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  • Egypt's interim president gives a speech...4:09
  • Top judge sworn in as Egypt interim president...2:41
  • Doctors deny 'vegetative state' of Nelson Mandela...1:07
  • English News Today - Will France grant Snowden political asylum?...2:36
  • Military coup underway in Egypt, tanks deployed in Cairo...5:07
  • Coup in Egypt, Mohammed Morsi Overthrown!...6:42
  • Bolivia outraged after President Evo Morales' plane diverted...0:41
  • 'US economic espionage on EU, trying to destroy jobs in Germany'...4:22
  • Forum@8, 5 July 2013...14:03
  • Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi Forced Out of Power...7:45
  • WikiLeaks Attorney Praises Ecuador For Considering Snowden Asylum Request Despite U.S. Pressure...16:50
  • Afghanistan after the NATO withdrawal: equality fears as ex-Taliban officer gains human rights post...1:25
  • The last days of Pope John Paul II - The untold stories (Cnn)...1:28:12
add video playlist Adly Mansour has been sworn in as interim President of Egypt. He replaces Mohamed Morsi who was removed from power by the army, after mass protests against his rule.
Adly Mansour has been sworn in as interim President of Egypt.
He replaces Mohamed Morsi who was removed from power by the army, after mass protests against his rule.
Egypt's in­ter­im pres­i­dent gives a speech
Top judge Adly Mansour has been sworn in as Egypt interim president, hours after Mohamed Morsi was overthrown in a military coup following huge protests against his one-year rule.

Mansour took the oath of interim president on Thursday, as his democratically elected predecessor, Mohamed Morsi, was held in an unspecified military barracks along with senior aides.
Before the constitutional court, Mansour said: \
Top judge sworn in as Egypt in­ter­im pres­i­dent
Doctors treating former South African president Nelson Mandela  have denied rumours that he is in a...

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Doctors treating former South African president Nelson Mandela  have denied rumours that he is in a \
Doc­tors deny 'veg­e­ta­tive state' of Nel­son Man­dela
English News Today
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As embassies across the EU check for American eavesdropping equipment, French President Francois Hollande has been the most vocal European critic of the recently revealed US spy program.

The consequences are becoming apparent, as France has called for a \
En­glish News Today - Will France grant Snow­den po­lit­i­cal asy­lum?
Some parts of the Egyptian army have reportedly been put on high alert status - as the military\'s ultimatum for President Morsi to resolve the violent crisis has now passed. Fresh clashes between government supporters and anti-Islamist protesters erupted earlier outside Cairo University after at least 18 people were said to have been killed there overnight. RT\'s correspondents Bel Trew and Paula Slier are in the Egyptian capital right now. READ MORE:


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RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 1 billion YouTube views benchmark.
Mil­i­tary coup un­der­way in Egypt, tanks de­ployed in Cairo
July 04, 2013 CNN
"I Can Not Be­lieve Some Coun­tries Are Faith­ful Ser­vants Of Amer­i­can Im­pe­ri­al­ism" Pres Morales
Coup in Egypt, Mo­hammed Morsi Over­thrown!
Bolivia outraged after President Evo Morales\' plane diverted. The president of Bolivia, Evo Morales, has indicated that there is no criminal to inspect their aircraft and reminded European countries that \
Bo­livia out­raged after Pres­i­dent Evo Morales' plane di­vert­ed
The NSA spy scandal continues to grow, fuelled by some fresh exposures from Edward Snowden. Revelations of European Union offices being the target of U.S. snooping has set alarm bells ringing across the board, with EU leaders demanding an explanation from Washington. RT is joined by Dr. Udo Ulfkotte, intelligence expert and geopolitical analyst.


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RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 1 billion YouTube views benchmark.
'US eco­nom­ic es­pi­onage on EU, try­ing to de­stroy jobs in Ger­many'
The grandson of Former president Nelson Mandela,  Mandla Mandela has lashed out at members of the Mandela family who succeeded in an application to the Eastern Cape High Court in Mthatha, to unearth the remains of three of former president Nelson Mandela\'s children, including Mandla\'s father  who were buried in Mvezo.  The graves were those of Mandela\'s eldest son Madiba Thembekile, who died in a car accident in 1969; Mandla Mandela\'s father Makgatho Mandela, who died in 2005; and Mandela\'s first daughter Makaziwe Mandela, who died as an infant in 1948. A group of Mandela family members approached the court to have the bodies exhumed and moved back to the family graveyard in Qunu. A furious Mandla Mandela addressed the media yesterday.

Forum@​8, 5 July 2013
Military is now in control of Egypt, citizens rejoice; but what\'s next for America\'s critical ally?
Egyp­tian Pres­i­dent Mo­hamed Morsi Forced Out of Power
7:45 - The whistleblowing website WikiLeaks is reportedly playing a central role in helping National Security Agency whistleblower Edward Snowden leave Hong Kong and apply for political asylum in Ecuador. A Wikileaks activist named Sarah Harrison reportedly accompanied Snowden on his flight from Hong Kong to Moscow. In an interview with the New York Times, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, who was granted political asylum by Ecuador last year, said: \
Wik­iLeaks At­tor­ney Prais­es Ecuador For Con­sid­er­ing Snow­den Asy­lum Re­quest De­spite U.S. Pres­sure
The Taliban aren\'t often associated with human rights and civil liberties -- yet Afghan President Hamid Karzai has sprung a surprise by naming a former propaganda officer of the Islamist militant group as one of his five human rights commissioners.
Afghanistan after the NATO with­draw­al: equal­i­ty fears as ex-Tal­iban of­fi­cer gains human rights post
Visit the official website of the Beatification of John Paul II - - ©riproduzione riservata
The last days of Pope John Paul II - The un­told sto­ries (Cnn)

July 4,2013
- New President Sworn in
July 3, 2013
- Pres Obama Demands reinstatement
- Withdraw official personnel fromEgypt
- President Morsi Overthrown
- Constitution Suspended
- Army General In Charge
- Travel Ban on Ex President & Muslim Brotherhood Leaders
- Election Soon

