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Using Social Media To Cover For Lack Of Original Thought – Onion Talks

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Bringing Permaculture to Make-It-Do

Hugelculture herb spiral in
construction. Leaves and wood used
as organic filler, topped with soil
and compost.

Let me start by saying that Permaculture is not a new concept for Kaleesha and she's been putting various elements of it into practice for several years. What is new though is having me around and my thoughts on how to go about things.

Probably the biggest change is going to be a change in goat management which is both a permaculture driven change as well as a very practical need. Essentially the goat fencing was never quite finished and with a bit of effort they were able to free-range which is not a good thing with a road nearby. Nor is it a good thing if one wants to grow berry and fruit trees and bushes or any kind of flower garden. If you dont already know, goats eat practically every kind of growing thing so growing a garden or food forest is difficult, probably impossible if goats have open access to growing areas.

Last week we finished the fencing and the goats are mostly contained. They will do their best to get past it and will find a few week points (already have!) so we'll have to get out and do a bit of troubleshooting. But as of now, it is a big improvement and they are behind the fencing most of the time which means we are now free begin landscaping areas around the house which had previously been left as grass or gravel.

After the goats the priority has been to improve the aesthetics of the north, driveway side of the house is poorly defined with two doors that confuse visitors about the actual entrance. The first door goes to the laundry room is more a utility entry but is usually the first door seen by visitors. The real entryway is not marked in anyway. That entire face of the house was used as storage with a heating unit, doors, windows and other items leaned against the wall. The rocks of the driveway were steadily migrating down into the gravel mulch that served as a yard. Most of this area is heavily shaded by the house and two large trees. The northeast side of the yard has a bit of grass and gets a good bit of sunlight.

Well rotted log from my hugelculture beds. The logs
and soil are full of fungi and micro organisms.

We started by getting all the items along the house moved to the shed. Once we cleared the space we wanted to bring some life and usefulness to the area. We built a hugelculture shade bed against the house and to the west side of the main entrance to the house. The bed has been planted with a mix of shade tolerant plants such as ferns, hostas and native columbine. A smaller bed on the other side of the door will also be built and planted with shade plants. The concrete pad in front of the door will also be getting some attention. Currently it gathers a good bit of small gravel which makes its way into the house. To help draw attention to this door as the primary entrance and to reduce the amount of gravel coming inside we are repurposing some concrete paver stones mixed with various stones found around the property which are being laid in as an extension of the pad forming a sort of patio.

Much of the focus thus far is working on moving extra plants over from my efforts at the lake. I've gotten some of the kitchen herbs and Missouri natives moved over with many more to go. My folks will be taking over my cabin and have no interest in gardening so I'm also bringing over soil from the two year old hugelculture bed. The logs are rotting up nicely and the resulting soil, previously enriched with manured straw from the chicken coop, is fantastic. Thus far the herb spiral and hugelculture beds around the mature trees in the yard have been planted with Oregano, Skullcap, Lavendar, Garlic Chives, and Purple Coneflowers.

This fall I'll move the serviceberry bushes, blackberries, and raspberries and possibly a few others. In the longterm I'd like to put the hill that the house is built on to use. It is a south-facing hill and an excellent opportunity for water harvesting with swales. Another longterm project is improving the goat forage. Currently they forage a diverse area with a fairly good mix of food but it could be improved. Yet another long term project that we'll get started in the spring of next year we will be several food forests. We'll obtain low-cost nut trees from the Missouri Department of Conservation as well as a few fruit trees from other sources.

This is a great site with fantastic potential and I look forward to becoming a part of it.


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Barbara Dowling’s Appeal.

     Wed 7 August - Barbara Dowling's census case
10.30am, High Court, Lawnmarket, Edinburgh
        Barbara's appeal hearing over her prosecution for failing to fully complete her census form in 2011 will be held in the High Court Edinburgh. The appeal will challenge the decision by Glasgow Sheriff Court to allow the case against Barbara to proceed without allowing her lawyer to comment on an ammendment to the charge ( they were using out of date legislation ). This was just the last in a long series of legal abuses designed to scapegoat a handful of people, without making any serious attempt to prosecute all the 187,924 Scottish households that were required to send in a census form and didn't do so.
More background at
     Please come along to make sure that the Scottish legal system knows we're watching it.
No Complicity in Torture!

ann arky's home.

