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Vicentico 5 (CD Completo)
Jorge e Mateus - CD A Hora é Agora 2012(ao vivo em jurerê).wmv
Repair CDs with a Microwave!
Sade - The Best Of Sade (Full CD)
How It's Made: Compact Discs
Zezé Di Camargo & Luciano CD Completo 1992
CD Garota Safada Março-Abril De 2013 - Repertório Novo!!
Make Toy CD Hovercraft
CD Summer Eletrohits 8 - Completo
Cd Aceito O Teu Chamado  Bruna Karla Completo
Thalles Roberto 2013 CD COMPLETO Sejam cheios do Espirito Santo)
Juan Gabriel Bellas Artes 1990 - CD Completo HD


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Vicentico 5 (CD Completo)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 38:02
  • Updated: 19 Jul 2013
Ultimo CD de estudio del ex cantante de "Los Fabulosos Cadillacs", que encuentra su primer gran tema en "Creo que me enamore" y con la colaboración de varios... 5 (CD Completo)
Repair CDs with a Microwave!
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:32
  • Updated: 17 Jul 2013
The BEST way to fix even the most damaged CDs. MORE HACKS: TWITTER: FACEB...
  • published: 01 Nov 2007
  • views: 2756859
  • author: Dane Boe CDs with a Microwave!
Sade - The Best Of Sade (Full CD)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:14:06
  • Updated: 19 Jul 2013
Please Support The Artist & Purchase This Album Legally! No Copyright Infringment Is Attempted. Material Is Posted Under The Fair Use Act To Advance To A Spe... - The Best Of Sade (Full CD)
How It's Made: Compact Discs
  • Order:
  • Duration: 6:12
  • Updated: 17 Jul 2013
How are CDs/DVDs Manufactured? From Season 1, Episode 2 of How It's Made. It's Made: Compact Discs
Zezé Di Camargo & Luciano CD Completo 1992
  • Order:
  • Duration: 44:37
  • Updated: 19 Jul 2013
1 - Coração Está em Pedaços (Zeze di Camargo) 2 - Muda de Vida (Fátima Leão / Elias Muniz / Carlos Randall) 3 - Cara ou Coroa (C. Villa de La Torre / A. Monr...é Di Camargo & Luciano CD Completo 1992
CD Garota Safada Março-Abril De 2013 - Repertório Novo!!
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:18:34
  • Updated: 19 Jul 2013
cd completo garota safada, o mais novo repertorio, musicas atualizadas de março 2013!! Wesley Safadão e Garota Safada ( garota vip ) Garota Safada Março-Abril De 2013 - Repertório Novo!!
Make Toy CD Hovercraft
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  • Duration: 0:56
  • Updated: 10 Jul 2013
Make a simple homemade toy hovercraft with a compact disk.
  • published: 27 Apr 2008
  • views: 1144646
  • author: spacepainter Toy CD Hovercraft
CD Summer Eletrohits 8 - Completo
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:11:25
  • Updated: 18 Jul 2013
Todas as músicas do CD Summer Eletrohits para você ouvir online. *Lista de músicas*: (TEMPOS ERRADOS, CORREÇÃO EM BREVE) ♫ 00:00 1."Save The World" - Swedish... Summer Eletrohits 8 - Completo
Cd Aceito O Teu Chamado  Bruna Karla Completo
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:01:14
  • Updated: 20 Jul 2013
Cd Aceito O Teu Chamado Bruna Karla Completo / Acesse Nosso Blog : : Aceito O Teu Chamado Bruna Karla Completo
Thalles Roberto 2013 CD COMPLETO Sejam cheios do Espirito Santo)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:13:56
  • Updated: 18 Jul 2013
A pedidos link para baixar:;=3 Lembrando: comprar cd original para a... Roberto 2013 CD COMPLETO Sejam cheios do Espirito Santo)
Juan Gabriel Bellas Artes 1990 - CD Completo HD
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:57:25
  • Updated: 18 Jul 2013
Los Años '90 llegaron y Juan Gabriel comenzó el decenio con una histórica presentación en el Palacio de Bellas Artes de la Ciudad de México, los días 8, 9, 1... Gabriel Bellas Artes 1990 - CD Completo HD
Racionais MC's - CD Nada Como Um Dia Após O Outro Dia (Completo) Chora Agora, Ri Depois
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:50:45
  • Updated: 19 Jul 2013
CD 1: Chora Agora 00:00 Sou + Você 01:49 Vivão e Vivendo 03:47 Vida Loka (Intro) 04:11 Vida Loka 09:15 Negro Drama 16:07 A Vítima 23:28 Na Fé Firmão 29:33 12...
  • published: 11 Jan 2013
  • views: 669334
  • author: TotalCD MC's - CD Nada Como Um Dia Após O Outro Dia (Completo) Chora Agora, Ri Depois
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:15:51
  • Updated: 19 Jul 2013
baixar musicas gratis FACEBOOK: COSTA CD COMPLETO 2013( PECADO DE AMOR)

