17. Differential PCM (DPCM)
For More Video lectures from IIT Professors .......visit www.satishkashyap.com "DIGITAL CO...
published: 11 Mar 2013
author: kashyap B
17. Differential PCM (DPCM)
17. Differential PCM (DPCM)
For More Video lectures from IIT Professors .......visit www.satishkashyap.com "DIGITAL COMMUNICATIONS" by Prof. S. Chakrabarti, IIT KGP 1. Syllabus and Over...- published: 11 Mar 2013
- views: 957
- author: kashyap B
18. DPCM (Cont..)
For More Video lectures from IIT Professors .......visit www.satishkashyap.com "DIGITAL CO...
published: 11 Mar 2013
author: kashyap B
18. DPCM (Cont..)
18. DPCM (Cont..)
For More Video lectures from IIT Professors .......visit www.satishkashyap.com "DIGITAL COMMUNICATIONS" by Prof. S. Chakrabarti, IIT KGP 1. Syllabus and Over...- published: 11 Mar 2013
- views: 234
- author: kashyap B
NES Audio: Rob Hubbard DPCM Sawtooth
http://retrogameaudio.tumblr.com/ In this video, a unique trick for generating a sustained...
published: 28 Mar 2012
author: explod2A03
NES Audio: Rob Hubbard DPCM Sawtooth
NES Audio: Rob Hubbard DPCM Sawtooth
http://retrogameaudio.tumblr.com/ In this video, a unique trick for generating a sustained melodic sound from the sample channel is examined. Example: The Im...- published: 28 Mar 2012
- views: 4356
- author: explod2A03
El nazary elly momken yeegy feeha howa shar7 el concept nafso beta3 el DPCM , el far2 been...
published: 31 May 2013
author: Mohamed Waheed
El nazary elly momken yeegy feeha howa shar7 el concept nafso beta3 el DPCM , el far2 been DPCM wel ADPCM, w ta3reef shwayet 7agat zy masalan residual error ...- published: 31 May 2013
- views: 350
- author: Mohamed Waheed
(Adaptive)Huffman with DPCM Coder/Encoder
WxWidgets, OpenCV 2.0a From: http://littlefreelog.blogspot.com....
published: 22 Jan 2010
author: littlefree chen
(Adaptive)Huffman with DPCM Coder/Encoder
(Adaptive)Huffman with DPCM Coder/Encoder
WxWidgets, OpenCV 2.0a From: http://littlefreelog.blogspot.com.- published: 22 Jan 2010
- views: 1654
- author: littlefree chen
John Leagsdurg shows you how to convert WAV to DPCM (Famitracker)
I'm showing you how to convert your WAV file into a DPCM channel sample like the announcer...
published: 25 May 2013
author: David2596able
John Leagsdurg shows you how to convert WAV to DPCM (Famitracker)
John Leagsdurg shows you how to convert WAV to DPCM (Famitracker)
I'm showing you how to convert your WAV file into a DPCM channel sample like the announcer from the NES game Gradius II. Sorry after the first time hearing y...- published: 25 May 2013
- views: 51
- author: David2596able
ファミコンサウンドを科学する! 5.DPCM(サンプリング)
published: 17 Jul 2013
ファミコンサウンドを科学する! 5.DPCM(サンプリング)
ファミコンサウンドを科学する! 5.DPCM(サンプリング)
詳細はhttp://pikopiko.nekomimi-japan.com 電子書籍「君はまだピコピコしているか!?〜夢幻のファミ魂ミュージック回廊〜」の連動動画。 「初代ファミコン」のサウンドについて、まるごと一冊語った前代未聞の書籍!一部のページには動画も用意され、聴覚・視覚も併せてファミコンサウンドの真髄に迫ることが可能。ファミコンサウンドの科学的な分析・解説から、名作・迷作勢揃いのゲーム紹介まで盛りだくさんの一冊。 著者:大須賀 淳(スタジオねこやなぎ) ■目次 序章 :ある男のピコピコ洗礼 第1章 :ファミコンサウンドを科学する! 第2章 :実録!ファミコン音楽の中毒性 第3章 :やがて初音ミクへ-音声合成の魔力 第4章 :ファミコンで聴ける「お馴染みのメロディ」 第5章 :2コンマイクにシャウト! あとがき:無音でも何か出ている! ■本書に登場するファミコンソフト ドンキーコングJr.、スーパーマリオブラザーズ、ギャラガ、ゼビウス、パックマン、ゼルダの伝説、謎の村雨城、悪魔城伝説、ギミック、ボンバーマン、DAIVA、がんばれゴエモン!からくり道中、スパルタンX、暴れん坊天狗、ドラゴンクエスト(シリーズ)、北斗の拳、忍者ハットリくん、グーニーズ、シティコネクション、ダウンタウン熱血行進曲 それゆけ大運動会、チャレンジャー、美味しんぼ 究極のメニュー三本勝負、フィールドコンバット、けっきょく南極大冒険、プーヤン、バイナリィランド、TM NETWORK LIVE IN POWER BOWL、天下のご意見番 水戸黄門、ゴジラ、ゲゲゲの鬼太郎 妖怪大魔境、ポパイ、ハイパーオリンピック、バンゲリングベイ、たけしの挑戦状、ボンバーキング、ボコスカウォーズ、ヘクター'87、ファミリーベーシック、サマーカーニバル'92 烈火 他- published: 17 Jul 2013
- views: 55
The Sunsoft DPCM Bass Trick - Famitracker
www.beatscribe.com - This video accompanies the tutorial here: http://beatscribe.wordpress...
