A certain topic has been dominating headlines and infuriating lefties yesterday, today and probably will for the next generation or so. However I won't be talking about it directly, because I...

Mid Yorkshire Hospital Strike Picket Lines

Prolongued strike action in West Yorkshire hospitals has shown that attacks by the bosses can be fought off.

Jeremy Brecher's account of the strike wave in American mines from 1919 to 1922, where coalminers fought the bosses, the government and even the unions often pitched battles involving guns,...

A short history of the nationwide wildcat strike of US rail workers in 1919, which won pay increases despite being viciously undermined by the trade unions.


Meeting of the Makhnovists

Ukrainian anarcho-communist revolutionary Nestor Makhno's history of the revolution in Ukraine and the role of the Makhnovist movement.


Eli Friedman on some of the recent strikes in China.