Act For Freedom Now!

July 25, 2013
by actforfreedom

150 escape in Indonesian jail break – Indonesia

MEDAN, Indonesia: Indonesian police on 11 July expanded their search for 150 inmates including four militants who escaped from an overcrowded jail during a riot that left five dead.
Inmates began rampaging through the jail in Medan city on Sumatra island on Thursday, setting fires and hurling bottles at guards in anger over power cuts and water shortages at the prison. The Tanjung Gusta jail was engulfed in towering flames, killing three inmates and two prison staff who were trapped in their office.

July 25, 2013
by actforfreedom

NO TAV, Italy – Violent police charges in the Susa Valley. Freedom for the arrested NO TAV resisters!

From via
Translated by act for freedom now/B.pd
 Police violence had been announced in advance as yesterday night [20/07/2013] a NO TAV night march started off from Gaglione, and police had previously issued delirious communiqués about the threat of a black block hidden among the NO TAV demonstrators.
 Violence had already been arranged as antiriot police charged NO TAV demonstrators out of the blue and when the latter were still far away from the fences [of the TAV yard]. Police charged along a very narrow and dangerous mountain path, where people fell, were trampled on and hit, repeatedly, by the cops’ truncheons, and then chased even in the woods (blackened by the smoke of the teargas shot by the police). It must be noted that Padalino and Rinaudo, two watchdogs of the prosecution of Turin obsessed by the NO TAV, were already in the yard: was it by chance or did they know they would arrest people on that night?

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July 23, 2013
by actforfreedom

Chile: Claim of responsibility for ATM sabotages in solidarity with Hans Niemeyer

from vivalaanarquia, translated by waronsociety:
Spreading our rabid laughter, we keep making a fool of Power.
At midnight on July 14 we set off to several temples of money, “we howled to the moon,” and we walked with our black clothing in front of a police station and almost without hesitation we proceeded to execute our action. We disabled 8 ATMs on La Florida Avenue, including some of a BCI Bank, in solidarity with Hans Niemeyer, sentenced to almost 6 years in prison for the Arms Control Law and damages to property.
Why? We could have blown up a bank, burned buses or attacked “symbols of prison.” We chose to sabotage some circuits with acid, the same thing that has been used to burn police at marches. Why not use explosives? We do not cloud our imaginations with pyromania nor do we fetishize black powder, because we understand that the social war is multiform and we seek for the attacks to be as simple as possible, venturing to experiment with new elements that are easy to acquire so that they become contagious and reproducible.
Strength to all the prisoners in conflict in the prison, especially the encapuchado Nicolas Toro, Ilse Jofré, and also the fugitive encapuchada attacked by the communication media, without ever forgetting compañero Diego Ríos.
We once read: “there are no such things as superior forms of struggle. Revolt needs everything: papers and books, arms and explosives, reflection and swearing, poison, daggers and arson. The only interesting question is how to combine them.”
Colibrís Eduardo Carouy Free Gang

July 23, 2013
by actforfreedom

Greece: Police thugs start a riot attacking people with glass bottles, flares & flash-bang grenades in exarxia area in Athens

Published on Jul 22, 2013

On Saturday July 20, 2013 “Delta” police thugs entered “Exarhia”, one of the most vibrant areas of Athens, while hundreds of people were attending two different solidarity events to anarchist Kostas Sakkas, who was on hunger strike for 38 days because he was imprisoned in the self-proclaimed “democracy” of Greece for 31 months without a trial.
As depicted in the video, the “Delta” police thugs on bikes begun to intimidate and chase passers- by for no reason and when people begun to gather reacting to their terrorist tactics, the policemen threw against them flash-bang grenades, asphyxiating gas grenades, flares and even empty glass bottles!
Hundreds of people gathered at the spot to chase them away and begun to circle them, while residents from their balconies above were throwing water towards the police thugs to force them to leave, following the havoc they caused.
Confronted by so many people, the Delta police thugs, along with a riot police brigade that was called to assist them, were soon forced to retreat and leave the area.

