Lord, You are wonderful.
Lord, You are glorious.
You are Lord of all.
Lord, You are wonderful.
Lord, You are glorious.
You are Lord of all.
You are Lord of all,
Faithful and true.
Lord of all.
Worthy are You.
You are Lord of all,
We lift up our voice,
And let the earth rejoice,
Cuz Jesus Christ is...
Lord of all.
Every knee shall bow,
Every tongue confess,
That Jesus Christ is Lord of all.
Lift up your eyes,
Let the church arise.
They're killing the kids in our schools
Something's wrong
The man on the news is confused
Something's wrong
The talking heads will argue
The philosophers will yack
And then the politicians take our questions
But give nothing back
Because the answer is not turning your leaf
The answer is not some new world relief
The answer is easy for those who are serious
Answer is... Jesus Period
Profanity reigns in the minds of our young
Something's wrong
We've got babies having babies
Their conscious is numb
Something's wrong
We've got suicides and homicides
And 1-900 lines
And then we find our pills and drugs and pills
And can't get satisfied
The answer is
The answer is
Jesus Period
If you're searching for solutions to define the
Right and wrong
You better sneak a look into the book
We are the children of the King
We're not afraid to let our voices ring
Christ is our salvation
He's the light that shines
We are a chosen generation
Redeemed, sanctified, engrafted in the vine
No way, we are not ashamed
Of the gospel or his name
Holy hands are lifted high
To the name of Jesus Christ
There's many voices in the wind
But only one that frees the soul from sin
Do you know Christ is still the answer
For the world today
There is no other name so given
Unto a fallen man that he might be saved
Now way, we are not
Ashamed, no way
We are not ashamed, no way
We are not ashamed
No way-we are not ashamed
No way
No way
Dying, My will to carry on was dying
Sin had left it's brand upon my life
I was only a shadow of what I could be
Hurting, so many days I spent alone
Just hurting
I truly doubted that God was alive
That's when the light of mercy was revealed to me
Then you caressed my shattered world
Within your hand
And healed my wounded spirit
So that I could stand
For the first time
I know what life is for
And I wonder, Yes I wonder
How I wonder, why I ran from
A love as your's
Emptiness, so common was the sense of emptiness
My greatest efforts just to break away
Fell short of every goal
Nothing was enough
Loneliness, my old familiar friend loneliness
I had not anything left but to pray
And in my darkest hour
All heaven opened up
Then you caressed my shattered world
Within your hand
And healed my wounded spirit
So that I could stand
For the first time
I know what life is for
And I wonder, Yes I wonder
How I wonder, why I ran from
Lord, we are the ones called by your name
We humble ourselves now as we pray
Renouncing every sin and wicked way
Lift our voice , seek Your face and say.
Lord, send the rain
Pour out Your Spirit
Let the fire fall
Heal us one and all
Fall fresh on me
Holy, Holy Spirit
Let the fire fall
Heal us one and all
Just as I am, without one plea
But that Thy blood was shed for me,
And that Thou bidst me come to Thee,
O Lamb of God, I come, I come
Lord you said in Your word that while we were yet sinners, You came and You died for us.
You didn't wait for any of us to get our act cleaned up.
For You were the cleaning up of our act.
So that's why I say to You now, just as I am.
Without any excuses, no deals, no pleas, wholly on your merits alone because your blood was shed for me. And the spirit of God is drawing, bidding me.
O Lamb, not just the sacrificial lamb that would cover, but the one from God who takes sin away.
O Lamb, I come just as I am.
Just as I am, without one plea
But that Thy blood was shed for me,
And that Thou bidst me come to Thee,
O Lamb of God, I come, I come
Now's the time to celebrate when the Lord's your choice
Now's the time to celebrate and make a joyful noise
Now's the time to celebrate when the Lord's your choice
Now's the time to celebrate and make a joyful noise
Here's a jam goin' 'cross the land
And a jam that I think you know
It's a groove on the move and a groove
You've heard from the Word
Called the 1-5-0
Now this book called Psalm may look all calm
But it's anything y'all but mild
It's all about praise when the big band plays
And it makes the saints go wild
Bring the glory down with the trumpet sound
Let the tambourine kick, too
With the harp and the lyre everyone can here
How the praise of the Lord will come through
The strings, the brass, the cymbals clash
And the people clap their hands
The Spirit's right and with all their might
Everybody starts to dance
Let the people sing, let the people dance
Let the people sing, lifting holy hands
Let the people sing, let the people dance
Let the people sing, lifting holy hands
Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah
The devil came to my house, knocked on my door
I said, oh my, I know that I have heard this voice before
He said, "You're quite a talent, the makings of a star
And with a little help from me you really can go far.
I'll tell you what I told the rest, the rules remain the same.
Don't glorify, support or even mention Jesus' name.
Now you can do something that's positive, but just don't misbehave.
Like use your notoriety and get somebody saved.
And don't you see so vocal about the Truth you know.
The Bible's bad for business, leave your faith at home.
I'll give you wealth and fame, far as the eye can see.
