
Yonsei Wonju Campus - Miami University Study Abroad - Korea
Surrounded by the Mountains of South Korea, Yonsei University's Wonju campus offers studen...
published: 13 Oct 2011
author: MiamiAsiaBusiness
Yonsei Wonju Campus - Miami University Study Abroad - Korea
Yonsei Wonju Campus - Miami University Study Abroad - Korea
Surrounded by the Mountains of South Korea, Yonsei University's Wonju campus offers students the ability to experience the true beauty and culture of Korea. ...- published: 13 Oct 2011
- views: 1401
- author: MiamiAsiaBusiness

K-Pop Festival Flashmob in Seoul and Wonju!
To see the front view of Girl's Day and their reactions to our flashmob go here: http://ww...
published: 01 Oct 2013
K-Pop Festival Flashmob in Seoul and Wonju!
K-Pop Festival Flashmob in Seoul and Wonju!
To see the front view of Girl's Day and their reactions to our flashmob go here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LJAFMNrps9w I've always wanted to dance randomly in public for a cover or something (and I probably will still someday) so this was really fun for me! Each country came out and did their dance when they heard their music and anyone else that knew that dance could join in behind them.Since I knew a couple dances I jumped in :P- published: 01 Oct 2013
- views: 2177

Wild Wonju Nights
Danielle and I took a trip out to Wonju where our friends, Chris and Julie, live. We had a...
published: 29 Oct 2009
author: durkeeinkorea
Wild Wonju Nights
Wild Wonju Nights
Danielle and I took a trip out to Wonju where our friends, Chris and Julie, live. We had a good old time!- published: 29 Oct 2009
- views: 2617
- author: durkeeinkorea

Korte rapportage van serie oefeningen van de Bravo Compagnie van 12 Infanterie Bataljon Lu...
published: 10 Nov 2008
author: RedDreamsz
Korte rapportage van serie oefeningen van de Bravo Compagnie van 12 Infanterie Bataljon Luchtmobiel. Vanwege privacy zijn de gezichten van de luchtmobielers ...- published: 10 Nov 2008
- views: 30719
- author: RedDreamsz

Hey guys, we had to do a flash mob in both Seoul and Wonju.
I was so nervous cause we were...
published: 03 Oct 2013
Hey guys, we had to do a flash mob in both Seoul and Wonju. I was so nervous cause we were the ones starting it. After ours was over, it was so much fun joining everyone else's dance!- published: 03 Oct 2013
- views: 486

Raffle Video WInter 2013. There is something very dark going on at CDI. Can you guess who ...
published: 04 Mar 2014
Raffle Video WInter 2013. There is something very dark going on at CDI. Can you guess who is the killer?- published: 04 Mar 2014
- views: 32

Yonsei University Wonju Campus Tour "Full Circle" - Level Up (Ep. 9)
I first came to South Korea as part of the Global Village Program at Yonsei University. La...
published: 18 Nov 2010
author: Graham Palmer
Yonsei University Wonju Campus Tour "Full Circle" - Level Up (Ep. 9)
Yonsei University Wonju Campus Tour "Full Circle" - Level Up (Ep. 9)
I first came to South Korea as part of the Global Village Program at Yonsei University. Last weekend I made my first trip back to Wonju since returning to Ko...- published: 18 Nov 2010
- views: 1712
- author: Graham Palmer

