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Communique by the CCF-FAI about Marian Kola (Greece)

July 26th, 2013

Via Parabellum & Nihilist Abyss


And, after all, how is freedom truly gained? The only sure thing is, that he lies outside the cells of Democracy, outside the storage of human souls, outside the land of “correction”, obedience, apathy and psychiatric drugs.

Everyday is a repeating reality. Every morning, noon, evening you hear the sound of the keychain. Body counting. They have to be sure that you are still locked up, inside four walls. And only a stroll in the prison yard, while looking at the blue sky, makes you yearn for the outside… and tomorrow again from the start… In an everyday routine, where time seems to be frozen… Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted in Prison Struggle |

Buenos Aires: Banco ITAU attacked with stones and spraypaint slogans (Argentina)

July 25th, 2013

El pasado jueves 18 atacamos a pedradas el Banco ITAU situado en las calles Bolivar y Moreno, en pleno centro porteño. A su vez, dejamos pintado en sus vidrieras “Solidaridad con la Revuelta en Brasil”. Un gesto mínimo que queríamos comunicar en momentos donde el papa Francisco I (Jorge Bergoglio) se pasea por las calles del país vecino, antes una masa imbécil que lo vitorea, mientras miles mueren de hambre o bajo balas del ejercito, mientras otrxs tantos revientan hacinados en las favelas o bajo el martillo del narcotráfico y las drogas.

Ni la ostentación de la riqueza del vaticano, ni el espectáculo millonario del próximo mundial de fútbol, pueden tapar tanta miseria.

Contra toda Autoridad!


On Thursday 18 we attacked the ITAU Bank with stones located in streets Bolivar & Moreno, in downtown Buenos Aires. In turn, we painted on their windows “Solidarity with the revolt in Brazil.” A small gesture that we wanted to communicate in the moments where Pope Francis I (Jorge Bergoglio) wanders the streets of the neighboring country before a mass cheering circle-jerk, while thousands starve or are under army bullets and while many others are in bursting overcrowded favelas or under the hammer of drug trafficking and drugs.

Neither the ostentation of wealth of the Vatican, or the millionaire show of the next World Cup, can cover so much misery.

Against all Authority!


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Two dolphins liberated from Yevpatoria dolphinarium by ‘SEALS on tour’ cell of the Animal Liberation Front – Informal Anarchist Federation (Ukraine)

July 23rd, 2013

2 dolphins were set free from Yevpatoria dolphinarium as a result of a special operation with diving equipment. During the night of the full moon on 20/07/2013 we covered 2 km under water and breached the security perimeter: We cut the nets and entered the dolphin containment pools.

In the next hour we cut a large part of the perimeter barrier. Dolphins encouraged our efforts with clicks and whistling. Their support filled us with joy and excitement.

This has been an unforgettable meeting and encouraging experience for us. Our job done, we left the area of operation. By the way, the prison was equipped with night-vision cameras, but their red eyes were turned on the catwalks and audience seats. Nobody expected our approach from below. As soon as dolphins got wind of freedom and open water, they escaped into the night sea.

ALF/FAI – SEALS on tour

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Posted in Eco Struggle |

Solidarity with the ‘Temuco 12′ (Wallmapu)

July 20th, 2013

Solidarity with the anarchists of the Temuco ‘Bombs Case’

Starting August 1 and lasting at least until September 11, a dozen Mapuche who have been longtime fighters for total independence will be brought to trial, accused under the Chilean state’s antiterrorism laws. On June 28, 2009, Mapuche community members used fallen trees to block five highways in the area of Temuco. At the Temuco bypass, a Tur-bus (similar to Greyhound) and three trucks trying to cross the blockades were stoned by masked Mapuche warriors, who spraypainted ‘Return Mapuche lands’ on the side of the bus. Read the rest of this entry »

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Freedom to the Wolves of the North (Greece)

July 15th, 2013

On Thursday night, July 11, cops invaded the anarchist squat Nadir, stealing the squat’s equipment, causing damages and arresting one comrade. At the same time, another group of uniformed thugs arrests another comrade in the area of Stavroupoli, Thessaloniki.

