
NIGERIA Law Signed Bans Gay Marriage, Lawbreakers Face Up To 14 Years In Jail 13Jan2014
How To Go To Heaven: http://www.jesus-is-savior.com/how_to_be_saved.html
published: 20 Jan 2014
NIGERIA Law Signed Bans Gay Marriage, Lawbreakers Face Up To 14 Years In Jail 13Jan2014
NIGERIA Law Signed Bans Gay Marriage, Lawbreakers Face Up To 14 Years In Jail 13Jan2014
How To Go To Heaven: http://www.jesus-is-savior.com/how_to_be_saved.html http://www.nydailynews.com/news/world/nigeria-bans-gay-marriage-criminalizes-homosexuality-article-1.1578175 Nigeria bans gay marriage, threatens jail time of 14 years for those who defy new law The Same Sex Marriage Prohibition Act, obtained by The Associated Press, was signed by President Goodluck Jonathan and dated Jan. 7. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Monday, January 13, 2014, 2:46 PM ABUJA, Nigeria - Nigeria's president has signed a law that bans same-sex marriage and criminalizes homosexual associations, societies and meetings, with penalties of up to 14 years in jail. The Associated Press obtained a copy of the Same Sex Marriage Prohibition Act on Monday that was signed by President Goodluck Jonathan and dated Jan. 7. It is now a crime to have a meeting of gays, or to operate or go to a gay club, society or organization. In a recent interview, Olumide Makanjuola, executive director of the Initiative For Equality in Nigeria, had said: "If that bill passes, it will be illegal for us to even be holding this conversation." The new law says, "A person who registers, operates or participates in gay clubs, societies or organizations, or directly or indirectly makes public show of same-sex amorous relationship in Nigeria commits an offense and is liable on conviction to a term of 10 years." Anyone convicted of entering into a same-sex marriage contract or civil union faces up to 14 years' imprisonment. It was unclear why the law's passage has been shrouded in secrecy. The copy obtained from the House of Representatives in Abuja, the Nigerian capital, showed it was signed by those lawmakers and senators on Dec. 17, though no announcement was made. U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said Monday the United States is "deeply concerned" by a law that "dangerously restricts freedom of assembly, association, and expression for all Nigerians." Nigeria is one of the top crude oil suppliers to the United States. LINK FOR REST- published: 20 Jan 2014
- views: 4

Helen Paul, a.k.a Tatafo jokes on Nigeria's anti-gay law
Nigerian comedienne Helen Paul also known as Tatafo on radio sublimely cracks a joke on th...
published: 01 Feb 2014
Helen Paul, a.k.a Tatafo jokes on Nigeria's anti-gay law
Helen Paul, a.k.a Tatafo jokes on Nigeria's anti-gay law
Nigerian comedienne Helen Paul also known as Tatafo on radio sublimely cracks a joke on the recent ban on same-sex marriage and association in Nigeria by President Goodluck Jonathan. The petit television presenter does it in the most hilarious fashion. Video by Seun Bisuga and Emma Osodi of P.M.NEWS- published: 01 Feb 2014
- views: 1114

