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  • S Korea seeks Pyongyang's nod to reopen Kaesong...2:28
  • Edward Snowden says NSA's PRISM spying on Americans NOW!...2:07
  • Turbulence in Turkey: Massive protest sweeps Istanbul's Taksim Sq for 2nd day...3:12
  • New Palestinian government sworn in...0:40
  • Vladimir and Lyudmila Putin announce divorce on TV...1:20
  • Greek bailout explained by rubber duckies and a pirate ship...4:37
  • Syria conflict US condemns siege of Qusair 3...1:36
  • Syrian Army Declares Victory in the Battle of Al Qusayr | Syria War 5.06.2013...1:51
  • Fears grow for record flood levels in central Europe...0:59
  • Hochwasser Deutschland 04.06.2013 - Germany Flood Katastrophe - Passau - Würzburg usw - Evakuierung...10:45
  • 18+ Brave Syria Rebels Defend Qusair from Hezbollah and Assad Regime Invaders 5-19-13 Homs...4:40
  • Syrian War Crimes | WARNING EXTREMELY GRAPHIC | Syrian War | Documentary [HD]...39:21
add video playlist South Korea says it wants a dialogue with the North over the re-opening of a jointly run industrial area. Workers from the South have been told by Pyongyang to leave the Kaesong complex. This comes as foreign ministers from the G8 discuss the stand-off. Negotiating will be tough as long as the two countries remain on a war footing. Al Jazeera's Harry Fawcett reports from Seoul.
South Korea says it wants a dialogue with the North over the re-opening of a jointly run industrial area. Workers from the South have been told by Pyongyang to leave the Kaesong complex. This comes as foreign ministers from the G8 discuss the stand-off. Negotiating will be tough as long as the two countries remain on a war footing. Al Jazeera\'s Harry Fawcett reports from Seoul.
S Korea seeks Py­ongyang's nod to re­open Kaesong
Edward Snowden, the NSA whistleblower who exposed the top secret domestic spying program PRISM, says the government is spying on us!

The NSA contractor said he had unfettered access to Americans\' filthy web habits. Intent on exposing PRISM to the scrutiny such an invasive government strategy deserves, he flew to Hong Kong and leaked choice documents to The Guardian. Now the pressure is on the Obama administration to live up to its claim of being \
Ed­ward Snow­den says NSA's PRISM spy­ing on Amer­i­cans NOW!
Despite the authorities decision to allow thousands to flood onto the square, the main subway gateway to Taksim, the central station in the city\'s metro netw...
Tur­bu­lence in Turkey: Mas­sive protest sweeps Is­tan­bul's Tak­sim Sq for 2nd day
New Palestinian Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah and his West Bank-based government have been sworn in. As prime minister, Hamdallah is expected to focus on the domestic agenda, particularly the Palestinian economy. He will have two deputies, Zeyad Abu Amr, and Mohammed Mustafa.
Hamdallah was named by President Mahmoud Abbas to replace Salam Fayyad, who quit in April but remained in his post while a successor was sought. Most members of Fayyad\'s cabinet remained in office.
New Pales­tini­an gov­ern­ment sworn in
Russian President Vladimir Putin and his wife, Lyudmila, announced Thursday on nationwide television that their marriage is over, ending years of media speculation about the couple\'s relationship.

Vladimir and Lyud­mi­la Putin an­nounce di­vorce on TV
North Korea of­fers talks to South to re­open Kaesong
Wondering why Greece\'s debt crisis is rocking the global economy? Reuters Finance Blogger Felix Salmon explains with a kiddie pool, pirate ship and yes, rubber duckies! Papandreou, Merkel and Lagarde star as ducks in Felix\'s theatrical production.
Greek bailout ex­plained by rub­ber duck­ies and a pi­rate ship
The BBC\'s Jim Muir: \
Syria con­flict US con­demns siege of Qu­sair 3
More Videos of Syria on My Channel!
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These videos are not for Shock, nor for entertainment. its to show the documents behind the syrian war which is going on for 2 years without any attention from outside.
The Syrian civil war is an ongoing armed conflict in Syria between forces loyal to the Syrian and outside foreigners paid by zionist intellegence, a system build to weaker the arab army, esspecialy those who are a threat to the pro-american diplomacy, in other words \'\'those who do not bow down to them\'\'.2013 

Syrian Army Declares Victory in the Battle of Al Qusayr | Syria War 5.06.2013
Syr­i­an Army De­clares Vic­to­ry in the Bat­tle of Al Qusayr | Syria War 5.06.2013
Severe flooding in central Europe is continuing to cause havoc with the high water expected to reach...

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Severe flooding in central Europe is continuing to cause havoc with the high water expected to reach record levels.  

A dozen  people have already died since the weekend. 

In the German city of Dresden the authorities are warning  the river Elbe could reach nine metres -  that is seven above what is normal for this time of year.  

Huge parts of the city are already flooded, hundreds have been evacuated and schools closed.

Elsewhere in flood-affected regions, soldiers and residents have been reinforcing soaked dikes with sandbags to keep them from breaking.

In the Czech Republic, numerous Prague suburbs have been under water but levels there appear to be receding. 

Austria, Slovakia and Poland are just a few of the countries which have also been coping with the floods. 

Hungary has declared a state of emergency, with the river Danube expected to peak at Budapest on Thursday.

Find us on:  
Fears grow for record flood lev­els in cen­tral Eu­rope
Hochwasser in Deutschland
Juni 2013
Passau, Würzburg usw...

Hochwasser Deutschland 04.06.2013 - Germany Flood Katastrophe - Passau - Würzburg usw - Evakuierung
Hochwasser Deutschland 04.06.2013 - Germany Flood Katastrophe - Passau - Würzburg usw - Evakuierung Hochwasser - passau - deutschland - katastrophe - tote - menschen ohne strom - flood - würzburg - unwetter - regen - luftaufnahmen - dammbruch - june 2013 - main hochwasser - dokumentation - nachrichten - dokus
Hochwass­er Deutsch­land 04.06.2013 - Ger­many Flood Katas­tro­phe - Pas­sau - Würzburg usw - Evakuierung
18+ 18+ Warning - Not for Shock - Contains Graphic Images - For Adults Only 
Brave Syria Rebels Defend Qusair from Hezbollah and Assad Regime Invaders 5-19-13

لواء القصير التصدي لمحاولة اقتحام كلاب حزب اللات
18+ Brave Syria Rebels De­fend Qu­sair from Hezbol­lah and Assad Regime In­vaders 5-19-13 Homs
Despite the authorities decision to allow thousands to flood onto the square, the main subway gateway to Taksim, the central station in the city\'s metro netw...
Tur­bu­lence in Turkey: Mas­sive protest sweeps Is­tan­bul's Tak­sim Sq for 2nd day
**WARNING** The following documentary that I made is extremely graphic. Viewer Discretion is Advised (18+ HIGHLY recommended) This video is not to glorify war but, to educate or show you (the public) whats going on. The following video shows tortue until death including being beaten, shot point blank (AK-47), and stabbed. The people shown being tortured all die. Bashar Assad is in charge of these men. If you wish to not view this content, leave now. There is also some Syrian combat footage as well. You have been warned. THERE ARE SUBTITLES FOR ENGLISH. Go to the \
Syr­i­an War Crimes | WARN­ING EX­TREME­LY GRAPH­IC | Syr­i­an War | Doc­u­men­tary [HD]
Hochwasser in Deutschland
Juni 2013
Passau, Würzburg usw...