Ultimo CD de estudio del ex cantante de "Los Fabulosos Cadillacs", que encuentra su primer gran tema en "Creo que me enamore" y con la colaboración de varios...

Vi­cen­ti­co 5 (CD Com­ple­to)
Ul­ti­mo CD de es­tu­dio del ex can­tante de "Los Fab­u­losos Cadil­lacs", que en­cuen­tra su primer...
pub­lished: 12 Mar 2013
Jorge e Ma­teus - CD A Hora é Agora 2012(ao vivo em jurerê).wmv
CD com­ple­to!!...
pub­lished: 23 Jul 2012
au­thor: Moisés Júnio
Re­pair CDs with a Mi­crowave!
The BEST way to fix even the most dam­aged CDs. MORE HACKS: http://​www.​youtube.​com/​view_​pla...​
pub­lished: 01 Nov 2007
au­thor: Dane Boe
Sade - The Best Of Sade (Full CD)
Please Sup­port The Artist & Pur­chase This Album Legal­ly! No Copy­right In­fring­ment Is Attem...
pub­lished: 21 Nov 2012
How It's Made: Com­pact Discs
How are CDs/DVDs Man­u­fac­tured? From Sea­son 1, Episode 2 of How It's Made....
pub­lished: 18 Jan 2009
Zezé Di Ca­mar­go & Lu­ciano CD Com­ple­to 1992
1 - Coração Está em Pedaços (Zeze di Ca­mar­go) 2 - Muda de Vida (Fátima Leão / Elias Muniz ...
pub­lished: 26 Feb 2013
CD Garo­ta Safa­da Março-Abril De 2013 - Repertório Novo!!
cd com­ple­to garo­ta safa­da, o mais novo reper­to­rio, mu­si­cas at­u­al­izadas de março 2013!! Wes...
pub­lished: 12 Mar 2013
Make Toy CD Hov­er­craft
Make a sim­ple home­made toy hov­er­craft with a com­pact disk. http://​www.​spacepaintings.​com/​s...​
pub­lished: 27 Apr 2008
au­thor: space­painter
CD Sum­mer Eletro­hits 8 - Com­ple­to
Todas as músicas do CD Sum­mer Eletro­hits para você ouvir on­line. *Lista de músicas*: (TEMP...
pub­lished: 19 Jul 2012
au­thor: Daniel La Rubia
Cd Aceito O Teu Chama­do Bruna Karla Com­ple­to
Cd Aceito O Teu Chama­do Bruna Karla Com­ple­to / Acesse Nosso Blog : : http://gmh­mon­te­ser213...
pub­lished: 09 Jan 2013
au­thor: Igor brandão
Thalles Rober­to 2013 CD COM­PLE­TO Sejam cheios do Es­pir­i­to Santo)
A pe­di­dos link para baixar: https://​www.​facebook.​com/​media/​set/?​set=a.​128498057354494.​1073...​
pub­lished: 17 May 2013
Juan Gabriel Bel­las Artes 1990 - CD Com­ple­to HD
Los Años '90 lle­garon y Juan Gabriel comenzó el dece­nio con una histórica pre­sentación en ...
pub­lished: 26 Dec 2011
Racionais MC's - CD Nada Como Um Dia Após O Outro Dia (Com­ple­to) Chora Agora, Ri De­pois
CD 1: Chora Agora 00:00 Sou + Você 01:49 Vivão e Viven­do 03:47 Vida Loka (Intro) 04:11 Vid...
pub­lished: 11 Jan 2013
au­thor: To­tal­CD
baixar mu­si­cas gratishttp://​palcomp3.​com/​rubensarrudasertanejo/​ FACE­BOOK:https://​www.​faceb...
pub­lished: 22 Feb 2013
Youtube results:
Awe­some CD Trick - Crazy Sci­ence Ex­per­i­ment
My 2nd chan­nel http://​www.​youtube.​com/​user/​origami768 My Face­book page: https://​www.​facebo...
pub­lished: 07 Dec 2012
Garo­ta Safa­da - Pro­mo­cional Junho 2013 - CD Com­ple­to - HD
CD Pro­mo­cional Garo­ta Safa­da - Maio e Junho 2013 Com­ple­to . Para Baixar o CD Clique no Lin...
pub­lished: 17 May 2013
au­thor: Car­los Yuri
Damares - O Maior Troféu (CD Com­ple­to)
pub­lished: 03 May 2013
CD Com­ple­to Damares -
CD Com­ple­to Damares - Acesse Nosso Blog : : http://​gmhmonteser213.​webnode.​com/...​
pub­lished: 29 Nov 2012
au­thor: Igor brandão
photo: AP / Josh Reynolds
Jennifer Michio, left, and Duke La Touf, right, of Las Vegas, stand in support of Boston Marathon bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev outside the federal courthouse prior to his arraignment Wednesday, July 10, 2013, in Boston.
