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We provide links to articles we think will be of interest to our supporters, informing them of issues, events, debates and the wider context of the conflict. We are sympathetic to much of the content of what we post, but not to everything. The fact that something has been linked to here does not necessarily mean that we endorse the views expressed in it.

Human-rights observers wanted

The Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme in Palestine & Israel (EAPPI) provides protection by presence, monitors human rights abuses, supports Israeli and Palestinian peace activists and advocates for an end to the occupation.
Apply to be a volunteer - closing date 21st June 2013.


Did you know?

Police impunity
After their own investigations establishing a prima facie violation, Btselem has lodged over 280 complaints of alleged police violence in the oPt since the start of the second Intifada: "we are aware of only 12 indictments" Btselem April 2013
Runners in the first ever Bethlehem Marathon were forced to run two laps of the same course on Sunday 21 April 2013, as Palestinians were unable to find a single stretch of free land that is 26 miles long in Area A, where the PA has both security and civil authority. See Marathon report
30th March, land day.
On 30 March 1976, thousands of Palestinians living as a minority in Israel mounted a general strike and organised protests against Israeli government plans to expropriate almost 15,000 acres of Palestinian land in the Galilee.The Israeli government, led by prime minister Yitzhak Rabin and defence minister Shimon Peres, sent in the army to break up the general strike. The Israeli army killed six unarmed Palestinians, wounded hundreds and arrested hundreds more, including political activists. All were citizens of Israel.
"In 2011, 722,000 Israelis lived beyond the Green Line, including in settlements and East Jerusalem. This was a 5% increase over 2010."
source: Richard Silverstein via Yisrael HaYom
* Out of 103 investigations opened in 2012 into alleged offences committed by Israeli soldiers in the occupied territories, not a single indictment served to date
Yesh Din, 3 Feb 2013
* In total, out of an area of 1.6 million dunams in the Jordan Valley, Israel has seized 1.25 million − some 77.5 percent − where Palestinians are forbidden to enter.
Haaretz editorial, 4 Feb 2013

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‘We have created this monster, a dual legal system’

Michael Sfard co-founded the human rights organisation Yesh Din in 2005. What drives him, he says, is anger that the tradition of Jewish values is being abused and that a dual legal system has been created in Israel with the express purpose of exercising dominion over Palestinians. He fears that there will be an increase in Israeli offences against human rights during the attention-taking peace talks.

Why water should be on the table

The distribution of water – a natural resource without which there can be no life – was covered by the Oslo Accords. That did not produce equitable distribution; Israeli access to and consumption of water is enormously higher than that of Palestinians. Posted here, reports from the Center for Economic and Social Rights, Amnesty International on the governing military orders and, on Israel’s water company Mekorot, Stop the Wall. Will these talks do better? An information resource.

Going through the motions

It is possible that the generally dismal views of the Palestine/Israel talks in Washington are just what the parties want; any concession or compromise in such an ambience will seem an achievement. Report of Monday’s beginnings and of the low expectations of special envoy Martin Indyk.

Kerry pulls Israel’s nuts out of the fire/UPDATED

The announcement of new negotiations in Washington is excellent news for President Obama & John Kerry. It doesn’t seem like good news for the Palestinians who, having dropped the precondition of ’67 borders, are now forced to follow Israel’s agenda – which means entrenching the occupation, just when boycott and UN status seemed to moving things Palestine’s way. +972 analysis.UPDATE: security bodies have always negotiated – Abdul Sattar Qassem, Asmaa al-Ghoul, Moshe Machover – same old no-change.

From now on EU aid workers to Palestine are ‘just tourists’

Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon has ordered the IDF’s civil administration to end all cooperation with EU officials in retaliation for the EU clarifying its existing rules on funding Israeli projects in the oPt (the EC guidelines). Much of the EU humanitarian aid is in funding and supporting the provision of medical services and water supplies to Palestinians in response to the destruction of amenities by settlers or Israeli forces.

BDS supporter appointed as first Muslim regent of California University

The University of California has appointed the first Muslim to be a student regent (the 26 regents are the governing body). Sadia Saifuddin, who enjoys a high reputation for engagement and openness, is a supporter of divesting the university’s funds from any company connected with the Israeli military. This was the reason given for opposing her appointment by several Jewish bodies including, predictably, the Simon Wiesenthal Center and David Horowitz. Simone Zimmerman is shocked at the hateful propaganda.

Fear of blame gets negotiations under way

Negotiations between Israeli and Palestinian representatives are expected to start soon in Washington. David Makovsky assesses the pressure on the two sides to have meaningful talks. These include Netahyahu’s express fear that Israel’s Jewishness is in jeopardy if Palestinians don’t have their own state, the fear of both sides that the US will blame them if they don’t talk. Against that is the intransigent hostility of the Israeli right and Hamas to any sort of compromise.PLUS Natan Sachs, Hope for the best but prepare for the worst.