Shell Company Will Pay Compensation To Nigeria For Oil Leaks
Officials of Royal Dutch Shell have held talks in Nigeria's southern city of Port Harcourt...
published: 11 Sep 2013
Shell Company Will Pay Compensation To Nigeria For Oil Leaks
Shell Company Will Pay Compensation To Nigeria For Oil Leaks
Officials of Royal Dutch Shell have held talks in Nigeria's southern city of Port Harcourt with representatives for the Bodo community on compensation and clean-up five years after major oil spills devastated parts of the Niger Delta. The two oil spills that started in 2008 led to the largest loss of a mangrove habitat ever caused by a spill, affecting about 30,000 people in the Niger Delta area since then, according to London-based law firm Leigh Day. "These people, since 2008 they are living on a creek of oil. You step out of the front door you see oil, breathe in oil and toxic fumes,'' said lawyer Daniel Leader of Leigh Day, a law firm that is representing about 15,000 people from the community that filed a lawsuit in 2012. Although Royal Dutch Shell has admitted responsibility for the two spills, the impact has been disputed and will be the main focus of negotiations in Port Harcourt. Compensation dispute Royal Dutch Shell said a joint investigation team estimated 4,100 barrels were lost in the two spills. That estimate is based on the initial investigations by representatives from the company and the local community, Jonathan French, the company's spokesman, told The Associated Press news agency. "Having said all that, it doesn't matter how much was spilled because the compensation will be based on the financial loss that people have suffered because of the spill in the lagoon,'' he said. "And that is a matter of dispute between us and the claimant." Leigh Day said that 15,000 fishermen and 31,000 inhabitants of 35 villages were affected in and around the Bodo lagoon and its associated waterways. The law firm says independent experts estimate between 500,000 and 600,000 barrels were spilled, devastating the environment that sits amid 90 square kilometres of mangroves, swamps and channels. But Shell says such estimates are high. Shell spokesman French said the company did not have access to the area to clean it up, and that not all oil spilled was a result of the company's operations. Shell blames most of the spills in the region on attacks by armed groups or thieves tapping into pipelines to steal crude oil, which ends up on the black market. Nigeria, one of the top crude oil suppliers to the United States, requires companies to promptly clean up oil spills but the policy is not enforced. Both parties have said they hope to reach an agreement by the end of the week. Neither side would discuss possible settlement figures. Britain's Guardian newspaper reported that the company is thought to be offering about $20 million in compensation while the villagers seek $200 million. Local communities remain largely hostile to Shell and other oil firms because of environmental damage. Some environmentalists say as much as 550 million gallons of oil have been poured into the delta during Shell's roughly 50 years of production in Nigeria. The United Nations has recommended that the oil industry and Nigeria's government set up a fund, with an initial injection of $1 billion, to begin what could be a 30-year clean-up and restoration project in the oil-stained region.- published: 11 Sep 2013
- views: 1

Lack Of Rule Of Law Responsible For Insecurity In Nigeria - CJN
The Chief Justice of Nigeria (CJN), Mariam Aloma Muktar has blamed the increasing number o...
published: 06 May 2013
author: channelsweb
Lack Of Rule Of Law Responsible For Insecurity In Nigeria - CJN
Lack Of Rule Of Law Responsible For Insecurity In Nigeria - CJN
The Chief Justice of Nigeria (CJN), Mariam Aloma Muktar has blamed the increasing number of internally displaced persons on conflicts and violence in the Wes...- published: 06 May 2013
- views: 150
- author: channelsweb

Director: Spencer Wolff Editor: Niger Miles STOP initially began as a pilot project by Yal...
published: 07 Mar 2012
author: Niger Miles
Director: Spencer Wolff Editor: Niger Miles STOP initially began as a pilot project by Yale Law School under the name of the Yale Visual Law Project. This ne...- published: 07 Mar 2012
- views: 311
- author: Niger Miles

Niger's Endangered White Giraffes (Full Documentary) new HD 720p
Niger's Endangered White Giraffes (Full Documentary) .2014This documentary as well as the ...
published: 15 Feb 2014
Niger's Endangered White Giraffes (Full Documentary) new HD 720p
Niger's Endangered White Giraffes (Full Documentary) new HD 720p
Niger's Endangered White Giraffes (Full Documentary) .2014This documentary as well as the rest of these documentaries shown here relate to important times and figures in history, historic places and people, archaeology, science, conspiracy theories, and education. The Topics of these video documentaries are varied and cover ancient history, Rome, Greece, Egypt, science, technology, nature, planet earth, the solar system, the universe, World wars, battles, education, biographies, television, archaeology, Illuminati, Area 51, serial killers, paranormal, supernatural, cults, government cover-ups, the law and legal matters, news and current events, corruption, martial arts, space, aliens, ufos, conspiracy theories, Annunaki, Nibiru, Nephilim, satanic rituals, religion, strange phenomenon, origins of Mankind, documentary, documentaries, full documentary, history documentary, documentary bbc, history channel documentary, documentary history channel, national geographic documentary, discovery channel documentary, documentary films, ufo documentary, prison documentary, science documentary, space documentary, bbc documentary 2014- published: 15 Feb 2014
- views: 5