To The Honest Enquirer, PRAY the following prayer or one similar:
Apoc­a­lyp­tic! EGYPT MIL­I­TARY! COUP! /14 Mil­lion March Largest Ever; NEW PRE­SEI­DENT ... 7.4.13

updated 04 Jul 2013; published 04 Jul 2013
Egypt's in­ter­im pres­i­dent gives a speech
Richmond Times Dispatch 05 Jul 2013, CAIRO A senior judge was sworn in as Egypt’s interim president Thursday to replace ousted President Mohammed Morsi as the military launched a major crackdown against the Muslim Brotherhood. Reeling from what it called a military coup against democracy, the Islamist group said it would not work with the new political system. The sweep against the...
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updated 04 Jul 2013; published 04 Jul 2013
Top judge sworn in as Egypt in­ter­im pres­i­dent
Bloomberg 05 Jul 2013, The Egyptian authorities moved to arrest Muslim Brotherhood leaders as a military-appointed interim president was sworn in with the challenge of healing a polarized nation following the ouster of Mohamed Mursi. The Brotherhood’s senior leader, or general guide, Mohammed Badie, was taken into custody July 2, the day before Mursi was removed from...
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updated 05 Jul 2013; published 05 Jul 2013
Doc­tors deny 'veg­e­ta­tive state' of Nel­son Man­dela
London Evening Standard 05 Jul 2013, The former president's health is "perilous", according to documents filed in the court case that resulted in the remains of his three dead children being reburied on Thursday in their original graves. "The anticipation of his impending death is based on real and substantial grounds," the court filing said. Mr Mandela, 94, who...
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updated 05 Jul 2013; published 05 Jul 2013
En­glish News Today - Will France grant Snow­den po­lit­i­cal asy­lum?
South China Morning Post 05 Jul 2013, A leading French newspaper says France’s intelligence services have put in place a giant electronic information gathering network. Citing no sources, the Le Monde daily says France’s Direction Generale de la Securite Exterieure, the country’s foreign intelligence agency, systematically collects information about all electronic data...
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updated 03 Jul 2013; published 03 Jul 2013
Mil­i­tary coup un­der­way in Egypt, tanks de­ployed in Cairo
Middle East Online 04 Jul 2013, PARIS - Western powers called for restraint and a swift return to democracy in Egypt after the army on Wednesday toppled Islamist president Mohamed Morsi, detaining him and his top aides. The military said it had responded to mass demonstrations calling on Morsi to go, but the West expressed unease that Egypt's first democratically elected leader...
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updated 04 Jul 2013; published 04 Jul 2013
"I Can Not Be­lieve Some Coun­tries Are Faith­ful Ser­vants Of Amer­i­can Im­pe­ri­al­ism" Pres Morales 04 Jul 2013, Article by Correspondent Dallas Darling In proposing a toast to a group of dignitaries, Stephen Decatur, a United States naval officer who led raids against the Barbary Coast corsairs in North Africa, said, "Our country! In her intercourse with foreign nations, may she be always in the right..." He then declared: "...but our country, right...
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updated 04 Jul 2013; published 03 Jul 2013
Coup in Egypt, Mo­hammed Morsi Over­thrown!
Fox News 04 Jul 2013, By Samer Al-AtrushPublished July 03, 2013AFP An Egyptian family celebrates in Cairo on July 3, 2013. Egypt's army ousted and detained Islamist president Mohamed Morsi on Wednesday after a week of deadly clashes and mass protests calling for him to go after a year in office.AFP Graphic with photos explaining the role of Egypt's army in the country's...
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updated 03 Jul 2013; published 03 Jul 2013
Bo­livia out­raged after Pres­i­dent Evo Morales' plane di­vert­ed
New Straits/Business Times 04 Jul 2013, BUENOS AIRES: Latin American leaders slammed European governments on Wednesday for diverting Bolivian President Evo Morales’ plane on rumors it was carrying a wanted former US spy agency contractor, and announced an emergency summit in a new diplomatic twist to the Edward Snowden saga. Bolivia said Morales was returning from Moscow on...
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updated 30 Jun 2013; published 30 Jun 2013
'US eco­nom­ic es­pi­onage on EU, try­ing to de­stroy jobs in Ger­many'
Huffington Post 04 Jul 2013, Days after an explosive Der Spiegel report alleged that the United States' spying efforts extended into Europe, high-level talks with Germany will happen in the coming days. The White House released a readout of a Wednesday phone call between President Barack Obama and German Chancellor Angela Merkel, where the pair agreed to bring security...
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updated 05 Jul 2013; published 05 Jul 2013
Forum@​8, 5 July 2013
US News 03 Jul 2013, Comment () Tweet JOHANNESBURG (AP) — A South African court says that Nelson Mandela's grandson must return the bodies of the former president's three deceased children to their original burial site. The court Wednesday ruled against grandson Mandla Mandela, who moved the bodies of three Mandela children in 2011 from Mandela's hometown in Qunu...
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updated 04 Jul 2013; published 04 Jul 2013
Egyp­tian Pres­i­dent Mo­hamed Morsi Forced Out of Power
The Guardian 03 Jul 2013, Egypt's president, Mohamed Morsi, vowed to protect his presidency with his life on Tuesday night, hours before an ultimatum from the leader of Egypt's armed forces is due to expire. In a defiant late-night speech, Morsi raised the stakes in the standoff between the Muslim Brotherhood and the Egyptian military – the two most powerful groups in the...
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updated 24 Jun 2013; published 24 Jun 2013
Wik­iLeaks At­tor­ney Prais­es Ecuador For Con­sid­er­ing Snow­den Asy­lum Re­quest De­spite U.S. Pres­sure
Canberra Times 03 Jul 2013, Click to play video Return to video Video settings Please Log in to update your video settings Video will begin in 5 seconds. Don't play Play now More video Recommended Click to play video $63 million to man with caved-in skull Click to play video Woman survives fall onto subway tracks Click to play video Snowden hits hurdles in search for asylum...
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updated 05 Jul 2013; published 05 Jul 2013
Afghanistan after the NATO with­draw­al: equal­i­ty fears as ex-Tal­iban of­fi­cer gains human rights post
South China Morning Post 03 Jul 2013, Pakistan could end the Afghan war “in weeks” if it were serious about peace, and is complicit in US drone strikes despite its denunciations of the anti-militant campaign, Afghanistan’s army chief says. In a BBC interview broadcast on Wednesday, General Sher...
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updated 22 Jan 2012; published 22 Jan 2012
The last days of Pope John Paul II - The un­told sto­ries (Cnn)
The Washington Times 02 Jul 2013, Facebook Follow @washtimes Should NSA leaker Edward Snowden be granted asylum in Russia? Login to Vote View results VATICAN CITY (AP) — Pope John Paul II has cleared the final obstacle before being made a saint, awaiting just the final approval from Pope Francis and a date for the ceremony that could come as soon as Dec. 8, a Vatican official...
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Interim president sworn in amid Egypt crackdown
Full Article Richmond Times Dispatch
05 Jul 2013

CAIRO A senior judge was sworn in as Egypt’s interim president Thursday to replace ousted President Mohammed Morsi as the military launched a major crackdown against the Muslim Brotherhood. Reeling from what it called a military coup against democracy, the Islamist group said it would not work with the new political system. The sweep against the...
Supporters of ousted Egypt's Islamist President Mohammed Morsi chant slogans during a rally, in Nasser City, Cairo, Egypt, Thursday, July 4, 2013.
photo: AP / Hassan Ammar

Egypt Interim Leader Sworn In as Islamists Targeted
Full Article Bloomberg
05 Jul 2013