Hochwasser Deutschland 04.06.2013 - Germany Flood Katastrophe - Passau - Würzburg usw - Evakuierung
Hochwasser Deutschland 04.06.2013 - Germany Flood Katastrophe - Passau - Würzburg usw - Evakuierung Hochwasser - passau - deutschland - katastrophe - tote - menschen ohne strom - flood - würzburg - unwetter - regen - luftaufnahmen - dammbruch - june 2013 - main hochwasser - dokumentation - nachrichten - dokus
Hochwass­er Deutsch­land 04.06.2013 - Ger­many Flood Katas­tro­phe - Pas­sau - Würzburg usw - Evakuierung

updated 09 Jul 2013; published 09 Jul 2013
Sev­er­al feared dead after car bomb hits Hezbol­lah area of Beirut
The Los Angeles Times 09 Jul 2013, BEIRUT — A huge explosion rocked southern Beirut early Tuesday in the latest apparent instance of violence from the war in neighboring Syria spilling over into Lebanon. Some media outlets reported at least one dead and more than a dozen people injured, but there was no immediate independent confirmation of the casualty toll. Material damage...
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updated 02 Jul 2013; published 02 Jul 2013
In­cred­i­ble footage of the largest protest in mankinds his­to­ry!!, Long Live Egypt!
Boston Herald 09 Jul 2013, CAIRO — Egyptian security forces killed more than 50 supporters of Egypt's ousted president in one of the deadliest single episodes of violence in more than 2 ½ years of turmoil. The toppled leader's Muslim Brotherhood called for an uprising, accusing troops of gunning down protesters, while the military blamed armed Islamists for provoking its...
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updated 29 Jan 2013; published 30 Mar 2012
How Osama Lived in Pak­istan for 9 Years??? Anal­y­sis.
France24 09 Jul 2013, Pakistan’s intelligence services showed gross incompetence and “culpable negligence” in failing to detect the presence of Osama bin Laden for years, according to an official report leaked Monday, which also reveals tidbits about his personal life. By News Wires (text) Osama bin Laden lived in plain sight for almost a decade and was once even...
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updated 04 Jul 2013; published 04 Jul 2013
Egypt swears in new in­ter­im pres­i­dent
The Times of India 09 Jul 2013, CAIRO: Egypt's interim head of state has set a speedy timetable for elections to drag the Arab world's biggest country from crisis, after the military ouster of Islamist President Mohamed Morsi last week sparked a wave of bloody protests. A decree issued by Adli Mansour pointed to a parliamentary ballot within about six months with a presidential...
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updated 14 May 2013; published 14 May 2013
Costa Con­cor­dia cap­tain back in court
The New York Times 09 Jul 2013, GROSSETO, Italy — The luxury Costa Concordia cruise liner lies on its side and half-submerged off the tiny Tuscan island of Giglio, blighting the seascape for another summer in an otherwise pristine part of the Mediterranean. Connect With Us on Twitter Follow @nytimesworld for international breaking news and headlines. Twitter List: Reporters and...
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updated 04 May 2011; published 04 May 2011
Peo­ple flock to Bin Laden's Ab­bot­tabad com­pound
Otago Daily Times 09 Jul 2013, Osama bin Laden was able to avoid detection and live in plain sight for almost a decade due to the incompetence and negligence of Pakistan's intelligence and security services, Pakistan's official report into his killing has concluded. Following a decade-long hunt, the CIA tracked down the al Qaeda leader in 2011 to a compound within sight of an...
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updated 08 Jul 2013; published 08 Jul 2013
UP­DATE 1-Brazil seeks US re­sponse to al­leged spy­ing on cit­i­zens - Reuters [Slide Show]
The New York Times 08 Jul 2013, BRASILIA, Brazil — Brazil's federal police say they have not yet been asked to investigate a newspaper report that the U.S. collected billions of telephone and email conversations in the Latin American country, possibly by getting some of the information from Brazilian companies. Brazilian leaders weighed opening an investigation into whether...
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updated 14 Feb 2013; published 14 Feb 2013
IN THE FRENCH PA­PERS- Is Sarkozy prepar­ing a po­lit­i­cal come­back?
The New York Times 08 Jul 2013, PARIS — A little over a year after he declared that he would leave politics for good, France's Nicolas Sarkozy is back in the spotlight. The combative, diminutive ex-president attended a meeting of his UMP party Monday where was welcomed like a star. It could mark his first step towards candidacy in the next presidential election in 2017. It's the...
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updated 08 Jul 2013; published 08 Jul 2013
Snow­den case con­firms that U.S. is world spy: Raul Cas­tro
The New York Times 08 Jul 2013, HAVANA — Cuban President Raul Castro threw his support behind other leftist Latin American governments willing to give asylum to NSA leaker Edward Snowden, calling him a man persecuted for his ideals. Connect With Us on Twitter Follow @nytimesworld for international breaking news and headlines. Twitter List: Reporters and Editors But Castro made no...
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updated 09 Jul 2013; published 09 Jul 2013
Video shows Morsi sup­port­er shoot­ing at Egyp­tian army - Truthload­er
BBC News 08 Jul 2013, At least seven people have been killed after the army raided a sit-in staged by supporters of ousted President Mohammed Morsi in Cairo, reports say. One eyewitness from the Muslim Brotherhood told the...
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updated 02 Jul 2013; published 02 Jul 2013
In­cred­i­ble footage of the largest protest in mankinds his­to­ry!!, Long Live Egypt!
Boston Herald 08 Jul 2013, The Arab Spring has come full circle. Two years ago, huge crowds in Tahrir Square called for the removal of a military-backed dictator and for democratic elections. Today, opposition crowds in the same square are cheering the military’s ouster of an elected government. So much for the popular appeal of electoral democracy! Opposition groups...
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updated 06 Jul 2013; published 06 Jul 2013
Train car­ry­ing crude oil de­rails, sets off ex­plo­sions in east-cen­tral Cana­da | 06.07 2013
The Observer 07 Jul 2013, Firefighters douse blazes after the freight train loaded with oil derailed in Lac-Mégantic. Photograph: Francois Laplante-Delagrave/AFP/Getty Images Fires continued burning more than 24 hours after a runaway train carrying crude oil derailed in eastern Quebec, igniting explosions and fires that destroyed a town's centre and killed at least one...
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updated 07 Jul 2013; published 07 Jul 2013
San Fran­cis­co Plane Crash Mo­ment of im­pact | Asiana Air­lines Crash | HQ
Sacramento Bee 07 Jul 2013, SAN FRANCISCO – The weather was crystal clear. The 5,600-mile flight was moments from touching down on Runway 28 at San Francisco International Airport. And then the passengers heard the loud bang. Within moments of the 11:27 a.m. crash landing, Asiana Airways Flight 214 skidded, lost its tail and caught fire, burning two huge holes in the top...
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updated 14 Feb 2013; published 14 Feb 2013
El­Ba­radei: Egypt 'is a failed state'
Business Day 07 Jul 2013, Related articles Mursi supporters shot dead on ‘Friday of Rage’ in Egypt African Union suspends Egypt Islamists call on Mursi supporters to protest after Egypt leader’s overthrow Egypt needs elections, not generals CAIRO — Egypt’s political transition after President Mohamed Mursi was ousted by the military has stumbled at the first hurdle, after...
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Apparent car bomb blast rocks Beirut
Full Article The Los Angeles Times
09 Jul 2013

