Well, I saw a bird today --- flying from a bush and the
wind blew it away.
And the black-eyed mother sun scorched the butterfly
at play --- velvet veined.
I saw it burn.
With a wintry storm-blown sigh, a silver cloud blew
right on by.
And, taking in the morning, I sang --- O Requiem.
Well, my lady told me, ``Stay.''
I looked aside and walked away along the Strand.
But I didn't say a word, as the train time-table blurred
close behind the taxi stand.
Saw her face in the tear-drop black cab window.
Fading in the traffic; watched her go.
And taking in the morning, heard myself singing ---
O Requiem.
Here I go again.
It's the same old story.
Well, I saw a bird today --- I looked aside and walked
Slow the art of fear
Writhe against the fading
In these sheltered years
I escape from this cruel world
Chose to domineer
Thrive against all failing
Are these wretched tears
Just remains of my ruined worth
You'll never save me again....
Reanimate me again...
Into the grave
With all the symptoms you create
Into the fray
With all the sickness you'll remain
You'll never save me again....
Disfruté tanto tanto cada parte
y gocé tanto tanto cada todo
que me duele algo menos cuando partes
porque aquí te me quedas de algún modo.
Ojalá nunca sepas cuanto amaba
descubrirte los trillos de la entrega
y el secreto esplendor con que esperaba
tu reclamo de amor que ya no llega.
Anda, corre donde debas ir
anda, que te espera el porvenir.
que los cisnes están vivos
mi canto está conmigo
no tengo soledad.
Si uno fuera a llorar cuanto termina
no alcanzaran las lágrimas a tanto
nuestras horas de amor casi divinas
es mejor despedirlas con un canto.
Anda, corre donde debas ir
anda, que te espera el porvenir.
que los cisnes están vivos
mi canto está conmigo
Kad god prodjem ulicom
sa tvojim imenom
pomislim na onu pesmu
vec je godinama ne pevam
stari refren nikom ne treba
A ljudi pesme kratko pamte
Ostace u knjigama i prica o nama
Balkan krajem jednog veka
svako pleme crta granicu
svi bi hteli svoju stranicu
Tope se snovi kao sante
ej, komandante
Na barikadama su opet zastave
svet ide k'o na praznike
i decu izvode s' jutarnje nastave
da vide gladne radnike
A gde smo mi, naivni
sto smo se dizali na ''Hej, Sloveni''
kao da smo uz tu pricu izmisljeni
Vremena su nezgodna
za momka kao ja
koji gleda svoja posla
nisam lutak da me naviju
imam samo Jugoslaviju
Sve druge baklje bez mene plamte
e, komandante
I svi su tu da dobiju na toj lutriji
na barikadama su uvek najbrzi
al' nikad i najmudriji
A gde smo mi, naivni
sto smo se dizali na "Hej, Sloveni"
kao da smo uz tu pricu izmisljeni
i prevareni
I kad god prodjem ulicom
sa tvojim imenom
pomislim na Panta Rei
bacice se tako neki lik
kamenom i na tvoj spomenik
Jer sve se menja i sve tece
Watch me, I bleed now no more
My wounds one thousand and crisp
as life itself it drips away
a smile upon my lips
Cutting, slicing, carving
the blade slides deep in me
running warm blood
leaving my corps to be
Convulsions shatters my carved limbs
I now begin to feel the chill
the smile remains upon my lips
because likewise I die I kill
Crimson vision, inspiration
now it is time to ink my pen
and to summon my last strenght
to write my requiem
Covered in my own blood
words and music comes to me
now more dead than living
I compose in harmony
My blood forms notes on paper
splattered up and down the lines
creative even in death
Man watchin' video
The heart keeps on tickin'
He doesn't know why
He's just cattle for slaughter
The requiem
When the meaningful words
when they cease to function
when there's nothing to say
when will they start plotting against you
Only a hint of religion
I'm sensing spirits of depravity
the sound of breaking glass
We were ready for anything!
Everyone knows some pain
I see the loss every time some ones says your name
When you know someone who shines hard
A soul of the age who doesn't care
Who the fuck you are
You had a friend, a brother who was everything
But he had to go away... that was yesterday
I've lost a lot of people in my time
The good, the bad, the unreal,
And the one who shine
So I know you all understand
When I say that until they left
We were ready for anything...(x2)
But this
You are not gone
We keep you here inside us
You are not gone
We know you're still beside us
You are not gone
We have this light you gave to us
Now it's time to lay to rest our friend
And through these songs
His memory will never fucking end
We will see that
Through this loss we'll shed some light on you
Until the day you left us
We were ready for anything...(x2)
But this
You are not gone
We keep you here inside us
You are not gone
We know you're still beside us
You are not gone
We have this light you gave to us
Why'd you have to go?
We never had a chance
I can't believe it so I won't admit it
Life ain't shit without you in it
You are not gone
We keep you here inside us
You are not gone
We know you're still beside us
You are not gone
We have this light you gave to us
Everybody says the light that shines the brightest
Burns out fast
But what they never say is
All the light they give us lasts
We hold the memories and cherish
Everyday we had
But we would give it up in a second
They follow me on a misty early morning
Dancing like fools they can't stop
Hypnotized eyes
They're marching in a queue
Stumbling feet are raising dust in the avenue
They'll dance until they're exhausted
One by one
Death caused by flute
Like rats they are all leaving the town
I'll get them all
Kill them all
One by one
They'll fade away
No hope for them
They will obey
One by one
They follow me
That's the price they pay
Vibrating sounds in the air
And the sky is grey
I did it before
And I'll do it again
Another time
Another way to pay
They'll lose their children
'cause I'm now back again
They don't notice the way
I'll make them insane
Their kids are sitting
In front of machines
No more vibrating sounds
But hypnotizing lights
They're staring into monitors
They're staring into monitors
I'll get them all
Kill them all
One by one
They'll fade away
No hope for them
They will obey
One by one
[Muerto ya Don Quijote, Sancho le dirige estas palabras. Cuando alguien querido se te va, nos queda la sensación de no haberle demostrado todo cuanto sentíamos por esa persona. Esto es una deuda que tenía yo con alguien que se me fue.]
Ahora que ya tú no estás aquí
siento que no te di
Lo que esperabas de mi.
Ahora que todo terminó
a quien de mi te alejó
Yo le quisiera pedir.
Que me deje sólo un día más
para poder hablar
De lo que eras para mi.
Que me deje disfrutar
de tu voz, y contemplar
Tus ojos una vez más.
Te escribo esta líneas
en papel,
espero que donde estés
El correo llegue bien.
Por aquí todos estamos bien
luchamos por seguir
como aprendimos de ti
Echo de menos
el llegar y oír tu voz,
echo de menos
No tener tu apoyo, ¡no!
No creo en el más allá,
no sé donde buscarte
Y aquí no estás.
No creo en la eternidad,
necesito encontrarte
Y estar en paz.
Necesito terminar
lo que un día empezamos
A planear.
Lo que quiero es tenerte
y no recordar
Espera donde estés
pues tengo que vivir
y cuando muera iré
A charlar junto a ti.
No he apreciado
lo que he tenido,
no lo he apreciado
Hasta que lo he perdido.
Y si la fortuna o el azar
me dan la oportunidad
De volvernos a ver.
Juro que jamás te ocultaré
lo que hay dentro de mi ser
Te abriré mi corazón.
Te echo de menos,
Un beso, adiós, cuídate.
No nos olvides, muy pronto,
Nos volveremos a ver.
Ahora que ya tu no estás aquí...
Draussen in der Wuste
vertrocknet und verbrannt
auf Bergen langst zu Eis erstarrt
unter Schutt begraben
mit Steinen zugedeckt
in Wiesen und im Wald verscharrt
auf dem Meeresgrunde
zwischen Algen und Korallen
liegen die, die auf dem Feld der Ehre gefallen
ringsum nackte Steine
und ein Himmel kalt wie Stahl
es stehen keine Namen, kein Gebet und keine
sie sind zermalmt in Knochenmuhlen
sind verbrannt in Kohlenglut
sind geradert und gevierteilt
sind erstickt am eignen Blut
sie sind gehangt an tausend Galgen
sind zerschossen auf dem Feld
sind vergast, erdolcht, verhungert
fur die Ehre und fur Geld
und der Schnitter geigt sein Lied
fur die Toten im Bauch der Erde
Asche zu Asche
und Staub zu Staub
sie werden Wiese, Wald und Feld
unterm roten Mohnfeld faulen
die Gebeine der Gerechten
schon vom Anbeginn der Welt
sie sind betrogen um das Leben
sind entstellt durch ihren Glauben
sind verblendet und verblodet
sind selbst Brandstifter die rauben
sie sind vor der Zeit verendet
sind gerichtet und verraten
sind selbst Morder, Richter, Henker
waren Herren ihrer Taten
Artist: killing joke
Album title:kiling joke
Song title:requiem
Man watching video
The bomb keeps on ticking.
He doesnt know why
He's just cattle for slaughter.
