- published: 04 Oct 2023
- views: 17355064
The swamp eels (also written "swamp-eels") are a family (Synbranchidae) of freshwater eel-like fishes of the tropics and subtropics. Most species are able to breath air and typically live in marshes, ponds and damp places, sometimes burying themselves in the mud if the water source dries up. They have various adaptations to suit this lifestyle; they are long and slender, they lack pectoral and pelvic fins, and their dorsal and anal fins are vestigial. They lack scales and a swimbladder, and their gills open on the throat in a slit or pore. Oxygen can be absorbed through the lining of the mouth and pharynx, which is rich in blood vessels and acts as a "lung".
Although adult swamp eels have virtually no fins, the larvae have large pectoral fins which they use to fan water over their bodies, thus ensuring gas exchange before their adult breathing apparatus develops. When about a fortnight old they shed these fins and assume the adult form. Most species of swamp eel are hermaphrodite, starting life as females and later changing to males, though some individuals start life as males and do not change sex.
A swamp is a wetland that is forested. Many swamps occur along large rivers where they are critically dependent upon natural water level fluctuations. Other swamps occur on the shores of large lakes. Some swamps have hammocks, or dry-land protrusions, covered by aquatic vegetation, or vegetation that tolerates periodic inundation. The two main types of swamp are "true" or swamp forests and "transitional" or shrub swamps. In the boreal regions of Canada, the word swamp is colloquially used for what is more correctly termed a bog or muskeg. The water of a swamp may be fresh water, brackish water or seawater. Some of the world's largest swamps are found along major rivers such as the Amazon, the Mississippi, and the Congo.
Swamps are characterized by slow-moving to stagnant waters. They are usually associated with adjacent rivers or lakes. Swamps are features of areas with very low topographic relief.
Swamp is the debut and only album from English songwriter and producer Phil Thornalley.
The album was released to commercial failure, where Swamp failed to make an appearance on the American Billboard 200 Albums Chart. A total of two singles were released from the album. "Love Me Like a Rock" was released in 1988 whilst "Listen" was released in 1989, and like the album were both commercially unsuccessful.
The album's title was named after Thornalley's own private studio Swamp Studios, located in Northwest London.
Largely a songwriter and producer for a wide range of musical artists, Thornalley branched into his own solo material once, aside from a stand-alone single "So This is Love" from 1983.
In Thornalley's biography on his official website, he mentions the Swamp album, stating "At the studio I would stay 'after hours' to record my own songs and was signed to MCA in the USA and made my flop solo album Swamp. By this time, my childhood friend Mike Nocito had started the group Johnny Hates Jazz and invited me to join for their second album called Tall Stories. I realized that my passion was for writing songs; not performing them."
Swamp is a comic strip created by Australian Gary Clark. It was first published in 1981 in the Sunshine Coast Daily. According to Clark, the inspiration and model for this strip was the creeks and lagoons in a bushy suburban Brisbane where he grew up in the 1960s. He describes the strip as a "down-to-earth look at a bewildered society thriving in an ever-increasing complex world."
The popular characters in the comic strip are : Ding Duck, Wart & Mort Frog, Old Man Croc, Bob the Crayfish, The Dung Beetles, Air Traffic Controller, The Ants, The Bludgerigar. Ding Duck and the Air Traffic Controller are popular worldwide in aviation circles. Wart & Mort Frog are popular with organisations and websites that promote water quality and sustainability and a clean, green environment.
Under license to AKASHI HIFUKU KOGYO Co. Ltd, the Swamp characters appear on upscale casual and sportswear especially golf sportswear in Japan and South Korea.
It is syndicated to newspapers throughout Australia, New Zealand and Europe and translated into seven languages.
An eel is any fish belonging to the order Anguilliformes (/æŋˌɡwɪlᵻˈfɔːrmiːz/), which consists of four suborders, 20 families, 111 genera and about 800 species. Most eels are predators. The term "eel" (originally referring to the European eel) is also used for some other similarly shaped fish, such as electric eels and spiny eels, but these are not members of the Anguilliformes order.