We will not talk about “unfair prosecutions”, about “the climate of terror against those who fight”, nor about the “new totalitarianism” and things like that. That’s because we know that none of these is new. These are simply snapshots of the ancient war between two incompatible words: on the one side lies the disgusting world of the Authority, of the submissive crowd and of the social cesspit and on the other side, the anarchist insurgents, the insubordinate fighters of the Negative, those who do not bow down to nobody. Read the rest of this entry »

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‘The State is the only Terrorist’ – About the repression in Thessaloniki (Greece)

July 15th, 2013

“Towards the end of this night, despondency is impermissible. I risk nothing anymore”
Paul Eluard

Every minute, every hour that passes, the historical evil represented by the State attacks a society that groans and dies slowly under its boot and in passivity.

However, fireworks of anger and resistance do not stop ripping up the generalized darkness and wild voices of fury and conscience do not stop giving birth to nightmares for the complacent and the poorer by the day population and calling for a wide front of resistance and liberation, for the necessity of the revolution. Read the rest of this entry »

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‘Commando Mauricio Morales / FAI-IRF’ takes responsibility for the sending of a parcelbomb to Dimitris Horianopoulos, scumbag former commander of the anti-terrorist division (Greece)

July 14th, 2013


PHOENIX PROJECT – Part 4 [Parts 1, 2 & 3]

“Be proud of your actions, because it is through disobedience and insurrection that a bright ray of human beauty is born! Hello anarchists of praxis! Hello brothers and sisters!”
Renzo Novatore

Some thought that we raised a white flag. Some thought we forgot our imprisoned brothers and sisters and sunk in the social swamp, next to the two-legged herd. The bosses, journalists, politicians, society and the ridiculous “anarchist” bureaucrats thought they got rid of us.

For all those, Project Phoenix is a punch in the gut. A punch in the gut because the new anarchist urban guerrilla is here and tears down the desires of all these worms to terminate our actions. Old groups are activated and new are created, with the promise to give life to the nightmares of authority and its subjects.

Comrade G.Tsakalos has been held on remand for 32 months when the limit is 18. We do not care about the provisions of the constitution.

We do not desire the cleansing of institutions, we fight for their destruction. We know that the law is a weapon in the hand of dominance, just like we know that our ten imprisoned brothers and sisters will not be liberated with legal procedures.

We believe authority is total of values which in the core is the citizen-mass human, who lies in the muck of stagnation, where everyone forgets their name and responsibilities. But even in this disgust some have a name. One of them is Dimitris Horianopoulos. During his service as a commander of the anti-terrorist force, the operation against the R.O. CCF was carried out. Horianopoulos is nothing more than a piece of garbage of the complexity of security and the fact that he has retired does not mean that we forgot him. The same goes for the rest of the scumbags in his department. They should know that they are on the top of the target list of FAI/IRF.

We take responsibility for the sending of a parcelbomb to the scumbag mentioned above, which was, unfortunately, detected.

We dedicate our attack to the UNREPENTANT and PROUD members of the CCF, as well as all imprisoned anarchists of praxis, wherever they are. We send our LOVE and RESPECT to all anarcho-individualists, nihilists, and iconoclasts who discovered the fountain of life in the attack.


P.S. It was announced that the parcel was ignited after falling down in the post office. The parcel we sent was absolutely safe for anyone not a target. The mechanism activates ONLY if the envelope is opened and not if it falls or gets shaken. We do not know what happened. The only sure thing is that the package was opened.



via actforfree/boubourAs

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Thessaloniki: Information from Steki Nadir about the repression (Greece)

July 14th, 2013

Two comrades are arrested and accused of sending the letter bomb to the former boss of the anti-terrorist unit. They are accused of all the actions that have taken place as the ‘Phoenix Project’.