The Requiem
The Requiem
The Requieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeem
When the meaningful words
When they cease to function
When there's nothing to say
When will they start plotting against you
The requiem
The requiem
The requieeeeeeeeeeeeeem
Only a hint of religion
Uncensored truths for the novelty.
the sound of breaking glas
this is a reflection
The requiem
The requiem
The requiem
Als die Sonne den Tag verliess
Den Finger am Abzug
Die Flüsse im Dreck
Die Augen fest verschlossen, die Seele verkrampft
Die Erinnerung gefressen, Die Zukunft voller Angst
Ein Engel am Tor der Hölle
Luzifer im Paradies
Eine Jungfrau flüstert meinen Namen
In nomine patris, filii et spirituus sancti
Lass mein Licht noch brennen
Und gib mir deinen Namen
Seid Still
Und lasset mich leben
Nur diesen Augenblick
Nur noch einen Moment
Dann nehmt mich mit
Lasst mich noch beten
Lasst mich noch einmal fliehen
Ich komme zurück zu euch
Aber niemals zum Teufel
In nomine patris, filii et spirituus sancti
Wer schickt nach mir ?
Ich bin doch nicht blind
Und doch, ich kann nichts mehr sehen
Es ist soweit, habe ich recht ?
Darf ich noch etwas sagen ?
Hört mir noch jemand zu ?
Hat es noch ein Gewicht ?
Wer kann mich jetzt noch spüren ?
Ist es geschehen ?
Ist es vorbei ?
VOCA ME BENEDICTUM !SANA MEAM ANIMAM ! VOCA ME BENEDICTUM ! SANA MEAM ANIMAM ! Beethoven believes that if Theresa were to have discovered that he was becoming deaf she would most certainly have left him. Before this could happen, he ended their relationship refusing to ever see her again. Fate takes him outside of his town house where Theresa is watching him through the window. She can see him slumped over the piano. She does not understand why he has driven her out of his life. She knows that something is terribly wrong but has no idea what it is. Nothing that he could tell her would affect her love for him, but Beethoven cannot believe this.
Down, chemical sacrament,
Blasphemous prayer.
Deliver me from this so serene apocalypse
Just make me fucking numb,
Deaf, blind and fucking dumb.
Return to sacred sleep.
This could be my requiem,
And I'll feel no pain.
This could be my requiem,
But don't bury me too deep.
Drain infected brine,
Sickened cesspool shell of mine.
Strap up the hands of time,
And push the soul into the vein
Just make me fucking numb,
Deaf, blind and fucking dumb.
Return to sacred sleep.
This could be my requiem,
And I'll feel no pain.
This could be my requiem,
But don't bury me too deep.
Sink, suffer, self destruct.
Rise, stronger, reconstruct.
Dispose, discard, deny.
And you say life is bitter sweet
You've tried so gracefully
But its faceless company has let you down
Say it comes to this
All the things you'd miss
A requiem won't change your fate
Lost and they set you free
Concerned by what they'd see
And you begged on bended knee
Still they let you down
Say it comes to this
All the things you'd miss
A requiem won't change your fate
It passes over you
Passes over
Say it comes to this
All the things you'd miss
A requiem won't changed your fate
It passes over you
Passes over you
Passes over
So soon
This requiem
This requiem
[originally by Killing Joke]
Man watching video
The bomb keeps on ticking
He doesn't know why
He's just cattle for slaughter
The requiem
When the meaningful words
When they cease to function
When there's nothing to say
When will they start plotting against you
The requiem
Only a hint of religion
Uncensors to it's false depravity
The sound of breaking glass
This is a reflection
and you say life is bitter sweet
you've tried so gracefully
but its faceless company has let you down
say it comes to this
all the things you'd miss
a requiem won't change your fate
lost and they set you free
concerned by what they'd see
and you begged on bended knee
still they let you down
say it comes to this
all the things you'd miss
a requiem won't change your fate
it passes over you
passes over
say it comes to this
all the things you'd miss
a requiem won't change your fate
it passes over you
passes over you
passes over
so soon
this requiem
this requiem
this requiem
Well he stormed with his feet
And he clapped with his hands
He summoned all of his joy when he laughed
It suffered all of his joy when he cried
And sometimes when he got into talking
Man he could rattle on and on
He was a good man and now he's gone
Well in war he was a tiger
When it was over like a dove
He summoned all of his strength in the climb
It suffered all of his strength in the fall
And sometimes when he got into fighting
Man he could fight with you all day long
He was a good man and now he's gone
He put his trust in a higher power
He held his power like a holy grail
He summoned all of his faith in the lifting
It suffered all of his faith in the fail
His heart was stronger than a heavy metal bullet
And that's why I dedicate him this song
He was a good man and now he's gone
His heart was stronger than a heavy metal bullet
And that's why I dedicate him this song
mourning in the confines of your room by yourself.
reminded by the bulk of every memoir by yourself.
clearing out the storage spaces all by yourself.
remembering the way it always was by yourself.
if I could pull my thoughts together
I could then shake the thought you might be still breathing
others I haven't seen in months or years
now are here under a dimming light of circumstance
do you feel it's true that you're always the doomed
with this migraine, my gain will fade
Real soon we'll be alright
Real soon just hold on tight
Release you
you're against the grain in the painting of a world
you don't speak a sound or walk around here anymore
full of silent expectations no one could have known
so how would I?
trying to find something
looking for a whole lot of nothing
and then you found me at your door
full of silent expectations no one could have known
so how would I?
No two reasons
They're good reasons
Why'd you have to die but leave a hundred alibies
Cause no one is surprised
No two reasons
They're good reasons
Release you away
Trying to find a whole lot of nothing
Oh great fanged mother
I call upon thee
With Vengeance
And a voice
Of blasphemy
Bring out your dead
touch, taste, feel
No. Don't do it. Stop.
I'm sorry, no, I can't, please
Can you hear me? help me
That's impossible, that's impossible, stop listening
As long as you are under my roof you will respect me
The only truth is suffering, the only truth is suffering
And it's ok to hate yourself
Just lay still don't cry for help
No. No. No.
Run, anywhere you can
It's coming, the suffering is here
I'm sick but I need my disease
Im sick
No one is safe, no where is safe
I'm sorry, it was a mistake, someone let me out of here
Please, let me out of here
Go away, go away, go away
I would like to know what happened to you where have you been all
this time that I've tried to get through but all I got was the
machine what's goin on don't play dumb I'm not blind I can see
because I know there's something wrong or so it seems but I still
wanna know do you love me because it seems I'm heading for another
tragedy of lies deceit and anonymity I've tried. your friends and
family they act as if there was nothing between you and me you're not
returning all my calls what's wrong don't you care for me at all?
there's not a day that gone by that I don't think of you and I know
How can you just stand there and stare
The world burns alight the air
Fire of passion ignite
Open yourselves to fight
To reinforce the will
Deafening call to kill
The structure of
To collapse all I've learned
To absorb with open eyes to see this
Revelation new serenity
Destruction disharmony
To see this
I'll wait for you
To rise from this dream
I will be waiting for you
To rise from this
Gazing at twilights end
Arms raised chant extol
If our world ended today would you suffer
Memories garden just came true
Now there¹s nothing I can do for you
All the good times we once had
Wonder why I feel so sad
Come on listen to the wind my friend
You can still hear her sing
Come on listen to the wind my friend
She is everywhere
Only trying to get me home
Never felt so alone you know
Now I pray your soul to keep
Closed your eyes get some sleep
Come on listen to the wind my friend
You can still hear her sing
Come on listen to the wind my friend
She is everywhere
I can see you in my mind
All those moments are now lost in time
Requiem can now be sung
Wonder why she died so young
Come on listen to the wind my friend
You can still hear her sing
Come on listen to the wind my friend
I am the day you die
I want to be alone
Come see my spirit fly
The road to thunderdome
Call me her majesty
My queendom is my pride
I've seen eternity
The dead is still alive
A spirit is passing by
The night I die to tell
I rule the crystal sky
The burning rocks from hell
My army hibernate
My lovers stand in line
The whole united states
Wake up rise and shine
Thy lovers tonight
Sing through a requiem
Oh thy army unite
Sing thou a requiem
I drink the holy grail
The soma of your blood
My temple is my domain
You twisted snake of mud
The planets interplay
They crash when worlds collide
Let comets fly my way
My mouth is openwide
Thy lovers tonight
Sing through a requiem
Oh thy army unite
Sing thou a requiem
It's time to drink adieu
A bitter coup de grace
My Venus butterfly
And her satellites of Mars
Jurassic giant bird
I spread my golden eggs
It shines around the world
The glow between my legs
Thy lovers tonight
Sing through a requiem
Oh thy army unite
Sing thou a requiem
[The prince:]
My dear father you have left us
For a better place to be
The people's tears are falling
But they still just cannot see
That Hister is so evil
He's destroying our country
It seems to be so hard to understand that you are gone
Will the future bring, your wisdom to me
Or will darkness rule the kingdom, for all eternity
You will live, in my heart
I will still remember even though we're apart
I will feel, you're there for me
As I walk the road of life you'll help me fight for what is right
I will honour thy name
[Solo Jake]
Eventhough you didn't wanted
You've left me all alone
Everybody turns against me
They believe that I'm the one
Who poisoned you, my father
You know that it's not true
Oh, I see, it was the prophet
To take the power away from you
As I sit here
I see thee as we were young
Like brothers, best friends
We'd see it through whatever come
Worn and tired I am
Feel the weight of all those years
The weight of years
Wish you could be with me now
Wish you could be with me now
But this is just a Requiem
But this is just a Requiem
But this is just a Requiem
For the Fallen
For the Fallen
For the Fallen
A Requiem for the Fallen
Oh that battle
All the freedom, glory and gold
I never saw them
But you died young and I live old
Wouldn't you have liked to live
To see your children die in the wars to come
Would you not have liked to live
To see your sacrifice undone
But this is just a Requiem
But this is just a Requiem
But this is just a Requiem
For the Fallen
For the Fallen
For the Fallen
A Requiem for the Fallen
A Requiem for the Fallen
shivering in the cold
shimmering in the calm
the still calm
someday has come and gone away
far away
beyond the space between us
lead the way
back home to you
to the comfort I have been missing for so long
struggling to find
smothering out the last light
from the sky
someday is here and now you are gone
gone away
still I want
to finally find a way to you
lead the way
to thee today
I have been gone so long
I am so tired
I have been looking for too long
sometimes searching in vane
someday I will find
when the search is over
I am so tired
rex tremendae maiestatis
qui salvandos salvas gratis
salva me fons pietatis... amen
the trumpet scattering it's awful sound
across the graves of all lands
summons all before the throne
death and nature shall be stunned
when mankind arises
to render acount before the judge
the written book shall be bought
in which all is constained
from the depths of hell
and the bottomless pit
deliver us from the jaws of the lion
lest hell engulfs them
confutatis maledictis
flammis acribus addictis
voca me cum benedictis... amen
oro supplex et acclinis
cor contritum quasi cinis
She cries⦠its freedom that we need, but I have yet to see a cause to believe
(I need to feel it, please just let me feel all right)
it comes in waves of need, ten ways to make you bleed before you get to die
can we give it one more shot, have we thrown all hope away,
does it have to be this painful just to make it through?