Eels are elongated fish, ranging in length from 5 cm (2.0 in) in the one-jawed eel (Monognathus ahlstromi) to 4 m (13 ft) in the slender giant moray. Adults range in weight from 30 g (1.1 oz) to well over 25 kg (55 lb). They possess no pelvic fins, and many species also lack pectoral fins. The dorsal and anal fins are fused with the caudal fin, forming a single ribbon running along much of the length of the animal. Eels swim by generating body waves which travel the length of their bodies. They can swim backwards by reversing the direction of the wave.
Most eels live in the shallow waters of the ocean and burrow into sand, mud, or amongst rocks. A majority of eel species are nocturnal, thus are rarely seen. Sometimes, they are seen living together in holes, or "eel pits". Some species of eels also live in deeper water on the continental shelves and over the slopes deep as 4,000 m (13,000 ft). Only members of the Anguilla regularly inhabit fresh water, but they, too, return to the sea to breed.
An eel is a fish in the order of Anguilliformes.
Eel or eels may also refer to:
The Cobra Troopers are the basic Cobra foot soldiers who serve as the backbone of the Cobra Organization. They are generally depicted as legions of uniformed soldiers, nearly all of them masked to appear anonymous, and widely diversified according to specialties and functions.
The Cobra Troopers were introduced in 1982, with the code name "The Enemy". These are the original "blueshirt" infantry soldiers equipped with conventional military gear (as opposed to the more hi-tech accouterments of the later Vipers). They were prominently featured on both the cartoon and comic series, and depicted as unintelligent and slightly cowardly.
Later, Cobra troopers consisted of communications troops, computer specialists, security, and soldiers. Some of the more prominent include:
The Cobra Eels are the underwater demolition specialists of the Cobra legions. They undergo a rigorous two-part training program, first in the shark and pirate infested waters of the Caribbean, and then in the frigid depths of the North Atlantic. Their training regimen includes marine engineering, explosive ordnance, underwater fighting techniques, and marine geology. Eels are responsible for manning and operating Cobra marine outposts disguised as off-shore drilling rigs, and for augmenting the crews of large Cobra naval vessels.
Join now at: https://yourdcu.com/swampthingtrailer SWAMP THING follows Abby Arcane as she investigates what seems to be a deadly swamp-born virus in a small town in Louisiana but soon discovers that the swamp holds mystical and terrifying secrets. When unexplainable and chilling horrors emerge from the murky marsh, no one is safe. Based on the DC characters originally written and drawn by Len Wein and Bernie Wrightson. A new original series #DCUSWAMPTHING premieres May 31. New episodes weekly, only on #DCUniverse. Join now: https://yourdcu.com/swampthingtrailer DC Universe is a first-of-its-kind digital experience designed for DC fans. Enjoy unlimited access to exclusive original DC series, animated movies, select legendary films and TV shows, 20,000 DC comics and more. Watch. Read....
Check out these memorable moments from Swamp People in the past year, as we wrap up 2024. Watch new episodes of Swamp People, Thursdays at 8/7c, and stay up to date on all of your favorite The HISTORY Channel shows at http://history.com/schedule. #SwampPeople Subscribe for more from Swamp People and other great The HISTORY Channel shows: http://histv.co/SubscribeHistoryYT Watch more Swamp People on YouTube in this playlist: https://histv.co/WatchSwampPeople Find out more about the show and watch full episodes on our site: https://histv.co/SwampPeople Check out exclusive The HISTORY Channel content: History Newsletter - https://histv.co/newsletter Website - https://histv.co/History Facebook - https://histv.co/Facebook Twitter - https://histv.co/Twitter "Swamp People" dives into the ...