19 Jul 2013
Article by Correspondent Dallas Darling. It took 120 years to build the beautiful and exquisite temple to the goddess Artemis in Ephesus, one of the greatest wonders of the world. But in a single night in the year 356 BCE, it was reduced to rubble and ashes. No one knows who built the temple. The name of its destroyer though, its assassin, still resounds. Herostratus, the arsonist, wanted to go down in history, and he did.(1) ... 218.....(size: 4.6Kb)
photo: AP
In this Tuesday, July 16, 2013 photo, schoolchildren receive treatment at a hospital after falling ill soon after eating a free meal at a primary school in Chhapra district, in the eastern Indian state of Bihar.
Edit The News & Observer
17 Jul 2013
PATNA, India — At least 20 children died and many others were sick after eating a free school lunch that was tainted by a heavy dose of insecticide, Indian officials said Wednesday. It was not immediately clear how chemicals ended up in the food in a school in the eastern state of Bihar, though one official said the food may not have been properly washed before it was cooked ... Ten of them were in serious condition ... P.K ... ....(size: 2.7Kb)
photo: AP / Carlos Osorio
In a Dec. 12, 2008 file photo, a pedestrian walks by graffiti in downtown Detroit.
Edit Boston Herald
19 Jul 2013
DETROIT — At the height of its industrial power, Detroit was an irrepressible engine of the American economy, offering well-paying jobs, a gateway to the middle class for generations of autoworkers and affordable vehicles that put the world on wheels. But by Thursday, the once-mighty symbol of the nation's manufacturing might had fallen from that pinnacle into financial ruin, becoming the biggest U.S ... And no one can sue them." ... Gov ... ....(size: 5.6Kb)
photo: AP / Xinhua, Liu Guangming
File - Armed Police soldiers of Nanning perform training exercises for visitors at the barrack in southwest China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Saturday, July 31, 2004, a day before the Chinese Army Day, the 77th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese People's Liberation Army.
17 Jul 2013
Article by Correspondent Dallas Darling. Beijing is coming full circle in announcing that it will, and for the first time, send troops to Africa. China's forces will be part of a larger contingent of United Nations peacekeeping forces in Mali, in sub-Saharan Africa, where a Secular-Christian-Islamic civil war has just occurred ... China's full circle policy started 600 years ago when it established the first world economy ... 103. ....(size: 6.2Kb)
photo: AP / Hussein Malla
Egyptian army special forces soldiers stand guard near the Republican Guard headquarters, in Cairo, Egypt, Friday, July 19, 2013.
Edit Al Jazeera
19 Jul 2013
The debate over the legitimacy of Egypt's new, military-installed government has become a popularity battle, with some of the most vocal supporters of the coup claiming that the June 30 protests against President Mohammed Morsi represented the largest demonstrations in human history, a real-life Cecil B ... Days later, the Pentagon announced that the F-16 sale would proceed as planned ... Sawiris exhorted the protesters ... 1547. Source. ... Viewed ... ....(size: 12.2Kb)