this is not our requiem, we're wasting time as victims
why spend our lives on bended knee, choosing not to be free?
He sighs⦠I'm quickly burning out all that's left of me are jaded memories
(I need to feel it please just let me feel all right)
of what I could have been if I had only been less of what they wanted
and we're still here, all together, and all alone
consumed with fear that one day we'll discover,
how empty we've become
restricted and ashamed, we crave what they provide us,
so we'll never feel alone
God of eternal, please lead him under
You tragedy of time call on him.
It´s silence of life, silence of tear
We did not know what to do.
Wave of sorrow roll upon us.
That is world of nihil.
We praied, Oh Father is in Heaven.
We can´t see him again.
We must not this sorrow of destiny.
Your soul will keep onb living eternally.
Time of the past will live forever.
Nobody can kill it.
We sing a Mass for you from this hell.
Your heart doesn´t vanish as long as we live.
It's been so long since I've tried
2 get up and and of my head
Too dark out here
I try not 2 breathe or make a sound
Or move at all
I'm too scared
No hope at all
I'm dying
Everybody says
It's just a phase
But it's been damn long
It's been damn long
What will it take
2 get out again
And see all those milions of faces
Not worrying about what they're thinking
I'm dying
It's ok
Don't cry no more
I'm searching for the answers
None are written in the sky
Through all the hurt and pain of my life
All I ever felt like
I was dying for a reason
Yet the darkness left me blind
Rotting with the passing seasons
These times they uncertain us
Tyrant of the individual
Beckoned by the lepers smile
We torn our eyes to an eternal sky
My wounds were covered up by pride
yet time always wins
I fear the emptiness
The misery haunts me
I remember holding on to anything you gave
Once again, made a liar
Twisting the knife in my heart
Your choking my breath
Defend unto me
Old man
Weak and frail
Dying under newborn skies
They'll sing your requiem
Legacy of wasted time
I remember hate in your eyes
Your choking my breath
Wounds cover my pride
Filling my emptiness
Misery haunts me
You fail me
Final Requiem
My wounds were covered up by pride
yet time always wins
I fear the emptiness
The misery haunts me
I remember holding on to anything you gave
Once again, made a liar
Twisting the knife in my heart
Your choking my breath
Behold, I've fallen down, ripped out of my head
Once alive, now more or less dead
A doomed control freak has lost it all
I just want to feel alive and run the gauntlet one more time
Centre attention, corpse at the requiem
Lost all hope with my only friend
Featuring corey taylor of slipknot
Lyrics written by corey taylor/mikey doling/tumor fahnestock
Music writen by mikey doling/tumor fahnestock
Produced by mikey doling/tumor fahnestock and jim wirt
Engineered by jim wirt
Guitars: mikey doling
Additional guitars: klaus eichstad
Bass: tumor fahnestock
Drums: shannon larkin
Additional vocals and lyrics: tumor fahnestock and mikey doling
We were ready for anything
Everyone has some pain
I see the loss every time someone says your name
When you know someone who shines hard
A soul of the age who doesn't care
Who the fuck you are
You had a friend, a brother who was everything
But he had to go away...that was yesterday
I've lost a lot of people in my time
The good, the bad, the unreal,
And the ones who shine
So I know you all understand
When I say that until they left
We were ready for anything
We were ready for anything
We were ready for anything...but this
You are not gone
We keep you here inside us
You are not gone
We know you're still beside us
You are not gone
We have the light you gave to us
Now it's time to lay to rest our friend
And through these songs
His memory will never fucking end
We still see that
Through this we'll shed some light on you
Until the day you left us
We were ready for anything
We were ready for anything
We were ready for anything...but this
You are not gone
We keep you here inside us
You are not gone
We know you're still beside us
You are not gone
We have the light you gave to us
Why'd you have to go? we never had a chance
I can't believe it so I won't admit it
Life ain't shit without you in it
You are not gone
We keep you here inside us
You are not gone
We know you're still beside us
You are not gone
We have the light you gave to us
Everybody says the light that shines the brightest
Burns out fast
But what they never say is
All the light they gave us lasts
We hold the memories and cherish
Everyday we had
But we would give it up in a second
Just to have you
Well the world’s getting heavy and it sticks to my feet
well practiced in losing and brave in defeat
with no friends in this business you keep your enemies sweet
and keep one in the chamber for every stranger you meet
I’ll take pieces of silver for a head full of rhyme
I’ll take a headache and a casket for a life full of time
I’ll take a patch of new mexico and I will call it mine
And I’ll swear never to return to the scene of the crime
Well the mob’s getting angry and the torches alight
Because they’re putting up taxes by a penny tonight
And you can never taste freedom boys if you run from a fight
And when the heavens are falling take a step to the right
So we smoke ourselves skinny and we drink ourselves blind
Self-discovery knocks but there is nothing to find
And if you’re looking for victims would you keep me in mind
Let us be kissed on the cheek, let us be fucked from behind
There’s no need to tread carefully there’s no need to fear
Just talk in obscure non-specifics and try to look all sincere
Every administration blames the one from last year
So when consequence calls there’ll be nobody here
So we sell out our kids for a tank full of gas
And a lifetime in plastics for a fistful of cash
Let the rivers run dry let the economy crash
And let the discotheques resound to the requiem mass
So we sell out our kids for a tank full of gas
And a lifetime in plastics for a fistful of cash
Let the rivers run dry let the economy crash
As We Fell from Grace
Into Infinty
Taunted Was the Night
Dreary Was the Hour
And Here We Lay
Like Broken Arrows
Our Names Forgotten
And the Altarns Torn
Sunk Us Deep into the Soil
Shrive Yourselves Abhornig Us
Sunk Us Deeper into the Earth
Sunk Us Deeper
Seal Us from the Sight of Man
No Son of Man
Would Stand in Here
Solemn Before Thou
Haughtly Before Death
And Here We Lay
With Gold Adorned
Your Beauty Forgotten
This is my requiem.
All that was left me is found when I can`t hear them.
Sing my last anthem.
Catching up with all my old conspirators.
Crossing the bridge to the other side.
Searching all that's forbidden, forsaken and forgotten.
Posting my thoughts to invincible enemies.
Lethal information brought to life.
Now, this oath will bring me to the final rest
In what remains I deny to stay, this path is no longer
I shout to scare the hunting shadows within my mind.
Never to trust the ones who will be trusted,
better believe that you're better off dead.
There's no cure for eternal diseases.
Rest in peace, now..
Tell me secrets and the broken wishes.
Your requiem whispers”You are but a dream”
So, here is the end of me, the end of all forgiveness.
Your voice is calling” I am but a dream”
Seek and you shall find what was lost inside,
All your bridges burned to ashes.
Pictures turn to grey in your mind.
All that`s left in me will be sacrificed.
This is my requiem.
All that was left me is found when I can`t hear them.
Sing my last anthem.
So, here is the end of me the end of all forgiveness
Your voice is calling” I am but a dream”
This is my.....
Fire burning higher
Funeral pyres
Ashes coat the ground
Toxic water
Corporate order
Floral genocide
Nations Aberrations
Eroded sand
Miles of Rivers dried up
Tree limbs piled up
A dead wasteland
Now there is no where to run
Can't hide from all the damage done
The world's turning a shade of gray
How can we wantonly throw it all away
Self destruction
Mass corruption
Watch them rape the land
Carcass rotting
Ozone spotting
Earth's betrayed by
Forest haters
Man's epitaph
Nature's wonders
Cast asunder
near autumn walls I'm seeking shadows
dark fears - an anthem of this time
damnation - the dreamers heart
overflown with purple red
melancholia of a dying world
follows my step as I walk
a stranger on the graveyard
towards the black swords of lie
dreaming they rise
from dark eons decayed men
black gates effuse
dying angels with cold brows
dark rooms senseless
bony hands
tortured blue unholy child
rat naws doorway
heart stone sad
cold fever halls purple death
darkness emotion
hunger condamned
fouling darkness
swords of lie
garden of orphans
unholy grave
red barchetta on the channel
lost life gained death
is the feeling in my heart
as I cross the rivers¦edge
I thought about a sacrifice
And if anyone has ever understood what I wrote
In the shadows, in blood, with blood
I thought about a sacrifice...
