Energy Transfer set to walk from Williams deal following Delaware ruling

Edit The Street 24 Jun 2016
Energy Transfer Equity (ETE) is set to walk from its agreement to buy rival natural gas pipeline company Williams Cos ... As a result, he said, "I approached this matter with a skeptical eye." But, he cautioned, "Just as motive alone cannot establish criminal guilt, motive to avoid a deal does not demonstrate lack of a contractual right to do so." ... ....

Lecture at the EU-CHINA School of Law by European Commissioner Vĕra Jourová (Delegation of the European Union to China)

Edit Public Technologies 22 Jun 2016
You know that the EU and China are already engaged in a Human Rights Dialogue, and this will continue as human rights are at the heart of our values ... They worry about their contractual rights in case something goes wrong ... Similarly, consumers should not have less rights or no rights at all simply because they pay for the digital content with their data rather than money ... In the EU, we have a body of legislation securing consumer rights....

Fitch Rates Central Utah Water Conservancy Dist, UT Water Rev Bonds 'AA+'; Outlook Stable (Fitch Inc)

Edit Public Technologies 22 Jun 2016
(Source. Fitch Inc). 22 Jun 2016 2.19 PM EST. Fitch Ratings-Austin-22 June 2016. Fitch Ratings has assigned an 'AA+' rating to the following Central Utah Water Conservancy District, UT (the district) revenue bonds.. --Approximately $26,040,000 water revenue refunding bonds, series 2016A ... SECURITY ... KEY RATING DRIVERS ... Contractual rights have been sold under take-or-pay agreements for 42,106 af of the culinary water from the project ... Contact.....

Remarks at the ISDA Annual Legal Forum in New York (SEC - The United States Securities and Exchange Commission)

Edit Public Technologies 21 Jun 2016
(Source. SEC - The United States Securities and Exchange Commission). June 16, 2016. Thank you Katherine for that kind introduction. Good morning everyone, it's a pleasure to be here with you today at ISDA's Annual Legal Forum in New York ... To underscore this point, note that while a secured lending market may be quite liquid, lenders in this space often have a contractual right to unwind their secured loan on relatively short notice....

Red Mountain to raise $275,000 via Placement to complete DFS (Red Mountain Mining Limited)

Edit Public Technologies 21 Jun 2016
(Source. Red Mountain Mining Limited) f2c02c21-4a91-4c7a-b4af-25ccc89764f7.pdf. ASX . RMX. COMPANY DIRECTORS ... RED MOUNTAIN MINING LTD. 21 June 2016 ... Company Investors Media ... The Company holds a direct and indirect contractual right interest in tenements in the Philippines that contain significant gold resources totalling Indicated and Inferred 6.19 million tonnes at 2.2 g/t Au for 444,000oz Au (JORC 2012, see ASX announcement 30 June 2014)....

PFS re-lodged (Updated NPV, IRR and JORC Table 1) (Red Mountain Mining Limited)

Edit Public Technologies 21 Jun 2016
(Source. Red Mountain Mining Limited) c7b9544b-bf62-413f-a9c9-5c10034ac3b3.pdf. ASX . RMX. COMPANY DIRECTORS ... 21 June 2016 ... ²C1 ... (MRL), holds a direct and indirect contractual right interest in EGPI and is 100% owned by Red Mountain Mining Singapore Ltd (RMMS). The Batangas Joint Venture (BJV) is incorporated at the RMMS level, Red Mountain currently holding 75% of RMMS and Bluebird holding 25% of RMMS with the right to earn up to 50.1% ... A$....

Watsonville Community Hospital Nurses Begin Two-Day Strike Wednesday, June 22 (National Nurses United)

Edit Public Technologies 20 Jun 2016
Nurses cite chronic short-staffing, retaliation against RNs who speak out, management's refusal to accept or address RNs' written documentation of unsafe assignments, and the Tennessee-based Quorum Health Corporation's (formally Community Health System/CHS) aggressive push for unacceptable cuts to nurses' contractual rights and protections as central reasons for the decision to strike....

The CPC Jilin Provincial Committee Conveys the Spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's Important Speech at the Rural Reform Forum (People's Government of Jilin Province)

Edit Public Technologies 17 Jun 2016
Bayanqolu noted need to firmly grasp the spiritual essence of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech, deeply understand the important thinking that solving the 'agriculture, countryside and farmer' problem is the top priority of the Party's work, further enhance the overall awareness and the sense of responsibility, and effectively grasp ......

Final Results (Record plc)

Edit Public Technologies 17 Jun 2016
Control is achieved where the Company is exposed to or has rights over variable returns from its involvement with the entity and it has the power to affect returns ... Financial assets are derecognised when the contractual rights to the cash flows from the financial assets expire, or when the financial asset and all substantial risks and rewards are transferred ... Contractual maturity analysis for financial liabilities.....

See how the Avengers nearly looked: six actors who turned Marvel down or just missed out

Edit Digital Spy 16 Jun 2016
He said, "They came to me at a certain point and… When I do something, I wanna do it right ... Channing TatumThor Tatum is the right build for the hammer-wielding ... In the latter case, she was thwarted when rival studio Fox reportedly chose to exercise their contractual right to cast her in Gulliver's Travels....

French police officer's killing shows flip side of live-streaming on FB, Twitter

Edit The Times of India 16 Jun 2016
... strike the right balance between enabling expression while providing a safe and respectful experience." ... Social networks "are concerned about not trampling on the contractual rights of their users or acting on behalf of the government to take away people's constitutional rights," said Sophia Cope, an attorney at the Electronic Frontier Foundation....

Subscription of 1.25 million by Crede and issue of... (Vast Resources plc)

Edit Public Technologies 16 Jun 2016
The cancellation of the Tranche II Shares does not affect the contractual rights and obligations between Crede and the Company in relation to the Tranche III Shares ... Notwithstanding the advice that the Protocol was void, the swiftest way to obtain the right to mine at BPPM was to follow the Protocol and obtain contractual engagement by following the merger process ... Disapplication of pre-emption rights....

High-Cost Lending at Risk Under CFPB Proposed Rules (Pepper Hamilton LLP)

Edit Public Technologies 16 Jun 2016
(Source. Pepper Hamilton LLP) ... Comments are due to the Bureau on or before September 14, 2016. What Is Covered by the Proposal? ... A 'leverage payment mechanism' is where the lender (1) has the right to initiate a transfer of money through any means, from a consumer account to satisfy an obligation on a loan, (2) has the contractual right to obtain payment from the consumer's employer; or (3) collects through payroll deduction ... Abaya....