Edit The Examiner
20 Jul 2013
According to his Wikipedia page, “Many recordings made by Kubelík in Chicago for Mercury Records are available on CD, and have received critical praise;” but you would not know if from these first two collected volumes ... The bonus CD is even more adventurous, since Corigliano is the youngest conductor in the collection by an extremely long shot....(size: 7.5Kb)
Edit Chicago Sun-Times
20 Jul 2013
NASCAR driver Regan Smith leads the Nationwide Series standings by five points over Sam Hornish Jr ... Q. From what you can tell, whose driving style is the most similar to yours? ... So I don’t know ... Hey ... Q ... I’m like a year late on this, and this is not normally my type of music, but I’ll go with the Imagine DragonsCD ... I like to get on this stuff when the CD comes out. But Avenged Sevenfold has a new CD coming out soon, so I’ll listen to that ... ....(size: 8.1Kb)
Edit All About Jazz
20 Jul 2013
By DR. JUDITH SCHLESINGER, Dr. Judith Schlesinger. Columnist since 2002 Author of "The Insanity Hoax. Exposing the myth of the mad genius," Dr ... Blues & Ballads Vol.1 Uplift 2 ... One of the many delights of writing for All About Jazz is stumbling upon a great CD from the past, and being able to bring it to an audience that might have missed its debut ... For this 2005 CD, they gathered together the formidable bassist Eddie Gomez Eddie Gomez ... ....(size: 3.8Kb)
Edit Seattle Post
20 Jul 2013
Like many actors and actresses, before and since, she decided to try her hand at singing ... The last album of her career, Sings Folk Songs (1968), which contains traditional and popular songs of the day, was never issued - and the Valley album was never released on CD ... All in all, these are albums definitely rooted in the 1960s but there are a lot of people who still remember her, and the young woman on the CD cover is still appealing....(size: 4.4Kb)
Edit The Examiner
20 Jul 2013
Every Saturday Jill Pasternak's interview show Crossover spotlights notable music and musicians from the classical and jazz worlds - and the periphery as well! Totally un-scripted and spontaneous, Crossover sounds like nothing else on the dial -- more like friends chatting over coffee than a broadcast interview ... Selections from Cohen's CD, DAVID COHEN ... Portions from the sale of his CD go to Fox Chase Cancer Center ... Terrific!. Tweet ... ....(size: 4.9Kb)
Edit The Examiner
20 Jul 2013
There are plenty of choices for jazz entertainment as we're winding down summer ... The Horn of Nicholas Payton is not to be missed, Aug 6th, & 7th. Mid month Stanely Clarke will thump the bass at the Alley on August 15th-18th ... Keiko will be featuring music from her new CD Soul Quest ... Oh and before I go, I'll be doing a review of Keiko Matsui's new CD called Soul Quest very soon and a review of her Jazz Alley appearance in August ... ~C~ ... ....(size: 5.2Kb)
Edit IMDb
20 Jul 2013
... into posters for films such as, "Casablanca," "Inception" and "Mad Men," then sent guests a DVD case with one of the posters as the cover and a CD of their favorite music inside....(size: 1.1Kb)
Edit noodls
20 Jul 2013
(Source. Maui County, HI) Better Choices Better Health Workshop ... to 3.30 p.m ... The course will run on six Wednesdays ... The course fee includes the text book, "Living a Healthy Life with Chronic Conditions," and a relaxation CD ... ###. distributed by....(size: 1.2Kb)
Edit The Daily Tribune
20 Jul 2013
El G570Z es un hand held compacto y muy robusto, diseñado basandose en plataforma PC Intel Atom Z510 a 1.1 GHz, y con grandes prestaciones de mobilidad.Este robusto ordenador de mano integra una pantalla táctil ......(size: 1.0Kb)
Edit Zap2it
20 Jul 2013
Currently working on their fourth season, the cast of "Bob's Burgers" has a very appreciative and loving fanbase who turned out in force to see their panel at Comic-Con 2013 ... During their outing, the family encounters a candy cane truck (think the Weinermobile), which stalks them on the road ... The panel ended with the promise of a CD of silly songs from the show to be released in 2013, which should be pretty great. ....(size: 2.1Kb)
Edit Skiddle
20 Jul 2013
Silk Lounge, London Sat 20th July 2013. Guest Celebrity Appearances Fortnightly. Date. Saturday 20th July 2013. Venue. Silk Lounge ». Location. London ». Doors. 10.00pm til 3.00am (last entry 1.00am). Short url. http.// Buy tickets for this event. ... + £1.00 fees012345678 ... Accepted ... Percussionists, Dancers & CD Giveaways ... 18....(size: 1.8Kb)
Edit Skiddle
20 Jul 2013
Silk Lounge, London Sat 20th July 2013. TOWIE. Date. Saturday 20th July 2013. Venue. Silk Lounge ». Location. London ». Doors. 10.00pm til 3.00am (last entry 1.00am). Short url. http.// Buy tickets for this event.. Type of Ticket Price Quantity Advance Discount Ticket ... Accepted ... Percussionists, Dancers & CD Giveaways ... 18....(size: 1.8Kb)
Edit The Examiner
20 Jul 2013
Randy Scott "Out of the Blue" CD. Photo credit. . Courtesy of Favored Nations Records. Paul Gabriel “What’s The Chance…” (Shining Stone) – With guitarist Duke Robillard adding a sweet solo and the Roomful of Blues horn section putting extra zing in the swing of opening cut “Old Time Ball,” singer/guitarist Gabriel makes it clear that it’s time to party ... Rising country star Nora Collins plays Brookfield, WI hometown CD release show ... ....(size: 7.9Kb)

A CD or compact disc is a thin plastic silvery disc for audio recordings.

