Supertwink is a 2006 comedy film directed, written, and filmed by Richard Christy and Sal Governale. Produced and made for subscribers of Howard TV, an In Demand digital cable service operated by Howard Stern, the film stars members of Stern's radio show staff and "Wack Packers". The film premièred at the Pioneer Theater, in New York City, on January 4, 2006.
Despite claims that the film had a $4,000 budget, Christy stated on Stern's radio show that he spent no more than $700. When Stern asked Roger Ebert and Richard Roeper to review the film, Ebert refused to watch it, while Roeper's review was run over the film's ending credits.
An evil heterosexual supervillain Dr. Hetero (High Pitch Eric), vows to destroy the homosexual world. Supertwink (J.D. Harmeyer) is called to save the day.