BEIRUT — A huge explosion rocked southern Beirut early Tuesday in the latest apparent instance of violence from the war in neighboring Syria spilling over into Lebanon. Some media outlets reported at least one dead and more than a dozen people injured, but there was no immediate independent confirmation of the casualty toll. Material damage...
Security forces and civilians stand at the scene of a bombing in the Beir el-Abed, a southern suburb of Beirut, Lebanon, Tuesday, July 9, 2013.
photo: AP / Ahmed Omar

Egypt army kills at least 50 in Cairo clashes
Full Article Boston Herald
09 Jul 2013

CAIRO — Egyptian security forces killed more than 50 supporters of Egypt's ousted president in one of the deadliest single episodes of violence in more than 2 ½ years of turmoil. The toppled leader's Muslim Brotherhood called for an uprising, accusing troops of gunning down protesters, while the military blamed armed Islamists for provoking its...
Supporters of ousted President Mohammed Morsi protest as army soldiers guard at the Republican Guard building in Nasr City, Cairo, Egypt, Tuesday, July 9, 2013.
photo: AP / Khalil Hamra

Bin Laden report reveals Pakistani ‘incompetence’
Full Article France24
09 Jul 2013

Pakistan’s intelligence services showed gross incompetence and “culpable negligence” in failing to detect the presence of Osama bin Laden for years, according to an official report leaked Monday, which also reveals tidbits about his personal life. By News Wires (text) Osama bin Laden lived in plain sight for almost a decade and was once even... qaida
Osama bin Laden is seen in this image broadcast Wednesday, April, 17, 2002, by the London-based Middle East Broacasting Corp.
photo: AP / MBC via APTN

Egypt's interim president seeks quick elections after bloodshed
Full Article The Times of India
09 Jul 2013

CAIRO: Egypt's interim head of state has set a speedy timetable for elections to drag the Arab world's biggest country from crisis, after the military ouster of Islamist President Mohamed Morsi last week sparked a wave of bloody protests. A decree issued by Adli Mansour pointed to a parliamentary ballot within about six months with a presidential...
Supporters of the ousted President Mohammed Morsi shout slogans in Nasr City, a suburb of Cairo, Egypt, Monday, July 8, 2013.
photo: AP / Nasser Shiyoukhi

Captain of Wrecked Cruise Ship on Trial in Italy
Full Article The New York Times
09 Jul 2013

GROSSETO, Italy — The luxury Costa Concordia cruise liner lies on its side and half-submerged off the tiny Tuscan island of Giglio, blighting the seascape for another summer in an otherwise pristine part of the Mediterranean. Connect With Us on Twitter Follow @nytimesworld for international breaking news and headlines. Twitter List: Reporters and... Concordia Disaster
In this photo taken on Saturday, Jan. 14, 2012, Francesco Schettino the captain of the luxury cruiser Costa Concordia, which ran aground off Italy's Tuscan coast, enters a Carabinieri car in Porto Santo Stefano, Italy.
photo: AP / Enzo Russo

Pakistan 'incompetent' over Bin Laden
Full Article Otago Daily Times
09 Jul 2013

Osama bin Laden was able to avoid detection and live in plain sight for almost a decade due to the incompetence and negligence of Pakistan's intelligence and security services, Pakistan's official report into his killing has concluded. Following a decade-long hunt, the CIA tracked down the al Qaeda leader in 2011 to a compound within sight of an...
In this undated image taken from video provided by the U.S. Department of Defense, Osama bin Laden is shown in a new video released on Saturday, May 7, 2011.
photo: AP / Department of Defense

Brazil: No Police Investigation Yet in US Spying
Full Article The New York Times
08 Jul 2013

BRASILIA, Brazil — Brazil's federal police say they have not yet been asked to investigate a newspaper report that the U.S. collected billions of telephone and email conversations in the Latin American country, possibly by getting some of the information from Brazilian companies. Brazilian leaders weighed opening an investigation into whether... Spying
 A Brazilian worker organizes secret documents gathered during Brazil´s military dictatorship, in the headquarters of the National Library Archive in Brasilia, Brazil, on Wednesday, Dec. 21, 2005. The government said Wednesday it was opening the cla
photo: AP/Eraldo Peres

France's Sarkozy Returns to Political Stage
Full Article The New York Times
08 Jul 2013

PARIS — A little over a year after he declared that he would leave politics for good, France's Nicolas Sarkozy is back in the spotlight. The combative, diminutive ex-president attended a meeting of his UMP party Monday where was welcomed like a star. It could mark his first step towards candidacy in the next presidential election in 2017. It's the... Sarkozy
French President Nicolas Sarkozy pauses during a news conference with President Barack Obama in the East Room of the White House on Tuesday, March 30, 2010 in Washington
photo: AP / Evan Vucci

Cuba Backs Snowden Asylum Offers From Allies
Full Article The New York Times
08 Jul 2013

HAVANA — Cuban President Raul Castro threw his support behind other leftist Latin American governments willing to give asylum to NSA leaker Edward Snowden, calling him a man persecuted for his ideals. Connect With Us on Twitter Follow @nytimesworld for international breaking news and headlines. Twitter List: Reporters and Editors But Castro made no... Snowden Castro
Cuba's President Raul Castro delivers the closing speech during a session of the National Assembly of Popular Power in Havana, Cuba, Sunday Aug. 1, 2010
photo: AP / Ismael Francisco, Prensa Latina

Egypt unrest: Morsi supporters 'shot dead' in Cairo
Full Article BBC News
08 Jul 2013

At least seven people have been killed after the army raided a sit-in staged by supporters of ousted President Mohammed Morsi in Cairo, reports say. One eyewitness from the Muslim Brotherhood told the...
Supporters of Egypt's ousted President Mohammed Morsi wave Egyptian flags and hold his picture during a rally near Cairo University in Giza, Egypt, Sunday, July 7, 2013.
photo: AP / Nasser Shiyoukhi

Egyptian reformers have fallen short
Full Article Boston Herald
08 Jul 2013

The Arab Spring has come full circle. Two years ago, huge crowds in Tahrir Square called for the removal of a military-backed dictator and for democratic elections. Today, opposition crowds in the same square are cheering the military’s ouster of an elected government. So much for the popular appeal of electoral democracy! Opposition groups...
Supporters of Egypt's ousted President Mohammed Morsi chant slogans during a rally near Cairo University in Giza, Egypt, Sunday, July 7, 2013.
photo: AP / Nasser Shiyoukhi

Fires still burning in Quebec town 24 hours after runaway train crash
Full Article The Observer
07 Jul 2013