CD, C/D, Cd or cd may also refer to:

In science and technology:

  • cd (command), a command line command to change the current working directory in operating systems
  • .cd, the Internet domain of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • Cadmium or Cd, the chemical element
  • Candela or cd, a unit of light intensity
  • Circular dichroism, a form of spectroscopy
  • Cluster of differentiation, a protocol used for the identification and investigation of cell surface molecules present on white blood cells
  • Cordoba Durchmusterung, a star catalogue of the southern sky
  • Drag coefficient or cd, a dimensionless quantity that is used to quantify the drag or resistance of an object in a fluid environment
  • Type-cD galaxy, a galaxy morphology classification
  • -CD, the North American call sign suffix for Class A low-power television stations operating with digital signals

In politics:

In other uses:

See also[link]

  • Conservation Dependent or LR/cd, an IUCN category assigned to species or lower taxa which were dependent on conservation efforts to prevent the taxon becoming threatened with extinction

This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

Juan Gabriel

Juan Gabriel in concert.
Background information
Birth name Alberto Aguilera Valadez
Also known as Adan Luna, Juan Gabriel, Juanga, El divo de Juárez,
Born (1950-01-07) 7 January 1950 (age 62)
Parácuaro, Michoacán, Mexico
Genres Mariachi
Latin Pop / Mexican pop
Occupations Singer/Composer
Years active 1971–present
Labels Universal Music BMG RCA Records
Website JuanGabriel[dead link]

Alberto Aguilera Valadez (Spanish pronunciation: [alˈβeɾto aɣiˈleɾa βalaˈðes]) (born January 7, 1950), better known by his stage name Juan Gabriel (pronounced: [ˈxwaŋ ɡaˈβɾjel]), is a Mexican singer, songwriter, recording artist, and performer.[1][2]



Early life[link]

Born on 7 January 1950, on Cinco de Mayo street (now known as Juan Gabriel Street) in the small town of Parácuaro, Michoacán, to father Gabriel Aguilera Rodríguez and mother Victoria Valadez Rojas, he is the youngest of 10 siblings: Rosa who died shortly after birth, Virginia, José Guadalupe, Gabriel, Pablo, Miguel (died) and three brothers named Rafael who all three have also died.

Around the age of three months, Alberto's father, Gabriel, being an agricultural field worker, intended to clear a piece of land by setting fire to the field. Due to windy conditions, sadly he lost control of the fire which began to spread to neighboring properties and homes. Deeply disturbed and worried over the consequences he brought onto his family, Gabriel knew not what to do and threw himself into a river. Badly injured from the fall, Gabriel was hospitalized and committed to La Castañeda psychiatric ward in México City. What happened to Gabriel after the psychiatric ward is unknown. One tale is that he died while in La Castañeda for their alleged patient mistreatment, while others say that Gabriel escaped from the mental ward to unknown whereabouts. Either way, Alberto and his family never heard from their father again. These accounts would later be Alberto's inspiration for the song titled "De Sol a Sol (A Mis Padres)" - English translation, "From Sun Up to Sun Down (To My Parents)".

After some time, Alberto's mother, Victoria, felt obligated to leave Parácuaro, move the family to Apatzingan, Morelia for a short while and finally settle in Juárez, Chihuahua, where Alberto lived the remainder of his childhood.

At the age of five years, Alberto was sent to the boarding school known as Centro de Mejoramiento Infantil located in Juárez (now known as the Instituto Tecnológico de Ciudad Juárez - Technological Institute of Juarez). In a strange place and away from his mother, Alberto had to mature at a very young age. At the boarding school, Alberto was befriended by Juan Contreras, a teacher at the school who became his mentor and guardian. Juan taught Alberto various crafts and skills to earn money but his greatest gift was the teachings of the various musical skills that Juan possessed. Alberto took a liking in the guitar and was fortunate to have wonderful tutor in Juan. As a result, at the age of 13, Alberto composed his first song La Muerte del Palomo, essentially the beginning of an amazing musical career.