July 22, 2013
by actforfreedom

Report from the event at Anarchist steki Nadir on Wednesday July 3rd 2013 – Thessaloniki

from : Actforfreedomnow!boubourAs

 Report from the event at Anarchist steki Nadir On Wednesday July 3rd

an event was carried with these thematics:
Book presentation of Alfredo Bonnanos “Armed Joy”,
Contribution of translating networks to the constant anarchist insurrection,
Information about the oppression in Italy,
Also during the event there were publications from translating projects.
Preface to the book “Armed Joy” by Anarchist steki Nadir,
Phone intervention by Olga Economidou,
Text of Elisa Di Bernando for the event,
Text of Giuseppe Lo Turco for the event,
Text Stefano Gabrielo Fosco for the event,
Letter by Alfredo Cospito to the Conspiracy Cells of Fire,
Contribution of Actforfreedomnow!
Contribution of 325 to the call of steki Nadir,
For the new anarchist translating publication Erevos,
Message from internet project Parabellum for the event,
Small contribution to the event from blog
Booklet “Oppression in Italy” (July 2013)
Translations of anarchist texts, for the diffuse of revolutionary anarchist Word and Action from, (Volos – March 2013)

July 22, 2013
by actforfreedom

Trento, Italy – ‘Are We Men or Corporals?’*

*Translator’s note: this is the title of a very famous Italian film released in 1955 and starring renowned comedian Totò de Curtis
Translated by act for freedom now/B.pd
We receive and transmit the text of a leaflet distributed on July 17 in Trento during a small spontaneous demo in solidarity with Kamilla, José and Leo, who are currently under house arrest and accused of having attacked five job agencies.
 Are We Men or Corporals?
 ‘Corporals’ [in Italian the word also indicates ‘recruiters of day labourers’, TN] are those particularly hideous men who recruit day labourers in piazzas and drive them to yards or fields, where they exploit them and retain a portion of their (miserable) wages as a sort of payoff.
The buying and selling of labour force represents the most horrible slave-aspect of economy.

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July 22, 2013
by actforfreedom

Italy – Poster in solidarity with anarchists Nicola and Alfredo by the comrades of RadioAzione

Translated by act for freedom now/B.pd

Poster reads:

An instant is the only place of experience where life can be grabbed, lived, felt and savoured.
 The past and the future belong to the sphere of imagination and are as vague as the fumes of mist.
Learn to act starting form an instant if you want to change your life!
  On May 7 2012 Roberto Adinolfi, head of Ansaldo Nucleare, is shot and wounded in Genoa. The attack will be later claimed by the Olga nucleus of the Informal Anarchist Federation-International Revolutionary Front.
On September 14 2012 two comrades, Nicola Gai and Alfredo Cospito are jailed, whereas another comrade is put under investigation.
The culprit is the prosecution of Genoa, which accuse the arrested and investigated comrades of being the perpetrators of Adinolfi’s wounding.
 On October 30 2013 an abbreviated procedure trial against Nicola and Alfredo will start. Let’s show our solidarity with the comrades particularly now, as the state-capital and its defenders-inquisitors have introduced a new crime in their penal code: the crime of solidarity with the imprisoned comrades!

