Working for the health and dignity of Palestinians living under occupation and as refugees.
UN Humanitarian Coordinator expresses concern about deteriorating situation in Gaza  

UN Humanitarian Coordinator expresses concern about deteriorating situation in Gaza

The United Nations Humanitarian Coordinator urges the government of Israel to lift long-term restrictions, including the blockade of Gaza in place since 2007.

Special supplement in the New Statesman  

Special supplement in the New Statesman

To explore how to address the barriers to healthcare in occupied Palestine, Medical Aid for Palestinians held a round-table discussion with leading commentators in association with the New Statesman.

Gaza Kitchen Cookbook  

Gaza Kitchen Cookbook

The Gaza Kitchen cookbook is a beautiful and inspiring cookbook – not just a collection of recipes, but a repository of the riches of a Gazan kitchen. Its authors speak to MAP.

Inaction is not an option: nonviolent resistance in Al Nabi Saleh  

Inaction is not an option: nonviolent resistance in Al Nabi Saleh

Each Friday afternoon, the West Bank village of Al Nabi Saleh holds weekly, non-violent demonstrations to protest against the appropriation of their land. Each week the Israeli army responds with violence, and each week there are injuries. Villagers say the price is high, but inaction is not an option.

The Wall comes to London  

The Wall comes to London

Palestinian artist Khaled Jarrar thinks one way to bring down the wall is to chisel away at it and to use the concrete to create objects of art that get people thinking -- and acting.

A home visit in       Ein el-Helweh  

A home visit in Ein el-Helweh

Life in Lebanon's overcrowded refugee camps is extremely difficult, particularly for pregnant women and newborns. Our midwives and 'community mothers' are helping mothers to deal with challenging health issues.

London Palestine Question Time  

London Palestine Question Time

MAP is hosting a 'Question Time' event on Palestine in Islington, London, on 25 June. An expert panel will answer your questions about the obstacles Palestinians face living under occupation and as refugees, including the barriers to health.


The blockade, poverty and malnutrition. MAP's CEO talks about malnourished children in Gaza.

Giving during Ramadan

MAP's zakat policy
This Ramadan, you can make a zakat donation to help support MAP's work in occupied Palestine and the refugee camps in Lebanon. Find out how.
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How we do it

Working in partnership
Though our partnerships we've developed a strong connection between emergency work and long-term health development.
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It's not about us

It's about you
MAP supporters enable MAP to deliver support to those most in need
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