The Egyptian authorities moved to arrest Muslim Brotherhood leaders as a military-appointed interim president was sworn in with the challenge of healing a polarized nation following the ouster of Mohamed Mursi. The Brotherhood’s senior leader, or general guide, Mohammed Badie, was taken into custody July 2, the day before Mursi was removed from... Mansour Coup
Adly Mansour
photo: AP / Amr Nabil

Mandela facing 'impending death'
Full Article London Evening Standard
05 Jul 2013

The former president's health is "perilous", according to documents filed in the court case that resulted in the remains of his three dead children being reburied on Thursday in their original graves. "The anticipation of his impending death is based on real and substantial grounds," the court filing said. Mr Mandela, 94, who... Mandela
In a statement released by the Presidency Thursday, South African President Jacob Zuma said: "I cancelled my visit to Mozambique today so that I can see him (Mandela) and confer with the doctors.
photo: AP / Jerome Delay

France 'operates massive spy network' like Prism
Full Article South China Morning Post
05 Jul 2013

A leading French newspaper says France’s intelligence services have put in place a giant electronic information gathering network. Citing no sources, the Le Monde daily says France’s Direction Generale de la Securite Exterieure, the country’s foreign intelligence agency, systematically collects information about all electronic data...
 KLps1 - May 07 - Cellular - Cell Phone - Mobile Phone - Technology - Talking - Calling.(ps1)
photo: WN/Patricia

West calls for swift return to democracy in Egypt
Full Article Middle East Online
04 Jul 2013

PARIS - Western powers called for restraint and a swift return to democracy in Egypt after the army on Wednesday toppled Islamist president Mohamed Morsi, detaining him and his top aides. The military said it had responded to mass demonstrations calling on Morsi to go, but the West expressed unease that Egypt's first democratically elected leader...
An Egyptian opposition protester holds a chair and knife during a clash between supporters and opponents of President Mohammed Morsi in downtown Damietta, Egypt, Wednesday, July 3, 2013.
photo: AP / Hamada Elrasam

A Short-Lived Independence Thanks to Nationalism
Full Article
04 Jul 2013

Article by Correspondent Dallas Darling In proposing a toast to a group of dignitaries, Stephen Decatur, a United States naval officer who led raids against the Barbary Coast corsairs in North Africa, said, "Our country! In her intercourse with foreign nations, may she be always in the right..." He then declared: "...but our country, right...
File - President Barack Obama talks with former President George W. Bush prior to the dedication of the George W. Bush Presidential Library and Museum on the campus of Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas, April 25, 2013.
photo: White House / Pete Souza

Egypt army ousts, detains, president Morsi
Full Article Fox News
04 Jul 2013

By Samer Al-AtrushPublished July 03, 2013AFP An Egyptian family celebrates in Cairo on July 3, 2013. Egypt's army ousted and detained Islamist president Mohamed Morsi on Wednesday after a week of deadly clashes and mass protests calling for him to go after a year in office.AFP Graphic with photos explaining the role of Egypt's army in the country's...
Opponents of Egypt's Islamist leader Mohammed Morsi celebrate outside the presidential palace in Cairo, Egypt, Wednesday, July 3, 2013.
photo: AP / Hassan Ammar

Latin America fumes over Bolivia incident in Snowden saga
Full Article New Straits/Business Times
04 Jul 2013

BUENOS AIRES: Latin American leaders slammed European governments on Wednesday for diverting Bolivian President Evo Morales’ plane on rumors it was carrying a wanted former US spy agency contractor, and announced an emergency summit in a new diplomatic twist to the Edward Snowden saga. Bolivia said Morales was returning from Moscow on... Snowden America
An Aymara indigenous man burns representations of France's national flag outside the French embassy during a protest over France's alleged refusal to let the Bolivian president's plane cross over French airspace, in La Paz, Bolivia, Wednesday, July 3, 2013.
photo: AP / Juan Karita

Obama, Merkel Agree To Talks On NSA Surveillance Allegations
Full Article Huffington Post
04 Jul 2013

Days after an explosive Der Spiegel report alleged that the United States' spying efforts extended into Europe, high-level talks with Germany will happen in the coming days. The White House released a readout of a Wednesday phone call between President Barack Obama and German Chancellor Angela Merkel, where the pair agreed to bring security... Obama Scandal
Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., left, waves to the media as he greets with German Chancellor Angela Merkel in Berlin, Thursday, July 24, 200
photo: AP / Jae C. Hong

Court orders return of Mandela children's bodies
Full Article US News
03 Jul 2013

Comment () Tweet JOHANNESBURG (AP) — A South African court says that Nelson Mandela's grandson must return the bodies of the former president's three deceased children to their original burial site. The court Wednesday ruled against grandson Mandla Mandela, who moved the bodies of three Mandela children in 2011 from Mandela's hometown in Qunu... Mandela Africa
File: In this Thursday, Dec. 27, 2012 photo, former President Nelson Mandela's grandson, Mandla Mandela, waits for an interview with the Associated Press at Mandela's birthplace, Mvezo, in the Eastern Cape province.
photo: AP / Sihle Maku

Egypt: President Morsi defiant as army deadline runs out
Full Article The Guardian
03 Jul 2013

Egypt's president, Mohamed Morsi, vowed to protect his presidency with his life on Tuesday night, hours before an ultimatum from the leader of Egypt's armed forces is due to expire. In a defiant late-night speech, Morsi raised the stakes in the standoff between the Muslim Brotherhood and the Egyptian military – the two most powerful groups in the...
Opponents of Egypt's Islamist President Mohammed Morsi shout slogans as they carry a symbolic coffin of Morsi during a protest in Tahrir Square in Cairo, Egypt, Wednesday, July 3, 2013.
photo: AP / Amr Nabil

Bolivians bitter as Snowden stand-off triggers 'hostile act'
Full Article Canberra Times
03 Jul 2013

Click to play video Return to video Video settings Please Log in to update your video settings Video will begin in 5 seconds. Don't play Play now More video Recommended Click to play video $63 million to man with caved-in skull Click to play video Woman survives fall onto subway tracks Click to play video Snowden hits hurdles in search for asylum... spying
Supporters of Bolivia's President Evo Morales shout slogans and wave Bolivian flags with a sign that reads in Spanish "Bolivia dignified and sovereign" as they protest outside France's embassy in La Paz, Bolivia, Tuesday, July 2, 2013.
photo: AP / Juan Karita

Kabul army general says Pakistan could end Afghan war ‘in weeks’
Full Article South China Morning Post
03 Jul 2013

Pakistan could end the Afghan war “in weeks” if it were serious about peace, and is complicit in US drone strikes despite its denunciations of the anti-militant campaign, Afghanistan’s army chief says. In a BBC interview broadcast on Wednesday, General Sher...
File - A U.S. Special Forces sergeant assigned to the Combined Joint Special Operations Task Force – Afghanistan issues guidance to a squad of soldiers assigned to the 1st Kandak, 209th Afghan National Army Corps, preparing to battle with Taliban fighters in the Sangin District area of Helmand Province April 14, 2007.
photo: US Army / Spc. Keith D. Henning