July 20, 2013
by actforfreedom

Anarchists and Action – Alfredo M. Bonanno

Anarchists are not slaves to number but continue to act against power even when the class clash is at a low level in the mass. Anarchist action should not therefore aim at organising and defending the whole of the class of the exploited in one vast organisation to see the struggle from beginning to end, but should identify single aspects of the struggle and carry them through to their conclusion of attack.
If anarchists have one constant characteristic it is that of not letting themselves be discouraged by the adversities of the class struggle or to be enticed by the promises of power.
It will always be difficult, often impossible, to find an anarchist comrade who has given in to power. This might happen as a result of torture or physical pain, never by long spells of repression or loss of heart. There is something in anarchists that prevents them from becoming discouraged, something that makes them optimistic even in the worst moments of their history. It makes them look forward to possible future outlets in the struggle, not backwards to past mistakes.
An anarchist’s revolutionary work is never exclusively aimed at mass mobilisation therefore, otherwise the use of certain methods would become subject to the conditions present within the latter at a given time. The active anarchist minority is not a mere slave to numbers but acts on reality using its own ideas and actions. There is obviously a relationship between these ideas and the growth in organisation, but the one does not come about as a direct result of the other.
The relationship with the mass cannot be structured as something that must endure the passage of time, i.e. be based on growth to infinity and resistance against the attack of the exploiters. It must have a more reduced specific dimension, one that is decidedly that of attack and not a rearguard relationship.
The organisational structures we can offer are limited in time and space. They are simple associative forms to be reached in the short term, in other words, their aim is not that of organising and defending the whole of the exploited class in one vast organisation to take them through the struggle from beginning to end. They must have a more reduced dimension, identifying one aspect of the struggle and carrying it through to its conclusion of attack. They should not be weighed down by ideology but contain basic elements that can be shared by all:
self-management of the struggle, permanent conflictuality, attack on the class enemy.
At least two factors point to this road for the relationship between anarchist minority and mass: the class sectorialism produced by capital, and the spreading feeling of impotence that the individual gets from certain forms of collective struggle.
There exists a strong desire to struggle against exploitation, and there are still spaces where this struggle can be expressed concretely. Models of action are being worked out in practice, and there is still a lot to be done in this direction.
Small actions are always criticised for being insignificant and ridiculous against such an immense structure as that of capitalist power. But it would be a mistake to attempt to remedy this by opposing them with a relationship based on quantity rather than extending these small actions, which are easy for others to repeat. The clash is significant precisely because of the enemy’s great complexity which it modifies constantly in order to maintain consensus. This consensus depends on a fine network of social relations functioning at all levels. The smallest disturbance damages it far beyond the limits of the action itself. It damages its image, its programme, the mechanisms that produce social peace and the unstable equilibrium of politics.
Each tiny action that comes from even a very small number of comrades, is in fact a great act of subversion. It goes far beyond the often microscopic dimensions of what took place, becoming not so much a symbol as a point of reference.
This is the sense in which we have often spoken of insurrection. We can start building our struggle in such a way that conditions of revolt can emerge and latent conflict can develop and be brought to the fore. In this way a contact is established between the anarchist minority and the specific situation where the struggle can be developed.
We know that many comrades do not share these ideas. Some-accuse us of being analytically out of date, others of not seeing that circumscribed struggle only serve the aims of power, arguing that, especially now in the electronic era, it is no longer possible to talk of revolt.
But we are stubborn. We believe it is still possible to rebel today, even in the computer era.
It is still possible to penetrate the monster with a pinprick. But we must move away from the stereotypical images of the great mass struggles, and the concept of the infinite growth of a movement that is to dominate and control everything. We must develop a more precise and detailed way of thinking. We must consider reality for what it is, not what we imagine it to be. When faced with a situation we must have a clear idea of the reality that surrounds us, the class clash that such a reality reflects, and provide ourselves with the necessary means in order to act on it.
As anarchists we have models of intervention and ideas that are of great importance and revolutionary significance, but they do not speak for themselves. They are not immediately comprehensible, so we must put them into action, it is not enough to simply explain them.
The very effort of providing ourselves with the means required for the struggle should help to clarify our ideas, both for ourselves and for those who come in to contact with us. A reduced idea of these means, one that limits itself to simply counter-information, dissent and declarations of principle, is clearly inadequate. We must go beyond that and work in three directions: contact with the mass (with clarity and circumscribed to the precise requirements of the struggle); action within the revolutionary movement (in the subjective sense already mentioned); construction of the specific organisation (functional to both work within the mass and to action within the revolutionary movement).
And we need to work very hard in this direction.
Alfredo M. Bonanno
“Insurrection”, September 1989

July 20, 2013
by actforfreedom

NO TAV, Italy – Effedue excavator in flames

Translated by act for freedom now/B.pd
 From the local press we learn that in the night between July 14 and July 15 an excavator of the company Effedue, involved in the works for the implementation of the TAV railway track, was set on fire along the bank of the Dora Riparia river in the Susa Valley.  


July 20, 2013
by actforfreedom

Call for action against Line 9 JULY 27! – Canada

sabotagemedia receives and transmits
On July 27th, join us in resisting Enbridge and tar sands profiteers! Line 9 is an existing oil pipeline running from Sarnia to Montreal. Enbridge has put in an application to reverse the flow of the pipeline (not currently in use, but previously transporting foreign oil into Canada). Their intention is to move tar sands oil across the country for export.