Firefighters douse blazes after the freight train loaded with oil derailed in Lac-Mégantic. Photograph: Francois Laplante-Delagrave/AFP/Getty Images Fires continued burning more than 24 hours after a runaway train carrying crude oil derailed in eastern Quebec, igniting explosions and fires that destroyed a town's centre and killed at least one...
Smoke rises from railway cars that were carrying crude oil after derailing in downtown Lac Megantic, Quebec, Canada, Saturday, July 6, 2013.
photo: AP / The Canadian Press, Paul Chiasson

Two die, 200 sent to hospitals after jet crashes in San Francisco
Full Article Sacramento Bee
07 Jul 2013

SAN FRANCISCO – The weather was crystal clear. The 5,600-mile flight was moments from touching down on Runway 28 at San Francisco International Airport. And then the passengers heard the loud bang. Within moments of the 11:27 a.m. crash landing, Asiana Airways Flight 214 skidded, lost its tail and caught fire, burning two huge holes in the top... Francisco
This aerial photo shows the wreckage of the Asiana Flight 214 airplane after it crashed at the San Francisco International Airport in San Francisco, Saturday, July 6, 2013.
photo: AP / Marcio Jose Sanchez

Dispute over interim prime minister stalls Egypt transition
Full Article Business Day
07 Jul 2013

Related articles Mursi supporters shot dead on ‘Friday of Rage’ in Egypt African Union suspends Egypt Islamists call on Mursi supporters to protest after Egypt leader’s overthrow Egypt needs elections, not generals CAIRO — Egypt’s political transition after President Mohamed Mursi was ousted by the military has stumbled at the first hurdle, after...
Egyptian presidency candidate Mohamed ElBaradei, the Nobel laureate and former president of the International Atomic Energy Agency, talks following his meeting with the Grand Sheikh of Al-Azhar, the highest Islammic Sunni institution, Ahmed Al-Tayeb, not pictured, in Cairo, Egypt, Monday, Aug. 8, 2011.
photo: AP / Amr Nabil

Kagawa keen to press on
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
09 Jul 2013

Manchester United midfielder Shinji Kagawa admits he must improve on his first season's work at Old Trafford. The Japan star did emerge from his debut campaign with a Premier League title winners' medal. He also bagged a superb hat-trick in a late season victory over Norwich. However, a major knee injury halted what had been an encouraging start to...
Manchester United's Shinji Kagawa pauses during the friendly soccer match between Manchester United and Shanghai Shenhua Wednesday July 25, 2012 in Shanghai, China.
photo: AP / Eugene Hoshiko

Europe's Economic Crisis Explained Through Soccer
Full Article Real Clear Politics
09 Jul 2013

As Europe suffers through a quagmire of failed policies, sky-high unemployment, and a rise in political extremism, even the region's most venerated institution, soccer, has experienced drastic change. Whereas Spain, England, and Italy used to lead European soccer, now the mantle has passed to Germany, whose economy is ascendant. German soccer team...
he Gabonese Division 1 soccer team FC Missile shakes hands with members of the Commander, Navy Region Europe soccer team before a match at Gabon national stadium in Libreville, Gabon.
photo: US Navy / Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Marc Rockwell-Pate

Robben: I'm not a candidate for Ballon d'Or
Full Article Goal
09 Jul 2013

The Dutchman has ruled himself out of contention for the individual award and is confident Pep Guardiola will not sacrifice creative players in favour of tactics Bayern Munich winger Arjen Robben does not see himself as one of the leading candidates to win this year's Fifa Ballon d'Or. The Netherlands international has been tipped as one of the...
Bayern's Arjen Robben of the Netherlands, left, and teammate Thomas Mueller celebrate after scoring their third goal during the Champions League semifinal first leg soccer match between Bayern Munich and FC Barcelona in Munich, Germany, Tuesday, April 23, 2013.
photo: AP / Matthias Schrader

Mourinho vows to play attractive football at Chelsea
Full Article Goal
09 Jul 2013

The Blues manager's first spell at Stamford Bridge was derided for his negative approach but the Portuguese promises that his team will win with style this time around Jose Mourinho has promised Chelsea fans a more attractive brand of football next season. The Portuguese's first spell at Stamford Bridge was largely successful but the Blues still...
Real Madrid's coach Jose Mourinho from Portugal turns away during a Spanish La Liga soccer match against Espanyol at the Santiago Bernabeu stadium in Madrid, Spain, Sunday, Dec. 16, 2012.
photo: AP / Andres Kudacki

Aston Villa striker Benteke hands in transfer request
Full Article The Guardian
09 Jul 2013

July 8 (Reuters) - Aston Villa's Belgium striker Christian Benteke has asked for a transfer and will be allowed to leave if a suitable offer is made, the Premier League club said in a statement reported by British media on Monday. Benteke's 19 league goals last season, following his move... Villa FC FC Benteke
Aston Villa's Christian Benteke, right, celebrates scoring his second goal against Everton with teammate Charles N'Zogbia during their English Premier League soccer match at Goodison Park Stadium, Liverpool, England, Saturday Feb. 2, 2013.
photo: AP / Jon Super

Rasheed Wallace joins Detroit Pistons bench, may coach
Full Article USA Today
08 Jul 2013

Story Highlights Newly retired Rasheed Wallace sat on Detroit Pistons' bench during summer-league game MondayWallace is expected to be brought on as assistant coach by new Pistons head coach Maurice CheeksWallace played last season with new Brooklyn Nets head coach Jason Kidd on New York Knicks ORLANDO — Former Detroit Pistons forward Rasheed...
Rasheed Wallace
photo: Creative Commons / Keith Allison

Randy Foye traded in Andre Iguodala's move to Warriors
Full Article USA Today
08 Jul 2013

The Denver Nuggets have agreed to cooperate in a sign-and-trade that will land them free agent shooting guard Randy Foye from the Utah Jazz and send free agent small forward Andre Iguodala to the...
Randy Foye  Washington Wizards v/s Dallas Mavericks October 9, 2009 at Verizon Center in Washington, D.C.
photo: Creative Commons / Keith Allison

Orbit: Britney doesn't need tuning
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
09 Jul 2013

Britney Spears has never needed autotune to sound good, reckons William Orbit. The producer is currently working with Toxic star Britney on her eighth studio album and tweeted a fan to say the singer already had perfect pitch. A fan tweeted Britney saying: "btw we want one song that is strictly you and a piano. Nothing else." Producer William...
Britney Spears attends "The X Factor" season two premiere at Grauman's Chinese Theatre on Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2012, in Los Angeles.
photo: AP / Jordan Strauss/Invision

Selena Gomez opens up about breakup with Justin Bieber on 'Love Will Remember'
Full Article The Examiner
09 Jul 2013

So far, the tracks from Gomez's upcoming "Stars Dance" have been playful jams like "Come & Get It" and "Slow Down." This latest release, "Love Will Remember," is a heartfelt ballad where Gomez recounts her magical days with Bieber before their breakup. The ghostly tune opens with a voice mail-like message from Bieber saying: Hey babe, it’s me....
Selena Gomez  UNICEF Snowflake Ball Cipriani, New York City November 28th 2012
photo: Creative Commons / Joella Marano

Wedding day unforgettable for Avril Lavigne
Full Article Newstrack India
09 Jul 2013