Vatican panel clears Pope John Paul II for sainthood
Full Article The Washington Times
02 Jul 2013

Facebook Follow @washtimes Should NSA leaker Edward Snowden be granted asylum in Russia? Login to Vote View results VATICAN CITY (AP) — Pope John Paul II has cleared the final obstacle before being made a saint, awaiting just the final approval from Pope Francis and a date for the ceremony that could come as soon as Dec. 8, a Vatican official...
In this Oct. 22, 1978 file photo Pope John Paul II blesses the faithful in St. Peter's Square from a Vatican City balcony right after he was named Pontiff.
photo: AP

Anderson Silva An Underdog? Pros Pick Chris Weidman To Win UFC 162
Full Article The Inquisitr
05 Jul 2013

Anderson Silva may be the greatest MMA fighter of all time but that doesn’t mean that he’s the clear favorite to win UFC 162. Several professional fighters are picking against Silva in favor of his opponent Chris Weidman. Chael Sonnen said: “I think Anderson is an excellent fighter, an awesome fighter, but he’s just not winning...
Anderson Silva, of Brazil, top, punches Nate Marquardt in a middleweight title fight at the Ultimate Fighting Championship UFC
photo: AP / Jeff Chiu

Scott Boras: Sports Super-Agent Isn’t Sweating Jay-Z Just Yet
Full Article The Inquisitr
05 Jul 2013

Scott Boras may have some competition for the title of greatest sports agent in the world, but he’s not worried about Jay-Z just yet. The rapper, who is planning a big move into the world of sports representation with his new agency Roc Nation, called out Boras on his new album, Magna Carta Holy Grail. On the album, Jay-Z brags about stealing...
Scott Boras
photo: Creative Commons / UCinternational

Kirsten Flipkens Falls To Marion Bartoli In Wimbledon Semi-Finals
Full Article The Inquisitr
05 Jul 2013

Kirsten Flipkens helped Marion Bartoli advance to her second Wimbledon final on Thursday after falling in straight 6-1, 6-2 sets. Bartoli, the leagues 15th-seeded player started both matches 3-0 and used her momentum to complete the match in just 62 minutes. Flipkens, currently ranked 20th, was playing in her first...
Day 8 of the Sony Open Kirsten Flipkens (BEL) vs Ajla Tomljanovic (CRO) at Crandon Park Tennis Center Key Biscayne, Florida - March 25, 2013
photo: WN / Aaron Gilbert

Nicolas Anelka Wants To Retire In England
Full Article The Inquisitr
05 Jul 2013

Striker Nicolas Anelka has signed a one-year deal with Web Brom and when he’s finished with the club he wants to retire in England. The one year deal marks the sixth Premiere League club for Anelka. On Friday the 34-year-old striker said: “I think...
Juventus' Nicolas Anelka during their training session at Celtic Park, Glasgow, Scotland, Monday Feb. 11, 2013. Juventus will play Celtic in a Champions League soccer match on Tuesday.
photo: AP / Scott Heppell

Match-fixing is widespread: Chappell
Full Article The Times of India
05 Jul 2013

LONDON: Convinced that match-fixing is much more widespread than what is already in public domain, former Australian captain Ian Chappell says he uses his commentary to drop subtle hints of wrongdoing whenever he suspects anything fishy during a match. Chappell, who captained an Australia team described as one of the best in history, said he had...
Former Indian Captain Sunil Gavaskar, left, Chairman of Ceat Limited Harsh Goenka, center, and former Australian captain Ian Chappell pose with the Ceat International cricket rating award trophies at a press conference to announce the winners of the awards in Bombay, India, Wednesday, Oct. 29, 2003. Australian captain Ricky Ponting was declared Ceat International Cricketer of the year 2002-2003.
photo: AP / Rajesh Nirgude

Usain Bolt Faces Challenge From Tyson Gay But Won’t Make It Personal
Full Article The Inquisitr
05 Jul 2013

Usain Bolt, the 26-year-old Olympics champion from Jamaica who is widely regarded as the world’s fastest man, can expect a renewed challenge from Tyson Gay. The 30-year-old American from Kentucky is the fastest American and the second-fastest athlete of all time from anywhere. Dogged by injuries for many years, Tyson...
Jamaica's Usain Bolt celebrates winning the gold medal after the men's 200-meter final during the athletics in the Olympic Stadium at the 2012 Summer Olympics, London, Thursday, Aug. 9, 2012.
photo: AP / Lee Jin-man

Japanese stocks rise
Full Article Independent online (SA)
05 Jul 2013

Tokyo - Japanese shares jumped Friday as market sentiment was buoyed by gains in other Asian bourses and the yen's fall against the dollar. The benchmark...
A man walks past an electronic stock indicator in Tokyo, Japan, Monday, Dec. 1, 2008.
photo: AP / Shizuo Kambayashi

Ashes 2013: Kevin Pietersen has X-factor - Damien Martyn
Full Article BBC News
05 Jul 2013

Former Australia batsman Damien Martyn says Kevin Pietersen is the player the tourists fear most in the Ashes series. England batsman Pietersen, 33, hit a century on his return to action from injury for Surrey last month. Martyn, who played 67 Tests from 1992-2006, said: "Pietersen's got that X-factor. He hasn't played much cricket...
England's Kevin Pietersen reaches his 100 during the second day of the first Test Match against India at Lord's cricket ground, London, Friday July 22, 2011.
photo: AP / Tom Hevezi

Touring and poor technique 'damaging singers' voices'
Full Article BBC News
05 Jul 2013

Many singers are damaging their voices because of busy touring schedules and poor vocal technique. Ali Tennant, who works on The Voice, says unless singers take care of their voices, the damage can be irreparable. It's after the likes of Justin Young from The Vaccines and Nathan Sykes from The Wanted damaged their vocal cords singing....
Pitbull performs on the Music Plaza Stage during Mardi Gras at Universal Studios Orlando, Florida - 2/26/2011
photo: WN / Aaron Gilbert

Justin Bieber’s ‘Heartbreaker’ Will Happen Suddenly: The Album Hype, However, Continues
Full Article The Inquisitr
05 Jul 2013

Exactly a month ago Justin Bieber announced his new single “Heartbreaker” was “coming soon.” More has been revealed between then and now. But the immediate news on the single is: “It’s gonna happen suddenly.” That was the caption to Bieber’s Independence Day Instagram and it’s pretty...
Justin Bieber performs during the 'Believe Tour' at the Amway Center Orlando, Florida - January 25, 2013
photo: WN / Aaron Gilbert

Daft Punk to release official action figures
Full Article Digital Spy
04 Jul 2013

Daft Punk have announced plans to release their own official action figures. The toys are a collaboration between the electronic duo and toymakers Bandai and Japan's SH Figuarts. © Bandai/SH Figuarts Daft Punk action figures A description for the product states they are "crafted with meticulous attention to detail - [the] helmet area employs a...
Daft Punk
photo: Creative Commons / Fabio Venni