Status of Jerusalem as ‘not Israel’ upheld by US appeals court

The status of Jerusalem as a demilitarized city under the aegis of the United Nations Trusteeship Council was an integral element of the UN’s 1947 partition. The IDF gained control of western Jerusalem in the ensuing war, and seized control of East Jerusalem in 1967. Neither act changed the international status of Jerusalem. Now a federal court has upheld the right of the President to affirm the neutrality of Jerusalem. This means Americans born in Jerusalem can no longer go on declaring themselves to be Israeli-born.

IDF killed nine, looted $millions. One soldier punished.

The assault on the Mavi Marmara, a Turkish ship carrying passengers and aid to Gaza, in which the IDF killed nine people and got off scot-free remains an infamous incident, combining illegal and needless violence with total impunity for the aggressors. While on board the IDF looted possessions worth $millions. For which one soldier has been selected to take the punishment– 200 days in prison. Richard SIlverstein’s concluding remarks apply to many of our posts, such as the one below this.

Torture in Israel is illegal, is routine, and is used to punish families

In this interview with International Solidarity Movement, psychologist Wael Dawabsheh describes the forms of torture used in Israel, the purposes of the torture and the effects. Israel is a signatory to the UN Convention against Torture and forms of cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment. Each instance of this comitted by agents of the Israeli state is quite clearly illegal. How do they get away with it?

The one league which Israel tops: lethal weapons

The centrality to Israel of all things military is not news. From its origin Israel has depended politically on military might and economically on military production. One tenth of Israeli households, reports Jonathan Cook, depend on the weapons industry. In an alarming insight into modern governments, it is Israel’s experience of using their array of military control systems which wins over other governments.

ACRI: horrifying new laws have become the new normal

To outsiders, ACRI is one of Israel’s most impressive NGOs, producing meticulously researched reports and advocating for people who do not have the power or money to assert themselves. But unless ACRI can extend its support,executive director Hagai El-Ad fears that the majority will get the undemocratic and unjust laws that they want. +972′ s Matt Surrusco interviews El-Ad in the first of a series on difference-makers.

Referendum? Ask the people who live there, not those who control them.

Netanyahu has proposed that a referendum be held on any Israeli withdrawal from the occupied territories. Aeyal Gross argues this is upside-down; the people who should be asked are the people whose future is being determined – the Palestinians. But Carlo Strenger says there is one good reason for an Israeli referendum – to prevent a repeat of the Likud-led hostility to any ‘concessions’ which led to the 1995 murder of Rabin.

The ethics of cohabitation

Judith Butler is revered for her original political thinking and scorned for her activist criticism of Israel. On the publication of her new book, ‘Parting Ways, Jewishness and the Critique of Zionism’ Ray Filar questions her about her commitment to Jewish/Palestinian cohabitation; it may seem impossible but it’s the only ethical and necessary path to take. In a review, Joseph Finlay asks why purism has superseded her usual playfulness.

Animals’ Eric Burdon cancels gig in Israel

The Shuni Amphitheater, Binyamina, Israel was just one stop in the international tour for ageing rock star Eric Burdon of the Animals. Now he has cancelled it following either threats or pressure depending on what you read. As Israel is good at, if nothing else, security, it is unlikely his management feared his life would be in danger in Binyamina, where the Roman amphitheatre has been restored by the Jewish National Fund.

Blair accused of employing Israeli intelligence officer

This is probably a non-story although it has been triumphantly flourished as evidence of conspiratorial dealings by the Quartet’s Envoy Tony Blair. It is centred on the six-month contract given by Tony Blair Associates to a woman who was an IDF officer for three years and worked in Prime Minister Netanyahu’s office. TBA says she was employed on economic development. What the truth is, only those involved know.

Why no-one asked why the Arabs said No

In a richly argued essay, Natasha Gill asks why the Palestinians said No to giving up even half their homeland to a Jewish state – and why, lacking any knowledge of or curiosity about the native inhabitants, pro-Israelis from Balfour through Israelis to Obama, have refused to know that Palestinians have their own narrative to tell. Instead, they have invented Palestinian attitudes to suit their own narrative.

How can you market a country like Israel?

Despite attempts to brand Israel as the progressive, liberal youthful start-up nation, no brand-maker can blot out the more powerful image of Israel’s primary identity – retrograde military occupation. Nor, writes Daniella Peled, can the IDF quell or dispel the symbolic allure of the non-violent, civilian campaigns like those for boycott and divestment.

Is John Kerry the lone ranger in MidEast talks?

While the US press hoorays its secretary of state, John Kerry, for getting an agreement for talks between Palestinians and Israelis, only the Arab League seems to share his hope that such talks can change the course of politics over the last decades. Here is a selection of articles – and cartoons – in which the writers try to work out whether or not something of real significance has been effected.

The foreign interests paying to skew Israel’s agenda

The Alternative Information Centre’s regular bulletin, The Economy of the Occupation, has devoted an issue to a thorough, and invaluable, investigation of the right-wing NGOs which operate in Israel: who they are, what they do who funds them. Unsurprisingly, the donors are largely wealthy American individuals and bodies, both Jewish and Christian. The Israeli government increasingly relies on them to sell Israel’s case – hasbara. Given the results, one might wonder if they’re getting enough bang for their bucks. (Foreign income for human rights NGOs is far smaller.)