officially the Federal Republic of Nigeria, is a federal constitutional republic comprisin...
published: 13 Mar 2013
author: NTA2Lagos
officially the Federal Republic of Nigeria, is a federal constitutional republic comprising 36 states and its Federal Capital Territory, Abuja. The country i...- published: 13 Mar 2013
- views: 65
- author: NTA2Lagos

Exclusive:Gay Marriage:The Nigerian Government Has Outlawed Same-Sex Unions
Gay activists, LGBT community members and the UN have warned that a Bill banning same-sex ...
published: 15 Jan 2014
Exclusive:Gay Marriage:The Nigerian Government Has Outlawed Same-Sex Unions
Exclusive:Gay Marriage:The Nigerian Government Has Outlawed Same-Sex Unions
Gay activists, LGBT community members and the UN have warned that a Bill banning same-sex unions could legitimise homophobic violence in Nigeria Gay activists have promised to fight the Nigerian government after the country outlawed same-sex unions. They claim the act legitimises homophobic violence and increases fears of persecution Gay activists on Tuesday vowed to fight the Nigerian government after the country outlawed same-sex unions, warning the act legitimised homophobic violence and increased fears of persecution. The United Nations also attacked the Same Sex Marriage (Prohibition) Bill 2013, accusing President Goodluck Jonathan of trampling over a raft of basic human rights and threatening vital healthcare plans. Nigeria's presidency has dismissed international concerns about the law, which threatens up to 14 years in jail for anyone in a same-sex marriage or civil partnership, saying it reflects public opinion. The country's newspapers largely ignored the development, while there was wide support on social media, reflecting deeply held religious views across the West African nation. Evangelical Christianity is popular in Nigeria's south, while the north is mainly Muslim and Islamic law runs alongside state and federal justice systems. Climate of fear, suspicion Research published in June last year by Pew Research Global Attitudes Project suggested that 98% of Nigerians thought homosexuality should not be accepted by society. The law, however, has spread fear among Nigeria's lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community and disappointment among their supporters abroad. One gay man in Lagos, whom Agence France-Presse did not identify in case of reprisals, said he was "devastated" by Jonathan's actions and "terrified" at the consequences. "I am concerned especially for LGBT people up north, in the [southern] Niger Delta ... and for LGBT people in the whole of the country actually," he added. "They [the government] have just legalised violence, stigma and discrimination ... Our situation has gone from bad to worse." In London, LGBT activist and human rights campaigner Davis Mac-Iyalla said the legislation would force the community deeper underground and create a damaging climate of fear and suspicion. Denied vital health services Included in the law is a provision to punish with a jail term of up to 10 years anyone who registers, operates or participates in gay clubs, societies and organisations. Anyone who directly or indirectly makes a public show of a same-sex relationship will also break the law and could face jail. UNAids and the Global Fund to Fight Aids, Tuberculosis and Malaria said they feared that LGBT people in Nigeria could be denied vital health services. Nigeria has the second-largest HIV epidemic globally, with an estimated 3.4-million people living with HIV in 2012. UNAids and the Global Fund called in a statement for an "urgent review of the constitutionality of the law in light of the serious public health and human rights implications". Mac-Iyalla said the law was not about gay marriage, which was not a pressing issue in Nigeria, but "the further punishment and criminalisation of homosexuality". Reinforcing existing prejudices Nigeria is one of 78 countries worldwide, many of them in Africa, where homosexuality is illegal, according to UNAids. Nevertheless, he added: "I still believe there are lawyers and people from the human rights angle would be interested in taking this case. "Human rights can be fought from anywhere, nationally or internationally. We're not going to keep quiet and accept such a draconian law."- published: 15 Jan 2014
- views: 7