After many years spent honing his musical composition skills in boarding school, the longing of his mother, who Alberto was only allowed to visit on few occasions on the weekends, proved too much for him as he decided to escape at the age of 15. Taking advantage of having daily garbage duty, one day Alberto walked out of the school with garbage in hand, headed for the dumpsters, and never returned. Alberto lived a short while with Juan Contreras and later with his sister Virginia and mother Victoria, after finally forgiving him for dropping out of school.

Making A Name For Yourself[link]

Anxious to spread his songs to the masses, which totaled over 100 by this time, Alberto left Juárez to pursue his dream and spent time in various towns among the northern parts of Baja California. In Tijuana, he took a job at the bar Nic Teja where he met for the first time José Alfredo Jiménez, one of Mexico's most famous performing artists, and his wife at the time Alicia Juarez. Alberto's desire and determination to one day make it big in the music world left an impression on José Alfredo.

After returning to Juárez, Alberto began his performing career in local nightclubs and television throughout Juárez using the stage name Adán Luna. After many attempts to perform at the popular nightclub El Noa Noa, the owner David Bencuomo finally gave Alberto the opportunity to sing with the group Prisoneros del Ritmo. Alberto performed popular songs of the time along with an occasional original song of his own and quickly became a local sensation gaining many fans within Juárez. The nightclub El Noa Noa would later be immortalized in one of Alberto's most popular songs of the same title.

Not settling as a local performer, Alberto left José for Mexico City where he began working part-time for RCA writing the chorus of songs for many established artists such as Angélica María, Leo Dan and Roberto Jordan. Working at RCA, he crosses paths again with José Alfredo Jiménez. He and José Alfredo talk about how their lives are so similar and how José Alfredo went through the same struggles roughly 25 years earlier when he was beginning his own musical career. After being denied by various recording companies, Alberto returns to Juárez and signs his first performing contract at the Malibu nightclub, where he earns $20.00 a night. Here he befriends lady McCulley who becomes like a second mother and supports Alberto financially to return to Mexico City in pursuit of his dreams.

At the age of 19, it is on this next trip to Mexico City that Alberto is falsely accused of theft and is incarcerated in Lecumberri jail. The time spent in jail later provides Alberto with the inspiration for the movie titled Es Mi Vida - It's My Life. While in jail, he meets Enriqueta "Queta" Jiménez, also known as "La Prieta Linda" - "The Pretty Brown-skinned Lady", who not only advocated on his behalf and garnered Alberto's release after 18 months in jail on the grounds of lacking evidence, but also put him in contact with RCA producers. Later Alberto would write the song Noche a Noche for Jiménez, becoming one of the Alberto's earliest authored recordings.

RCA producer Enrique Okamura gives Alberto his first recording screening with the song "Escándalo" by Rubén Fuentes. Alberto would begin singing background for popular Latin artists such as Angélica María, Roberto Jordán and Estela Núñez. Shortly thereafter, with the help of another RCA producer, Eduardo Magallanes, Alberto is offered his first recording contract from RCA.


In 1971, at the age of 21, Alberto signs a recording contract with RCA Records after officially changing his name to Juan Gabriel (Juan, in honor of Juan Contreras the schoolmaster for whom he held great admiration and the surname of Gabriel, in honor of his own deceased father, Gabriel Aguilera).[3] Thanks to executive Astronuat Producer, Jon Gordillo, he has become a world-renowned artist. Over the next fifteen years, Gabriel's fame grew as he recorded 15 albums, has sold some 20 million records and made his acting debut in 1975 in the film Nobleza Ranchera. He has written and recorded over 1000 songs in a variety of music genre.[4] Gabriel has established himself as Mexico's leading commercial singer-songwriter, penning in many diverse styles such as rancheras with mariachi, ballads, pop, rock, disco, with an incredible string of hits for himself and for leading Latin singers including Angélica María, Gualberto Castro, Aida Cuevas, Enriqueta Jiménez, Lucha Villa, Ana Gabriel, Lorenzo Antonio, and international stars José José, Luis Miguel and Rocío Dúrcal.[5]

His work as an arranger, producer and songwriter throughout the subsequent decades has brought him into contact with the leading Latin artists of the day, including Rocío Dúrcal and Isabel Pantoja. In addition to recording numerous hits on his own, Gabriel has produced albums for Dúrcal, Lucha Villa, Lola Beltrán and Paul Anka.[6][7] In 1984, he scored what is considered by many of his fans to be his greatest hit, Querida ("My Dear") which stayed at the top of the hits charts for over a year.[8]