Battle For Wonju (1951)
Wonju, Korea.
LV. American troops advancing through Korean countryside, some mountains...
published: 13 Apr 2014
Battle For Wonju (1951)
Battle For Wonju (1951)
Wonju, Korea. LV. American troops advancing through Korean countryside, some mountains seen, it is snowing. SV. Pan, soldiers walking. SV. Pan, soldier sliding down snow covered slope. LV. Soldiers digging in. SV. Soldiers advancing. SV. Generals Almond and McCure talking to officer. CU. Pan to back view, generals in jeep moving up to front. SV. Soldiers advancing. SV. Generals at front carrying rifles. LV. Soldiers firing from behind jeep, soldier in foreground lying in ditch. SV. Generals talking with officer who is pointing out Red Cross positions. SCU. Medical orderly attending to wounded man. SCU. Orderlies taking man on stretcher to jeep. SV. Stretcher bearers carrying man up rocky slope. SV. Towards, stretcher bearers carrying man along road. SCU. Away from camera, man on stretcher being carried towards jeep. SV. Back view, a jeep pulling away. GV. Pan, airport. SV. Top view, South Korean refugees in truck. MV. Refugees in truck. LV. Truck backs up alongside transport aircraft. SV. Children refugees being helped into transport. LV. Towards, nurse carrying refugee child in arms up ramps of plane. SV. Towards, nurse carrying child in arms up ramps of plane. SV. Pan, soldier carrying two children up ramp and into plane. LV. F-86 aircraft taking off. LV. Sabres in flight. MV. Back view, Soviet MIG in flight. LV. MIG in flight. Bullets strike. LV. MIG being hit, spins towards earth. SV. MIG towards ground. LV. MIG going down in flames. LV. MIG plunging downwards, with smoke pouring from tail. (F.G.)(Orig.E.) 90,000 historic films, all SEARCHABLE on YouTube at: http://www.youtube.com/britishpathe Join us on Facebook at: http://www.facebook.com/britishpathe Tweet us @britishpathe FILM ID:1435.28- published: 13 Apr 2014
- views: 0

CDI Wonju Lottery Event
Week 13 Raffle Ticket Drawing!!! There are a total of 5 winners. You must have your raffle...
published: 20 Feb 2013
author: CDIWONJU
CDI Wonju Lottery Event
CDI Wonju Lottery Event
Week 13 Raffle Ticket Drawing!!! There are a total of 5 winners. You must have your raffle ticket present in order to claim your prize!!!- published: 20 Feb 2013
- views: 101
- author: CDIWONJU

Landing at Wonju Airport, South Korea, December 2009
Landing at Wonju Airport, South Korea, with Korean Air, on 4 December 2009....
published: 06 Dec 2009
author: ads6948
Landing at Wonju Airport, South Korea, December 2009
Landing at Wonju Airport, South Korea, December 2009
Landing at Wonju Airport, South Korea, with Korean Air, on 4 December 2009.- published: 06 Dec 2009
- views: 616
- author: ads6948

Yonsei University, Wonju Campus - Maeji Dormitory (Español)
Un vistazo a los dormitorios del edificio Maeji y Seiyon de la Universidad de Yonsei, camp...
published: 01 Sep 2012
author: Christian R. Bueno
Yonsei University, Wonju Campus - Maeji Dormitory (Español)
Yonsei University, Wonju Campus - Maeji Dormitory (Español)
Un vistazo a los dormitorios del edificio Maeji y Seiyon de la Universidad de Yonsei, campus en Wonju.- published: 01 Sep 2012
- views: 164
- author: Christian R. Bueno

경인선 무궁화호 열차 [원주 - 인천 / Wonju - Incheon]
원주 - 인천 #4414 무궁화호 열차 / Wonju - Incheon #4414 Mugunghwa train 촬영일자 : 2012. 10. 6. / The da...
published: 13 Oct 2012
author: yonugoo
경인선 무궁화호 열차 [원주 - 인천 / Wonju - Incheon]
경인선 무궁화호 열차 [원주 - 인천 / Wonju - Incheon]
원주 - 인천 #4414 무궁화호 열차 / Wonju - Incheon #4414 Mugunghwa train 촬영일자 : 2012. 10. 6. / The date of recording : 2012. 10. 6.- published: 13 Oct 2012
- views: 3297
- author: yonugoo

Wonju cab ride at dusk
cab ride from Wonju Yonsei University Hospital to Dongbo Nobility, Wonju, South Korea, on ...
published: 20 Nov 2009
author: David Candler
Wonju cab ride at dusk
Wonju cab ride at dusk
cab ride from Wonju Yonsei University Hospital to Dongbo Nobility, Wonju, South Korea, on Nov. 20 2009.- published: 20 Nov 2009
- views: 349
- author: David Candler
Vimeo results:

Spica_Tonight_Music Video
Director: Lumpens
Assisatant Director: Jungwoo Yoo, Yoojung Ko, Wonju Lee, Seungwook Kim (...
published: 29 Jan 2014
author: Hyunwoo Nam
Spica_Tonight_Music Video
Director: Lumpens
Assisatant Director: Jungwoo Yoo, Yoojung Ko, Wonju Lee, Seungwook Kim (Lumpens)
Director of Photography: Hyunwoo Nam (GDW)
Focus Puller: Daekeun Cho
Camera Assistant: Sanggyu Han
Gaffer: Jonghan Yoon
Shot on Red Epic

Rain_Lasong_Music Video
Director: Lumpens
Assistant Directors: Yoojung Ko, Jungwoo Yoo, Seungwuk Kim(Lumpens), Won...
published: 15 Feb 2014
author: Hyunwoo Nam
Rain_Lasong_Music Video
Director: Lumpens
Assistant Directors: Yoojung Ko, Jungwoo Yoo, Seungwuk Kim(Lumpens), Wonju Lee
Director of Photography: Hyunwoo Nam(GDW)
B Camera Operator: Ho-yoen Song
Focus Puller: Dae Keun Cho, Doohee Han
2nd Camera Assistant: Yonggun Moon, Hyobin Cha
3rd Camera Assistant: Dongsub Kim, Bumgil Song
Gaffer: Joonghyuck Jung
Keygrip: Hoon Jung
Jimy Jib: Kwangho Song
Special Guest Stylist: Yunjoung Lee
Art Director: Moonyoung Lee
Shot on Red Epic

Spica_Crazy Girl_Music Video
Director: Lumpens
Assistant Director: Youjung Ko, Jungwoo Yoo, Wonju Lee, Seungwuk Kim
published: 10 Feb 2014
author: Hyunwoo Nam
Spica_Crazy Girl_Music Video
Director: Lumpens
Assistant Director: Youjung Ko, Jungwoo Yoo, Wonju Lee, Seungwuk Kim
Director of Photography: Hyunwoo Nam (GDW)
B Camera Operator: Daekeun Cho
Focus Puller: Dohee Kim
Gaffer: Duckhee
Shot on Sony FS700
Youtube results:

Wonju Hanji Festival 2010
In Wonju, South Korea every summer they hold the Hanji festival. This is a festival to cel...
published: 21 Sep 2010
author: Joy I-W
Wonju Hanji Festival 2010
Wonju Hanji Festival 2010
In Wonju, South Korea every summer they hold the Hanji festival. This is a festival to celebrate Korea's handmade paper tradition. I went on the last day and...- published: 21 Sep 2010
- views: 462
- author: Joy I-W

Cafe society of Wonju, South Korea
or what I did on my way to get a haircut. Video stroll thru street filled with Western-sty...
published: 21 Nov 2009
author: David Candler
Cafe society of Wonju, South Korea
Cafe society of Wonju, South Korea
or what I did on my way to get a haircut. Video stroll thru street filled with Western-style coffee bar cafes and traditional Korean restaurants in south...- published: 21 Nov 2009
- views: 581
- author: David Candler

Yonsei University, Wonju Campus - From Cheongyeon Dormitories to Maeji Lake (Español)
Un recorrido desde el interior del edificio de dormitorios Cheongyeon hacia el Lago Maeji ...
published: 28 Dec 2012
author: Christian R. Bueno
Yonsei University, Wonju Campus - From Cheongyeon Dormitories to Maeji Lake (Español)
Yonsei University, Wonju Campus - From Cheongyeon Dormitories to Maeji Lake (Español)
Un recorrido desde el interior del edificio de dormitorios Cheongyeon hacia el Lago Maeji en la universidad de Yonsei en Corea del Sur, la universidad tiene ...- published: 28 Dec 2012
- views: 96
- author: Christian R. Bueno