Tweet Los Angeles, July 9 (IANS) Singer Avril Lavigne had goosebumps when she was walked down the aisle to wed musician Chad Kroege, but that day and...
Avril Lavigne perfoms during the 2011 Y100 Jingle Ball at the Bank Atlantic Center Sunrise, Florida - December 10, 2011
photo: WN / Aaron Gilbert

Lauryn Hill starts prison sentence
Full Article USA Today
08 Jul 2013

Story Highlights In the last decade, she failed to pay about $1 million in taxesShe will spend three months in prisonShe is expected to work in maintenance, food service or landscaping DANBURY, Conn. — Grammy-winning singer Lauryn Hill began serving a three-month prison sentence on Monday for failing to pay about $1...
Lauryn Hill performs during the University of Miami Homecoming at the Foote Green Miami, Florida November 5, 2010
photo: WN / Aruna Gilbert

Justin Bieber Gives Free Tickets, Food To Fans Before Late Iowa Show
Full Article The Inquisitr
08 Jul 2013

Justin Bieber gave fans free tickets, McDonalds, and bread before performing at his Iowa concert on Sunday. The Des MoinesWells Fargo Arena concert also produced a late show start for the singer. Bieber reportedly arrived onstage at 10:05 pm. The first support act singer-songwriter Mike Posner began his performance at 7:10 pm, while the...
Justin Bieber performs during the 'Believe Tour' at the Amway Center Orlando, Florida - January 25, 2013
photo: WN / Aaron Gilbert

Carrie Underwood: 'I love blocking Twitter trolls'
Full Article Digital Spy
08 Jul 2013

Carrie Underwood has joked that she loves blocking abusive posters on her Twitter account. The 'Good Girl' singer has more than 2 million followers on Twitter, and recently commented that the majority of her social media interactions are positive. © PA Images / Jordan Strauss / AP Grammy Awards 2013 red carpet: Carrie Underwood "I realise it's...
FILE - In this Nov. 22, 2009 file photo, Carrie Underwood  arrives at the 37th Annual American Music Awards in Los Angeles. The country music star hosts Monday's "An All-Star Holiday Special" on Fox, and believes it's just the tonic for the regular TV lineup. (AP Photo/Chris Pizzello, File)
photo: AP / Chris Pizzello, File

Lady Gaga Is Trying To Hide 'Sensitive' Legal Documents From The Public
Full Article Business Insider
08 Jul 2013

Lady Gaga has attempted to block the release of "sensitive, private and personal information" as part of an ongoing court battle between two of the singer's former collaborators. According to website TMZ, Gaga has filed a legal request to seal certain details of the ongoing litigation between the talent scout Wendy Starland and Gaga's former...
U.S. performer Lady Gaga shops at the Dilli Haat handicrafts market in New Delhi, India, Friday, Oct. 28, 2011. (AP Photo/Mustafa Quraishi)
photo: AP / Mustafa Quraishi

50 Cent jokes about jail
Full Article Kypost
07 Jul 2013

Rapper 50 CENT appears to have made light of the domestic violence charges he is facing by posting a number of humorous pictures online to show fans he is not in jail. The... Cent Violence
rapper Curtis "50 Cent" Jackson
photo: AP / Matt Sayles, File

Woo starts work on The Crossing
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
09 Jul 2013

John Woo has returned to the director's chair with his next film The Crossing, which is being described as the "Chinese Titanic". After a three-year hiatus from the big screen since Reign Of Assassins in 2010, the Chinese director has begun work on the two-part war epic, said The Hollywood Reporter. The disaster film, which is set in 40s Shanghai...
John Woo
photo: AP / Vincent Yu

Ejiofor to make directorial debut
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
09 Jul 2013

Chiwetel Ejiofor is to head to the director's chair for a film adaptation of The Boy Who Harnessed The Wind. The Bafta-winning actor will reportedly write and direct William Kankwamba's autobiography on the big screen, reported Deadline. The British actor will only be involved behind the camera and is not expected to star in the film, which tells...
Chiwetel Ejiofor
photo: AP / Alastair Grant

Ryan Reynolds hoping for 'big family' with Blake Lively
Full Article USA Today
08 Jul 2013

Ryan Reynolds doesn't like to talk about his love life, although he's had an interesting one. He was engaged to Alanis Morissette from 2004 to 2007. He married Scarlett Johansson in 2008, and they divorced in 2010. He began dating his Green Lantern co-star, Blake Lively of Gossip Girl fame, in 2011. They married...
Actor Ryan Reynolds speaks at a panel discussion of his feature film "Green Lantern" at Comic Con in San Diego, Calif. on Saturday, July 24, 2010.
photo: AP / Dan Steinberg

Damon: I was lucky to wed civilian
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
08 Jul 2013

Matt Damon has admitted he feels "lucky" that he didn't marry an actress - because he isn't a target for the paparazzi. The Elysium star has been married to wife Luciana Barroso for eight years and said the fact that she isn't famous and they lead a quiet life means there is no "appetite" for the sort of press attention some of his fellow Hollywood...
Flickr - nicogenin - 66ème Festival de Venise (Mostra) - Matt Damon (8)
photo: Creative Commons / nicolas genin

Joanna Lumley tells school pupils: Don't go on the dole
Full Article The Daily Telegraph
08 Jul 2013

Joanna Lumley, the actress, has urged schoolgirls to promise they will never go on the dole, regardless of the work they may be forced to undertake. Joanna Lumley, pictured at the Chelsea Flower Show, made pupils promise never to go on the dole Photo: Getty Images 2:20PM BST 08 Jul 2013 She told pupils at a £30,000-a-year independent...
Joanna Lumley, a British actress and a pro-Gurkha activist, listens to a reporter's question during a news conference in central London, Thursday May 7, 2009.
photo: AP / Lefteris Pitarakis

Lootera gets an encouraging opening at BO
Full Article The Times of India
08 Jul 2013

Thanks to the widely spread positive word of mouth around the film, Ranveer Singh and Sonakshi Sinha's 'Lootera' has received a good response at the box-office. Vikramaditya Motwane-directed Lootera, produced by Balaji and Phantom, opened to a strong domestic collection of Rs. 5.15cr on Friday. Even before its release, a positive word of mouth on...
Bollywood Actress Sonakshi Sinha and Ranveer Singh during the promotion of film � LOOTERA � in Kolkata on Saturday, 22 June 2013
photo: WN / Bhaskar Mallick

Lindsay Lohan Doesn’t Want You To Watch ‘I Know Who Killed Me’
Full Article The Inquisitr
07 Jul 2013

Lindsay Lohan isn’t the biggest fan of her 2007 thriller I Know Who Killed Me. In fact, she recommends that you avoid the flick altogether. Directed by Chris Sivertson, the film tells the story of a girl who mysterious vanishes into thin air. When she finally returns, she claims to be someone else. Unraveling the secrets requires a...
Actress Lindsay Lohan arrives to the premiere of her new film "Just My Luck'" Tuesday, May 9, 2006, in Los Angeles.
photo: AP / Kevork Djansezian

James Cameron Will Begin Work On ‘Battle Angel Alita’ Movie In 2017
Full Article The Inquisitr
07 Jul 2013