Actually I don't mind.
You can however drink of me,
as I was a marble fountain in the heart of Rome,
I thought about a sacrifice
And if anyone has ever understood what I wrote
In the shadows, in blood, with blood
I thought about a sacrifice...
Actually I don't mind.
You can however eat of me,
as I was a wedding banquet you were not invited to.
Mourn on my portrait,
Cry on my stone,
It's not me to pay the coffin,
neither cash, nor rates.
Mourn on my portrait,
Cry on my stone,
It's not me to pay the coffin,
neither cash, nor rates.
If god existed and I believed in him
he would be seated in this room with me.
Tuba mirum spargens sonum per sepulchra regionum.
My thoughts are too inmost for your lips.
My words are too low for your ears.
If god existed and I believed in him
he would be seated in this room with me.
The reign of fire hasn't come to its end yet
My pulsing blood is not dried in the veins yet.
(Accogliete la sua anima e presentatela davanti al
As you close your eyes
I become a dream
Fadin like the last star in the sky
With this final kiss
Stolen from your lips
You must be the strong one
Do what's right
For you and I
I will sing my Requiem
To a love that hurts with every breath
And as I walk alone and live without your love
I will sing My Requiem
My Requiem, To you.........
We met just by chance
Or just by mistake
The universe was playing with our lives
It was all a game
'Til I realized
You're the one I've needed
All this time
You saved my life
I will sing my Requiem
To a love that hurts with every breath
And as I walk alone and live without your love
I will sing My Requiem
My Requiem, To you..........
I see your face
The rising sun
And then I realize
That you are gone
I will sing my Requiem
To a love that hurts with every breath
And as I walk alone and live without your love
I will sing My Requiem
We were ready for anything
Everyone knows some pain
I see the loss every time someone says your name
When you know someone who shines hard
A soul of the age who doesn't care who the fuck you are
You had a friend, a brother who was everything
But he had to go away... that was yesterday
I've lost a lot of people in my time
The good, the bad, the unreal, and the ones who shine
So I know you all understand when I say that until they left
We were ready for anything... but this
You are not gone
We keep you here inside us
You are not gone -
We know you're still beside us
You are not gone -
We have this light you gave to us
Now it's time to, lay to rest our friend
And through these songs
His memory will never fucking end
We will see that
Through this loss we'll shed some light on you
Until the day you left us
We were ready for anything... but this
Why'd you have to go? We never had a chance
I can't believe it so I won't admit it
Life ain't shit without you in it
Everybody says the light that shines the brightest burns out fast
But what they never say is all the light they gives us lasts
We hold the memories and cherish everyday we had
But we would give it up in a second just to have you
A day will come, when all is lost
You join the dead in a realm beyond
Charon waits, to take you across
The river is deep to the kingdom of Hades
Join those who burn below
The sinful souls tortured in the fire
There's no repent it's the sinister truth
Pay in death for sins in life
Requiem, Requiem
[solo - Wead / Meister]
There's no escape a hellish fate
Walk the road of desecration
A massive void you're all alone
Still you cry for salvation
Forever damned eternal sleep
A bed of thorns unholy tomb
You praised the beast now pay the price
Cast in flames a deadly ban
Requiem, requiem
[solo - Wead]
A day will come, when all is lost
You join the dead in a realm beyond
Charon waits, to take you across
The river is deep to the kingdom of Hades
Requiem, requiem
And while the sun is falling I drink
to the eclipse of my mind,
each breath's a torture, I'm sinking
into bittersweet oblivion.
Giants we were, inaccessible,
out of the reach of gods and demons,
heroes we were, in shining armour,
full of confidence and belief.
And while the red stones cry I fall
into a world of grey.
Into the stiffened silence I call
for me, for you, for us.
And while the tide is low I try
to get to the other side.
You left me behind, I'm crying
while the flood is drowning me.
Majesties we were, full of glory,
in a crystal solitude,
martyrs we were, bleeding as one,
you for long, me forever.
And while the red stones cry I fall
into a world of grey.
Into the stiffened silence I call
Oh, I hail to you, Bertha.
You swim in reflection of the stars.
But your reflection is incomplete
And look, as greedy tendencies
Hand is stuck to your body
You transparent deceptive
You lie and draw me
But I swim from depth of the stars
All that I remember
I dont know your voice
I never now remember about it
Climbs down on wall and dont remember
This walls broken gap
Someday they destroying me.
Baby, you must die
But I cut my vein
But in lifes does not be a love
Over wall take care of me
Someday they destroying me.
Opened lips repeat without words
"Rust of the riped stars"
Your reflection thrill, your look - is crack
Good by, Bertha, good by
Goodbye, my little dead Bertha
The night whispered a distant dream
The ashes fell to dust
An innocent; A deathly scream
Another dead - for my bloodlust
Oh cursed life; Eternity
Tied; My fleshbound soul
Pray a prayer to set me free
I'm weary of this wretched role
Delived us from evil
Forgive us for our sins
For we are gods creation
Condemmed and chained by him
A million lives lay shattered
Laid to rest beneath a stone
But all that really mattered
Was that they had found a home
For the dead are always smiling
Free now from the past
Love and envy for who I'm killing
I know they're happy in peace at last
Delived us from evil
Forgive us for our sins
For we are gods creation
Condemmed and chained by him
I beg thee judge me kindly
I beg thee set me free
Banish me from this world
I crave the true eternity
Delived us from evil
Forgive us for our sins
For we are gods creation
Watching all these empty faces
Empty is what I've become
Everywhere just lonely places
Everywhere since you have gone
The rain pours down on me
And it will when I'm back in
People in black shake my hand
But I can't even feel my skin
Life became an endless struggle
That tears me apart
Living means to live for
But for what without a heart
On the window there's a fingerprint
I watch it 'till the light grows dim
All my tears they fall on the floor
In a home you will roam no more
Like the rain I fall from the heights to the ground
Like the sun I go down unnoticed without sound
Every new day is worse than the night was before
I will always remember
Holy mission
Through the ages
Of time beaten pages
Home is left behind
Always on the run
Don't care where he is going to
So any road can take him there
Dreams of the brighter days-to come - Forever
Prisoner in time
The chosen one - Eternal
Hear calling voices for you and for me
In a whispering wind under the linden tree
Sacred journey
Sharing gently
Wisdoms from days bygone
Home is left behind
Always on the run
Don't care where he is going to
So any road can take him there
Dreams of the brighter days to come - Forever
Prisoner in time
The chosen one Eternal
Hear calling voices for you and for me
In a whispering wind under the linden tree
Solo Arto
Solo - Teemu
Solo - Arto
Solo Teemu
Dreams of the brighter days to come - Forever
Prisoner in time
The chosen one - Eternal
Hear calling voices for you and for me
They tried to make you their kind
Twisting minds with celestial tales
Sign your name and let go of your life
Burning bridges - The price you will pay
Divine illusion
Blinding your eyes
Fake paradise
Salvation for sale
Divine illusion
Feeding the blind
Fool's trade of life
Salvation is frail
Now your life is the empty page
And they will lead you away from the pain
Curse on those who don't follow
Rules of their show is all you need to know
Divine illusion
Blinding your eyes
Fake paradise
Salvation for sale
Divine illusion
Feeding the blind
Fool's trade of life
Salvation is frail
No, this game is killing me
I'm losing my voice and my soul
Am I turning my back to the throne?
My eyes see much more than my eyes were ever meant to
Solo Arto
Solo Feemu
Divine illusion
Blinding your eyes
Fake paradise
Salvation for sale
Divine illusion
Feeding the blind
Fool's trade of life
Salvation is frail
No, this game is killing me
I'm losing my voice and my soul
Am I turning my back to the throne?
My eyes see much more than my eyes were ever meant to
Shades in the night
Colors of the light
In the tapestries of her soul
Eyes open wide
A child of endless light
As she dreams of tomorrow
Fire and ice
Sinners and saints
Are marching together
Under the spell
The legacy of hell
Poison in the paradise
In the beginning the portrait has no color
It's clean as the snow on distant mountain tops
The seasons are changing the unborn child is waking
The scales of reality will be rearranged
Dagger is falling again...
Now shades in the night
Took over the light
And the tapestries darkening
Eyes closed so tight
A child of endless lies
Her dreams finally dying
And fire and ice
Sinners and saints
Are marching together
Under the spell
The legacy of hell
Poisoned the paradise
In the beginning the portrait has no color
It's clean as the snow on distant mountain tops
The seasons are changing the unborn child is waking
The scales of reality will be rearranged
Dagger is falling again - On and on cutting the hope
There's no reason to live the endless fight
Shadows are rising again over the paradise
Endless treasons clouding the shining eyes
Solo - Arto
Solo - Teemu
Dagger is falling again - On and on cutting the hope
There's no reason to live the endless fight
Shadows arc rising again over the paradise
My feet are still burning
Though 1 walk on ice and snow
My world is still turning
Never ending pain within my soul
Ooh - There is no return
Expectations mourning
Hunting each and every move
Ooh - Colors fade to gray
Where's the child that once saw the beauty of the day?