Live the way you want, but your career belongs to me."
The he smiled a crooked smile and winked and evil eye
And said, "Well, whatcha think, my man?" and this was my reply
I have been bought with a price when Jesus hung on a tree
My life is not my own, I'll never follow your lead
You build up all the pleasure of sin in people's eyes
But never tell the consequences of the compromise
You used to have my number, but this time you will fail
All of my life is a gift, that I can give You.
All of my life now is Yours, whole and complete.
All of my hopes and my plans, carefully lay in Your Hands.
This is my pledge, cause You mean that much to me.
Right or wrong, the past is gone
The pain was strong, the road was long
But now I'm on a whole new avenue.
Now I see new hope for me
A picture of eternity,
Going where I've never been
We can't contain what's inside
Thunder and lightning can't hide
Freed from the past
Destined to win
Taking the Gospel where it's never been
We're on, we're on, we're on a mission
And we'll go
Where the brave
Dare to fly
We're on a mission
And we know it's a race do or die
To know Him and make Him know is our creed
Letting the fire be freed
Mission 3:16
We don't know what we will find
Deep behind enemy lines
We are the called
We are the few
Ready to serve Him and willing to do
He did not come into the world
But to save us
He came so He could set us free
Not enslave us
Freely we received
Freely we must give
The message of salvation to live
Yes to live
Like the flowers love the sun that shines
Like the willow loves the rain
Like a sparrow loves the summer skies
My love for you Lord's the same
Like a mother loves her baby's sigh
Like the ocean loves the shore
Like the heavens love the stars at night
My love for you, Lord, is even more
Lord, I love You
With every passing day I'm sure
Lord, I love You
Completely and forever more
Could I really tell You how I feel
Could I ever find a way
Could the words I offer You reveal
What's in my heart more than if I just say?
(Chorus) (2x)
I thank You for salvation, I thank You for the blood
I thank You that You brought me through the fire and the flood
I thank You for the Holy Ghost, I thank You that You reign
I thank You for the change in me
Since I've been born, born again
Lord I lift Your name on high
Lord I love to sing Your praises
I'm so glad Your in my life
I'm so glad You came to save us
You came from Heaven to Earth
To show the way
From the Earth to the Cross
My debt to pay
From the Cross to the Grave
From the Grave to the Sky
They thought that He would be gone forever
They thought that He would be gone for sure
They thought that He would be gone forever
And would not come back anymore
They put Him deep in the grave and left Him
They put Him deep in the grave and went
They put Him deep in the grave and left Him
And never thought they would see Him again
Never would see Him again
Then just like He said
He would rise from the dead
He's alive in glory forever
Just like He said
He would rise from the dead
He's alive in glory forever
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I believe it
Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's true
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I believe it
Just like He said He would do
He would do
Just like He said He would do
No one believed He would be returning
No one believed, didn't want to know
No one believed He would be returning
How could this ever be so
But then one day all the angels shouted
But then one day all across the sky
But then one day all the angels shouted
He who was dead in the grave is alive
He who was dead is alive
Christ said, "Prepare yourself to be amazed"
Destroy this temple and I
Will raise it in only three days"
He has risen
Christ has risen
Growing in Jesus
Ain't always easy
Because there's a price to be paid
We're constantly dying
To our old nature
While new foundations are laid
While we are building our faith
Sufficiently he gives his grace
I'm learning dependency
Only so I can be healed
As I see his face
And over and over I'm learning
To put my trust in you
Over and over I'm learning
What child like faith can do
Over and over it's easy to see
Just how you're spirit is working in me
As I grow older I'm learning over
To just believe
Because I am bearing the name of Christian
I'm conscious of what people see
The only bible they may every read
Is what they will read through me
So Lord do you work
Here I am
Oh use my oh God all you can
I'll go where you lead me
And grow as you feed
While holding so tightly your hand
And over and over I'm learning
To put my trust in you
Over and over I'm learning
What child like faith can do
Over and over it's easy to see
Just how you're spirit is working in me
As I grow older I'm learning over
To just believe
As I grow older I'm still learning over
To just believe
David walked out, nervous and excited
Into the valley of the war
To face the giant who threatened God's people
Clad in the armour of the LORD
Those around him doubted any kind of victory
Even before it all began
Then the giant looked down
And laughed in David's face
And said, "Do you know who I am?
Man, I'm Goliath, I'm your enemy
The power of Death is within my command
Man, I'm Goliath, open your eyes
I can bury you right where you stand
I'm your ultimate nightmare, the reality of Fear
My threats have been intimidating people now for years
You dumb religious fool, just get on out of here
'Cause I'm Goliath."
Then something hit old David, a revelation so it seemed
And a holy anger drilled him
And the boy got spittin' mean
And it shot right through the fibers of his spirit like a beam
And all across the countryside, everybody heard him scream
Prepare to Die
Prepare to Die
I've got a message from the God of whom you have defied
You come against me with your weapons from Hell
You come against me with your fearful evil spell
But I come against you in the name of the God of the armies of Israel
Prepare to Die
Sometimes we walk out, nervous and excited
Into the valley of our war
To face the giant who threatens God's people
Clad in the armour of the LORD
Those around us doubt any kind of victory
Even before it all began
Then our giant looks down and laughs in our face
And says, " 'Ey, do you know who I am?
