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September 2009

Sign Petition Calling on Advertisers to Drop Their Sponsorship of Lou Dobbs’ Anti-Latino Hatefest

Click Here to Take Action

Just do it. It will take 1 minute out of your life.

Now, the news anchor in the next clip needs no introduction. Take the time to watch it. You'll be glad you did.

News With Nezua | Crazy Old White Guys from nezua on Vimeo.

Molly’sBlog 2009-09-30 20:17:00

It's happening in two weeks down at the Rudolf Rocker Cultural Centre, 91 Albert St., here in Winnipeg. A book launch for 'Empire of Illusion' by Chris Hedges. Here's the promo.

Chris Hedges "Empire of Illusion" Book Launch:
Pulitzer Prize winning author launches his latest.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
7:30pm - 9:30pm
Rudolph Rocker Cultural Centre
3rd Floor of 91 Albert St.
Winnipeg, MB
Chris Hedges, Pulitzer Prize winning journalist and author of classics such as War is a Force that Gives Us Meaning and American Fascists, launches his latest book, EMPIRE OF ILLUSION.
In EMPIRE OF ILLUSION: The End of Literacy and the Triumph of Spectacle, Chris Hedges examines the rift between these two cultures. He posits that our culture has detached from intellectualism, instead relying on spectacle, false idols, and snake oil salesmen to distract us from the economic, political and moral collapse around us. From the ring of professional wrestling matches at Madison Square Garden, to the convention floor in Las Vegas for the pornography industry’s annual Adult Video News (AVN) expo, to academic conferences where positive psychologists claim to be able to engineer happiness, he investigates the distractions and diversions that keep so many blissfully blind to reality. EMPIRE OF ILLUSION is a disturbing anatomy of a society unmoored from reality; one that has let literacy and critical thinking erode and allowed a new wave of celebrity, slogans, and illusion to overtake our autonomy.
I sincerely hope that the author mentioned above will be more objective than the usual run of leftist "intellectuals". There is little doubt that our society, and that of most (all ?) societies in the world operate very much on the level of illusion and what has been called 'the spectacle'. That is granted. The problem is that the average leftist critic now operates at a much greater level of illusion than the general society does. Not only is there not even a grudging admission about how little the average person takes the spectacle "seriously". What is worse is that far too much of 'the left' wallows in a swamp of guilt and anti-intellectualism ((in the sense that they are against any effort to think things out beyond taking sides) that would put Sarah Palin to shame. Quite frankly before I will take any leftist critic seriously I would like to see the fans of TV wrestling put above the fans of fads such as post-modernism if for no other reason that that the wrestling fans are both more realistic and have a sense of humour. This may be too much to expect, but attend the lecture to see what this guy has to say. For myself, all that I can say is that a society of illusion inevitably begets its own illusionary opposition.

Stars and Stripes of Corruption by the Dead Kennedys

Good stuff, youtube video

Molly’sBlog 2009-09-30 18:26:00

The Ontario Coalition Against Poverty (OCAP) is cosponsoring an interesting speaker down Toronto way this Friday evening. Here's the skivvy.
Friday: Solidarity. Resistance. Change:
Steve Williams Speaks:

Organizing Working Class Communities
Public forum featuring:
Steve Williams
Co-Director and co-founder of the California based group "People Organized to win Employment Rights" and co-author of the book "Towards Land, Work and Power"
7pm, Friday October 2, 2009
Ryerson Student Centre
55 Gould Street, Room 115
Co-sponsored by Socialist Project and Centre for Social Justice.Endorsed by Black Action Defence Committee (BADC), No One Is Illegal (NOII) and Ontario Coalition Against Poverty (OCAP)

Molly’sBlog 2009-09-30 17:19:00

The Giumarra Corporation is the world's largest supplier of table grapes. Despite their size and profitability they are determined to squeeze every last cent of profit out of their workers. The campaign of the United Farm Workers against abuses by this corporation was mentioned earlier this month on this blog. Here's another appeal from the UFW to sign their online petition against this high handed way of treating workers.
We're almost there. Won't you help?:
We've been telling you about the situation that exists at Giumarra vineyards and the online petition we launched for the workers. Our goal is to get 25,000 signatures by the end of the month.