Blinded by "nine-to-five"
Take your place in this merry-go-round
I am the king of my morrow
Should be so strong with no sorrow...
I'm feeding the fire
That's turning brighter all the time
And with no desire
Unholy flames won't take me high
Ooh - There is no return
Expectations mourning
Hunting each and every move
Ooh - Colors fade to gray
Where is the child that once saw the beauty of the day?
Who stole my innocence?
This feels tike heaven down in hell
I am the king of my morrow
Should be so strong with no sorrow...
Blinded by "nine-to-five"
Take your place in this merry-go-round
Ooh - There is no return
Expectations mourning
Hunting each and every move
Ooh - Colors fade to gray
Where is the child that once saw the beauty of the day?
Who stole my innocence?
This feels like heaven down in hell
I am the king of my morrow
These are the power-mad fever dreams of pauper kings
We have nothing—we must be everything
We are masters without slaves, gods who need no
Through the gutters and galaxies that are reserved for
madmen’s eyes
We sail, like rain against the sky
In the ruins
In encampments fit for bandit queens
In the glow at the end of the day
We will gather with our demons
We will dance, and they will play
Through the gutters and galaxies that are reserved for
madmen’s eyes
The damned steal through the land of the blessed
To taste the sweet fruit of the flesh
When the others lose hope
When the bread runs out
When there’s nowhere to go
When the hammer comes down
We look to the horizon, and all our sufferings lose
their sting
Toast the beheaded, sing: behead every boasted king
We will bear neither chain nor crown
Neither chain nor crown
Meanwhile, ever present, inexorable doom
Sense your death—there it waits, inside you
Another day of borrowed time
Capitols of homicide
Way too much to mention
Warfare claims a million lives
Bloodshed for redemption
Cities scarred by violence
Terror zones grow fast
Gunned down as you walk home
Justice and right comes last
War on drugs and supremacy
Warmongers gain their greed
Innocent victims pave their way
Power struggle now succeeds
Gone without a trace
Men has fallen from grace
Haunting warfare strikes
Unstoppable idle strife
Gone without a trace
Men has fallen from grace
Gang violence spreads the earth
Expanding destructive urge
Gang violence spreads the earth
Expanding destructive urge
Haunting warfare…
Haunting warfare…
Haunting warfare…
Authorities stand powerless
Paralyzed by juvenile threats
System failed to avoid the killing
Another 187 is on their billing
Haunting warfare…
Haunting warfare…
Missed to hold their rivalry
All ends up in killing spree
Urban spots now killing ground
Coroner service increasing count
Hard times are coming through
Never know when it gets to you
Never know when it gets to you
Gone without a trace
Men has fallen from grace
Haunting warfare strikes
Desire for blood and insane lust
Obsessed by sounds of a final gasp
Driven through a malicious intent
Unreal wishes for a final end
The signs of chaos
Curse of the Zodiac rites
At dawn a silent cry
Hunting is the game to play
Trapping a victim, a perfect day
Never resist this inner temptation
Cease them life’s the domination
Developing the rules that count
Bound by impulse digging the ground
Disposal of the evident remains
Under the soil a common grave
The signs of chaos
Curse of the Zodiac rites
At dawn a silent cry
Malicious intent
Final end
Curse of the Zodiac rites
Wear these scars of my tradition
Obsessed by the insane ambition
Haunting curse of the Zodiac rites
Amongst dusk and dawn a silent cry
Malicious intent
Final end
Curse of the Zodiac rites
The signs of chaos
Curse of the Zodiac rites
At dawn a silent cry
Wear these scars of my tradition
Obsessed by the insane ambition
Haunting curse of the Zodiac rites
Amongst dusk and dawn a silent cry
Slash the limbs, symbols of ambition
Hidden in the family tradition
Proper and in tearing hurry
Hundreds of years waiting
For the signs in the sky
Millions of miles tracing
The vengeance is at hand
Fathers of time, the rulers of legacy
Makers of life, the keepers of destiny
Descendant of yesterday
Paying back the tears and the pain
Homeland is in the haze
When the vengeance is at hand
Rites of the old are
Now rising from the sand
Closing the chapter
Here on the holy land
There's no escaping
The rival's spell
Vengeance is flaming
The rival's spell
Still hears the cries
Sees the fires in the night
The peaceful harmony
Was torn apart
The emptiness
And the rage it left inside
Those wounds they may
May not be never healed
"Here I am
I'll find the way
The way out of this nightmare
I'll see the sun
That will one day rise again
The way I feel
Dimensions I see
The solace from the fathers
This shape I wear
Immortal's hideaway"
And I will find the way - Immortal hideaway
Yes, I will find the way - Immortal hideaway
Rites of the old are
Now rising from the sand
Closing the chapter
Here on the holy land
There's no escaping
The rival's spell
Vengeance is flaming
The rival's spell
Solo - Arto
Blowing up their houses
Undermine the streets
Ambush guerilla strikes
Crossfire still repeats
Hiding in the boondocks
Buried deep in mud
Entrenched bodies
Last blow is coming fast
The last campaign
Let freedom blast
With firing rain
Against the oppressor
Suicide commands
For your confessor
A haunting symphony
Of deafening battle cries
Leaving dead cold flesh
Uncertain who survives
Gathering the last strength
Mobilize partisan power
Unleash last hope glory
No time to pray and cower
United hordes - the last campaign
Abandoned lands in firing rain
Shell shock advance final fail
Divided troops scattered and maimed
The last campaign
Let freedom blast
With firing rain
Against the oppressor
Suicide commands
For your confessor
United hordes - the last campaign
Abandoned lands in firing rain
Shell shock advance final fail
Divided troops scattered and maimed
Clouds of dust, caustic eyes
Arrival of supplies
Clouds of dust, caustic eyes
Arrival of supplies
Final strike with bombing hails
Time and time again
This wayward son
Carried by the wind everywhere he goes
Raging storm at heart
On the glory ride
Rage at heart - Always riding the glory ride
Never looking back
The hunt is always on
Ups and downs are woven into one
Now laying wounded and cold
With a silent cry
Laying wounded and cold - Hear the silent cry
Final moment before the night is falling
Embers casting the light - No sign of dawning
Into the night fading
With no sense of the destination - The following
The ember is dying away
Soaring through the air
Like the soul of the brave
Ooh - The dying ember
Ooh - The dying ember
Enter now into the night - Into the unknown
Into the night - The unknown...
Final moment before the night is falling
Embers casting the light - No sign of dawning
Into the night fading
With no sense of the destination - The following
The ember is dying away
Soaring through the air
Like the soul of the brave
All the moments are melting into one
Into the sea of multitudes to carry on
On and on...
Final moment before the night is falling
Embers casting the light - No sign of dawning
Into the night fading
With no sense of the destination - The following
The ember is dying away
Soaring through the air
Like the soul of the brave
The die is cast, the die is cast
Some things, clear to a blind eye
Others denied by conscious minds
Illusions, never what they’re used to be
Drawing conclusions trying to foresee
My hate, my life, my forlorn wish
I never forget and never forgive
My empty words act like lashes
I will rise, rise from the ashes
Now awaken to my goddamn given rights
Better should have let sleeping dogs lie
Finalizing my bound path that lies ahead
Never retreat; never regret my words of shred
Always have been down, now the die is cast
No more meeting demands leaving behind in dust
Denying control from your malfunction
Let freedom ring with extreme unction
Denying control from your malfunction
Let freedom ring with extreme unction
Denying control from your malfunction
Let freedom ring with extreme unction
No more obeying to this vile reign
Burning the bridges, storm of my bane
Storm of my bane
My hate, my life, my forlorn wish
I never forget and never forgive
My empty words act like lashes
I will rise, rise from the ashes
From the hidden soil into the tunnels end
This is my time there is no mercy to grant
Finalizing my bound path that lies ahead
Shrine of the ocean
The ancient paradise under dim waters
Shrine of the ocean
Won't lay to rest the waves of mystery
Shrine of the ocean
The ancient paradise under dim waters
Shrine of the ocean
The keeper of the silent mystery
The secrets of universe, were found
Twelve thousand years ago
Ocean is rising - Hate unleashing
Devastation - Terror of the gods
The secrets of universe, revealed
Twelve thousand years ago
Shrine of the ocean
The ancient paradise under dim waters
Shrine of She ocean
Won't lay to rest the waves of mystery
Shrine of the ocean
The ancient paradise under dim waters
Shrine of the ocean
The keeper of the silent mystery
The center of the world is buried
With holy force, forever...
Solo - Teemu
Solo - Arto
Shrine of the ocean
The ancient paradise under dim waters
Shrine of the ocean
Won't lay to rest the waves of mystery
Shrine of the ocean
The ancient paradise under dim waters
Shrine of the ocean
They are the premier killing league
Denial of justice for the weak
Their greed for power out of control
The final curtain the end unfolds
(They) don't care about human rights
Deciding about peoples life
Command in order to control
Barbaric dictators and warlords
It doesn't matter how they are called
Ruling for ages in the unprivileged world
Oppressing the masses and freedom of thought
Conscience opinion and the right to talk
Premier killing league...