Uruguay: Programa de radio Incendio! nro. 04

Sección Local - Ministerio del Interior adquiere nueva tecnologia de control, "El Guardian" - En Centro y Cuidad Vieja se llenara de cámaras de vigilancia. - Entrevista con compañero del espacio "Culmine".
Sección Anti carcelaria - Traslado del compañero Gabriel "Pombo" Da Silva - Situación de Carla e Ivan - Compañeros arrestados en Trento, Italia. - Comienzo del Juicio por la masacre de la carcel de San Miguel donde fueron asesinados 81 presxs. - Colectivo 81 Razones. - Comunicado de presxs de CCF sobre Marjan Kola. - Jueves 1 de Agosto, manifestación en solidaridad con los compañeros presos vinculados al caso security, a casi 4 años de prisión preventiva. - La policía sigue torturando (EL PINAR)
 - Retransmisión de Incendio por Corsaria FM 96.7 los días Miércoles a las 13 hs y la radio online De Orugas y Mariposas los Martes y Jueves a las 20 hs. - 3 y 4 de Agosto. Sobre la Feria del Libro Anarquista en Montevideo. - 31/7 Homenaje a Luce Fabri. - 10/8 Recital de Radio Liber Pensulo. - Digitalizacion de Biblioteca Luce Fabri - Publicación Parrhesia
Música: D-Linkir, Lirika Podrida, Marzo del 76, Pato Patín, Lirika Incendiaria, Kronstadt, La Verguenza de la Familia.


        Monday 8:15am, August 6, 1945, the day when the atomic bomb was first used in war. The city of Hiroshima in Japan was the target. One bomb the equivalent of approximately 20,000 tons of high explosives, fell from the sky, early as everybody in the city was preparing for their daily routine.  The result was the immediate deaths of approximately 80,000 people of all ages, and roughly 70% of all buildings completely destroyed and a further 7% severely damaged. By the end of the year the death toll from injuries and radiation, had pushed the total to somewhere between 90,000 and 140,000. In one blinding flash, a city and most of its inhabitants obliterated. That was what war had come to, unbelievable, instant, massive, death and destruction. We should dwell on these figures and scenes as our mad-hatter politicians talk of military action against other countries. It is people just like you and I that they are talking about killing, instantly, or over a period of years, it doesn't matter to them as they sit in their marble halls of power.   
      To mark the horror of Hiroshima and atomic weapons, the Faslane Peace Camp are asking people to come and join them, to highlight the fact that we in this country still harbour these weapons of mass destruction, right here on the Clyde. Weapons that should never be used, and shouldn't even exist.
From Faslane Peace Camp:

       To remember the tragic event that happened in Hiroshima on the 6th of August in 1945 we are creating this event as a memorial of remembrance to those affected by it.

       At 11 we are going to make an Arc at the Peace Camp Gate. At 5:45 PM we are going to walk to the North Gate Base to have an hours vigil in silence between 6:15 and 7:15.
      Just as it gets dark we are also going to go light 200 candles along the fences of the nuclear base.
ann arky's home.

NO TAV movement again under attack [Italy]

[FWIW: TAV is the italian acronym for Treno ad Alta Velocità i.e. HSR, High-Speed Rail. In essence, opposition to 'inappropriate' (capitalist) development in Italy is being criminalised under the rubric of anti-terrorism. Ho hum. On a vaguely-related note see also … Continue reading

“Why I am no longer a skeptic”

English: Skeptics descend on Hollywood Blvd Ma...I can’t help but agree with most of what is written on this post. Lately I do not really feel that the label of “Atheist” or “Skeptic” is enough to make me align with another person, not only because we might not be sharing any ideology, but because very often, the outspoken skeptic and atheists online are just capitalism-worshiping right-libertarians or state-praising social democrats, none of whom proposing direct action solutions that might actually help people in the here and now, which is effectively why so few people from the marginalized feel the need to take up such labels for themselves. Which in turn is why the atheist and skeptic circles are dominated by pretty much the usual young middle-class white straight cis-male demographic and too often further dominated by reactionaries such as MRAs and right-libertarians.