Translated by Actforfreedomnow!boubourAs

Last night, Thursday July 11th, two anarchists are arrested after a large cop operation. As well the cops raid and search anarchist Steki Nadir and the Thessaloniki campus. At the same time there is an orchestrated media operation with the same journalists colleagues of the cops. In “Vima” newspaper, specific spaces and a specific comrade is portrayed.

Friday afternoon, cops make a pitiful announcement.
Heavy charges are attributed with no connection with the confiscated “evidence”. There is a charge for “possession of explosives” with no explosives found. As well, in a stupidity delirium, cops include in their announcement an action in a hotel in Jakarta Indonesia. Obviously, they are testing our limits, the limits of whole social layers, pulling on the rope until they meet resistance.

The scene is repeated: cops arrest comrades, known or not, load them with heavy charges for terrorism and -as an idiom- anarchy, charges which are not accompanied by evidence or findings, then follows the exposure of these people, their friends, relatives, and finally these people will be called after years in prison, to prove in court that they are not elephants, that they did not do what they are charged for.

Unfortunately, totalitarianism which evolves in every field, irrationality, and arbitrariness tend to become the rule. And the rule can be followed by habit, apathy, indifference.

Those arrested in Thessaloniki have been transferred to Athens in GADA (Athens police HQ) since their charges also include participation in a terrorist organization and so to specifically try to connect them with the CCF, which means soon they will get a visit by some interrogator handling the case.

Just after the incidents in Skouries, arrests, beatings, imprisonments and clashes, clashes of teachers at the education ministry, attack of the macho bully delta cops on the intervention for K.Sakkas, and the collaborated attack of cops and neonazis on the social space “Synergio” in Ilioupoli, the state screams “I am and will be here”.

The minister of cops and oppression, Dendias, just after the cops announcement about the arrests in Thessaloniki reminds that the diptych is: oppression and “national unity”.

No one hostage in the hands of the state.
Solidarity to all those who revolt.
Hold strong we are with you.

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Posted in Social Control |

Another sad story – G4S and Jimmy Mubenga (UK)

July 13th, 2013

Another sad story, one that passes from time to time on the liberal media; a migrant is killed during deportation. Did this one starve themselves, sew their lips together, swallow razor blades in some private detention centre hell? No, Jimmy Mubenga was killed by three G4S security guards on a plane full of people during an episode of ‘legal restraint techniques’ that they inflicted upon him until he died. The Criminal Prosecution Service (CPS) decided not to prosecute the murder.

“Please, please, they are killing me.” cried Mubenga repeatedly to the passengers on the plane. Jimmy had a wife and a family that the UK Border Agency had snatched him from earlier. They would never see him again. And on the plane, the people saw him murdered by those “just doing their job”, and didn’t do anything about it. Now it’s more grief, as if death weren’t enough: the “inquest” of “British justice” rubber-stamps the approved killing and serves more white justice to black faces. Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted in No Borders |

Welcome to Britain

July 13th, 2013

Britain, like any other country of the western world, is a huge prison for thousands and thousands of people who come here in search of a better life, the so-called ‘asylum seekers’. It’s not by chance that so many desperate people try to enter the U.K. as well as the other rich countries. They can’t do otherwise. In their homeland not even the basic conditions of surviving are left.

The globalisation of capital requires the maximum production at the lowest cost. That’s how the bosses move the centres of production from one country to the other searching for the cheapest labour cost. And that’s also the way they spread poverty and desolation and rob millions and millions of their resources. When the occasion occurs, the bosses and their armed mercenaries invade other countries to steal their oil or in order to keep some geopolitical context in equilibrium. Read the rest of this entry »

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Political Statement of Nikos Maziotis in the Special Court at Korydallos Prison (Greece)

July 13th, 2013

Note: This statement was signed October 2012, but it was read to the court by Maziotis’ lawyer in January 2013, while Nikos Maziotis and Pola Roupa, both admitted members of Revolutionary Struggle, were underground. Both remain fugitives today.

translation by This Is Our Job:

I authorize my defense attorney Dafni Vagianou, who represents me, to read the following text during the upcoming phase requesting the statements of the defendants in the special court at Korydallos Prison chosen for the trial of the case of the Revolutionary Struggle organization, of which I am a member.