Controlling media, press and TV
The right to live and equality
Some of them got their righteous sentence
Rulers struck by people's vengeance
Premier killing league...
Responsible for a million deaths
Taking people's last breath
Spreading fear through civil war
No justice before the controlled law
Receiving weapons from the west
First world factories do their best
Selling tanks and deadly guns
Account enrichement keep wars run
When will it come to an end
Ages of misery for many lands
The reason for this inhumanity
Is inside worlds economic policy
Premier killing league...
Premier killing league...
Holding the power to change the mind
Until retaliation, the final time
Sneaking into the common rules
Mutate to collapse restrained fools
Becoming the wolf inside the flock
Gain their trust and take the cloth
Speaking into the weak ones souls
Exhaust their will to drop them cold
Infiltrate to obliterate
Obliterate to dominate
Erase the enemy of the ground
First intent the killing sounds
When the final day has come
No shelter left for anyone
Unleash the beasts deep inside
Establish the parasite in their minds
Infiltrate to obliterate
Obliterate to dominate
Erase the enemy of the ground
First intent the killing sounds
Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide
Final power spreading wide
Install my will onto the weak
Infiltrate and slide in deep
Using their weapons against themselves
Control and reign what they once held
Show no mercy for my foes
Obliterate and leave no hope
Lurking beyond the shadows
Of my inner hidden lair
Reborn of forgotten evil
I once used to care
Exploring the depths
Of what was lost and denied
Never reckoned that I shouldn’t
Have tried to defy
All what’s left behind
All what’s been denied
Now is the time to reprise
Spilling out of the mind
Seductive art of human root
Breaking loose immense and new
Deformed into unknown art
Envenomed on homicidal chart
All what’s left behind
All what’s been denied
Now is the time to reprise
Spilling out of the mind
Thou shall not defy
Never forever in time
What was not known?
Hour of reprisal
Left behind
No change in sight
Been denied
Burning in the open flames
For victory and endless reign
Forgotten souls forever lost
Mutilated bodies pay the cost
Thou shall not defy
The hour to reprise
Despised and denied
Desperate change in sight
Forward to the fields of fate
No more hope opens the final gate
Forever marching on and on
No hope, no glory, humanity’s gone
Thou shall not defy
The hour to reprise
Despised and denied
Desperate change in sight
Everybody has gone insane
My mind bleeds in terror, in vain
Pulling the trigger a final blast
Unleashed my eternal wrath
Eye for an eye, tooth for tooth
Let them bleed with violent boost
Advancing battle million times
Bells of funeral, final chimes
Perish in the open fire
Drinking your hope through infiltration
No chance given, no separation
Choose your weapon, I’ll hunt you down
For what is mine I’ll receive the crown
Enemies, foes you are warned
Extend my power to a final score
Crushing your will with slavery
Dominate your world eternally
Bloodstained ground
Broken will is bound
Victory is mine to take
Obliterate and dominate
Bloodstained ground
Broken will is bound
Victory is mine to take
Obliterate and dominate
Choose your place between the sides
With or against me you decide
Your downfall will come by time
Black dominion marks the sign
Relentless is my greed to kill
Call me sick, insane or ill
No matter what’s the actual cause
I will sent you to the morgue
Relentless is my greed to kill
Call me sick, insane or ill
No matter what’s the actual cause
I will sent you to the morgue
Bloodstained ground
Broken will is bound
Victory is mine to take
Obliterate and dominate
Am I human or nature’s beast
The truth, you are about to see
You are condemned to underlie
And I’ll dominate ‘til the end of time
Surrounded by stone walls
Led by the crown
Children of cold hails
Always going down
Illusion of freedom
Hanging by a rope
Numbers are preaching
When dignities are sold
There is no way out
No hideaway
Faceless crusaders
Shape the final frame
Illusion of freedom
Hanging by a rope
Millions of rivers
But they all lead to same
Mask of damnation
No way out from the fatal disorder
Damnation is falling - The bastion of power
No way out from the fatal disorder
Damnation is calling - The prophecy of the final hour
Solo Henrik
Solo Arto
No way out from the fatal disorder
Damnation is failing - The bastion of power
No way out from the fatal disorder
Walking the streets of privileged right
Hiding my secrets until the final night
Before my mission is complete
To bring my deadly message to the weak
In this terror world I dwell
Living in my killing cell
Planning the mission for many years
No waste of thoughts about victim’s tears
Obeying the speech of my masters wisdom
To devastate infidel economic kingdoms
Living in my killing cell
I’m a tool of terror on this world
Bringer of anguish is what I’m called
Fighting on invincible fronts
I’m an insane human bomb
I’m a tool of terror on this world
Bringer of anguish is what I’m called
Fighting on invincible fronts
I’m an insane human bomb
When the final day is near
Hate has come and lost my fear
Just about a few hours left
Before I earn my reward for this threat
Killing cell…
I really believe in what I do
I’m a remote controlled killer too
Obeying the commands of prophets
Deep believe my faithful profit
When the final day is near
Hate has come and lost my fear
Just about a few hours left
Before I earn my reward for this threat
In this terror world I dwell
Living in my killing cell
I’m a tool of terror on this world
Bringer of anguish is what I’m called
Fighting on invincible fronts
I’m an insane human bomb
In this terror world I dwell
Living in my killing cell
Praying for my final mission
Isolated through my own will
Silence finally fulfilled
Isolated through my own will
Silence finally fulfilled
Isolated through my own will
Silence finally fulfilled
Isolated through my own will
Silence finally fulfilled
Isolated through my own will
Silence finally fulfilled
Isolated through my own will
Silence finally fulfilled
Isolated through my own will
Silence finally fulfilled
Isolated through my own will
Silence finally fulfilled
I feel the weight of the world on my back
Present, past and future - I only see red
Without rest my final conclusion
To vanish from this real illusion
Dreams of hope attending my life
Freedom of mind rush now declines
Objecting the question for my situation
Respecting the answer, my final destination
Leave me alone - stop expecting
Leave me alone - emotions rejecting
Isolation - determination...
Leave me alone - stop expecting
Leave me alone - emotions rejecting
Isolation - determination...
Isolation - determination...
Leave me alone - stop expecting
Unleashed with sacred rites
Last redemption, the final time
Doomed through this deception
Building a new conception
Feed my hate with a great plague
And let them all perish in flames
Separate their faith from flesh
Bodies descend in skies of death
Unborn wish, demise of peace
Prophecies, all cast in flame
Hate driven heretic deceit
Now the truth has made its claim
Spreading this disease of hate
Archetype for my heretic raid
Dark procession of cold blood
Embrace death for the wrong god
Hate driven heretic deceit…
Hate driven heretic deceit…
Hate driven heretic deceit…
Spreading this disease of hate
Archetype for my heretic raid
Dark procession of cold blood
Embrace death for the wrong god...
God... god... god... god... god...
Unborn wish, demise of peace
Prophecies, all cast in flame
Hate driven heretic deceit
Now the truth has made its claim
Born disorder, born by flood
Burial of saints by war and blood
Sinister horns lead to temptation
I saw the lamb opened one of the seals
Noise of thunder says come and sees
And behold I saw a white horse
The crown rider went forth his course
Opening the second seal
Beasts saying come and see
Second rider took peace from earth
Killing one another 10000 days worth
And when he had opened the third seal
I heard the beast say come and see
And behold I saw a black horse
Rider’s holding the balance forth
The great day of wrath has come
No surviving for anyone
King or beggar no one shall stand
Until the killing is fulfilled
Opening the fourth seal
And I looked a pale horse
His name is death to kill with the sword
And hunger and beasts of hell’s court
The great day of wrath has come
No surviving for anyone
King or beggar no one shall stand
Until the killing is fulfilled
After opening the fifth seal
The altar of slain souls I see
On them that dwell on earth
Thou not judge and avenge the blood
Final conflict, final conflict, final conflict
Final conflict, final conflict, final conflict
And when he had opened the third seal
I heard the beast say come and see
And behold I saw a black horse
Rider’s holding the balance forth
Final conflict, final conflict, final conflict
Final conflict, final conflict, final conflict
On them that dwell on earth
Thou not judge and avenge the blood
And behold opening the sixth seal
Stars are falling from the sky
Heaven departed, four horseman rides
Tears in my eyes
Turn into a rain
And wild river
Ocean with no end
Deep in my soul
Beneath peaks and stones
Eternal silence
Beats of my heart
Open your mind
Listen to my requiem
Sad melody
Song full of pain
Deep in your core
Your faith wrapped in ice
Deepest motions
Open your eyes
I've dreamt of the land so long
But now it's just your scene
That's left in my heart that is all
Say where it's give me a trace
A hundred years have been lost
As mysterious grail
Men are crying over your beauty
Know your name
Is all I want
Want to know your secret dreams
Know your name
Is all I care
Care about your strong desire
Deliver the purple roses
To inspire the rotting nations
Finally calm in the sacred ground
Deliver the irresistible hunger
To the worms of a new Creation
At least for a while
Embalm all those bloodshot eyes
Gently with soil
From the Unburned
Teach me the new song
Through curtains of steel
Giving Xzoriath power
To cover the visions
Of those who sleep
After unbiased battle
Calm is the Newborns Breast
Eroded the old mans
Let them see your grief,
Oh God
Lapsed in the virtue they
Fell from your arms
Let the chorus of Angels blind
Echo in Fourth Dimension
To silence their burdened cry
Who once have dropped
A petrified tear
Teach them to find
The Memory
Of a forlorn society
Teach them to write
A brand new song
Into the Sacred Book
Of the Third Apocalypse
Your eyes
Are plastered
Wake up again hollow sceam of night
To play my fiction shape of darkness
Your madness dream was not illusion
Bathed in blood was night and day
In name your dreamed about your nation
You stole from life so many people
Now you're burning in your hell...