Most other people prefer to fly the flag of an actually progressive ideology such as feminism or anarchism, or all too often, no label at all (Because there’s shitlords everywhere and is easy to burn out.)

Some choice quotes

On failing to convert people:

To convert their followers to skepticism, there’s no use in preaching, like Dawkins and Phil Plait, about the wonders of objective reality, however eloquently they may do it. Objective reality in a liberal democracy might well be wonderful if you’re a media personality or a tenured professor in a leafy college town. But for most people, reality sucks. And if they choose to reject it, I can’t blame them. Proselytising skeptics certainly offer them no incentive to change their minds. Skeptics ask society’s castaways to leave a reality in which they are good and valued people, and enter one in which they are pieces of warm garbage. Little wonder that so few take up the offer.

on being sexist bastards:

Skepticism, of course, is only one of the many online interests which attract barely-closeted sexists. But the particular attraction of skepticism is also its particular problem: it allows the sexist to disguise his prejudice as rationality and “common sense”. You can spot guys like this easily on skeptic forums: the word “feminism” brings them crawling out, like slugs after a downpour. For them, feminism is an unscientific discipline (but how could it be otherwise?), as nonsensical as astrology or Roman Catholicism, and as ripe and essential for debunking. They’re okay with women’s lib, within reason; but now it’s gone too far, and the firm hand of reason must rein it in. Reason, weirdly enough, never seems to disrupt their own grip on power. It’s always on the side of the patriarchy.

On elitism:

About ten years ago there was a short-lived movement to rebrand skeptics as “brights”. This proposal was widely derided within the community, perhaps because it revealed too much about the skeptic mindset. Many skeptics indeed see themselves as “brights” in a world of “dims”. And rather than illuminate the world, they prefer to gather on skeptic forums and try to outshine each other.

And other good stuff. It’s a long read, but worth it.


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Workers Know Your History, Dic Penderyn.

     Each improvement in the conditions of the ordinary people is paid for in the blood of one or more from our communities. Every increment of decent conditions we gain is at the heavy cost of blood, sweat and tears from our brothers and sisters. Despite this we can never relax in the belief that we have won those gains for all time. Those from whom we wrestled them will always try to take them back by stealth, duplicity, corruption, force and their brand of the "stamp of legitimacy". Today the attack to claw back the conditions we won over decades is in full swing, wages are cut/frozen, contracts are ripped up and replaced by "zero hours" contracts, working conditions are shredded, social benefits/services are decimated. If we accept this onslaught without an all out fight, we do an injustice to those from our communities who paid with their life to win them in the first place. Our history is littered with the blood of an army of our heroes, we can pick one from any era, they are there, calling on us to fight for justice.
      August 1831, Dic Penderyn was hanged on a trumped up charge, his real crime, he was a a union man, a fighter for better conditions, the type detested by this system of repression, exploitation and corruption. When our present lords and master come at us with their scythe of austerity and deregulation of working practices, let's remember we paid for these conditions by the blood of our own, we insult our heroes if we hand them back without a bloody fight.

ann arky's home.

Obama, the willful murderer of innocent people.

Arthur Silber, the defining writer of a generation of rebels against the American State, states in no uncertain terms what Obama’s drone policy is about: the willful murder of innocent people.

The NYT story also makes horribly clear that the debate about whether it is a good idea to murder innocent people is over. Worse than that, such a debate never took place. That’s what we’re told right near the beginning of the story:

“Mr. Obama and his advisers are still debating whether remote-control killing should be a measure of last resort against imminent threats to the United States, or a more flexible tool, available to help allied governments attack their enemies or to prevent militants from controlling territory.”

They’re “still debating” whether they should murder innocent people only as a “last resort,” or murder innocent people as “a more flexible tool.” Whether they should murder innocent people at all never occurred to them. It was never even a question.

Think about that for a minute. It was never even a question for them.

The NYT lays out what can only be regarded as a program that is evil in the means it employs, as well as evil in all its purposes — but the story carefully observes all the “rules” concerning “polite” and “respectable” discussion of such matters, so that the full meaning of these acts is systematically avoided. The story further informs us that the Obama administration is committed to developing a comprehensive system of rules to make certain that evil is committed in just the right way.