Tea Party Resurgence - Katrina Pierson - Niger Innis - Neil Cavuto - FBN - 11-11-13
Tea Party activists Katrina Pierson and Niger Innis join FBN's Neil Cavuto on the 'B-Side'...
published: 19 Nov 2013
Tea Party Resurgence - Katrina Pierson - Niger Innis - Neil Cavuto - FBN - 11-11-13
Tea Party Resurgence - Katrina Pierson - Niger Innis - Neil Cavuto - FBN - 11-11-13
Tea Party activists Katrina Pierson and Niger Innis join FBN's Neil Cavuto on the 'B-Side' segment to discuss both their plans to run for congressional seats- published: 19 Nov 2013
- views: 1

Niger: Refugees flee Mali
Since the troubles began in their country last January, more the 40000 Malians have taken ...
published: 17 May 2012
author: USAforUNHCR
Niger: Refugees flee Mali
Niger: Refugees flee Mali
Since the troubles began in their country last January, more the 40000 Malians have taken refuge in Niger. Learn more: http://www.unrefugees.org Mariama wis...- published: 17 May 2012
- views: 535
- author: USAforUNHCR

This is video Part 2 - 14july2012 - on the low-education of ICC-prosecutor FatouBensouda. ...
published: 14 Jul 2012
author: desiree stokkel
This is video Part 2 - 14july2012 - on the low-education of ICC-prosecutor FatouBensouda. Congo - or any other country - is not legally obliged to obey ICC. ...- published: 14 Jul 2012
- views: 99
- author: desiree stokkel

Nigeria: The Niger Delta Crisis: The Political, Economic and Environmental Conundrum
The 2010 Brown University Achebe African Colloquium focused attention on three important A...
published: 12 May 2011
author: Brown University
Nigeria: The Niger Delta Crisis: The Political, Economic and Environmental Conundrum
Nigeria: The Niger Delta Crisis: The Political, Economic and Environmental Conundrum
The 2010 Brown University Achebe African Colloquium focused attention on three important African nations: Rwanda, Congo, and Nigeria, and the crucial issues ...- published: 12 May 2011
- views: 2461
- author: Brown University

Nigeria, officially the Federal Republic of Nigeria, is a federal constitutional republic ...
published: 16 Feb 2013
author: Wintv Microres
Nigeria, officially the Federal Republic of Nigeria, is a federal constitutional republic comprising 36 states and its Federal Capital Territory, Abuja. The ...- published: 16 Feb 2013
- views: 164
- author: Wintv Microres
Vimeo results:

STOP Official Trailer
STOP initially began as a pilot project by Yale Law School under the name of the Yale Visu...
published: 04 Oct 2012
author: Niger Miles
STOP Official Trailer
STOP initially began as a pilot project by Yale Law School under the name of the Yale Visual Law Project. This new initiative offered seed money to lawyers and law students who desired to explore issues of legal relevance through the art of film-making. As part of a small team of law students, I directed and produced a short film exploring the issue of Stop & Frisk and racial profiling in the city of New York.
The short film Stigma focuses on the Stop & Frisk experiences of several Harlem and Bronx residents, all members of the Harlem based NGO, The Brotherhood and SisterSol. Mixing personal testimony alongside interviews with legal and sociological experts, Stigma addresses the psychological harms, as well as the costs to the community, incurred by this practice.
The feature length documentary, STOP, includes some of the footage from Stigma, but reorients the narrative onto the Center for Constitutional Rights’ class action lawsuit against the City of New York. It is told through the experience of one of its named plaintiffs, David Ourlicht and his family.
STOP combines interviews with police officers, law professors, sociologists, attorneys, and New York City residents affected by Stop & Frisk with footage of anti-Stop & Frisk demonstrations, clandestine footage of Stop & Frisks taken around Brooklyn and the Bronx, and Eye-Witness News footage of interviews with David Ourlicht.