Revolutionaries and armed fighters do not apologize. Instead, when they come before a court of the class enemy, like yours, they defend their actions by assuming political responsibility, taking pride in that responsibility, and defying the consequences.


In all these years of my history as an anarchist, I have faced a long list of prosecutions for my actions. I have already spent five years in the prisons of the Greek state. I have been arrested and tried for refusing to comply with service in the armed forces of the Greek state; for my participation in occupations, like the occupation of ASOEE1 in August 1994 and that of the Polytechnic in November 1995; as well as for the placement of a bomb at the Development Ministry in December 1997 and for possession of weapons and explosives. In the last case specifically—the 1997 bombing at the Development Ministry—I assumed political and criminal responsibility for the attack as well as for weapons and explosives possession, and I was thus the first fighter during the transition to assume responsibility for an urban guerrilla action in Greece. Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted in Prison Struggle |

Hamburg: Solidarity banner for Kostas Sakkas (Germany)

July 7th, 2013

On the afternoon of the 4th of July a banner was hung in Hamburg in solidarity with comrade Kostas Sakkas who at that point was already 1 whole month on hungerstrike. Also a leaflet and Poster in solidarity was distributed.

Solidarity knows no borders!
Freedom for all prisoners!

Kostas Sakkas PDF (Deutsch)

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Anarkiya Fiesta: July 22-26, Polytechnic University of Philippines, Sta Mesa Manila

July 7th, 2013


A five days series of anarchist activities including free sharing of food by Food Not Bombs, DIY T-shirt printing, vegetarian cooking demo, photo & art exhibition, slide show presentation, film marathon, yoga session, self-defense workshop, discussion, forum and cultural performances..

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Archipelago – Affinity, informal organization and insurrectional projects (Belgium)

July 1st, 2013

PDF Archipelago

This text was translated by a comrade to English. It was taken from the journal Salto, subversion & anarchy, issue 2, November 2012 (Brussels).

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“A Contribution for the FAI-IRF”: Letter from Anger Unit / ICR-FAI-IRF (Indonesia)

June 30th, 2013


Today, the society is the prison. In the prison’s system, no one can be neutral. Each one of us full of consciousness has made a choice to choose which side you’ll stand for. No unconscious choices. Because a choice, is made by an individual and not by god. Therefore there will be no “civilians” in this asymmetric war. There is only two antagonistic sides: those who fought for the total destruction of the society and those who fought to defend it.

The formation of the society are the alienating forms. Alienated one from the other in many forms of imaginary borders which is protected by guns, laws, prisons, codes of morality and the “faith” of those who believed that the borders are real. And for us, all those who believe in the borders are the enemy.

In our sight, the good citizens and the paramilitaries who where built by the military and have the same attitudes and behaviors like military are enemies who deserved our attacks, the same attacks FAI-FRI sent to their religious institutions, schools, factories, army-barracks, banks and all the supporters of the system named: Society.

Though it’s true that for many people, –even those who are self-proclaimed ‘anarchists’–, that from a fire that destroyed every building we attacked, it does not look that “revolution” would soon arrive. This is a stupid prediction because it puts our actions in their cage of “revolutionism”. An error occurred due to the habit of generalizing all individual events on the social scale, which is where we are enemies of it. They have too long used the ancient glasses, so see how the presence of new urban guerrilla groups is something that does not fit in their glasses. They will even easily use the label ‘euro-centrism’ or ‘latin-centrism’, because they think numbers are that important. Something which is inherited from the classical anarchist thought with a mixture of Marxism that is really disgusting. Those –very Marxist– anarchists who eventually became re-stuck on the same logic with the Leftist: Mass.

