A selection of 'Canadian' and International News

Mostly Water Shutting Down

After almost 8 years on-line, Mostly Water is shutting down. The decision to shut down was made for personal reasons: editing the site is very labour-intensive and I wish to move on with other things in my life. I want to thank all our regular and casual viewers for their support over the years. While MW will no longer be accepting articles or events, we will still be on-line for a while longer.

Iran's Peaceful Nuclear Program

Iran complies fully with NPT provisions. Nothing suggests otherwise. It's program is legal and non-military. Washington, other Western nations and Israel know it. They maliciously claim otherwise.

Snowden: Shooting the Messenger

Everyone can be monitored all the time, everywhere, for any reason or none at all. National security threats are fabricated. America's only enemies are ones it creates.

Obama in Africa

Obama's African visit reflects America's scramble for its resources. They're vast. They're some of the world's largest and richest.

Lynne Stewart Denied Compassionate Release

Obama wants her silenced. He wants justice denied. He reflects the worst of America's dark side. He wants Lynne dead.

Supreme Court Guts Voting Rights Act

America's High Court lacks legitimacy. It's supremely pro-business, anti-populist, anti-labor, and anti-rule of law fairness. It mocks democratic principles. It does so shamelessly.

Challenging U.S. Lawlessness

It's vital today more than ever. America's a rogue terror state. It's ruthlessly out-of-control. It spurns rule of law principles. It mocks democratic rights. It honors its worst. It persecutes its best.

Snowden on the Move

Where is Edward Snowden? Unanswered questions remain. Supposedly he traveled from Hong Kong to Moscow en route to Havana and Quito, Ecuador. Or did he?

Ku Klux Kourt Kills King's Dream Law, Replaces Voting Rights Act With Katherine Harris Acts

They might as well have burned a cross on Dr. King's grave. The Jim Crow majority on the Supreme Court just took away the vote of millions of Hispanic and African-American voters by wiping away Section 4 of the Voting Rights Act of 1965.

State Department Debunks Iranian Latin American Terrorism Links

False anti-Iranian accusations persist. They're longstanding. Claims about alleged nuclear bomb development don't wash. Nor do well publicized terror attack charges.

Brazilians Demand Social Justice

Justifiable public anger holds back only so long. On June 11, protests began. On June 17, they erupted across Brazil. Hundreds of thousands turned out. Estimates ranged up to 1.5 million.

America: Police State Ruthlessness Writ Large

Cold-blooded barbarity reflects US policy. Democracy's more illusion than reality. Rule of law principles don't matter. They're systematically spurned.

Richard Falk: Speaking Truth to Power

Falk is Princeton University Professor Emeritus. For 40 years, he taught international law and relations. In 2008, he was appointed UN Special Rapporteur on Palestinian human rights. He's outspoken about longstanding Israeli human rights abuses. They're too horrendous to ignore.

Obama: The Worst of Nixon/Bush Writ Large

Obama's a war criminal multiple times over. He bears full responsibility for genocidal crimes.

Trafficking in Lies about Syria

Media scoundrels substitute lies for truth and full disclosure. They violate core journalistic ethics doing so. They threaten world peace.