Coldplay's Chris Martin: "I've never been good with girls"
Full Article Digital Spy
04 Jul 2013

Chris Martin has admitted that he had trouble getting women to date him when he was younger. The Coldplay frontman, who went on to marry Hollywood actress Gwyneth Paltrow, joked that he isn't as handsome as actor Jude Law. © Rex Features Chris Martin "I've never been good with girls," Metro quotes Martin as saying. "I'm not naturally handsome...
Chris Martin
photo: AP /

'Magna Carta Holy Grail': Timbaland Reveals Album Details In New Clip (VIDEO)
Full Article Huffington Post
04 Jul 2013

As the world anticipates the release of Jay-Z’s 12th solo album, “Magna Carta Holy Grail” on July 4, one of Hov’s frequent collaborators, Timbaland, has shared a bit of insight on the project. During an exclusive interview with Diddy’s RevoltTV, the multi-platinum hit-maker opened up on the elusive... Carta Holy Grail
 ag2 Timbaland performs at the Y100 Jingle Ball Concert at the Bank Atlantic Center, 12/15/07
photo: WN / Aruna Gilbert

Amber Rose and Wiz Khalifa Have Applied For A Marriage License
Full Article The Inquisitr
04 Jul 2013

Amber Rose and Wiz Khalifa have applied for a marriage license. According to several reports the happy couple headed off this week to the Los Angeles courthouses license kiosk to apply for their right to be wed. In L.A. couples have 90 days to get married...
Wiz Khalifa, left, and Amber Rose arrive at the MTV Video Music Awards on Sunday Aug. 28, 2011, in Los Angeles.
photo: AP / Chris Pizzello

Justin Timberlake's Naked 'Tunnel Vision' Music Video Banned From YouTube (WATCH)
Full Article Entertainment Wise
04 Jul 2013

Justin Timberlake wasn't lying when he said he wanted to 'bring sexy back' as the music video for his new single 'Tunnel Vision' has been banned from YouTube due to the explicit content which sees a variety of women writhe around naked. The 'Mirrors' hitmaker will be releasing the track as the third single... Timberlake Vision
Justin Timberlake close June07
photo: Creative Commons / Caroline Bonarde Ucci

Miley Cyrus: 'Lil Kim is who I am on the inside'
Full Article Digital Spy
04 Jul 2013

Miley Cyrus has revealed that she feels like she was Lil Kim in a "past life". The 'We Can't Stop' singer made the comments while talking about her five favourite female singers in an interview with Billboard. © WENN Miley Cyrus at the iHeartRadio Ultimate Pool Party Naming Lil Kim in the number three spot, Cyrus said: "In my past life, I feel... Kim Cyrus
Pop singer Miley Cyrus performing in São Paulo, Brazil as part of her Gypsy Heart Tour in 2011.
photo: Creative Commons / Julia Stavale

Tata Tea Gold is the official Cause Partner for the International Indian Film Academy Awards (IIFA) 2013. (TATA Group - TATA Sons Ltd)
Full Article noodls
05 Jul 2013

(Source: TATA Group - TATA Sons Ltd) Tata Tea Gold is the official Cause Partner for the International Indian Film Academy Awards (IIFA) 2013. Tata Tea Gold is the official 'Cause Partner' of the 14th IIFA Awards to be held in Macau from July 4th - 6th. Over the years, IIFA has profiled and celebrated Indian cinema beyond Indian shores. In...
 Tata Tea, India’s second-largest tea maker - india - hires - am1
photo: WN / aruna1

Call me a flirt, but don't tag me: Ranveer Singh
Full Article The Times of India
05 Jul 2013

Ranveer Singh has his ways to impress - he is smart, witty, charming and has a natural flair for acting. The young Bollywood actor, who is often called a flirt, says he doesn't mind this, but he admits he has a problem with tags. "I'm just generous with my compliments. I tend to see the beauty in everyone. I don't hold back in expressing my...
Bollywood Actress Sonakshi Sinha and Ranveer Singh during the promotion of film � LOOTERA � in Kolkata on Saturday, 22 June 2013
photo: WN / Bhaskar Mallick

My films are doing well without skin show: Sonakshi Sinha
Full Article The Times of India
05 Jul 2013

Sonakshi Sinha, who is busy receiving praises for her look in Vikramaditya Motwane's Lootera claims that she doesn't need to wear short clothes and directors too don't...
Bollywood Actress Sonakshi Sinha and Ranveer Singh during the promotion of film � LOOTERA � in Kolkata on Saturday, 22 June 2013
photo: WN / Bhaskar Mallick

It's tough to dance with Prabhudeva: Sridevi
Full Article Deccan Chronicle
05 Jul 2013

Sridevi, who will dance with Prabhudeva at IIFA stage tomorrow, admits it is a challenge to match steps with the ace choreographer. Sridevi, 49, arrived with...
Press Conference and promotional campaign for the movie promotion of the upcoming Bollywood film “Ramaiya Vastavaiya” directed by Prabhudeva. starring Girish Kumar, Shruti Haasan, Randhir Kapoor, Poonam Dhillon, Satish Shah and othersat Kolkata on June 28, 2013.
photo: WN / Bhaskar Mallick

Kaley Cuoco Buys Coffee For Two After Confirming Romance With Man Of Steel Hunk Henry Cavill (PHOTOS)
Full Article Entertainment Wise
04 Jul 2013

Kaley Cuoco ventured out for a coffee run in Los Angeles earlier today, 24-hours after confirming her romance with British hunk Henry Cavill. The 27-year-old actress strolled hand in hand with Man of Steel star...
The Big Bang Theory - Panel
photo: Creative Commons / Thibault

Channing Tatum: I Get Naked as Soon as I Get Home
Full Article E! Online
04 Jul 2013

Can Channing Tatum be any more perfect? The answer is yes. As evidenced by his latest Q&A with Elle magazine appropriately titled "In Bed With Channing Tatum," in which the sexy star dishes on his childhood crush, his love for wife Jenna Dewan-Tatum and his affinity for stripping down naked the second he gets home. Safe to say Jenna's one lucky...
Channing Tatum speaking at the 2012 WonderCon in Anaheim, California.
photo: Creative Commons / Gage Skidmore

EW interview with Christian Bale confirms he will not play Batman again (Video)
Full Article The Examiner
04 Jul 2013

Christian Bale said this in regards to a possible fourth Batman" movie with Christopher Nolan: “We were incredibly fortunate to get to make three Batman films. That’s enough. Let’s not get greedy." Entertainment Weekly also asked Bale about any knowledge of a Justice League" movie, ”I have no information, no knowledge about anything. I've literally...
 Christian Bale
photo: AP /

Rachel Bilson / wam2
photo: WN /

Enraged Sarkozy re-emerges after party expenses rejection
Full Article Fox News
05 Jul 2013

