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We provide links to articles we think will be of interest to our supporters, informing them of issues, events, debates and the wider context of the conflict. We are sympathetic to much of the content of what we post, but not to everything. The fact that something has been linked to here does not necessarily mean that we endorse the views expressed in it.

Human-rights observers wanted

The Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme in Palestine & Israel (EAPPI) provides protection by presence, monitors human rights abuses, supports Israeli and Palestinian peace activists and advocates for an end to the occupation.
Apply to be a volunteer - closing date 21st June 2013.


Did you know?

Police impunity
After their own investigations establishing a prima facie violation, Btselem has lodged over 280 complaints of alleged police violence in the oPt since the start of the second Intifada: "we are aware of only 12 indictments" Btselem April 2013
Runners in the first ever Bethlehem Marathon were forced to run two laps of the same course on Sunday 21 April 2013, as Palestinians were unable to find a single stretch of free land that is 26 miles long in Area A, where the PA has both security and civil authority. See Marathon report
30th March, land day.
On 30 March 1976, thousands of Palestinians living as a minority in Israel mounted a general strike and organised protests against Israeli government plans to expropriate almost 15,000 acres of Palestinian land in the Galilee.The Israeli government, led by prime minister Yitzhak Rabin and defence minister Shimon Peres, sent in the army to break up the general strike. The Israeli army killed six unarmed Palestinians, wounded hundreds and arrested hundreds more, including political activists. All were citizens of Israel.
"In 2011, 722,000 Israelis lived beyond the Green Line, including in settlements and East Jerusalem. This was a 5% increase over 2010."
source: Richard Silverstein via Yisrael HaYom
* Out of 103 investigations opened in 2012 into alleged offences committed by Israeli soldiers in the occupied territories, not a single indictment served to date
Yesh Din, 3 Feb 2013
* In total, out of an area of 1.6 million dunams in the Jordan Valley, Israel has seized 1.25 million − some 77.5 percent − where Palestinians are forbidden to enter.
Haaretz editorial, 4 Feb 2013

A Heartfelt Wish/DVD

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JfJfP comments


Profiting from the Occupation challenged in Canada and the UN

The Palestinian village of Bil’in has filed a complaint with the United Nations against Canada for failing to prevent Canadian-based companies from aiding and benefiting from Israel’s settlement enterprise.

France, UK ready to back Palestinians at UN this week

The governments of France and the UK will back the PA in its bid for UN observer status later this week, although for the UK this is conditional on the PA agreeing not to pursue Israel for war crimes. Campaigns to get the UK to recognise its historic responsibility for Palestine, and the need to boost Abbas’s status after the gains for Hamas in the Gaza war may have led to this change. Hamas now also supports the bid.

Findings on Palestine: crimes of ignoring or assisting international law violations

The final international session of the Russell Tribunal on Palestine, considering “US Complicity and UN Failings in Dealing with Israel’s Violations of International Law Toward the Palestinian People”, was held in New York city, October 6-7. Its conclusions include the use of social media to arouse public knowledge. UPDATE Frank Barat responds to criticisms.

US can never escape its Mid-East history of onslaught and exploitation

American diplomatic policy is still driven by its notion of being the chief actor in finding a peace settlement; but, writes Ramzy Baroud (1st), the country cannot play this role, so complicit is it in past oppressive policies. Waiting in the wings is China, free of that history. But, 2nd, writing in 2011, Nima Khorrami Assl, points to China’s strategic interests, its support for the ‘peace process’ and reliance on US security in the region..

Three men executed by Hamas, UN and EU condemn

Hamas continues to carry out the death penalty – three men were executed on 7 April – for crimes of violence, drug trafficking and collaboration with Israeli state agencies (1). Both the UN Human Rights office (2) and the EU (3) deplore the practice, especially where trial proceedings fall below accepted standards. Accurate figures on the use of the death penalty worldwide are hard to get. Known figures are given in (4).

Israeli bigwigs demand sacking of Palestinian human rights worker

Khulood Badawi is an employee of OCHA (Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs), occupied Palestinian territories. She has been suspended from her job since March and Israel’s ambassador to the UN, Ron Prosor, is demanding she be sacked. Her offence? She briefly uploaded a photo of a dead Gazan child which (like Reuters) she attributed to Israel’s March attack on Gaza. It wasn’t, and she removed it. She remains suspended and under investigation.

War through social media now main role of Israeli agencies

The ‘independent’ Jewish Agency, whose job was once to help Jews move to Israel, has changed its role to become ‘first responder to crises in Israel’ amongst other things (2). This means, says Richard Silverstein (1), prowling the social media to find enemies whom they can ‘skewer’. They found one in the UN’s Khulood Badawi – until their rebuttal was rebutted with some facts.