We are almost there. With the number of signatures supporters have committed to turning into us this week, we have more than 23,000. We just have approximately 2,000 more signatures to go.

Please help: Sign the petition demanding that Giumarra treat its workers with dignity and respect!

Approximately one out of every ten bunches of grapes picked in the U.S. comes from workers for a single company--Giumarra. Yet, for all their hard work, Giumarra has for years refused to treat those workers with even the most basic level of respect.

Farm workers should have the same rights as everyone else. It's time Giumarra got that message loud and clear. Help pump up the volume by signing the workers’ online petition today.
Please go to THIS LINK to sign the following online petition to the Giumarra Corporation. Show them that the world is watching.
Full Petition Text:
I am astonished and dismayed at the length that Giumarra goes to in order to keep workers under control. It reflects negatively on your company and the Giumarra Corporation's new label, Nature's Partner.
Giumarra has a history of intimidating and bullying workers. Back in 2006, Giumarra's unlawful interference forced a union election to be thrown out by an administrative judge. Your history with worker protection is also dismal with two farm workers dying from heat-related causes while laboring in your fields. While charges are being filed left and right, your company continues to violate the law.
Instead of moving forth in a new era, under your new label, you have chosen to rise to new levels of bad behavior. Using this tactic to force workers to pick faster under triple digit temperatures or to retaliate against a worker who has the nerve to question a supervisor is just wrong. How can you be Nature's Partner when your absurd quotas and intimidation force workers to endure the searing sun and go without water, shade and breaks?
It's time for your company to realize that you are not above the law. The consumers of Giumarra and your new Nature's Partner label are watching you. Treat the workers laboring in your fields with dignity and respect and stop retaliating against UFW supporters.

The Picket Line — 1 October 2009

1 October 2009

Author Deborah Eisenberg highlights how people who have carefully considered and accepted the logic behind conscientious tax resistance can nonetheless use exaggerated fears of its consequences to justify failing to take appropriate action. Excerpt:

AK: Is it possible to be an American and live an ethical life?

DE: Well, that’s the question. For the middle class — there used to be a huge middle class, but of course there hardly is one any longer — if you vote, and pay taxes, you’re contributing to all kinds of destruction. Our money enriches big corporation and kills poor people at home and elsewhere. As we sit here, people are being killed, with our money. But what is there to do? On, in fact, Amy Goodman’s show, I heard an interview with a woman who led a group of tax resisters, all of whom withhold portions of their taxes on moral grounds. As it happened, I was just on my way uptown to see my tax accountant, and make out my tax checks. Well, the woman was saying, “Nothing that can happen to a tax resister in the U.S. can possibly compare to the horror that we’re inflicting on people in Iraq.” And I thought, That’s so true. I’m going to go tell my accountant that I’m going to withhold my taxes. Then Amy Goodman asked her what happens to tax resisters. And the woman said, “Well, some property has been confiscated — some of our members’ homes.” And after another moment she said, “And some of our members are in prison.” And I thought, Plan B.

I know she’s right, I passionately share her views, but not passionately enough to emulate her courage. So, in regard to your question — I think that I, and the overwhelming majority of people in this country would be considered perfectly nice, decent, upright people, if we happened to be living in other countries. But our private and local selves are overshadowed, now, by our public and global selves. I’m talking now about people like myself, who would be considered fiscally stable. It gets more complicated, obviously, when you think about the rapidly growing population of the impoverished. I can’t do anything about my disproportionate power — none of us seem to be able to do anything about our disproportionate power unless it’s something extreme almost to the point of self-immolation in one way or another. So the circumstances of our life, the historical circumstances, decree that we’re villains, no matter what our convictions or character, unless we’re willing to risk a lot more than I, at least, have thus far had the courage to risk.

In the ninth section of the third book of The Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle concludes his discussion of courage.