By Michael MainvillePublished July 05, 2013AFP France???s then-president Nicolas Sarkozy waits to take part in a TV show in Paris on April 10, 2012. Sarkozy made a dramatic return to the French political scene on Friday, slamming a decision to deny his right-wing UMP party millions of euros in campaign reimbursements and issuing a call to arms to...
Former French President Nicolas Sarkozy, waves hallo as he arrives to a League One soccer match Paris Saint Germain against Sochaux at Parc des Princes stadium in Paris, Saturday, Sept. 29, 2012.
photo: AP / Michel Euler

Kim Dotcom Launches Android App For Mega, Promises iOS, Windows Sync Solutions
Full Article The Inquisitr
05 Jul 2013

Kim Dotcom’s Mega platform has received new support via an official Google Android app. Along with the company’s first official Android offering Dotcom also says iOS and Windows sync clients are “in the final stages of development.” At this time Kim...
FILE - In this Feb. 22, 2012 file photo, Kim Dotcom, the founder of the file-sharing website Megaupload, comments after he was granted bail and released in Auckland, New Zealand. In a move bound to provoke U.S. prosecutors and entertainment executives, indicted Megaupload founder Kim Dotcom is planning to offer a new online music service and a replacement of his shuttered website by year’s end.
photo: AP / New Zealand Herald, Brett Phibbs

Obama's coal-emissions program to cost Ohio jobs
Full Article Business Journal
05 Jul 2013

Staff Dayton Business Journal The Obama administration is revamping an $8 billion program to help companies reduce carbon dioxide emissions, a measure coal-industry executives say will cost jobs in coal-reliant states such as Ohio and Kentucky, according to Columbus Business First. The federal loan-guarantee program, part of the broader climate...
President Barack Obama returns to the White House in Washington after attending a memorial for the coal miners who died in an explosion in West Virginia, Sunday, April 25, 2010.
photo: AP / J. Scott Applewhite

Delhi first state to grant OBC status to Jats community: Sheila
Full Article Newstrack India
05 Jul 2013

Tweet Delhi Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit has stated that Delhi was the first state in the country to grant OBC status to Jats community in the Capital city, hence, enabling them to avail...
The Minister of State for Environment and Forests (Independent Charge), Shri Jairam Ramesh releasing the Climate Change Agenda of Delhi 2009-2012, in New Delhi on November 05, 2009. 	The Chief Minister of Delhi, Smt. Sheila Dikshit is also seen.
photo: PIB of India

Vanderbilt University Medical Center slashes jobs
Full Article Business Journal
05 Jul 2013

Eric Snyder Managing Editor- Nashville Business Journal Email | LinkedIn | Google+ An unspecified number of jobs have been cut at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, The Tennessean reports. A Vanderbilt spokesperson declined to say how many employees were let go, though sources told The Tennessean the cuts were believed to...
Vanderbilt University
photo: Public Domain

Hollande shuns fight with protected jobs as EU pressure builds
Full Article The Guardian
05 Jul 2013

By Nicholas Vinocur and Leigh Thomas PARIS (Reuters) - It looks like a bread line in Soviet Russia, but the queue snaking away from Paris's Opera Garnier house on a Saturday night is full of tourists waiting for a different sort of scarce commodity: a taxi to bring them home. Frustration with Paris's taxi shortage - the city has fewer now than it...
French President Francois Hollande, left, gestures as he welcomes Latvian Prime Minister Valdis Dombrovskis, right, prior to a meeting at the Elysee Palace, in Paris, Friday, April 19, 2013.
photo: AP / Thibault Camus

Obama plan moves in right direction on climate change
Full Article Detroit news
05 Jul 2013

Michael W. Murray Comments President Obama's climate change plan has been met with fanfare by environmentalists and skepticism by the business community. (Charles Dharapak/AP) Climate change is potentially the biggest environmental challenge facing this country and the world, and President Barack Obama has now acted forcefully in releasing on June...
Clouds in the sky - climate change - environment
photo: WN / Aruna Mirasdar

Why Western wildfires are expected to worsen
Full Article Business Journal
05 Jul 2013

Staff Phoenix Business Journal A growing number of experts are warning that large, deadly wildfires in the Western United States are expected to grow in frequency and ferocity. Earthweek reports on climate research from a University of Arizona professor that explains the growing danger. Get the full story here. Read More at Earthweek Related links:...
Wildfire effects on Pinus nigra. 13 years after th ildfire of the year 1998 the trunks still are black. Castelltallat, Catalonia
photo: Public Domain / Victor M. Vicente Selvas

Egypt's interim president gives a speech
Egypt's interim president gives a speech
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:09
  • Updated: 04 Jul 2013
Adly Mansour has been sworn in as interim President of Egypt. He replaces Mohamed Morsi who was removed from power by the army, after mass protests against his rule.
  • published: 04 Jul 2013
  • views: 6841's_interim_president_gives_a_speech

Top judge sworn in as Egypt interim president
Top judge sworn in as Egypt interim president
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:41
  • Updated: 04 Jul 2013
Top judge Adly Mansour has been sworn in as Egypt interim president, hours after Mohamed Morsi was overthrown in a military coup following huge protests against his one-year rule. Mansour took the oath of interim president on Thursday, as his democratically elected predecessor, Mohamed Morsi, was held in an unspecified military barracks along with senior aides. Before the constitutional court, Mansour said: "I swear by God to uphold the Republican system and respect the constitution and law... and safeguard the people and protect the nation."
  • published: 04 Jul 2013
  • views: 5651

Doctors deny 'vegetative state' of Nelson Mandela
Doctors deny 'vegetative state' of Nelson Mandela
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:07
  • Updated: 05 Jul 2013
Doctors treating former South African president Nelson Mandela have denied rumours that he is in a... euronews, the most watched news channel in Europe Subscribe for your daily dose of international news, curated and explained: Euronews is available in 13 other languages: Doctors treating former South African president Nelson Mandela have denied rumours that he is in a "permanent vegetative state". Visitors including President Zuma and a close friend of the ailing 94-year-old both said he continued to be critical but stable. His wife Graca Machel has spoken publicly for the first time about her husband's health: "These days, now we are about 25 days we have been in hospital, although Madiba sometimes may be uncomfortable, very few times he is in pain. But he is fine. I think the best gift which he has given this nation again is the gift of unity." Find us on: Youtube Facebook Twitter
  • published: 05 Jul 2013
  • views: 7'vegetative_state'_of_Nelson_Mandela