‘Security’ no excuse for holding adolescents in solitary confinement

The continued imprisonment of teenagers held in solitary confinement by the Israeli government has sparked a concerted protest by professional people in the USA and Israel concerned with the welfare of young people. The psychological wounds inflicted constitute, in their view, cruel and inhuman treatment. This is not justified by Israel’s acknowledged security concerns.

Palestine in the UN: still a hot debate

Six months after the Obama administration scuppered Palestine’s bid for UN recognition saying negotiations with Israel should be the path, Americans are returning to the debate about what diplomacy can achieve. Slate organized the sold-out debate on 10th January – speakers’ advance positions are here. In the posting Daniel Kurtzer’s presents his strategy for a negotiated two-state deal

UN, Clinton demand Israel hands over Palestinians’ tax money

For the second time this year, Netanyahu has used his power as the tax-collecting authority for Palestinians to withhold their income. It is not clear whether this is to punish them for being accepted by UNESCO, or the PA’s bid to join the UN or for its imminent talks with Hamas. Reports from IMEMC and Ynet

Claim that Palestine supporters accomplices to genocide is ‘crackpot’

Last week we posted a Washington Post opinion piece by Robert Bernstein attacking the UN and Human Rights groups for their attitude to Israel and Palestine, and a rejoinder by the Economist: Here Mouin Rabbani of Jadaliyya adds his voice to the outrage. Wikipedia’s entry on Palestine Media Watch is at the bottom

Claim that giving PA legitimacy fuels hate speech, anti-semitism, genocidal threats

A founder of Human Rights Watch has moved from complaints of a general anti-Israel bias to accusing the Arab media of genocidal propaganda and the UN of fuelling anti-semitism and sees no gulf between Mahmoud Abbas and those who make their name through hate speech . 1st, an Economist critique of the article by Robert L. Bernstein, 2nd.

Palestinian statehood: US Jews-for-peace split on tactics

A split has opened on Palestine at the UN between J Street, founded 2008 to press for American diplomatic leadership in resolving the Israel/Palestine conflict (3), and less-establishment peace groups, represented here by Tikkun, founded 1986 as a new voice for the Jewish left. (1) and their petition of support for the bid, (2)

New sound of acclaim for Abbas, NY to Ramallah and Jerusalem

Rare and immense applause for Mahmoud Abbas’ speech at the UN is reported, along with some diplomatic repercussions, in the NY Times, Al Jazeera, AFP, and New Middle East News. Last, the manifesto for a Palestine state, signed so far by over 80 leading Israelis

First stage all over bar the shouting – and voting

A mass rally in Ramallah marks the passage of the statehood bid into the UN chambers, 1; a perceptive account of the forces that have brought the Pa to this position by Phyllis Bennis, 2; and for those who have floundered in the mass of material, a clear guide from the Afro-Middle East Centre

Will Obama do a Clinton and say ‘but this is not fair’?

If Obama has been ineffectual in forcing Israel to respect international law, he is stil the centre of hope for Americans wanting peace in the region and for Palestinians who remember the idea of becoming a member of the UN came from him Analyses from Robert Grenier, first and Daoud Kuttab second

A gamble to take one step forward, or the PA’s call to get its authority entrenched?

Graham Usher analyses the changes in the state of play which may follow from the request for statehood recognition by the UN, including a revival of mass action. Second, Omar Barghouti spells out the hostility felt by many Palestinians to what they see as the weak and appeasing role of the PA, exemplified by their desire for UN recognition and for more negotiations with Israel

EU can’t find common voice on Palestine at UN

With the German government adamantly against (despite popular feeling – posting this page) and possibly France, Spain and the UK for UN recognition of Palestinian statehood, the EU will have to find a way to restart negotiations or accept loss of influence. Articles from NY Times and Haaretz

Palestinians hoped for so much from Obama but get only silence

From eager first talks to having nothing to say, the collapse of hopes for Obama and Palestinian rights has been fast and, it seems, decisive. But some on the Palestinian side believe Obama will be different in a second term writes Ziad Asali, President, ATFP

People of Europe (and Labour MPs) favour Palestinian statehood

The governments of the UK, France and, especially, Germany do not support the PA’s bid for UN recognition The peoples of their countries do according to a new poll. Support for Palestinians’ political rights are highest in Germany, lowest in the UK, However, an Early Day Motion for Palestinian admission to the UN has so far been signed by 93 MPs, all but 27 of them Labour (list 2nd in this post)