That’s why, we are not at all interested in becoming involved in the wave of mass protest against fuel price hikes. Those who took to the streets carrying banners and shouting, because they consumed the same event. They perform repetitive and predictable actions. They shouted until hoarse and expect changes from the parliament or state generosity. They hide in the terminology of “peaceful protest” to hide their inability to attack the oppressors, because they are cowards. They are cowards who only live from the “revolutionary” events to quench the thirst of the “revolutionary” in them.

Although on the other hand, we know clearly there is a small fraction of individuals who remain firmly in war –like in battle that they have lived in the days of yesterday– and not judging a wave of mass awakening that occurred recently in Indonesia as something “revolutionary”. To those whose eyes see clearly, we are really proud to call them comrades.

Each of those who read the communiqué must realize that we have a logic and reasoning that would not be possible according to the logic used by the pacifist, social activists and the Leftist and other citizens –including the social anarchists– which does not comprise part of our group. For us, it does not matter and is also not an issue that is important at this time. Each individual has the right to hold opinions and justifications respectively. Each group will have a different analysis of the foundation with the other groups. Every person is entitled to choose their own path for how to get involved, and take personal responsibility. Each individual must find tactics that suit them and select it.

In the end, the Informal Anarchist Federation-International Revolutionary Front must necessarily be seen as an international project between individuals, cells or groups who share the passion and anger. FAI-FRI is not an umbrella organization or union which collects only those who are called “nihilist-individualist” and “the radical anti-civilization”. But FAI-FRI is a temporary meeting point for acts of solidarity, an act of revenge on the enemy, simultaneous attacks, which are not intended to embrace “a better future” but to see the collapse of the hypocritical society: Today.


PS: To show the hardness of our hearts, we burned down the three-floor clothing warehouse in di Jl Pengukiran Raya No 1, RT 03/03, Kelurahan Pekojan, Kecamatan Tambora, Jakarta Barat. We chose the warehouse so to show to the unionists that the workers goals are not to be workers anymore, and not for eight-hours, democracy inside the factory, freedom of association or other reformist demands.

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Paris: News Briefs from Lucioles #8 and #9 (France)

June 28th, 2013

from Lucioles, translated by waronsociety:

Lucioles [Fireflies] is an irregular newsletter containing texts of analysis and agitation in Paris and the surrounding area and analysis of everyday life from an anarchist perspective. We discuss different manifestations of insubordination and attacks in which we can recognize ourselves and uncover potential rupture against the State, capitalism and domination in all its forms by attempting to connect them each to everyday life. We do not desire to represent anyone or defend any particular piece of territory which is a scale model of this shit world. Read the rest of this entry »

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Istanbul: Gezi park – Not about trees, but not about democracy either! (Turkey)

June 28th, 2013

For more than three weeks now, Turkey is being shaken by massive proletarian revolt, that at its peak so far have driven into streets almost 5 million demonstrators all around the country. The movement’s immediate spark was a brutal state repression, i.e. when police crushed a demonstration against destroying and redevelopment of Gezi park in central Istanbul (right next to Taksim square, a place of infamous massacre of workers in 1977 and highly symbolical for proletarian movement in Turkey). Read the rest of this entry »

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Εκδήλωση από το Αναρχικό Στέκι Ναδίρ (Ελλάδα)

June 28th, 2013

Στις 3 Ιούλη το Αναρχικό Στέκι Ναδίρ θα πραγμοτοποιήσει εκδήλωση με το εξής περιεχόμενο:
Συνεισφορά των μεταφραστικών δικτύων στη Διαρκή Αναρχική Εξέγερση:

Act for freedom now! (Αγγλία), 325 (Αγγλία), Culmine (Ιταλία), Informa-Azione (Ιταλία), Parole Armate (Ιταλία), Μαύρη Διεθνής (Ελλάδα), Έρεβος (Ελλάδα), A-politiko (Ελλάδα), Parabellum (Ελλάδα)

Ενημέρωση για την καταστολή στην Ιταλία:

Επιχείρηση “Ευτολμία” (Ardire), Επιχείρηση “Thor”, Επιχείρηση “Σβήσε τη φωτιά”, Επιχείρηση “Σκιά” (Shadow). Θα διαβαστούν κείμενα -παρεμβάσεις συντρόφων που διώκονται για αυτές τις υποθέσεις.
Θα υπάρχουν βιβλία από τα παρακάτω εκδοτικά εγχειρήματα:

Εκδόσεις “Μαύρη Διεθνής”, Εκδόσεις “Δαίμων του τυπογραφείου”, Εκδόσεις “Διάδοση”, Εκδόσεις “Ελευθεριακή Κουλτούρα”, Εκδόσεις “Σίσυφος”, Εκδόσεις “Επαναστατική αυτοοργάνωση”, Εκδόσεις “Ελευθεριακό ινστιτούτο κοινωνικών μελετών”.

Επίσης θα γίνει η παρουσίαση του βιβλίου “Η Ένοπλη Χαρά” (La Gioia Armata), του Alfredo M. Bonanno. (Μετάφραση: Μεταφραστική ομάδα Urbis, Εκδόσεις: Αναρχικό Στέκι Ναδίρ)

Στο χώρο της εκδήλωσης θα υπάρχουν τα τεύχη του εντύπου Μηδενιστική Πορεία και υλικό του Αναρχικού Εκδοτικού/Μεταφραστικού εγχειρήματος ‘Ερεβος.

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Jakarta: Anger Unit / ICR-FAI-IRF burn down the third floor of former Sheraton Hotel, ‘The Media Hotel and Tower’ (Indonesia)

June 26th, 2013

“Brothers in chains, comrades in suffering, the battle is at hand. Soon we will launch our attack, intoxicated with vengeance; the enemy will flee, because the Federation of Sorrow is terrible.” Bruno Filippi

Our action (if it can) can be named PHOENIX PROJECT-PART 3. This is our collective decision to respond to the call from our Greek comrades – (1), (2).

Tonight (June 26) we moved out and brought the fire and burned down the third floor of former Sheraton Hotel, ‘The Media Hotel and Tower’, in Sahari Mountain Street, Jakarta. Our fire is to respond to the call from our brothers in Greece in the Phoenix project and as a gesture of solidarity to K. Sakkas, anarchist in hunger strike action to reach his freedom. We put the incendiary with timer in one of the trash cans in the karaoke room (which is located on the third floor) and let the fire speak for us.

Bring far our revolutionary greetings to the members of Conspiracy of Cells of Fire; Imprisoned Members Cell, to the 4 anarchists who were arrested in Kozani –we never forget you, for Cospito and Gai, to Carla, Ivan, Juan, Marcelo and Freddy, and to Henry and always to the anarchists prisoners in Greece and Italy, and to other cells of FAIIRF around the world.

We will never say that we are just a few, but we will let the fire speak on our behalf.

Let’s make the Phoenix project as an international project for revenge!



News media link:


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Madrid: BBVA branch attacked with explosives (Spain)

June 26th, 2013

via contrainfo:

In the early morning of April 10th, we placed an explosive device in the BBVA on Paseo de Husares in Madrid. Our objective is to do the most harm possible to these temples of money, in order to destroy everything that divides and represses us.

Our hate is stronger than theirs. Struggle is necessary for the fall of the capitalist system, struggle is necessary so that our political prisoners are freed and are liberated from the torturers.

Direct action is the path! Not a step back against the State!

Madrid Autonomous Group. FAI/FRI

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