English News Today - Will France grant Snowden political asylum?
English News Today - Will France grant Snowden political asylum?
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:36
  • Updated: 05 Jul 2013 English News Today Plz Subscrib for Latest News As embassies across the EU check for American eavesdropping equipment, French President Francois Hollande has been the most vocal European critic of the recently revealed US spy program. The consequences are becoming apparent, as France has called for a "temporary suspension" of free trade talks between Brussels and Washington. The French public has been appalled by the enormous scope of the illegal US espionage effort, in which a "normal" day included taking an inventory of 2 million French phone calls, as well as spying on the French embassies in the US and at the United Nations. Follow our Facebook on: Follow our Twitter on: Follow our Tumblr on:
  • published: 05 Jul 2013
  • views: 0

Military coup underway in Egypt, tanks deployed in Cairo
Military coup underway in Egypt, tanks deployed in Cairo
  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:07
  • Updated: 03 Jul 2013
Some parts of the Egyptian army have reportedly been put on high alert status - as the military's ultimatum for President Morsi to resolve the violent crisis has now passed. Fresh clashes between government supporters and anti-Islamist protesters erupted earlier outside Cairo University after at least 18 people were said to have been killed there overnight. RT's correspondents Bel Trew and Paula Slier are in the Egyptian capital right now. READ MORE: RT LIVE Subscribe to RT! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Google+ RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 1 billion YouTube views benchmark.
  • published: 03 Jul 2013
  • views: 36663,_tanks_deployed_in_Cairo

"I Can Not Believe Some Countries Are Faithful Servants Of American Imperialism" Pres Morales
  • Order:
  • Duration: 8:47
  • Updated: 04 Jul 2013
July 04, 2013 CNN
  • published: 04 Jul 2013
  • views: 1482

Coup in Egypt, Mohammed Morsi Overthrown!
Coup in Egypt, Mohammed Morsi Overthrown!
  • Order:
  • Duration: 6:42
  • Updated: 04 Jul 2013
"Egypt's military on Wednesday ousted Mohamed Morsi, the nation's first freely elected president, suspending the Constitution, installing an interim governme...,_Mohammed_Morsi_Overthrown!

Bolivia outraged after President Evo Morales' plane diverted
Bolivia outraged after President Evo Morales' plane diverted
  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:41
  • Updated: 03 Jul 2013
Bolivia outraged after President Evo Morales' plane diverted. The president of Bolivia, Evo Morales, has indicated that there is no criminal to inspect their aircraft and reminded European countries that "we are in times of colony.
  • published: 03 Jul 2013
  • views: 33'_plane_diverted

'US economic espionage on EU, trying to destroy jobs in Germany'
'US economic espionage on EU, trying to destroy jobs in Germany'
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:22
  • Updated: 30 Jun 2013
The NSA spy scandal continues to grow, fuelled by some fresh exposures from Edward Snowden. Revelations of European Union offices being the target of U.S. snooping has set alarm bells ringing across the board, with EU leaders demanding an explanation from Washington. RT is joined by Dr. Udo Ulfkotte, intelligence expert and geopolitical analyst. RT LIVE Subscribe to RT! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Google+ RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 1 billion YouTube views benchmark.
  • published: 30 Jun 2013
  • views: 14980'US_economic_espionage_on_EU,_trying_to_destroy_jobs_in_Germany'

Forum@8, 5 July 2013
Forum@8, 5 July 2013
  • Order:
  • Duration: 14:03
  • Updated: 05 Jul 2013
The grandson of Former president Nelson Mandela, Mandla Mandela has lashed out at members of the Mandela family who succeeded in an application to the Eastern Cape High Court in Mthatha, to unearth the remains of three of former president Nelson Mandela's children, including Mandla's father who were buried in Mvezo. The graves were those of Mandela's eldest son Madiba Thembekile, who died in a car accident in 1969; Mandla Mandela's father Makgatho Mandela, who died in 2005; and Mandela's first daughter Makaziwe Mandela, who died as an infant in 1948. A group of Mandela family members approached the court to have the bodies exhumed and moved back to the family graveyard in Qunu. A furious Mandla Mandela addressed the media yesterday. "Could there be a clash between cultural practices and modern society?" Guests: Chief Thanduxolo Mtirara, (Acting Chairman of the AbaThembu Royal House) Nkosi Patekile Holomisa, (President of The Congress of Traditional Leaders of South Africa - CONTRALESA)
  • published: 05 Jul 2013
  • views: 1,_5_July_2013

Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi Forced Out of Power
Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi Forced Out of Power
  • Order:
  • Duration: 7:45
  • Updated: 04 Jul 2013
Military is now in control of Egypt, citizens rejoice; but what's next for America's critical ally?
  • published: 04 Jul 2013
  • views: 4210

WikiLeaks Attorney Praises Ecuador For Considering Snowden Asylum Request Despite U.S. Pressure
WikiLeaks Attorney Praises Ecuador For Considering Snowden Asylum Request Despite U.S. Pressure
  • Order:
  • Duration: 16:50
  • Updated: 24 Jun 2013 - The whistleblowing website WikiLeaks is reportedly playing a central role in helping National Security Agency whistleblower Edward Snowden leave Hong Kong and apply for political asylum in Ecuador. A Wikileaks activist named Sarah Harrison reportedly accompanied Snowden on his flight from Hong Kong to Moscow. In an interview with the New York Times, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, who was granted political asylum by Ecuador last year, said: "Mr. Snowden requested our expertise and assistance. We've been involved in very similar legal and diplomatic and geopolitical struggles to preserve the organization and its ability to publish." Michael Ratner, an attorney for Julian Assange and WikiLeaks, praises Ecuador, for standing up to the United States. "They're trying to bully other countries, not only by pulling his passport away so that he can't travel, but by saying, 'Send him back to us. Don't take him in, there'll be consequences,'" Ratner says. "But none of those are legal. They're all just a big country beating up on small countries, and to the extent -- or other countries that they just want to intimidate, whether it's China or Russia or whatever. But the real point here is, that some countries are willing to stand up to the United States right now. Ecuador seems to be one of them." Watch all Democracy Now! reports on Edward Snowden and NSA surveillance at Democracy Now!, is an independent global news hour that airs weekdays on 1,100+ TV and radio stations Monday through Friday. FOLLOW DEMOCRACY NOW! ONLINE: Facebook: Twitter: @democracynow Subscribe on YouTube: Listen on SoundCloud: Daily Email News Digest: Please consider supporting independent media by making a donation to Democracy Now! today, visit
  • published: 24 Jun 2013
  • views: 3211

Afghanistan after the NATO withdrawal: equality fears as ex-Taliban officer gains human rights post
Afghanistan after the NATO withdrawal: equality fears as ex-Taliban officer gains human rights post
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:25
  • Updated: 05 Jul 2013
The Taliban aren't often associated with human rights and civil liberties -- yet Afghan President Hamid Karzai has sprung a surprise by naming a former propaganda officer of the Islamist militant group as one of his five human rights commissioners.
  • published: 05 Jul 2013
  • views: 5

The last days of Pope John Paul II - The untold stories (Cnn)
The last days of Pope John Paul II - The untold stories (Cnn)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 88:12
  • Updated: 22 Jan 2012
Visit the official website of the Beatification of John Paul II - - ©riproduzione riservata
  • published: 22 Jan 2012
  • views: 182265