Watch all new episodes of Swamp People, returning Thursday, Jan 23 at 9/8c, and stay up to date on all of your favorite History Channel shows at http://history.com/schedule Willie Edwards is known for catching nothing but big ones all by himself in this collection of scenes from Swamp People. Subscribe for more from Swamp People and other great HISTORY shows: http://histv.co/SubscribeHistoryYT Watch more Swamp People on YouTube in this playlist: http://po.st/WatchSwampPeople Find out more about the show and watch full episodes on our site: http://po.st/SwampPeople Like the show on Facebook: http://po.st/Social_YouTube_SwampFB Check out exclusive HISTORY content: History Newsletter: http://po.st/HistoryNewsletter Website - http://po.st/HistoryWeb Facebook - http://po.st/HistoryFacebook...
What Really Happened to Pickle Wheat From Swamp People Subscribe for more! If you're a fan of thrilling reality TV shows, then you must have watched Swamp People. A show that takes you on an adventurous ride to Louisiana's swamps, where hunters risk their lives tracking and hunting alligators and other dangerous creatures. And we all know that among these brave hunters, one stood out as the youngest and most energetic of them - Pickle Wheat. But as rumors surfaced that Pickle had abruptly quit the show, it left everyone puzzled and questioning what could have caused such an impulsive decision. Was it a publicity stunt, or did something really happen? As avid fans of Swamp People, we were determined to uncover the What Really Happened to Pickle Wheat From Swamp People. So, let’s get into ...
A bit more from Sara Jean Stevens & the Swamp Angels
On this episode of Georgia Outdoors; humans have inhabited the great Okefenokee Swamp for thousands of years. First settled by the Native Americans and later by Americans, the swamp has yet to be tamed by mankind. Rich with history and immense beauty, the Okefenokee Swamp is a landmark of Georgia’s wildlife and certainly a unique place on this earth. For more episodes and specials, visit our website at https://www.gpb.org/television/show/georgia-outdoors
The swamp eels (also written "swamp-eels") are a family (Synbranchidae) of freshwater eel-like fishes of the tropics and subtropics. Most species are able to breath air and typically live in marshes, ponds and damp places, sometimes burying themselves in the mud if the water source dries up. They have various adaptations to suit this lifestyle; they are long and slender, they lack pectoral and pelvic fins, and their dorsal and anal fins are vestigial. They lack scales and a swimbladder, and their gills open on the throat in a slit or pore. Oxygen can be absorbed through the lining of the mouth and pharynx, which is rich in blood vessels and acts as a "lung".
Although adult swamp eels have virtually no fins, the larvae have large pectoral fins which they use to fan water over their bodies, thus ensuring gas exchange before their adult breathing apparatus develops. When about a fortnight old they shed these fins and assume the adult form. Most species of swamp eel are hermaphrodite, starting life as females and later changing to males, though some individuals start life as males and do not change sex.
Some people can get a thrill
knitting sweaters and setting still.
That's okay for some people
who don't know they're alive.
Some people can thrive and bloom
living life in the living room.
That's perfect for some people
of one hundred and five.
But I at least gotta try
when I think of all the sights that I gotta see
and all the places I gotta play,
all the things that I gotta be at.
Come on, papa, what do you say?
Some people can be content
playing bingo and paying rent.
That's peachy for some people,
for some hum-drum people to be,
but some people ain't me!
I had a dream,
a wonderful dream, papa,
all about June in the Orpheum circuit.
Gimme a chance and I know I can work it.
I had a dream.
Just as real as can be, papa.
There I was in Mr. Orpheum's office
and he was saying to me, "Rose,
get yourself some new orchestrations,
new routines and red velvet curtains.
Get a feathered hat for the baby;
photographs in front of the theatre.
Get an agent and in jig time
you'll be being booked in the big time."
Oh, what a dream.
A wonderful dream, papa.
And all that I need is eighty-eight bucks, papa.
That's what he said, papa.
Only eighty-eight bucks.
"You ain't gettin' eighty-eight cents from me, Rose."
"Well, I'll get it someplace else! But I'll get it! And get my kids out!"
Goodbye to blueberry pie.
Good ridance to all the socials I had to go to,
all the lodges I had to play,
all the shriners I said hello to.
Hey, L.A., I'm comin' your way!
Some people sit on their butts;
got the dream, yeah, but not the guts.
That's living for some people,
for some hum-drum people I suppose.
Well, they can stay and rot!