This pipeline was built in 1975 for light crude oil, and will not withstand the higher temperatures and pressures required to transport diluted bitumen (not to mention the corrosive, toxic chemicals needed to make it flow through pipelines). A spill is inevitable. Enbridge has had over 800 spills since 1999.
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July 20, 2013
by actforfreedom

Brazil: Incendiary attack against three military police vehicles

None1from vivlaanarquia, translated by waronsociety:

Yesterday, two vehicles that were in the Public Security parking lot and seven dumpsters were burned.
At least two vehicles of the Military Police were burned on Monday in Porto Alegre. The vehicles were in the parking lot of the Office of Public Security on “volunteers of the fatherland” street in downtown. The fire was started at 1 am.
The preliminary information reported that three cars were destroyed, however, the police said that one of them was only covered in soot. As such, one of the cars was completed burned, and the other, which was nearby, was partially burned.

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July 20, 2013
by actforfreedom

Italy – Address of anarchist Francesco ‘Jimmy’ Puglisi

Translated by act for freedom now/B.pd

 To write and support Francesco ‘Jimmy’ Puglisi, this is his address:
 Francesco Puglisi
C.C. Rebibbia
(Wing G9/Second floor)
Via Raffaele Majetti 70
00156 Rome

July 17, 2013
by actforfreedom

Update on the anarchists comrades arrested in Thessaloniki

Translated by Actforfreedomnow!boubourAs

The two comrades who appeared before the interrogator today 17/7 in Loukareos in athens, are dealing with the following charges:
-Incorporation into a terrorist organization with the additional case of preparing, supplying and possession of explosive materials for the service of a terrorist organization. (This is about the CCF)
-Terrorist act of attempted homicide with intent in a calm state of mind.
-Terrorist act of explosion with intent and with the use of explosive materials from which could result and did result in common danger to private property and danger to humans and facilities of common utility and from which was caused actual bodily harm for both and repeatedly.
-Terrorist act of preparation, supply and possession of explosive materials and bombs with intent to cause danger to private property and humans for both and repeatedly .
-Terrorist act of arson from which could result common danger to private property and danger to humans, for both and repeatedly.
-Terrorist act of criminal damage to private property which was carried out with one of the means in article 270 of the penal code for both and repeatedly.
-Instigators of the last 1 2 3 4   acts.
Also as instigators for the 4 actions of project “Phoenix”, are accused the 10 imprisoned members of the A.O. Conspiracy Cells of Fire.
On 17/7 at 10am the two arrestees appeared before the interrogator, who decided to hold them on remand.
The comrades were transferred to Koridallos prisons.
Outside the court rooms there was a solidarity gathering.

July 17, 2013
by actforfreedom

Chile – Anarchist Hans Niemeyer sentenced

From RadioAzione
Translated by act for freedom/B.pd

 On July 12 2013 comrade Hans Niemeyer was sentenced to 5-year imprisonment for carrying explosive material (BCI Macul) according to the law on possession of weapons, and to 300-day imprisonment for the damages inflicted on a bank.
 Even if in this case the judiciary didn’t apply the law on terrorism they didn’t miss the chance to imprison someone who opposes the established order, and they did so by making recourse to another law… The judges couldn’t resist the temptation to take their revenge on Hans’ being in hiding and his defiant attitude during the trial.
 Both inside the court and outside initiatives in solidarity with the comrade were held.
 Hans is currently detained in a maximum security unit, and we don’t know whether he will be transferred or his detention condition will be changed. As usual we invite you all to be vigilant.
 The defence will appeal against the sentence, whereas the prosecution will appeal so that the antiterrorism law is applied.
 Indomitable strength to Hans and his family!
 So that no revolutionary comrade is left alone now and never: active solidarity!
more info here:


July 17, 2013
by actforfreedom

Rome, Italy – Benefit initiative for anarchist comrades Alfredo and Nicola at the Bencivenga Squat