Apocalyptic! EGYPT MILITARY! COUP! /14 Million March Largest Ever; NEW PRESEIDENT ... 7.4.13
Apocalyptic! EGYPT MILITARY! COUP! /14 Million March Largest Ever; NEW PRESEIDENT ... 7.4.13
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:10
  • Updated: 03 Jul 2013 - - SUBSCRIBE FOR PREDICTIONS THAT MAY AFFECT YOU - - July 4,2013 - New President Sworn in July 3, 2013 - Pres Obama Demands reinstatement - Withdraw official personnel fromEgypt - President Morsi Overthrown - Constitution Suspended - Army General In Charge - Travel Ban on Ex President & Muslim Brotherhood Leaders - Election Soon HOW TO BE SAVED: To The Honest Enquirer, PRAY the following prayer or one similar: "LORD JESUS, I BELIEVE THAT YOU DIED ON THE CROSS FOR MY SINS. YOU WERE BURIED AND RESURRECTED. I ASK YOUR FORGIVENESS OF ALL MY SINS AND I MAKE A DECISION TO FOLLOW YOUR WORD" BELIEVE that you are forgiven. If you do, you are saved (Born Again). Visit a Bible Church and ask to be BAPTIZED
  • published: 03 Jul 2013
  • views: 3185!_EGYPT_MILITARY!_COUP!_/14_Million_March_Largest_Ever;_NEW_PRESEIDENT__7413

Interior of departures at Vnukovo. Operators like to stress the fact that, due to its location 28 kilometers (17 mi) southwest from the center of Moscow, the flying time for Western airlines is 10 to 20 minutes shorter than to the other Moscow airports, Sheremetyevo and Domodedovo Eric Bledsoe  Wizards v/s Clippers 03/12/11 France's President Francois Hollande delivers a speech on the situation in Mali at the Elysee Palace in Paris, Friday, Jan. 11, 2013. White Rocks on Little Sluice Mountain in George Washington National Forest.

President Barack Obama talks about health care reform as he announces his nominee for Surgeon General, Dr. Regina Benjamin, not pictured, in the Rose Garden of the White House in Washington, Monday, July 13, 2009 President Barack Obama speaks in the East Room in Washington, Thursday, July 1, 2010, where he welcomed Women's Professional Soccer champions Sky Blue FC. Japan's main opposition Liberal Democratic Party leader Shinzo Abe answers a reporter's question at the party headquarters in Tokyo, Sunday night, Dec. 16, 2012. The conservative LDP stormed back to power in parliamentary elections Sunday after three years in opposition, exit polls showed, signaling a rightward shift in the government that could further heighten tensions with rival China. Obamas greet visitors in White House, Poland

File - Students and demonstrators, one holding flowers, protest against the increased cost of public transport in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.  CONCACAF General Secretary Chuck Blazer (left), President of US Soccer Dr Robert Contiguglia, OC President Franz Beckenbauer and OC Vice President Wolfgang Niersbach, during the 29th leg of the Welcome Tour on 23 February 2006, in New York´s Gotham Jay-Z Mango is a super fruit with vitamin A and C which helps in eye problem and also heart and cancer diseases - healthy food

The New York Times
1. EGYPT'S INTERIM PRESIDENT SWORN IN Connect With Us on Twitter Follow @NYTNational for breaking news and headlines. Twitter List: Reporters and Editors A top judge replaces...
A coup is a coup is a coup. But the big surprise in the Egyptian mess is that it took so long to come to this, because the road from the Arab Spring to the ouster of the Morsi...
Article by Correspondent Dallas Darling President James Garfield was shot by a deranged assassin. During the Civil War, Garfield had shown tremendous courage at the battles...

Afghans carry the body of a suicide attack victim at the hospital in Maymana, Faryab province north west of Kabul, Afghanistan, Friday, Oct. 26, 2012.
KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) — Authorities say a suicide bomber sneaked into a police dining hall in central Afghanistan at lunchtime and blew himself up, killing 12 other people. Uruzgan provincial government spokesman Abdullah Himmat says authorities...
photo: AP / Talash Suroosh
This citizen journalism image provided by Qusair Lens which has been authenticated based on its contents and other AP reporting, shows Syrian rebels preparing to repel a coordinated attack by government forces, in Qusair, Homs province, Syria, Sunday, May 19, 2013.
BEIRUT (AP) — Syria's main opposition bloc is urging the international community to take action to protect civilians in the cities of Homs and Daraa, targeted by the military. The Syrian National Coalition is appealing to the United Nations and...
photo: AP / Qusair Lens
Men carry a concrete block in an attempt to make a barricade during a protest against the new civil service law that will require government employees to undergo work evaluations, in Lima, Peru, Thursday, July 4, 2013.
5 July 2013 Last updated at 07:47 BST Police and protesters have clashed in the Peruvian capital Lima at demonstrations against a new law for workers in the public sector. The law introduces annual performance assessments for civil servants and...
photo: AP / Rodrigo Abd
Supporters of Egypt's Islamist President Mohammed Morsi chant slogans during a rally, in Nasser City, Cairo, Egypt, Thursday, July 4, 2013.
SARAH EL DEEB Associated Press= CAIRO (AP) — Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood called for a wave of protests Friday, furious over the military's ouster of its president and arrest of its revered leader and other top figures, underlining the touchy issue...
photo: AP
President Barack Obama walks to board his helicopter as he leaves the White House en route to Guadalajara, Mexico, for meetings with Prime Minister Harper of Canada and President Calderon of Mexico, in Washington, Sunday, Aug. 9, 2009
WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama and his national security team have tread delicately in the aftermath of the ouster of Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi, urging the restive nation to quickly return authority to a democratically elected...
photo: AP / J. Scott Applewhite
In this image taken from video, South African President Jacob Zuma, centre left, sits with the ailing anti-apartheid icon Nelson Madela, centre right, is filmed Monday April 29, 2013, with unidentified members of his family and his medical team as they pose together more than three weeks after Mandela was released from hospital. Mandela was treated in hospital for a recurring lung infection.
Johannesburg: The South African government has dismissed media reports that said anti-apartheid icon Nelson Mandela was in a permanent vegetative state with a life support machine keeping him alive in hospital. "The Presidency has noted media reports...
photo: AP / SABC TV
Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro, left, Ecuador's President Rafael Correa, right, and Bolivia's President Evo Morales acknowledge supporters during a welcome ceremony for presidents attending an extraordinary meeting in Cochabamba, Bolivia, Thursday , July 4, 2013.
Anger at US and EU from Bolivia's left-leaning South American allies at meeting to discuss rerouting of Morales' plane Left to right: Bolivia's vice-president, Alvaro Garcia Linera; presidents Nicolas Maduro (Venezuela); Evo Morales (Bolivia); and...
photo: AP / Juan Karita