A brave person accepts pain, and the risk of greater pain & death, because the brave person values courage more than he or she fears those things. He or she would rather live a flourishing and thriving life of eudaimonia, of which courage is a constituent, than a longer or more painless life.

This is kind of like a boxer or long-distance runner who doesn’t love the pain of being hit or of hitting-the-wall at mile 18, but who loves victory enough to keep fighting through the pain anyway.

Courage is a particularly challenging virtue in this way because, Aristotle says, the more virtuous you are (for instance, the more courageous), the more eudaimon your life is, and therefore the more valuable your life will be to you. Thus the more courageous you are, the more you are putting at risk by being so.

For this reason, he says, soldiers who are exhibiting one of the varieties of counterfeit courage he mentioned in the previous section may be better soldiers to have in your army because they have less to lose: “they sell their life for trifling gains.”

Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics

Comment on today’s Picket Line!

eye of the storm 2009-09-30 15:24:04

so i'm sittin here watchin crank 2, which is approximately the baddest-ass movie ever made, with the possible excption of crank. the visual language, the music (perfect), the unbelievable chases and action sequences: incomparable, like its star, jason statham. also it's very very funny. plus it features the great dwight yoakam as an utterly vice-saturated (booze, pills, hookers, etc) defrocked doctor. not to mention, unbelievably, david carradine as a sex-addled 100-year-old. no autoerotic asphyxiation, though, but damn near everything else. somewhere right now, quentin tarantino, the great genius of pomo cinema, is watching crank 2 for the sixth time, having a filmic orgasm. one thing though: probably you shouldn't take the girlfriend, the wife, etc. she's not going to like it. it's so guyish that you got to check your estrogen at the door.  don't worry about the premise, which is insane. but within that, the plot does make sense, not that that's necessary. whoever these people are (="neveldine and taylor"?), they're dragging cinema past the millennium.

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Reading Stokely Carmichael in Seattle, or, ah, Seattle this is how you really are

A memorable experience today reading "Stokely Speaks" in a coffee shop in Seattle. Stokely speaks has a cover with a picture of him angrily gesturing on it. Wonderful book. Anyways, here I am sitting at a coffee shop on Pike and Broadway in Seattle's Capitol Hill neighborhood, the gay and entertainment center of the city, and I pull out the book and start reading it, and one of the baristas, a

Post-Peak Oil, Climate Change and Green Jobs

Post-Peak Oil, Climate Change and Green Jobs

PVs and Wind are somewhat of an illusion. Neither supplies the voltage and amperage needed to do the great majority of the electrical work that our society has grown accustomed to.

The key to a bountiful green building economy is the reversal of the thirty, fifty, one hundred year trend of sprawl development in the United States.

By rebuilding neighborhoods and reallocating goods and services to those renovated neighborhoods (made walkable, meaning that the great majority of Americans will be able to get what they need within walking distance of their homes), we can succeed.

Such a tremendous dedication of resources will be a boom to the building trades and will create the effect of reducing automobile usage by 80% in the next 20 to 40 years. Neighborhood commercial, community and work/telecommute centers will be centrally placed in what are now alienating, automobile dependent, strictly residential areas, alleviating the problems associated with post-peak oil and climate change and bringing with it the quality of life associated with communities and neighborhoods, that most individuals and families currently lack.

If we do this, we can take the opportunity to retrofit for weatherization, passive solar design (heating and cooling), electronic environmental controls, solar assisted hot water applications, limited PV and wind applications, etc.

Also, if done correctly, we can make changes in ownership arrangements that are much more fair and just, and work towards an equitable distribution of wealth among neighborhoods.

Please do contact me so that we can establish a working relationship and together build a great future for the building trades, for youth and children, for the world.

In Peace, Friendship, Community, Cooperation, and Solidarity,

Mike Morin
Eugene, OR

Restructuring Financial/Economic Systems

With respect to the “nature of wealth”, I think that the “quality of life” paradigm in lieu of the “standard of living” paradigm needs to be stressed.”Quality of life” includes personal happiness for self, family, friends, neighbors, and all others. It…

Continue reading at Peoples' Equity Union …