James Cameron will begin work on his long-delayed Battle Angel Alita movie once he’s finished with the Avatar sequels. The Titanic director has been kicking around the project for quite a few years now. Although it’s still several years away, Cameron intends to move forward with the project in 2017. The award-winning filmmaker recently...
James Cameron
photo: Creative Commons / Nehrams2020

Corruption worsened in Arab countries since uprisings: poll
Full Article Reuters
09 Jul 2013

DUBAI (Reuters) - Corruption has worsened in most Arab countries since their 2011 revolutions, even though anger with corrupt officials was a major reason for the uprisings, according to a public opinion poll released on Tuesday. The survey by Transparency International, a global non-governmental body which studies bribery around the world, appears...
Egyptian protesters clash with security forces near Tahrir square, in Cairo, Egypt, Wednesday, Nov. 28, 2012.
photo: AP / Khalil Hamra

Ban Ki-moon demands independent probe into fresh violence in Egypt
Full Article The Hindu
09 Jul 2013

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has condemned the latest wave of bloodshed in Egypt, calling for an independent inquiry into the fresh violence which left more than 50 people dead. Fifty-one people, mostly loyalists of...
Meeting of Group of Friends of UN Alliance of Civilizations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon addresses a meeting of the Group of Friends of the UN Alliance of Civilizations.
photo: UN / JC McIlwaine

Netflix to Announce Second-Quarter 2013 Financial Results
Full Article PR Newswire
09 Jul 2013

My news for Investors AtLeast one of the check box should be selected You are following news about Follow the latest news about NFLX Download image Netflix, Inc. Logo. (PRNewsFoto/Netflix, Inc.) LOS GATOS, Calif., July 8, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- Netflix, Inc. (NASDAQ: NFLX) today announced it will post its second-quarter 2013 financial results...
photo: Creative Commons / ReservoirHill

Stocks rise as earnings kick off; chipmakers fall
Full Article U~T San Diego
08 Jul 2013

NEW YORK — Cautious optimism about corporate earnings sent the stock market higher Monday. U.S. companies start reporting their second-quarter results this week, led by aluminum producer Alcoa. Other major companies that will report include JPMorgan and Wells Fargo. Analysts predict that earnings growth for companies in the Standard & Poor's...
Traders work on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange Wednesday, April 28, 2010
photo: AP / Richard Drew

Britain leads in African investment
Full Article South China Morning Post
08 Jul 2013

British business has invested the most in African mergers and acquisitions over the past decade, a study shows. Investors have become increasingly attracted to Africa, as it has...
British Prime Minister David Cameron holds a press conference with South African President Jacob Zuma following their meeting at Union Building in Pretoria, South Africa, Monday July 18, 2011.
photo: AP / Jerome Delay

Shell tops Fortune 500 list but Exxon most profitable
Full Article CBC
08 Jul 2013

Oil companies dominated the top tier of Fortune magazine's list of the world's 500 largest corporations, released Monday, with Wal-Mart, Toyota and Volkswagen also cracking the Top 10. For the second year in a row, Royal Dutch Shell earned the top spot on the financial publication's annual ranking of companies according to revenue. Shell had... Dutch Shell
A man waits at an intersection across the street from the gasoline price board at the Shell gas station in San Mateo, Calif., Monday, Oct. 11, 2004. High crude oil futures prices are being blamed for a spike in the cost of gasoline, which has gone up nearly 8 cents a gallon over the past two week
photo: AP / Jeff Chiu

Hyundai recalls 5,200 Azeras for possible airbag flaw
Full Article USA Today
08 Jul 2013

Story Highlights Hyundai Azera might have faulty front airbagFront passenger could be hurt or killed from malfunctionSupplier used different fabric inside the seat that can deceive sensors Hyundai is recalling about 5,200 of its Azera sedans because the front passenger airbag could inflate when a child is...
Hyundai Azera 3.0 GLS 2012
photo: Creative Commons / Qwerty242

Audi hits top gear worldwide in first half of 2013, India second highest growth market after Mexico
Full Article The Times of India
08 Jul 2013

CHENNAI: German luxury car brand Audi AG has posted its best first half-year sales total in the company's history thanks to year-on-year growth of 6.4%. Worldwide, the company sold around 780,500 cars to customers in the first six months of calendar 2013. Audi deliveries in June...
Audi car displayed at an auto expo-automobile.
photo: WN / Sayali Santosh Kadam

S Korea seeks Pyongyang's nod to reopen Kaesong
S Korea seeks Pyongyang's nod to reopen Kaesong
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:28
  • Updated: 11 Apr 2013
South Korea says it wants a dialogue with the North over the re-opening of a jointly run industrial area. Workers from the South have been told by Pyongyang to leave the Kaesong complex. This comes as foreign ministers from the G8 discuss the stand-off. Negotiating will be tough as long as the two countries remain on a war footing. Al Jazeera's Harry Fawcett reports from Seoul.
  • published: 11 Apr 2013
  • views: 3720's_nod_to_reopen_Kaesong

Edward Snowden says NSA's PRISM spying on Americans NOW!
Edward Snowden says NSA's PRISM spying on Americans NOW!
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:07
  • Updated: 10 Jun 2013
Edward Snowden, the NSA whistleblower who exposed the top secret domestic spying program PRISM, says the government is spying on us! The NSA contractor said he had unfettered access to Americans' filthy web habits. Intent on exposing PRISM to the scrutiny such an invasive government strategy deserves, he flew to Hong Kong and leaked choice documents to The Guardian. Now the pressure is on the Obama administration to live up to its claim of being "the most transparent administration in history!" ----------------------------------------­----------------------------------------­ Daily videos brought to you by THE Taiwanese Animators behind the infamous Tiger Woods animation. We got the funniest animations on the web to help you stay in-the-know on all the trending stories, so sit back, relax, and watch a few. Visit our channel for your daily dose of Taiwanese Animations: Wish all your news was animated? Subscribe now: Can't get enough of Taiwanese animations? Connected with us here: Facebook Twitter @nmatv Tumblr Google+ Web
  • published: 10 Jun 2013
  • views: 9827's_PRISM_spying_on_Americans_NOW!

