In linguistics a lexical verb or full verb is a member of an open class of verbs that includes all verbs except auxiliary verbs. Lexical verbs typically express action, state, or other predicate meaning. In contrast, auxiliary verbs express grammatical meaning. The verb phrase of a sentence is generally headed by a lexical verb.
He created differently colored cards for the noun, verb, particle and other lexical categories, too. Take the Japanese phrase “gakko e iku” (go to school) as an example ... “Iku” (go) should be treated as a predicate and is shown on a green verb card.
If the stressed word is the verb ‘drink’, you contrast ‘drink’ with another verb, like sell or dash or spill ... For the avoidance of doubt, lexical words (also called content words) include (pro)nouns, main verbs, adjectives, and adverbs.
But it can read confusing if you don’t know the word “buffalo” can serve as an adjective, noun, proper noun and verb, each with a different meaning. This lexical ambiguity is part of what makes the ...
... grammatical categories (case, gender, singular/plural in nouns, person, number, tense, active/passive voice, and mood in verbs), word order in phrases and sentences, and also its oldest lexical layer.
Verbs are absolutely crucial lexical items in language ... A wrong choice of verb can, therefore, result in an entirely wrong proposition ... Two other verbs deserving of attention are ‘ensure’ and ‘insure’ ... Demystifying phrasal verbs in English.