George Monbiot

Latest Articles

Ghost Psyche
We are haunted by psychological equipment which was invaluable in the hunter-gatherer past, but is now vestigial. Read more – ‘Ghost Psyche’.
Robber Barons
Why do we ignore the most blatant transfer of money from the poor to the rich? Read more – ‘Robber Barons’.
A Serengeti on Our Doorsteps
Is it really possible? Yes, I think it is. Read more – ‘A Serengeti on Our Doorsteps’.
The Wrong State
The police spy scandal shows that mass surveillance will be used against us. Read more – ‘The Wrong State’.
Pistols at Dawn
A three-year, £100 bet on solar power has matured. Who won? Read more – ‘Pistols at Dawn’.
Who do Bono and the ONE campaign really represent: the very poor or the very rich? Read more – ‘Elevation’.
Corporate Carve-Up
Under the pretext of preventing hunger, the rich nations are engineering a new scramble for Africa. Read more – ‘Corporate Carve-Up’.
Agricultural Hegemony
Why do farmers’ groups indulge in such ridiculous scaremongering about the restoration of the natural world? Read more – ‘Agricultural Hegemony’.
Rewilding Made Simple
A brilliant and beautiful animation. Read more – ‘Rewilding Made Simple’.
Innocent Until Proved Dead
If assassinating suspects makes sense overseas, why not at home? Read more – ‘Innocent Until Proved Dead’.
The Healing
How a community might recover from a horror that defies imagination. Read more – ‘The Healing’.
Raucous Summer
Our Newsnight film about rewilding. Read more – ‘Raucous Summer’.
How Britain has been shagged by the white plague. Read more – ‘Sheepwrecked’.
Surprised by Joy
Robert MacFarlane interviews George Monbiot about rewilding. Read more – ‘Surprised by Joy’.
A Manifesto for Rewilding the World
A mass restoration of ecosystems offers us hope where there was little hope before. Read more – ‘A Manifesto for Rewilding the World’.
Searching for enchantment on the frontiers of rewilding Read more – ‘Feral’.
What’s Missing from this Picture?
Somehow almost all of us have missed the real story behind the disappearance of our wildlife. Read more – ‘What’s Missing from this Picture?’.
The Never-Spotted Leopard
Are repeated sightings of non-existent big cats evidence of a yearning for a wilder life? Read more – ‘The Never-Spotted Leopard’.
La Nouvelle Trahison des Clercs
When scholars sell out, the consequences are grave. Read more – ‘La Nouvelle Trahison des Clercs’.
Via Dolorosa
Corruption and short-termism are pushing us along the path of sorrows. Read more – ‘Via Dolorosa’.
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