Trailer - For the best and for the onion! by Sani Elhadj Magori
The Galmi purple, the onion from Niger, pervades West African markets with 400,000 tons a ...
published: 28 Apr 2010
author: Adalios, production documentaire
Trailer - For the best and for the onion! by Sani Elhadj Magori
The Galmi purple, the onion from Niger, pervades West African markets with 400,000 tons a year. In Galmi, Salamatou’s been waiting for her wedding for 2 years. Her father Yaro, urged both by her future in-laws and the village gossip makes a decision : «The wedding will take place at the harvest !» Yaro is aware that to be up to his commitment this time, he has to produce more and sell at a higher price ...
Author/ Director : ELHADJ MAGORI Sani
Genre: Documentary
Length: 52’
Languages: Hausa, French
French & English subtitles
Camera : Malam Saguirou
Salissou Rabé
Sound : Abdoulaye Adamou Mato
Ali Ibrahim
Editing : François Pit
Music : The inhabitants of Galmi
Executive producers : Adalios/ Magali Chirouze
Dangarama/ Malam Saguirou
Coproduction : TV Rennes 35/ D. Hannedouche
Pre-sale : CFI / Philippe Herpin
TLSP/ Elisabeth Clément
Recording format : DV CAM
Master format : Digi Beta
Delivery fall : December 2008
Shooting location : Galmi (Niger)
With the participation of the French National Cinema Center, with the support
of Région Rhône-Alpes, the International Organisation of the Francophonie, the
French Embassy in Niger, the France-Niger Cultural Center in Niamey, of the
PROCIREP-Société des producteurs, and of ANGOA.
Forum Africain
Forum Africain du Film Documentaire 2008, Niamey (Niger). Prix Jean Rouch; Caméra des champs 2009,
Ville-sur-Yron (France). 1er prix du jury et Prix du jury jeune lycéen; Docudays 2009, Beirut (Lebanon);
Festival international du film d’Amiens 2009 (France); Dok Leipzig 2009 (Germany); Terra di Tutti Film
Festival 2009, Bologna (Italia). Best foreign film award; Corsica.Doc 2009 (France); Pärnu Film Festival
2009 (Estonia); Forum International Médias Nord-Sud 2009, Geneva (Switzerland); Etats généraux du doc
2009, Lussas (France); Les Conviviales de Nannay 2009 (France); African Movie Academy Awards 2009,
Bayelsa (Nigeria). Award Best documentary(Feature-length); Dokfest 2009, Munich (Germany); Pan-Africa
International 2009, Montreal (Canada); Festival Plein Sud 2009, Cozes (France); Festival international du film
d’Afrique et des îles 2009, Saint Denis de La Réunion; GZ DOC 2009, Guangzhou (China) Grand Prize Focus
Competition; Festival Filmer le travail 2009, Poitiers (France) Great Award; London Film festival 2009 (United
Kingdom); DocPoint 2010, Helsinki (Finland); Tempo Documentary Festival 2010, Stockholm (Sweden); Pan
African Film & Arts Festival 2010, Los Angeles (USA); Festival International Jean Rouch 2010, Paris
(France); À travers champs Festival 2010, Rochefort (Belgium); Cinéfeuille Festival 2010, Gaillac
(France); African Film Festival 2010, New-York (USA).

"HAKIM" of Rap Group Channel Live, Lays Down the Law on "NIGGA"
HAKIM" of Rap Group Channel Live, Lays Down the Law on the word "NIGGA" His lyrical assaul...
published: 03 Jul 2010
author: hip hop world
"HAKIM" of Rap Group Channel Live, Lays Down the Law on "NIGGA"
HAKIM" of Rap Group Channel Live, Lays Down the Law on the word "NIGGA" His lyrical assault, and melodic tone entices all to embark on a educational exploration of the word on a level never before witnessed by the human mind..
All who were present were force to contemplate research and examine the truth behind the meaning of " My Nigga "
I am admittedly still in Shock of his incredible insight, delivery, and magnificent flow.
He woke me up inside, word up Son..!

