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Updated July 27, 2013 - 10:08 AM EDT
100 Morsi Supporters Killed as Police Open Fire
Chris Christie Finds Liberty a 'Dangerous Idea'
  Afghan War More Unpopular With Americans Than Iraq War Ever Was
Greenwald, NSA Critics to Testify Before Congress
  Lawmakers Who Upheld NSA Received Double Defense Industry Cash
  Poll: Bi-Partisan Split Among Voters Mirrors House Vote on NSA
US Tells Russia It Won't Torture or Kill Snowden
  Obama Promise to 'Protect Whistleblowers' Gone From
  German President Says Whistleblowers Like Snowden Merit Respect
  Closing Arguments: Judge Begins Final Deliberation on Manning
  How Manning's 'Aiding the Enemy' Charge Could Jolt Journalism
Rebels Execute Over 50 Syrian Troops
  Assad Opponents See US Distancing Itself From Their Goals
  Iraq Jailbreak Could Mean Influx of Fighters in Syria
  Syrian Rebel Conquest Stalls in Face of Kurdish Autonomy Bid
PM Would Give Up 86% of West Bank: Deputy FM
  Israel Bars EU Aid Workers From Gaza, Blocks West Bank Projects
US Officials Attack Leaked Pakistan Drone Report
  The Pakistan Government's Secret Report: Drones Killing Civilians
  Suicide Bombers Kill 41 in Attacks on Pakistan Shi'ite Mosque
Two Guantanamo Inmates to Be Transferred to Algeria
Tunisia Govt in Turmoil After Opposition Assassination
They Know Much More Than You Think  by James Bamford
Keep Syria's Blood Off America's Hands  by Michael Shank & Kate Gould
What Are the US Plans for Gitmo Prisoner Shaker Aamer?  by Jason Leopold
Playing the Pollard Card  by Raphael Magarik
Eagle in a China Shop  by Ted Galen Carpenter
Putting Spies on a Leash  by Anthony D. Romero

More Viewpoints

Manning Trial Transcripts
Guardian Guide to NSA Files
UK Spy Warns of Iraq War Disclosures
Manning Is a Whistleblower, Not Traitor: Defense
Germany: Rumors of NSA Outpost in Wiesbaden
Rep. Charlie Dent, on Being Republican and Cautious on Iran
Syrian Troops Advance in Central City
Syria Rebels Meet UN Security Council, Urge Russia to End Assad Support
Syrian Opposition: Assad Must Agree to Step Down
Syrian Rebels Ask Kerry to Send US Arms Quickly
Israel to Limit West Bank Tenders to 1,000 Housing Units During Peace Talks
Legal Group to Kerry: Pre-1967 Lines as Basis for Talks Contravenes US Commitments
Shalom: No PM Could Implement Peace Deal After Referendum Decided by Non-Jewish Israelis
3-G Void Limits Smartphones in West Bank
Eight Killed Across Iraq, Including Two Abu Ghraib Escapees
Iraq's Growing Sectarian Rifts, Deteriorating Security Cast Dark Shadow on Local Business
Al-Qaeda Uses Families to Transport Explosives: Iraqi Security
Allawi: Maliki's Government Distances Itself From Being Accountable
Iraq, US Reach Deal on Stolen Artefacts: Official
President-Elect Stirs Optimism in Iran and West
New Shoah Book Is Hit Among Non-Jewish Iranians
Labor: UK 'Missing Opportunity' to Engage With Iran
Turkey Warns Syrian Kurds Against 'Dangerous' Moves
Cyber Attack Hits Istanbul Airports
Turkey Clears Bird of Spying for Israel
Turkey's Erdogan Threatens to Sue Times of London for Publishing Critical Letter
Turkey Criticized as Leading Journalist Fired
White House: Aid to Egypt Can Keep Flowing, Despite Overthrow
Court Detains Morsi on Suspicion of Collaboration With Hamas as Thousands Protest
Islamists Rally to Defend Tunisian Government
Tunisia Brahmi Killing: 'Same Gun Used' in Belaid Murder
Top Libyan Activist, Who Helped Start Anti-Gadhafi Protests, Killed in Drive-By Shooting
Congo Issues Warrants for Former M23 Rebel Leaders
The Heroic Whistleblower
Putin's Spokesman Says No Change: Russia Won't Extradite Snowden to US
Russia and US Security Services 'in Talks' Over Snowden
Snowden's Father: Congress Trying to Demonize Son
PPP to Boycott Presidential Election in Protest Over Rescheduling of the Polls
Land Mine Blast Kills Two in Kurram
Hangu: Six Militants Killed in Clash With Security Forces
Korean War's Legacies: Permanent Troops and 7,900 MIAs
Japan Military 'Needs Marines and Drones'
Sri Lanka's President Orders Probe Into War-Time Disappearances
EU Planning to 'Own and Operate' Spy Drones and an Air Force
Canadian Suspect Named in Deadly Bulgarian Bus Bombing Allegedly Trained With Hezbollah
Being Rude to President of France Now Allowed: Lawmakers Repeal 130-Year-Old Ban
Gangs Have Won Parts of Troubled Mexican Region: President
Cuba's Raul Castro Promises Succession Has Started
The War at Home
Researchers Uncover Little-Known Internment Camp – in Idaho
TSA Directing Airport Valets to Search Cars Without Informing Owners
Al Jazeera Reporters Crash Pro-Israel Event
Sketch Artist Removed From Bradley Manning Trial Over 'Threat'
US Army Foresees Robots Becoming Squad Members
FAA Certifies First 2 Drones for Domestic Flight
Elite Hacker Barnaby Jack Dies Ahead of Black Hat Event
'Secret' CIA Museum Features Osama bin Laden's AK-47
Coast Guard to Retrieve WWII Remains Buried in Ice
Top Pentagon Official on Detainees to Step Down
Weekend Reviews
What's in It for Obama?
How Not to Watch Copperhead
The Way of the Knife: The CIA, a Secret Army, and a War at the Ends of the Earth
Distortions and Divisions in Turkey
Iran's Coup, Then and Now
Read more

Justin Raimondo
The Battle for the Amash Amendment: Victory in Defeat

Philip Giraldi
The Lobby Never Sleeps

Ivan Eland
Reforms of Domestic Government Surveillance

Kelley B. Vlahos
Paul, Cruz Show Backbone on Military Rape Issue

Nebojsa Malic
The Meaning of Words

David R. Henderson
Rand’s Stand

Ran HaCohen
Purim and Genocidal Phantasies

Charles V. Peña
Cyberwar for Me but Not for Thee

Additional Contributors
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