IMDb Spotlight: Top-Rated Animated Sequels

IMDb Spotlight: Top-Rated Animated Sequels IMDb Spotlight: Top-Rated Animated Sequels

In celebration of this weekend's release of Despicable Me 2, we've compiled a list of the Top 10 animated sequels based on IMDb user ratings.

Where did your favorite land on the list? Click through to see how your votes and the votes of your fellow users have ranked animated sequels.


Moviegoers went gaga for Universal’s yellow minions this weekend, with “Despicable Me 2” grossing a boffo $142 million in five days, condemning Disney’s masked vigilante in “The Lone Ranger” to sidekick status as the film disappointed with $48.9 million through Sunday. Globally, “Despicable Me 2,” See more »


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Moviegoers went gaga for Universal’s yellow minions this weekend, with “Despicable Me 2” grossing a boffo $142 million in five days, condemning Disney’s masked vigilante in “The Lone Ranger” to sidekick status as the film disappointed with $48.9 million through Sunday. Globally, “Despicable Me 2,” See more »


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The record breaking success of "Despicable Me 2" over the Fourth of July holiday weekend is just the latest sign that sequels are the hottest thing in animation today. But is that a good thing or a bad thing for audiences? Once upon a time, Disney ruled the animated kingdom See more »


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