Turbulence in Turkey: Massive protest sweeps Istanbul's Taksim Sq for 2nd day
Turbulence in Turkey: Massive protest sweeps Istanbul's Taksim Sq for 2nd day
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:12
  • Updated: 07 Jul 2013
Despite the authorities decision to allow thousands to flood onto the square, the main subway gateway to Taksim, the central station in the city's metro netw...
  • published: 01 Jun 2013
  • views: 164142
  • author: RussiaToday's_Taksim_Sq_for_2nd_day

New Palestinian government sworn in
New Palestinian government sworn in
  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:40
  • Updated: 07 Jun 2013
New Palestinian Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah and his West Bank-based government have been sworn in. As prime minister, Hamdallah is expected to focus on the domestic agenda, particularly the Palestinian economy. He will have two deputies, Zeyad Abu Amr, and Mohammed Mustafa. Hamdallah was named by President Mahmoud Abbas to replace Salam Fayyad, who quit in April but remained in his post while a successor was sought. Most members of Fayyad's cabinet remained in office.
  • published: 07 Jun 2013
  • views: 33

Vladimir and Lyudmila Putin announce divorce on TV
Vladimir and Lyudmila Putin announce divorce on TV
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:20
  • Updated: 06 Jun 2013
Russian President Vladimir Putin and his wife, Lyudmila, announced Thursday on nationwide television that their marriage is over, ending years of media speculation about the couple's relationship. "Yes, you could say this is a civilized divorce," Lyudmila said in response to a journalist's question, following the Putins' joint outing to a ballet performance -- the first time they had been seen in public since the president's inauguration in May 2012. Both Putins said the reason for their split was the president's work, which consumes most of his time and requires a very public lifestyle. "All my activity, all [my] work is connected to being in the public eye," the president said. "Some people like this, some don't, but there are people who are completely incompatible with this," he said, adding that Lyudmila had borne the burden of being a first lady for nine years. "This really was our mutual decision," Lyudmila added. "I really do dislike life in the public eye and air travel is very difficult for me. And we hardly see each other." In the interview, which was broadcast on state television and clearly did not catch the couple off guard, both were amicable, smiled often and referred to each other with the polite Russian form of address, using both names and patronymics. The Putins pointed out that their two daughters are grown up, but that the family remains close. "We all have very good relations, and I'm very grateful to Vladimir Vladimirovich for still being supportive of me, and the children," Lyudmila said. "He takes very good care of the children, and the children always feel this." "Lyudmila Alexandrovna and I will always remain very close, I'm sure of it, forever," said the president. The announcement put an end to years of speculation about the strength of the Putins' marriage, fueled by the first lady's increasingly rare appearances in public over the past five years. Presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov said no official divorce had been drawn up yet, and he did not know when it would be, but he attached little importance to the formality. The Putins have been married for just under 30 years.
  • published: 06 Jun 2013
  • views: 6739

North Korea offers talks to South to reopen Kaesong
North Korea offers talks to South to reopen Kaesong
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:29
  • Updated: 09 Jun 2013
  • published: 09 Jun 2013
  • views: 11

Greek bailout explained by rubber duckies and a pirate ship
Greek bailout explained by rubber duckies and a pirate ship
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:37
  • Updated: 09 Feb 2012
Wondering why Greece's debt crisis is rocking the global economy? Reuters Finance Blogger Felix Salmon explains with a kiddie pool, pirate ship and yes, rubber duckies! Papandreou, Merkel and Lagarde star as ducks in Felix's theatrical production.
  • published: 09 Feb 2012
  • views: 22253

Syria conflict  US condemns siege of Qusair 3
Syria conflict US condemns siege of Qusair 3
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:36
  • Updated: 06 Jun 2013
The BBC's Jim Muir: "People are being kept weeks and weeks just to register with the UN." Correspondents say the battle for Qusair has highlighted Hezbollah's growing role in the Syrian conflict - a development that has heightened sectarian tensions in the wider region. Late on Wednesday Lebanese media said that several rockets had landed in the Hezbollah stronghold of Baalbek inside Lebanon. Earlier this week, the leader of the main umbrella of rebel forces said his men were ready to fight inside Lebanon. Sarin 'used' In Paris, Mr Hollande told reporters: "We have the elements which now allow us to give certainty over the use of chemical weapons in Syria - at what level we still do not know. "What has happened in Syria must be one more piece of pressure that can be put on the Syrian regime and its allies." His comments followed those of French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius, who revealed on Tuesday that samples taken from locations of alleged chemical weapon attacks in Syria, including Saraqeb and Jobar, and brought to France had tested positive for the nerve agent, sarin. Mr Fabius said he had "no doubt" that sarin had been used by "the Syrian regime and its accomplices", but did not specify instances of its use. The US says more proof is needed. The Syrian government has repeatedly denied using chemical weapons, and has in turn accused the rebels of doing so, an allegation that they have also rejected.
  • published: 06 Jun 2013
  • views: 52

Syrian Army Declares Victory in the Battle of Al Qusayr | Syria War 5.06.2013
Syrian Army Declares Victory in the Battle of Al Qusayr | Syria War 5.06.2013
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:51
  • Updated: 06 Jun 2013
More Videos of Syria on My Channel! Like us on FB: Follow Us on Twitter: These videos are not for Shock, nor for entertainment. its to show the documents behind the syrian war which is going on for 2 years without any attention from outside. The Syrian civil war is an ongoing armed conflict in Syria between forces loyal to the Syrian and outside foreigners paid by zionist intellegence, a system build to weaker the arab army, esspecialy those who are a threat to the pro-american diplomacy, in other words ''those who do not bow down to them''.2013 Syrian Army Declares Victory in the Battle of Al Qusayr | Syria War 5.06.2013
  • published: 06 Jun 2013
  • views: 3389|_Syria_War_5062013

Fears grow for record flood levels in central Europe
Fears grow for record flood levels in central Europe
  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:59
  • Updated: 05 Jun 2013
Severe flooding in central Europe is continuing to cause havoc with the high water expected to reach... euronews, the most watched news channel in Europe Subscribe for your daily dose of international news, curated and explained: Euronews is available in 13 other languages: Severe flooding in central Europe is continuing to cause havoc with the high water expected to reach record levels. A dozen people have already died since the weekend. In the German city of Dresden the authorities are warning the river Elbe could reach nine metres - that is seven above what is normal for this time of year. Huge parts of the city are already flooded, hundreds have been evacuated and schools closed. Elsewhere in flood-affected regions, soldiers and residents have been reinforcing soaked dikes with sandbags to keep them from breaking. In the Czech Republic, numerous Prague suburbs have been under water but levels there appear to be receding. Austria, Slovakia and Poland are just a few of the countries which have also been coping with the floods. Hungary has declared a state of emergency, with the river Danube expected to peak at Budapest on Thursday. Find us on: Youtube Facebook Twitter
  • published: 05 Jun 2013
  • views: 1352

Hochwasser Deutschland 04.06.2013 - Germany Flood Katastrophe - Passau - Würzburg usw - Evakuierung
Hochwasser Deutschland 04.06.2013 - Germany Flood Katastrophe - Passau - Würzburg usw - Evakuierung
  • Order:
  • Duration: 10:45
  • Updated: 04 Jun 2013
Hochwasser in Deutschland Juni 2013 Passau, Würzburg usw... Hochwasser Deutschland 04.06.2013 - Germany Flood Katastrophe - Passau - Würzburg usw - Evakuierung Hochwasser Deutschland 04.06.2013 - Germany Flood Katastrophe - Passau - Würzburg usw - Evakuierung Hochwasser - passau - deutschland - katastrophe - tote - menschen ohne strom - flood - würzburg - unwetter - regen - luftaufnahmen - dammbruch - june 2013 - main hochwasser - dokumentation - nachrichten - dokus
  • published: 04 Jun 2013
  • views: 8411ürzburg_usw__Evakuierung

