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Ryanair Don't Care campaign

Wildcat! - January 2013 issue

The January 2013 issue of Liverpool SolFed's local newsletter Wildcat! can be read below or downloaded as a PDF here. Printed copies are also available in News from Nowhere on Bold Street.


This month saw the visit of David Cameron to Liverpool, apparently by invitation of class traitor

Wildcat! - local newsletter of Liverpool SolFed: Winter 2012 edition

The re-launch issue of Liverpool SolFed's local newsletter is available now (see below for content). A PDF download is available here.


Communications blockade: Tell Ryanair's billionaire chairman to stop exploiting cabin crew!

To celebrate David Bonderman's birthday on November 27th, Liverpool Solidarity Federation and the Ryanair Don't Care campaign are calling for a communications blockade of TPG's London office. Bonderman is a founding partner of TPG. He is also the chairman and director of Ryanair.

Ryanair Don't Care campaign picket of Liverpool John Lennon Airport

To round off our week of action against Ryanair, Liverpool Solidarity Federation and Ryanair Don't Care campaigner John Foley today picketed Liverpool John Lennon Airport. Though not quite the spectacle that the previous day had been, it was succesful in getting across the key message: end the Ryanair recruitment scam!

Direct action against Allied Irish Bank and Daniel Silverman Solicitors

As part of the international week of action against Ryanair, on Friday 16 March Liverpool Solidarity Federation members joined John Foley of the Ryanair Don't Care Campaign for pickets in the City Centre. The targets of our action were a bank and a solicitors who are complicit in the budget airline's recruitment scamming.

End Ryan Air Recruitment Scam

Members of Northampton Solidarity Federation went to Birmingham International Airport this afternoon (16th March) to picket Ryan Air passengers as they checked in. This was an attempt to get the passengers to complain about the exploitative nature of the company's recruitment procedure. The leaflet labelled it a SCAM, for that is essentially what it is.

International Week of Action Against Ryanair: leafleting in Liverpool

John Foley of the Ryanair Don't Care campaign joined members of Solidarity Federation and the Anarchist Federation in Liverpool City Centre yesterday to hand out leaflets. John addressed the public by megaphone, describing the recruitment and employment practices of Ryanair as around 500 leaflets were distributed.

Ryanair Don't Care: week of international action

The Ryanair Don’t Care Campaign, supported by the Solidarity Federation in the UK and the IWA internationally, is calling for a Week of International Action against exploitation and recruitment scamming by Ryanair, starting on March 12.

Ryanair Don’t Care was started by John Foley after his daughter was sacked as a flight attendant mid-flight and abandoned abroad without any money. This led to the exposure of a cynical and highly exploitative recruitment scam by Ryanair.

International week of action against Ryanair - placards

Poster designs, two unbranded and one with the SF logo on, for use at pickets and protests against ryanair recruitment scamming.

International week of action against Ryanair - leaflets

Liverpool Solidarity Federation and unbranded versions of a public leaflet for the action against Ryanair.


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