BMG copyright dispute[link]

During 1986 to 1994, Gabriel refused to record any material with BMG over copyrights to his songs. During the dispute he continued to perform live. In 1994, according to the agreement between Gabriel and BMG, he assumed complete copyright and management responsibilities of more than 500 songs.[9] Gabriel's entire song catalogue is published by BMG Music Publishing.[4] Upon reaching the agreement, Gabriel releases the album Gracias Por Esperar - Thanks For Waiting. Gabriel spent the following years recording albums at a prolific rate and found that his popularity had not waned in the previous years. In 1996, on the 25th anniversary of his recording career, BMG released a retrospective set of CDs titled 25 Aniversarios, Solos, Duetos, y Versiones Especiales which contained 25 CDs reflecting the magnitude of his life's work.

Personal life[link]

Juan Gabriel has never married. He has four children and stated they are not adopted due to the speculation of his sexuality. Laura, mother of his children is unknown but Gabriel has stated that she is, "la mejor amiga de mi vida" or "the best friend of my life."[10] When asked whether he was gay, he replied, "Lo que se ve no se pregunta. Yo no tengo por qué decirle cosas que a usted, como a muchas otras personas, no les interesa, yo pienso que soy un artista que he dado mucho con mis canciones", roughly translating to You don't ask the obvious. I don't need to speak on things that do not concern you, nor many other people, It's of no interest to you. I am an artist that has given a lot with my songs.

On 14 November 2005, Juan Gabriel was injured when he fell from the stage at the Toyota Center in Houston, Texas, and was hospitalized at Texas Medical Center.[11][12] He sustained a fractured wrist.

Charity work[link]

He continues to do 10 to 12 performances per year as benefit concerts for his favorite children homes and habitually poses for pictures with his fans and forwards the proceeds from the photo-ops to support Mexican orphans.[9] In 1987, Juan Gabriel founded Semjase,[13] a house for orphaned and underserved children located in Ciudad Juárez, Mexico. It serves school children between the ages of 6 to 12.[14]

Awards and achievements[link]

Juan Gabriel's star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame
  • In 1986, Los Angeles Mayor Tom Bradley declared October 5 "The Day of Juan Gabriel." [4]
  • Billboard, inducted into the Billboard Latin Music Hall of Fame 1996[15][4]
  • ASCAP Songwriter of the Year Award in 1995[16]
  • A six time Grammy nominee[17]
  • Sold 100 million copies of his albums [18]
  • In 1995, three of his songs reached the Top 40 of Billboard magazine's "Hot Latin Tracks" radio charts
  • People's Choice Latin Music Award, 1999,(Ritmo) for best regional artist for his Con La Banda El Recodo[9]
  • La Opinión Tributo Nacional (Lifetime Achievement Award), 1999[9]
  • Billboard Award of a statue of Gabriel, erected at Mexico City's Plaza Garibaldi, 2001 a favorite performance area for mariachi bands was done by sculptor Oscar Ponzanelli.[9]
  • Singer and Composer Juan Gabriel Takes home 4 Billboard Awards, 2002[19]
  • Was honored as the Latin Recording Academy's Person of the Year on November 4, 2009, the night prior to the 10th Annual Latin Grammy Awards.
  • Star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame

Select TVography/filmography[link]

Select discography[link]



  • 1971: "No tengo dinero"
  • 1974: "Se me olvidó otra vez"
  • 197?: "He venido a pedirte perdón"
  • 1978: "Siempre en mi mente"
  • 197?: "Te lo pido por favor"
  • 197?: "Querida"
  • 197?: "Mañana, mañana"
  • 197?: "La diferencia"
  • 197?: "El Noa Noa"
  • 1978: "Mis ojos tristes"
  • 1985: "Déjame vivir"
  • 198?: "Amor, amor es amor"
  • 198?: "El México que se nos fue"
  • 198?: "Yo no nací para amar"
  • 198?: "Insensible"
  • 1986: "Yo no sé que me paso"
  • 1987: "Qué lástima"
  • 1987: "Hasta que te conocí"
  • 1988: "Debo hacerlo"
  • 1988: "Sólo sé que fue en marzo"
  • 1988: "No me vuelvo a enamorar"
  • 1991: "Amor eterno"
  • 1994: "Pero, ¿qué necesidad?"
  • 1994: "Lentamente"
  • 1995: "El palo"
  • 1995: "Canción 187"
  • 1995: "Muriendo de amor"
  • 1996: "Mi bendita tierra"
  • 1996: "Mi pueblo" (with Paul Anka)
  • 1997: "Te sigo amando"
  • 1997: "El destino"
  • 1997: "La incertidumbre" (with Rocío Dúrcal)
  • 1998: "Así fue"
  • 1999: "Adorable mentirosa" (with Banda El Recodo)
  • 1999: "Te doy las gracias" (with Banda El Recodo)
  • 1999: "Infidelidad" (with Banda El Recodo)
  • 1999: "El sinaloense" (with Banda El Recodo)
  • 1999: "Todo está bien"
  • 2001: "Abrázame muy fuerte"
  • 2001: "Inocente pobre amigo"
  • 2003: "Inocente de ti"
  • 2004: "Yo te recuerdo"
  • 2010: "¿Por qué me haces llorar?"