Commissioner Piebalgs in Mali to support development and security in the Sahel
Commissioner Piebalgs in Mali to support development and security in the Sahel
Brussels, ...
published: 18 Dec 2011
author: Pokitin
Commissioner Piebalgs in Mali to support development and security in the Sahel
Commissioner Piebalgs in Mali to support development and security in the Sahel
Brussels, 22 November 2011 – The Commissioner for Development, Andris Piebalgs, is going to Mali for his first visit to the country. This visit coincides with the adoption of a European strategy for the Sahel, aimed at supporting the efforts of countries in the region in combating instability in the Sahel Belt. Commissioner Piebalgs will announce a specific €50 million aid to help Mali strengthen the presence of the state in the north of the country, guarantee basic social services and relaunch the economy. He will go on to visit Burkina Faso and Niger, affected by the same problem, on 24 and 25 November.
The Commissioner will be meeting the President of Mali, Amadou Toumani Touré, as well as figures from the country’s cultural and business spheres and from civil society. He will welcome the progress made by Mali in combating poverty and upholding the rule of law and will call for further reforms with a view to bolstering inclusive and sustainable growth in the country. He will also sign a €12.5 million agreement to strengthen civil society.
Youtube results:

BBC World Have Your Say: Nigeria Anti-Gay Law / Blogging About Cancer
As Nigeria passes tough anti-gay legislation, do ...
published: 17 Jan 2014
BBC World Have Your Say: Nigeria Anti-Gay Law / Blogging About Cancer
BBC World Have Your Say: Nigeria Anti-Gay Law / Blogging About Cancer
http://www.facebook.com/worldhaveyoursay As Nigeria passes tough anti-gay legislation, do the new laws reflect the wishes of public opinion? A gay man who had to flee Nigeria for the US after being attacked speaks to a supporter of the law in Lagos and one of the ruling party MPs who promoted the law. Also, after controversy over criticism of a woman blogging about her life with cancer in the US, we speak to others who write about their illness to find out why they do it.- published: 17 Jan 2014
- views: 298

Law Professor Says Only In Nigerian Can 16 Override 19 Governors, 5 Defeat 25 lawmakers -- Part 1
A lawyer in the Faculty of Law, University of Lagos, Professor Oyelowo Oyewo has said that...
published: 16 Jul 2013
author: Channels Television
Law Professor Says Only In Nigerian Can 16 Override 19 Governors, 5 Defeat 25 lawmakers -- Part 1
Law Professor Says Only In Nigerian Can 16 Override 19 Governors, 5 Defeat 25 lawmakers -- Part 1
A lawyer in the Faculty of Law, University of Lagos, Professor Oyelowo Oyewo has said that the political crisis presently playing out in Rivers state reflect...- published: 16 Jul 2013
- views: 782
- author: Channels Television

The birds are here but the Dentaga forest is disappearing (Inner Niger Delta, Mali)
The Dentaga flooding forest is one of the largest sites receiving migratory birds in the N...
published: 09 Sep 2012
author: Wetlands Int\'l
The birds are here but the Dentaga forest is disappearing (Inner Niger Delta, Mali)
The birds are here but the Dentaga forest is disappearing (Inner Niger Delta, Mali)
The Dentaga flooding forest is one of the largest sites receiving migratory birds in the Niger River inner delta. Because of war, it became a zone of non-law...- published: 09 Sep 2012
- views: 69
- author: Wetlands Int\'l

Amnesty condemns Nigeria's anti-gay marriage law
Nigeria provoked international outrage earlier this week after President Goodluck Jonathan...
published: 16 Jan 2014
Amnesty condemns Nigeria's anti-gay marriage law
Amnesty condemns Nigeria's anti-gay marriage law
Nigeria provoked international outrage earlier this week after President Goodluck Jonathan ratified a controversial bill outlawing gay marriage and same-sex unions under threat of imprisonment. Duration: 00:48- published: 16 Jan 2014
- views: 11