DREAD-so it's a maddening hurt
Death bred invading your suggestions
TO BE-IT'S ONE! Such a fool and ruthless word
All in the crimson day by day
Night soaking you, in scarlet creep again
Into the shape of human shadows - FLASH!
And nestle ground, you listen to someone's laugh
That which for death was given light
Like a torch in fire you're burning alive
Like a flame very lifeless in this dirty game
Madness and fear eating your brain
Now you're fine: DRESS IN LINE!
Like a torch in fire you're burning alive
Like a flame very lifeless in this dirty game
Not any fate, close every gates
Wake up again hollow scream of night
To play my fiction shape of darkness
No mercy slaughter was not illusion
All in the crimson day by day
Like a torch in fire you're burning alive
Like a flame very lifeless in this dirty game
Madness and fear eating your brain
Now you're fine: DRESS IN LINE!
Like a torch in fire you're burning alive
Like a flame very lifeless in this dirty game
Not any fate, close every gates
Shivering in the cold
Shimmering in the calm
The still calm
Someday has come and gone away
Far away
Beyond the space between us
Lead the way
Back home to you
To the comfort I have been missing for so long
Struggling to find
Smothering out the last light
From the sky
Someday is here and now you are gone
Gone away
Still I want
To finally find a way to you
Lead the way
To thee today
I have been gone so long
I am so tired
I have been looking for too long
Sometimes searching in vane
Someday I will find
When the search is over
I am so tired
I am coming home
Flammis Acribus Addictis
And that translates to
Consigned to flames of woe
A fire which never dies, burning you forever
You know what they say about suicides
They become civil servants in the afterlife
That they can't accept what they've done
So they hide in hell welling up
Thinking how they fucked up
And how it all sucks
And how it's forever
So never will they see light ever, just darkness
Staring off escarpments over demon housing apartments
In a deep red abyss, remiss,
Of how they've lost everything they've ever known
And of their life and how it's wasted
And now everything will be different
From this point on I'm too far gone
Blindfold me and pass me the gun
Light my cigarette, smoke till it's dead…
Flammis Acribus Addictis
And that translates to
Consigned to flames of woe
The ravens follow a path of sorrow and tell
The thought will always be mine
The hell is hollow, the heaven left also
A sky under stars don't shine
And tears fall in a chalice of wine
The wind call a guardian of time
Through golden halls where the stars on the ceiling shine
And along carved death call in my mind
Another morrow let the skyline red glow
And one tell of glory and decline
A hidden shadow, god my fellow
And the ocean disclose the sacrifice of time
And i've seen now an angel who's calling my name
A whore in the moonlight, a sun secret flame
And we danced now together, drink honey and wine
And open the gates to other new time
Another morrow let the skyline red glow
And one tell of glory and decline
A hidden shadow, god my fellow
And the ocean disclose the sacrifice of time
And i've seen now an angel who's calling my name
A whore in the moonlight, a sun secret flame
And we danced now together, drink honey and wine
And open the gates to other new time
A king stands tall, far away a raven's call
A tarry in a world of ice and the void drill into my eyes
Walk along the screen shore where the waves deliver his war
Oh walk in hell and love the devil in thy eyes
Downtown, alleyways.
Where shattered men with broken dreams.
Live and die in torn brick buildings fade to black
Where junkie's cries and pusher's lies.
Echo through the streets tonight.
There where pimps and tricks decide the price of life.
Oh, oh, oh this is my world. Apathy and madness are its requiem.
Stand and shout! For the passing of the world.
Stand and shout! Its dying echoes call.
Stand and shout! For a nation far from God.
Stand and shout! Take a look at the writing on the wall.
Uptown, midnight.
Plastic smiles on mannequins.
Play the circus of the world elite.
Where movie stars and kings and queens.
Display themselves on magazines.
There where pomp and pretense hide the pain.
Oh, oh, oh this is my world. Apathy and madness are its requiem.
Stand and shout! For the passing of the world.
Stand and shout! Its dying echoes call.
Stand and shout! For a nation far from God.
Stand and shout! Take a look at the writing on the wall.
Guitar Solo
Sunday suburbs. Great white building stands alone.
Dead asleep like those who dwell inside.
Bless me Lord, now they cry.
While outside, scores of beggars cry.
Empty words, like epitaphs on tombs.
Oh, oh, oh this is my world. Apathy and madness are its requiem.
Stand and shout! For the passing of the world.
Stand and shout! Its dying echoes call.
Stand and shout! For a nation far from God.
"For those who died defending true ideals. In memory, the culture and legends of all this brave warriors who raised the history of their empire and their lives. Now, rest in peace. Forever."
"Sombras que resistem aos tempos
Parcos sons que bradam aos ventos
Envolve um império em seu manto
Debruçado à cova do desencanto
Reze a missa de teus mortos
Descansa no túmulo do esquecimento
A vasta floresta é teu tormento
Que abriga seus restos sonhos e corpos
Em teu sangue tua eterna bravura
Tua morte celebra a agrura
De ser tão ilustre ninguém
Que o silêncio liberte as almas
Aprisionadas ao fio das palavras
You're tired enough, my greatest Lord
You see no future, only a dreadful end
You're arms are too weak to hold your sword
The destinies of nations depend on you no more.
You're sitting on the mighty throne
And looking to the past
You think about right and wrong
Your time is running fast
Visions going through your mind
You see the kingdom fall
By suffering and pain of mankind
You have made your final choice
You hear the gentle voice of love
But you won't abandon to your passions anymore
Her name is rising from your heart
But will be dead with you and sink into oblivion forever
You see your brother's eyes
Remember how together you ran and hunted in the forest
But now you realize
That he's your enemy. And was it really worth this?
You try to protect your people from the war
But the cost of this is their slavery
Now you're asking yourself: "What for?"
For what is this humiliation?
Why this mortification?
Çà òóïëåà ìå÷. Ñòðåëà ÃÃ¥ ïîðà æà åò öåëè.
Ñëåäû êîïûò äà âÃî óæ ïîðîñëè òðà âîé.
È áåëûé ñÃåã ïîêðûë âåðõóøêè åëåé,
Band name: Caldera
Album Title: Caldera EP
Website: www.calderamusic.com
Where You Can Hear The Music: www.purevolume.com/caldera
If you look closely at my tears
You'll see they're spelling out your name
And my blood will paint your portrait
Held inside a broken frame
A weeping, just a melody
Sings the tune of my defeat
The look that's on my face right now
It's just a white flag of retreat
So this tainted love song
Proceeds without delay
And when it's finally over
My thoughts will soon decay
When the song is over
I'll follow close behind
My screams will soon be silenced
My vision will go blind
So as you hear this final note
I hope it stops your precious heart
And takes your mind, rapes your soul
Just like you tore my life apart
Soon the rhythm of my life
Will decreshendo peacefully
My existance, after time
[Requiem Eternam]
Requiem, Requiem, Requiem Eternam
Requiem, Requiem, Requiem Eternam
[Requiem Tetsuo]
Requiem Tetsuo, Tetsuo
Requiescat In Pace
Requiem Akira, Akira
Requiem Eternam
(This section is in a language I don't understand...) (This section is in a language
I don't understand...)
[Matsuri no Kaisou]
arashi gareki honoo kakera machi tatsumaki
chikara hikari
YATSUra matsuri sora nakama hashiru
(Requiem Akira, Akira)
(Requiem Eternam)
arashi gareki honoo kakera machi tatsumaki
chikara hikari
YATSUra matsuri sora nakama hashiru
nakama hashiru Kaneda Tetsuo Kai Yamagata
(Requiem Tetsuo)
nakama hashiru Kaneda Tetsuo Kai Yamagata
Requiescat In Pace]
Requiem Akira, Akira
nemure AKIRA nemure
nemure AKIRA nemure nemure
nemure Tetsuo nemure
nemure kodomo minna nemure
saa, tondeke ima
inochi wo atarashiku shiro
nemure matsu n da mirai ga
aoi hoshi wo kaesu toki wo
nemure AKIRA nemure
nemure AKIRA nemure nemure
nemure Tetsuo nemure
nemure kodomo minna nemure
nemure honoo nemure
nemure inochi nemure
nemure nemure nemure
nemure nemure nemure
Into the dark we cleanse our bones
Renewed by our intents unknown
I pour it out like summer rain
And soar about with hurricanes
You've come too late; my mind is already made.
You've come too late; my time is too short to waste
- you won't take it.
The fall of words has left us dry
With all the earth and breath denied
I swam too long and lost the shore
But damned if I'll ever roam - back to yours
You've come too late; my mind is already made.
You've come too late; my time is too short to waste
- you won't take it.