Yes, you should be shaking your head right now, because that makes absolutely no sense. It doesn’t make any sense, yet this is the nature of the evil that steadily spreads across our national landscape. And as I have often noted before, every system of government has laws and rules, even dictatorships and even totalitarian governments. Appeals to the “sanctity of the law” and the crucial importance of “rules” play directly into the hands of the State and those who direct its lethal operations. The law and the rules are the means by which they implement and direct their power. When a corrupt and deadly system passes beyond a certain point, the law and the rules do not prevent the commission of evil: they make it possible.

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Bolivia: Indígenas del TIPNIS tienen derecho al territorio, a la autodeterminación y a ejercer el derecho consuetudinario

Asamblea Permanente de los Derechos Humanos de La Paz

La Asamblea Permanente de los Derechos Humanos de La Paz (APDHLP), presidida por la c. María Amparo Carvajal Baños, ante el juicio criminal que le siguen a los dirigentes indígenas: Fernando Vargas, Pedro Nuny y Adolfo Chávez, manifiesta lo siguiente:

1. La Constitución Política del Estado boliviano (CPE), el Convenio 169 de la Organización Internacional del Trabajo (OIT) y la Declaración de las Naciones Unidas sobre los Derechos de los Pueblos Indígenas, garantizan la propiedad colectiva de los pueblos que viven en el TIPNIS, el que es territorio de mojeño-trinitarios, yuracarés y chimanes, así como es reserva natural de los bolivianos. El TIPNIS definido, por otra norma boliviana, como Tierra Cumunitaria de Origen (TCO), es el habitat de los originarios, en la que deben vivir sin que intrusos atenten contra sus derechos.

Es decir, ninguna persona ni grupo de éstas tiene facultad para invadir esa TCO con el propósito de dividir a esos pueblos (más de lo que ya están) ni a desconocer a sus dirigentes elegidos según sus usos y costumbres. Hace semanas un grupo de gente de la zona cocalera Polígono 7, ex TIPNIS, intentó consumar esos dos despropósitos: dividir a los indígenas y desconocer a sus dirigentes. Esos invasores modernos fueron rechazados y su dirigente, Gumercindo Pradel, conocido operador político de los gobernantes, fue azotado, como una medida considerada parte de la “justicia comunitaria”, la que está garantizada por la CPE.

2. La autonomía indígena quiere decir autogobierno, autodeterminación (Art. 2 de la CPE), por lo que las decisiones de mojeño-trinitarios, yuracarés y chimanes, según sus usos y costumbres deben ser respetados por el Estado y las instituciones que lo integran, con mayor razón si el Estado se define como plurinacional. Por ello, un acto de autodeterminación, como la expulsión de entrometidos en su territorio, merece respeto de jueces y fiscales, de gobernantes, instituciones y personas personales, aunque se tengan reservas respecto de esas prácticas ancestrales garantizadas por nuestras leyes.

3. Las costumbres, que son parte del derecho consuetudinario, tienen que ser respetadas, al menos si se aplican para defender el territorio indígena de invasores contemporáneos. La justicia ordinaria, por tanto, no se debe contraponer a la justicia comunitaria porque la una y la otra tienen sus campos de acción determinados por las leyes bolivianas.

Por ello, el juicio criminal solicitado por Gumercindo Pradel contra los dirigentes indígenas (Vargas, Nuny, y Chávez) debe arribarse y, en consecuencia, tiene que cesar la persecución contra los cuatro compañeros. Por ello, la sugerencia del Fiscal General, de que lo que deben hacer los procesados es asumir su defensa en los estrados judiciales, no corresponde porque aquel juicio, ahora en su etapa de investigación, es ilegal e ilegítimo.

La APDHLP, apoyada en las normas bolivianas y en los convenios internacionales, afirma que el Estado (órganos Ejecutivo, Legislativo, Judicial y Electoral) deben respetar la residencia pacífica de los indígenas del TIPNIS, su autodeterminación y el derecho consuetudinario que ejerzan los mojeño-trinitarios, yuracarés y chimanes.

La Paz, 31 de julio de 2013.