from Charlie Brooker's A Touch of Cloth S01E01 Seemed appropriate to upload it given recent events.
The best scene from A touch of Cloth Part 2.
A Touch of Cloth ++++ http://imoviee.com/movie/tt2240991/.html ++++++
Let's get into the holiday spirit and buy all the Festive Surprise DLC vehicles, weapons and clothing! :D Please, like the video if you enjoyed it. Thank you! :D Keep in touch with me! Twitter http://twitter.com/mynameislui Facebook http://facebook.com/luicalibre Instagram http://instagram.com/luicalibre
*타임라인 Timeline* 마이크 박스 소개 Showing Mic Box 5:50 - 13:20 단어반복 Trigger Words 19:45 - 22:35 마이크 만지기 Mic Touching 23:30 - 26:15 립스틱 탭핑&열기 Lipstick Tapping&Opening 26:40 - 31:05 나무상자 Wooden Box 32:20 - 37:30 아이스티 가루 Icetea Powder 37:40 - 39:50 드디어 새로 산 마이크로 녹음을 해보았습니닷!ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ 제 개인적인 생각으로는 잡음도 없고 옷깃이나 머리카락 만지는 소리같은 주변소리도 너무 잘 잡는데 (매우) 사알짝 날카롭다고 느껴지는 부분이 있는 것 같은데 여러분은 어떠셨나요? 근데 저 날 제가 너무 떨리고(유리심장) 혼자 너무너무 신나서 좀 활동반경이 넓고 활발하네요ㅎㅎ... 죄송해요ㅎㅎㅎ다음에는 차분히! 영상에서도 말씀드렸지만 촬영할 당시에는 줌H6도 놓고 찍었었는데 편집 과정에 뺀거여서 제가 앞에 있는 줌 마이크에 가까이 갈때마다 소리가 작아지네요ㅜㅜ 이번 영상은 테스트 영상이니 가볍게 봐주시고 친절한 피드백은 언제나 환영입니다 :) ( 생각해보지 못한 피드백을 주실 때면 혼자 심장이 쿵- 내려앉아서 심각하게 고민해보는 스타일이랍니다ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ 돌려서 따뜻하게 말씀해주셔도 피드백을 소홀히 보는 스타일은 아니니 사태의 심각성을 알리기 위해 (ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ) 너무 돌직구 안 날려주셔도 괜찮아요 홍홍 ) 굿밤되세요 여러분!ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ Hello Everyone! I'm finally here with my new mic LCT550...
The link for my whispered version of this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lpj4LgRuLOg Hello! So here is the no talking version of my oil & lotion ear massage, finally! This has probably been my most requested video thus far, so I really hope it is as good as the last one :) I used the body butter/lotion in the first half and the oil in the second half, because I think the lotion is slightly louder and also because most of you told me that you liked the lotion better :) Sorry if you can slightly hear the camera lens focusing in the first portion of this video, I didn't realise I had left it on auto focus and I couldn't hear it at the time of recording. I also broke my only good pair of headphones, so I'm not sure if the volume is correct, feel free to let me know :) Rough ti...
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