The tiger doesn't roar a lullably
And the eagle doesn't soar to patronize
Yet the sun will surely fall on the evening
Just as all the willow trees will die weeping
You've come too late; my mind is already made.
You've come too late; my time is too short to waste
You've come too late; my mind is already made.
Now you've gone too far; retrace the steps back to start:
A - - - men. A - - - men.
It's over
we've come to the end now
I'm sorry to see love die.
It's over
let's try to stay friends now
we just couldn't live a lie.
For the promises that we would stay together
We were living in a world of never
nothing is for ever
This is a Requiem. Requiem
This is in memory of a million chances
Baby we've had our share.
This could have been one of the great romances
Not just a mad affair.
I still have my souvenirs of special places
And I'll remember them.
But our game is voer and we've played our aces
This is a wreck. Oh what a wreck. This a Requiem.
A - - - men.
It's over
and there's nothing to say now
the magic is finally gone.
It's over
there's no other way now
it just can't go on and on.
Now the time has really come to give up trying
. . . Requiem
And to finish with the cheating and the Iying
It's doomed
it's damned
it's dying
This is a Requiem
We have seen the singing wind
We have heard the sun
We have tasted lavender
We have just begun-
We have cried at happiness
We have laughed at pain
We have let the grass turn brown
Waiting for the rain
Paradise has gone away
Our parade is here
All we now have left to kill
Is hate and pain and fear
Love came in when we began
Love is back again
Powerlove is what we are
I declared a war against myself. Yes, It's completely absurd
I'm among six million eyes that watch my steps
From outer constellations, a new light arrived.
A new place to stay alone and count the stars.
A Place so far from the sound of the beasts,
I'll pull the trigger to scream to the seas.
Yes, I can: This is a Declaration.
I'm among six million stars, that watch my steps.
Everything is perfect but the way you look at me.
I'm among six million stars, that watch my steps.
Everything is perfect but the way you look at me, no no no.
And here they are, they're here again: Dancing in my spine.
I thought I kill 'em from years before. Before (x2)
I thought I kill 'em from years before, before.
This long story someday has to end.
I'm among six million stars, that watch my steps.
Everything is perfect but the way you look at me.
So, can you give me a cure? Can you give me a ray of light?
Carry me to this place.
Calm me down, I can't Breath. I can't Breath.
Every night I have this dream, I have this curse.
Help me to be free, help me to set free.
I have to find another way to survive, I'm alive.
I can come back home tonight. Tonight, tonight.
I can come back home tonight.
Calm me down, I can't Breath.
Every night I have this dream, help me to set free.
I'm among six million stars, that watch my steps.
Everything is perfect but the way you look at me.
(Everything is perfect, Everything is perfect)
Everything is perfect, Everything is perfect oh.
Everything is perfect but the way you look at me,
But the way you look at me.
Somewhere along the road to your house
You took a wrong turn and abandoned yourself
Sailing slow, low, through the night
You say that you are a child of the world
But can you build bridges with some other girl?
Do you believe in freedom, son?
Do you remember, no matter the weather
You hide out and dance through the rain in the dark
Do you still believe in love?
When the journey began, your heart was in tears
Say that your heart is a burdon to bear
Dragging me with you through the sand
You say that time will heal of our wounds
Well, I wouldn't care for a day in your shoes
Do you believe in freedom, son?
Do you remember, no matter the weather
You hide out and dance through the rain in the dark
Do you still believe in love?
Do you remember, no matter the weather
You hide out and dance through the rain in the dark
Do you still believe in love?
Do you still believe?
As you close your eyes
I'll become a dream
Fading like the last star in the sky
With this final kiss
Stolen from your lips
You must be the strong one
Do what's right for you and I
Oh I will sing my requiem
To a love that hurts with every breath
And as I walk alone
And live without your love,
I will sing my requiem, my requiem
To you.
We met just by chance
Or just by mistake,
The universe was playing with our lives
It was all a game
Until I realized you're the one
I've needed all this time
You saved my life
Oh I will sing my requiem
To a love that hurts with every breath
And as I walk alone
And live without your love,
I will sing my requiem, my requiem
To you.
I see your face
The rising sun
And then I realize that you are gone
Oh I will sing my requiem
To a love that hurts with every breath
And as I walk alone
And live without your love,
I will sing my requiem, my requiem
To you.
As darkness falls upon these lands, my heart & soul is embraced
So cold as my glow slowly fades I can hear them singing my name once again
They are singing for me...
I spread my wings and fly into the unknown now I can see the light
And through the misty night where shadowcreatures dance I'm soaring high
High above...
Reaching out for my friends one last time
Time to say goodbye heading for my afterlife
Leaving all the darkness behind
Time to say goodbye heading for my paradise
In this moment of death I am wondering why
Betrayed by the only one I thought was my friend
If I were the chosen then how come I failed
The stories they told was it just lies
It all seems so clear as two turns to one
My darkest fear has taken shape and turned into a heartless creature filled
with hate
He entered the gate so long ago when evil got created, once again they will
unite and turn to one
Reaching out for my friends one last time
Time to say goodbye heading for my afterlife
Leaving all the darkness behind
Time to say goodbye heading for my paradise
I spread my wings and fly into the unknown now I can see the light
And through the misty night where shadowcreatures dance I'm soaring high
He spreads his wings and flies into the unknown towards the light
And through the clearest sky where eagles learn to fly he's soaring high
He spreads his wings and flies into the unknown towards the light
And through the clearest sky where eagles learn to fly he's soaring high
Triumphant fear
We gaze into the eyes of hypnotists
And these politics hold the pocket watch
That is swinging in front of our heads
As they tippy toe across the borderline
Their laws become obsolete
And the world as we know it just falls apart
And it's right in front of our feet
When the bombs fall like rain
And the economy dies in vain
The requiem will never chime
For the world wide genocide
A solution must be born
For the atrocity we ignore
And the world will finally see
What atrocity solution means
The weep of the requiem will turn
The tear of the children will not burn
The flags of our fathers will be lost
When all is lost, you better find hope for us
Victorious lies
These champs have a home inside D.C.
And the massacres that they puppeteer
Have no hymn or melody
It's a race to the top my friend
And they're always waiting at the end
And their lies and cheats and tricks and deeds
You can't escape from obtrusive thought
That you have trusted in false muse's words and every note
Now bless your chains to melt prisoner's groaning sorrow
I raised my barrow
Lonely emperor
Tuba mirum spargens sonum
Per sepulcra regionum
Coget omnes ante thronum
Dies irae, dies illa
Solvet saeclum in favilla
Spark of genius
It's continuous
Struggle with the wind to kindle fire
Chill of marble
Light of a candle
Can only listen to the confession of the liar
I raised my barrow
Dying emperor
Slave of the sound
Panic in eyes
Feel of diminuendo of his short and wasted life
Clutching tight the last moment of passion
Searching for the sense that I missed
Feeling that the end is near
I cheat the hunger with the promise
Take me to your lands
Hear them sing as they witness my defeat
This overwhelming stream, almost tangible void
Highest flames weep their words
Be my forsaken, crawl the roads in vain
Eyes staring at the mournful horizon
No betrayal, I drown in the forever closure of light
with infinite void I am one
Be my forsaken, crawl the roads in vain
Eyes staring at the mournful horizon
In this precious moment, where the unknown reveals
I know how hard you dream
I know how hard it seems
I know where the blow hurts
Yeah, I know where it hurts
Don't you know we've been down this road before?
Don't you know the sky won't leave you lonely?
It cries
Don't you think it'll heal?
Don't you know that you steal?
Don't you know that I'm liar?
With a pain in my shoe
Don't you know we've been down this road before?
Don't you know the sky won't leave you lonely?
It cries
Don't you know the clouds won't break?
You could start with no hate
I've seen a coward and I've seen a king
This is a requiem for old food that's dead in the fridge
I put it in the crisper, but it refuses to live
I bought it at the market, the colours, the sounds,
And only one dollar a pound
I bought you with high hopes of making a nice vege pie
But then some friends came over and so we ordered some
Oh why did I let you die?
While we were eating puck dock gung
I'm not a first offender; vege-cide is my crime
Two pumpkins, three tomatoes, two squash, two leaks and a
On the bench in a bowl I left them
What have become of those who had lived among the shadows
of creation?
Their eyes lost their glow. They look but they're blind,
longing for their past prosperity.
They are locked beneath the shadow of the darksome waters
But the souls of the ancient ones hike and seek the
ultimate vengeance of those who trapped them among their
sunken glory.
They sunk into the abyss of eternal watery sleep where
they dwell in R'lyeh.
Thus, they struggle to find a path to enchant the minds
Confutatis maledictis
Flammis acribus addictis:
Voca me cum benedictis
Confutatis maledictis
Rest thy soul in eternal sleep
heaven waits as the earth gently weeps
for you...
Gone the shadow veiling your eyes
Lost your inner light
All beauty dies
Confutatis maledictis
Flammis acribus addictis:
Voca me cum benedictis
Confutatis maledictis
I am without you now
How can I live?
How can I live on?
Oro supplex et acclinis
Cor contritum quasi cinis
Gere curam mei finis
Oro supplex et acclinis
Eternal sleep...
I weep...
I need to hold on to you
How can I let you go?
Dona eis Requiem
I keep you in my heart
Confutatis maledictis
Flammis acribus addictis:
Voca me cum benedictis