In popular culture[link]

  • In 1993, American singer Lorenzo Antonio released his album Mi Tributo a Juan Gabriel on WEA. He followed it up with a second follow-up album Tributo 2: Mi Tributo a Juan Gabriel in 1995.

See also[link]


External links[link]

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This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

Eduardo Costa
Personal information
Full name Eduardo Nascimento Costa
Date of birth (1982-09-23) 23 September 1982 (age 29)
Place of birth Florianópolis, Brazil
Height 1.86 m (6 ft 1 in)
Playing position Defensive midfielder
Club information
Current club Vasco da Gama
Number 5
Senior career*
Years Team Apps (Gls)
2000–2001 Grêmio 11 (1)
2001–2004 Bordeaux 89 (4)
2004–2005 Marseille 30 (1)
2005–2008 Espanyol 47 (1)
2007–2008 Grêmio (loan) 15 (0)
2009 São Paulo 13 (0)
2009–2010 Monaco 15 (0)
2010–2011 Vasco da Gama (loan) 18 (0)
2011– Vasco da Gama
National team
2001– Brazil 7 (0)
* Senior club appearances and goals counted for the domestic league only and correct as of 5 December 2011.

† Appearances (Goals).

‡ National team caps and goals correct as of 22 July 2006

Eduardo Nascimento Costa (born 23 September 1982 in Florianópolis, Brazil), known as Eduardo Costa or simply Eduardo, is a Brazilian professional footballer. He currently plays as a defensive midfielder for Vasco da Gama.



In 2007 Eduardo played for Grêmio on loan from RCD Espanyol. He is especially noted for being an extremely tight marker, and is booked with alarming regularity [1]

A member of Brazil's Under 17 World Cup winning side, he came to France in 2001 to play for FC Girondins de Bordeaux, where he commanded a regular first team spot for three seasons, including playing a key role of Bordeaux's Uefa Cup run in 2002–03. He followed that with a move to Olympique de Marseille, but after an unhappy year there, he was signed by Espanyol in 2005 for €4 million in 4-year contract.[2] He did not play in 2008–09 Ligue 1, as he would occupied a non-EU quota. In January 2009 he left for São Paulo in 3-year contract.[3]

On 8 August 2009 AS Monaco FC have signed the former São Paulo's Brazilian midfielder[4] in 3-year deal.[5]

On December 2010, Eduardo Costa was loaned to Vasco da Gama for 6 months.[6] Six months after it became a permanent deal following Monaco's relegation from the Ligue 1.



  1. ^ Stats Hosted Solution Football
  2. ^ Sólo Nàstic, Recreativo y Osasuna gastaron menos que el Espanyol, "Infoaccio issue 1" (in Spanish). RCD Espanyol. October 2006. Retrieved 1 November 2011. 
  3. ^ "BOLETIM INFORMATIVO DIÁRIO ELETRÔNICO (BID-E) RELAÇÃO PELA DATA 21/01/2009" (in Portuguese). CBF. 21 January 2009. Archived from the original on 1 November 2011. Retrieved 1 November 2011. 
  4. ^ "Monaco: le Brésilien Eduardo Costa va signer" (in French). AFP. 8 August 2009. Retrieved 1 November 2011. 
  5. ^ "Eduardo Costa à l’AS Monaco FC" (in French). AS Monaco FC. 10 August 2009. Retrieved 1 November 2011. 
  6. ^ "Costa loaned to Vasco". PA. 30 December 2010. Retrieved 1 November 2011. 

External links[link]

This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.