From RadioAzione
Translated by act for freedom now/B.pd
Saturday July 20 at the Bencivenga Squat (Rome) from 7pm aperitifs and pizzas in solidarity with Alfredo and Nicola
 On September 14 2012 anarchist comrades Nicola Gai and Alfredo Cospito were arrested and accused of being the perpetrators of the wounding of Ansaldo Nucleare manager Roberto Adinolfi, an action claimed by the Olga nucleus of the Informal Anarchist Federation/FRI.
On July 5 2013 the preliminary hearing of the trial where they face charges of attack with purposes of terrorism (280bis) was held in Genoa. During the hearing [the defence] asked for an abbreviated procedure trial to be held open doors on October 30, and this was granted. We re-launch a call for solidarity attendance on that day.
 No court will ever be able to judge us, no repression will ever stop us.
 Our hearts are with all the anarchist comrades kidnapped in the cages of the State, and our hearts beat as one.
 Bencivenga Squat, via Bencivenga 15 – Rome (Italy)

July 15, 2013
by actforfreedom

Eviction resistance @ Rushcroft Road classes erupts as bailiffs storm in to kick out Brixton squatters in south london-uk

Protesters and police clashed today as squatters who have occupied six mansion blocks in Brixton south london for up to 32 years were evicted.
A group of up to 10 protesters tried to resist police and chanted: “Stop,” and “No eviction” as bailiffs broke down doors. The Met(cops) confirmed at least one activist was arrested for criminal damage and assault.

Police and High Court Enforcement Officers evict Rushcroft Road squats in Brixton, Monday 15th July 2013

Police and High Court Enforcement Officers evict Rushcroft Road squats in Brixton, Monday 15th July 2013

July 15, 2013
by actforfreedom

Italy – With our head held high: Meeting at La Riottosa squat

From RadioAzione
Translated by act for freedom now/B.pd

It has always been possible to open gaps in the prisons around the world through revolts, uprisings and escapes. Many times prisoners expressed their anger and followed their vital need for freedom. They refused to go back to the cells, organized uprisings, hold the screws hostages, attacked the police intervened to sedate revolts, escaped…
 Someone takes action in the outside too. By attacking what makes our lives miserable. Any attack makes the prison walls less robust.
 Repression and revolutionary solidarity are topics that we tried to deal with during the meeting held at the Bencivenga squat on June 30. Now we have to focus on what everyone thinks can be further discussed on such occasion, so we decided to organize other meetings.
 The next one will be held at the Riottosa squat in Florence on August 3 at 2pm.
 The first proposal for discussion is attached below.
 To get to the Riottosa, Galluzzo area, Florence: from the train station in Florence, bus 37 or 68, stop at Ponte Bailey; by car, take the direction Firenze Certosa and ask for Ponte Bailey.


July 15, 2013
by actforfreedom

Freedom to the Wolves of the North (Greece)

via 325

Original text

On Thursday night, July 11, cops invaded the anarchist squat Nadir, stealing the squat’s equipment, causing damages and arresting one comrade. At the same time, another group of uniformed thugs arrests another comrade in the area of Stavroupoli, Thessaloniki.
We will not talk about “unfair prosecutions”, about “the climate of terror against those who fight”, nor about the “new totalitarianism” and things like that. That’s because we know that none of these is new. These are simply snapshots of the ancient war between two incompatible words: on the one side lies the disgusting world of the Authority, of the submissive crowd and of the social cesspit and on the other side, the anarchist insurgents, the insubordinate fighters of the Negative, those who do not bow down to nobody.
We will neither talk about the others. The ones who these days feel secretly happy and relieved. Now it’s not the time nor the place to do so. They should bear in mind, however, that the time will come to talk about these things.
We will talk about our brothers. For all those who despise the comfort of the intra-systemic political struggle and throw themselves, smiling, into the fight. For all those who take part in the anarchist war and in the continuous insurrection using all kinds of means and from different bastions.
We will talk about the comrades of the FAI/IRF network, about the ALF and ELF fighters, about the proud illegalists, about the bank robbers and also about those fighters, by whom we may be separated in terms of ideas, but with whom we find ourselves together behind the street barricades and in the battle trenches.
We will talk about love and solidarity between comrades. About the nonnegotiable and intransigent solidarity, which is forged by fire and not the humanistic whining of democrats of any colour.
For us, it doesn’t really matter if our comrades, who were captured on Wednesday, have done what they are accused of. Because we know that this path doesn’t begin with the armed struggle nor does it end there and that it may never go there. It is a path of conscience that all of us have chosen long ago…
Anarchist project A-politiko
Anarchist translation/publishing project Erevos
Anarcho-nihilist project Parabellum
Front of Anarcho-nihilist Conscience for the diffusion of the Negative