18+ Brave Syria Rebels Defend Qusair from Hezbollah and Assad Regime Invaders 5-19-13 Homs
18+ Brave Syria Rebels Defend Qusair from Hezbollah and Assad Regime Invaders 5-19-13 Homs
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:40
  • Updated: 20 May 2013
18+ 18+ Warning - Not for Shock - Contains Graphic Images - For Adults Only Brave Syria Rebels Defend Qusair from Hezbollah and Assad Regime Invaders 5-19-13 لواء القصير التصدي لمحاولة اقتحام كلاب حزب اللات
  • published: 20 May 2013
  • views: 4333

Turbulence in Turkey: Massive protest sweeps Istanbul's Taksim Sq for 2nd day
Turbulence in Turkey: Massive protest sweeps Istanbul's Taksim Sq for 2nd day
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:12
  • Updated: 07 Jul 2013
Despite the authorities decision to allow thousands to flood onto the square, the main subway gateway to Taksim, the central station in the city's metro netw...
  • published: 01 Jun 2013
  • views: 164142
  • author: RussiaToday's_Taksim_Sq_for_2nd_day

Several feared dead after car bomb hits Hezbollah area of Beirut
Several feared dead after car bomb hits Hezbollah area of Beirut
  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:31
  • Updated: 09 Jul 2013
A car bomb has exploded in Beirut's southern suburbs, a stronghold for the Lebanese Shi'ite Hezbollah militant group that has been fighting in Syria's civil war.
  • published: 09 Jul 2013
  • views: 4

Incredible footage of the largest protest in mankinds history!!, Long Live Egypt!
Incredible footage of the largest protest in mankinds history!!, Long Live Egypt!
  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:18
  • Updated: 02 Jul 2013
  • published: 02 Jul 2013
  • views: 91603!!,_Long_Live_Egypt!

French President Nicolas Sarkozy speaks during a joint news conference with President Barack Obama in the East Room of the White House in Washington Tuesday, March 30, 2010 Inter Milan Argentine defender Javier Zanetti reacts at the end of a Serie A soccer match between Inter Milan and AC Milan, at the San Siro stadium in Milan, Italy, Sunday, May 6, 2012. EU/USA Summit - bilateral meeting between Barack Obama, President of the United States, on the left, and José Manuel Barroso, President of the EC Drinker - Filipino Woman - Alcohol - Liquor

FILE - This Jan. 8, 2009 file photo shows Ohio's Attorney General Richard Cordray during his swearing-in ceremony in Columbus, Ohio. Cordray will argue before the U.S. Supreme Court Tuesday, Oct. 13, 2009, to re-instate the death penalty for convicted murderer Frank Spisak. Andy Murray of Britain poses with the trophy after defeating Novak Djokovic of Serbia during the Men's singles final match at the All England Lawn Tennis Championships in Wimbledon, London, Sunday, July 7, 2013. United States Senate candidate Rand Paul and United States Senator Mitch McConnell at the 130th annual Fancy Farm picnic in Fancy Farm, Kentucky. A women is seen smoking cigarette. Smoking can cause premature birth and effect pregnancy.

FILE - In this Sept. 10, 2012 file photo, Cambodian opposition leader Sam Rainsy, who is currently living in exile in France, talks about the opposition's plans for next year's elections in Cambodia during the launching of the International Parliamentary Committee for Democratic Elections in Cambodia with Philippine Sen. Franklin Drilon in San Juan, east of Manila, Philippines. Cambodia's charismatic self-exiled opposition leader vowed to return to Cambodia ahead of this month's general election to help challenge the 28-year rule of Prime Minister Hun Sen. The Cambodian government said Rainsy is welcome home but could face arrest if he returns. Rajasthan Royal Player Owais Shah in action during  the IPL  Cricket Match against Kolkata Knight Rider at Eden Garden in Kolkata on Friday 03 May 2013 Facebook - Social Networking Site A bike rider on a  flooded roads during a heavy rain

Liberal Party leader Tony Abbott arrives to address a crowd of supporters in Sydney, Sunday, Aug. 22, 2010, following a national election. Britain's Andy Murray celebrates during his third round match against Lithuania's Ricardas Berankis at the Australian Open tennis championship in Melbourne, Australia Jay-Z Mango is a super fruit with vitamin A and C which helps in eye problem and also heart and cancer diseases - healthy food

Al Jazeera
We all know that the British Labour Party is led by highly educated, highly intelligent people, which is why it would be surprising if they rejecetd a well-established truth like...
Huffington Post
Although the end of the first half of the year now behind us, the volatility in the financial markets in recent weeks warrants an immediate comment. I continue to believe that, now...
Huffington Post
For the first time since 2005, most Americans think well of George W. Bush. As the Associated Press reports, the once widely-mocked commander in chief seems to be emerging as a...

A national flag waves on the barbed wire as army soldiers guard at the Republican Guard building in Nasr City, Cairo, Egypt, Tuesday, July 9, 2013.
Senior officials in Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood have rejected a timetable for new elections laid out by interim president Adly Mansour. Leading Brotherhood figure Essam al-Erian says the plan for constitutional changes and a vote next year...
photo: AP / Khalil Hamra
The cruise ship Costa Concordia leans on its side, after it ran aground off the tiny Tuscan island of Giglio, Italy, Sunday, Jan. 15, 2012.
The trial of Francesco Schettino, the captain of the shipwrecked Costa Concordia cruise liner, is set to begin. He faces several charges, including multiple manslaughter, for the January 2012 crash that killed 32 people. Captain Francesco Schettino...
photo: AP / Gregorio Borgia
Secretary-General Addresses Assembly on 2013 UN Challenges and Priorities Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon briefs the General Assembly on what the UN and Member States have achieved together over the past year and “where concerted action today can yield great gains tomorrow.” Among the challenges he cited were the situations in Syria, Mali and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, as well as progress on sustainable development and achievement of the Millennium Development Goals.
U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon is calling on Syrian forces and rebels opposed to President Bashar al-Assad to halt their fighting during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, which begins Tuesday. Mr. Ban says he is not looking for a negotiated...
photo: UN / Rick Bajornas
This Tuesday, May 14, 2013 citizen journalism image provided by Aleppo Media Center AMC which has been authenticated based on its contents and other AP reporting, shows the mother of a Syrian rebel cleaning a rifle, in Aleppo, Syria.
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon appealed on Monday for forces loyal to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and rebel fighters in Syria to put down their weapons during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. In a statement, Ban...
photo: AP / Aleppo Media Center AMC
 Musharraf May Remain as Pakistan´s Military Chief
Pakistan's fallen former military dictator Pervez Musharraf has been ordered to face court in Islamabad on Tuesday, his...
photo: WN
Trader Steve Grasso, left, and specialist Robert Tuccillo confer on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange Thursday, Feb. 25, 2010
COMPANY EARNINGS: Cautious optimism about corporate earnings sent the stock market higher on Monday. U.S. companies start reporting their second-quarter results this week. RUSSELL RECORD: The Russell 2000, an index of small companies closed at a...
photo: AP / Richard Drew
Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff and Foreign Minister Antonio Patriota greet United States President Barack Obama and his family on their arrival at the Pálacio do Alvorada in Brasilia on 19 March 2011.
Tweet Brasilia, July 8 (IANS) Brazil has asked the US to explain espionage conducted against Brazilian citizens and institutions as part of its global surveillance programme, a minister said. "The Brazilian government asked, through Brazil's...
photo: Public Domain / Pete Souza