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Below are pages to help you select subjects to learn about.
ListsMore topic lists. Some are lists of lists.
Two of the broadest list collections are:
Alphabetical indexes
Featured contentFeatured content is the best Wikipedia has to offer, via vigorous peer review. Presented by type:
News about WikipediaThe Signpost, a community-written and community-edited newspaper, covering stories, events and reports related to Wikipedia, its sister projects, and the Wikimedia Foundation. Spoken articlesGrowing collections of Wikipedia articles are available as spoken word recordings. Wikipedia booksWikipedia books are collections of Wikipedia articles that can be viewed, downloaded, or printed into a book. They provide a roadmap for a course of study in a particular subject.
PortalsA portal introduces the reader to a subject by presenting images, categories and excerpts of key articles. Portals also guide editing by providing to-do lists. Categorical indexesWikipedia's category system is generated from category tags at the bottom of articles and other pages. The top-level pages are:
Wikipedia's other broad categorical indexes are:
GlossariesGlossaries are lists of terms with definitions. Most popular articles