published: 02 Dec 2013
The Sunsoft DPCM Bass Trick - Famitracker
The Sunsoft DPCM Bass Trick - Famitracker
www.beatscribe.com - This video accompanies the tutorial here: http://beatscribe.wordpress.com/2013/11/27/the-sunsoft-dpcm-bass-trick-in-famitracker-tutorial/ Here the final product here and see how it's tracked out in Famitracker.- published: 02 Dec 2013
- views: 123
Infinite Nightmare (DPCM)
This song was a result of recent personal events. This ended up possibly being a new title...
published: 12 Jul 2012
author: TimeViolator
Infinite Nightmare (DPCM)
Infinite Nightmare (DPCM)
This song was a result of recent personal events. This ended up possibly being a new title theme for Mega Man F, but then I ended up getting inspiration from...- published: 12 Jul 2012
- views: 150
- author: TimeViolator
Cave of the Heart (DPCM)
Created in 2007. This is a more recent version of the song that utilizes DPCM drum samples...
published: 30 Aug 2010
author: 8bitSLiVeR
Cave of the Heart (DPCM)
Cave of the Heart (DPCM)
Created in 2007. This is a more recent version of the song that utilizes DPCM drum samples. The title was inspired by my reading of the Upanishads, which is ...- published: 30 Aug 2010
- views: 897
- author: 8bitSLiVeR
DPCM App Preview von FRITZ & MACZIOL
Der Dynamic Power Cloud Manager (DPCM) von FRITZ & MACZIOL ist eine komfortable Automatisi...
published: 25 Mar 2013
author: FRITZMACZIOLgroup
DPCM App Preview von FRITZ & MACZIOL
DPCM App Preview von FRITZ & MACZIOL
Der Dynamic Power Cloud Manager (DPCM) von FRITZ & MACZIOL ist eine komfortable Automatisierungslösung für IBM Power Umgebungen. Mehr unter: http://www.fum.d...- published: 25 Mar 2013
- views: 63
- author: FRITZMACZIOLgroup
u jelly of my ten DPCM sample song
published: 12 Nov 2010
author: 8BitDanooct1
u jelly of my ten DPCM sample song
WTPA playing NES samples (DPCM)
WTPA2 code modified to load native NES samples (1-bit DPCM) from a uSD card. I could have ...
published: 19 Jul 2011
author: batslyadams
WTPA playing NES samples (DPCM)
WTPA playing NES samples (DPCM)
WTPA2 code modified to load native NES samples (1-bit DPCM) from a uSD card. I could have converted them to wave but what's the fun in that? 128 samples take...- published: 19 Jul 2011
- views: 1651
- author: batslyadams
Wilson A600 Series: A0600 DPCM Catchers Mitt
Check out this glove at http://www.justballgloves.com/product/wilson-a600-series--a0600-dp...
published: 20 May 2013
author: JustBallGloves
Wilson A600 Series: A0600 DPCM Catchers Mitt
Wilson A600 Series: A0600 DPCM Catchers Mitt
Check out this glove at http://www.justballgloves.com/product/wilson-a600-series--a0600-dpcm-catchers-mitt/12634/ We understand that choosing a new glove can...- published: 20 May 2013
- views: 197
- author: JustBallGloves
Youtube results:
DPCM Sopwith Pup test_03
Sopwith Pup from DPCM balsa kit. 53 gr. AUW (8 gr. 1s 240mAh lipo and D1400 - 4500 motor) ...
published: 28 Sep 2012
author: Vlad Shcha
DPCM Sopwith Pup test_03
DPCM Sopwith Pup test_03
Sopwith Pup from DPCM balsa kit. 53 gr. AUW (8 gr. 1s 240mAh lipo and D1400 - 4500 motor) Thanks to Dave for this kit !- published: 28 Sep 2012
- views: 180
- author: Vlad Shcha
Der Dynamic Power Cloud Manager (DPCM) von FRITZ & MACZIOL auf einen Blick
Der Dynamic Power Cloud Manager (DPCM) von FRITZ & MACZIOL ist eine komfortable Automatisi...
published: 02 Aug 2012
author: FRITZMACZIOLgroup
Der Dynamic Power Cloud Manager (DPCM) von FRITZ & MACZIOL auf einen Blick
Der Dynamic Power Cloud Manager (DPCM) von FRITZ & MACZIOL auf einen Blick
Der Dynamic Power Cloud Manager (DPCM) von FRITZ & MACZIOL ist eine komfortable Automatisierungslösung für IBM Power-Umgebungen. Mehr auf http://www.fum.de/dpcm.- published: 02 Aug 2012
- views: 299
- author: FRITZMACZIOLgroup
DPCM Albatros DIII 16"
DPCM Albatros DIII 16" http://forum.rcdesign.ru/attachment.php?attachmentid=712455&d;=13521...
published: 19 Apr 2013
author: Vlad Shcha
DPCM Albatros DIII 16"
DPCM Albatros DIII 16"
DPCM Albatros DIII 16" http://forum.rcdesign.ru/attachment.php?attachmentid=712455&d;=1352129974 http://dpcmodels.homestead.com/KS03AlbatrosDIII.html Thanks D...- published: 19 Apr 2013
- views: 340
- author: Vlad Shcha
Batman 1 Nes Music - Stage 2 sin DPCM (without DPCM)
Versión propia sin el canal de sonido DPCM. Own version without DPCM sound channel. http:/...
published: 11 Jul 2012
author: cosasparacompartir
Batman 1 Nes Music - Stage 2 sin DPCM (without DPCM)
Batman 1 Nes Music - Stage 2 sin DPCM (without DPCM)
Versión propia sin el canal de sonido DPCM. Own version without DPCM sound channel. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=prhot31KXBU&feature;=related.- published: 11 Jul 2012
- views: 340
- author: cosasparacompartir