I'm Depression, I'm your enemy
The power of Death is within my command
Hey, I'm Leukemia, open your eyes
I can bury you right where you stand
I'm your ultimate nightmare, the reality of fear
My threats have been intimidating people now for years
You dumb religious fool, just get on out of here
'Cause I'm Cancer."
Then something will hit your soul, a revelation so it seems
And a holy anger will drill you
And boy, you get spittin' mean
And it will shoot right through the fibers of your spirit like a beam
And all across the countryside, everybody will hear you scream
Prepare to Die
Cancer, prepare to Die
I've got a message from the God of whom you have defied
You come against me with your weapons from Hell
You come against me with your fearful evil spell
But I come against you in the name of the God of the armies of Israel
Prepare to Die
Leukemia, prepare to Die
For the last time
You come against me with your weapons from Hell
You come against me with your fearful evil spell
But I come against you in the name of the God of the armies of Israel
Disease, Hatred, Jealousy
Enemies of the Cross-
Never be a heart that He
Couldn't mend each broken piece
Never be a wounded soul He would ignore
There'll never a time that He
Would ever turn his back on me
There'll never be a life He can't restore
Where do you go when you feel like
You've been forsaken
Purely forgotten, all alone?
What do you do when your dreams have
Been broken and shattered
Does it really matter to anyone?
There is a Man standing with arms open wide
Drying the tears that I've cried
Loving me and giving life
And there'll...
Never will I doubt again
I will never be without a friend
Never will me eyes fail to see
What the Lord did for me
And there'll
I woke up Monday morning
With my head all full of nothin'
I went down to McDonald's
To get me an Egg McMuffin
Still asleep yet wide awake
Around seven twenty - three,
When this loudmouth pushy businessman
Cut in front of me
My eyes went cold, i clinched my fist,
I wanted to thump him good,
But then the spirit stopped me
When I saw how it stood
The Holy Ghost reminded me
I represent the Lord,
And it would be hard to witness to him
Stretched out on the floor
Some people say "let it out"
Some people say "hold it in"
But Jesus says to crucify it
For that thing there is sin,
And I was fighting with temptation
I was dueling with that thing
Bondage and struggle
Is all that it will bring
Well, what's a soul to do
When its face to face with sin?
He oughta pray not once but twice
Put on the Mind of Christ
And get that sweet ol' victory again
Well, I grabbed my superman beach towel
QT Tanning lotion
I thought I'd take a cruise
And catch some rays down by the ocean
I had it all planned out
To roast some burgers and some weenies
But, when I arrived everything but the telephone poles
Was dressed up in bikinis
I knew that there must be a way to please the Lord and still get tan
But I felt so stupid with my big ol' head stuck in the sand
I was still aware of those around me
I could hear their cries and sense their grief
But was physically incapable
Of responding to them in any way
There was surprisingly no sensation of death
But without doubt, I knew I was dying
As my spirit and body naturally
And without effort began to separate
An entirely new dimension of reality unfolded
Like the slow opening of a rare flower
Celestial mysteries were revealed from beyond
The atmosphere was permeated
With the healing melody of an invisible choir
And I knew I had entered the domain of the living God
My eyes beheld a vast concourse of souls from every nation
Dressed in the spotless garments of the redeemed
With a loud voice they echoed praises to their King
I saw a mighty throne around which was seated
Four and twenty elders with crowns of glory
And like the sound of rushing waters they began to sing
Holy, holy, holy
They sang
Holy, holy, holy
I heard them say
Holy, holy, holy is the Lord
They said
Holy, holy, holy
Holy, holy, holy
Holy, holy, holy is Lord
The whole principle of living was different
Food and water wasn't needed to sustain life
There was no mental agony, tears
Source of tears or any physical pain
Light did not come from one source like the sun
But God's glory illuminated everything
So shadows did not exist, neither did elemental changes
Like snow, storms or even rain
Then, in all of it's pristine graduer, I saw the Holy City
Suspended like a cube at the expanse of eternity
Fifteen hundred miles high and just as deep as it was wide
Indescribable colors were refracting everywhere
From the precious stones it was made of
With twelve angels guarding the gates
Fashioned from one solid pearl on each side
Then, from behind me, I could sense the presence
Of one whose virtue shot through the very fibers of my being
As I slowly turned, a glorious radiance consumed my eyes
His silhouette was backdropped by the immense sea of glass
And for the very first time
My eyes beheld one altogether lovely
The Lily of the Valley, the Fairest of Ten Thousands
My Lord, my Saviour Jesus Christ
I threw up my hands and cried
Holy, holy, holy
Holy, holy, holy
Holy, holy, holy is the Lord
My soul said
Holy, holy, holy
Holy, holy, holy
Holy, holy, holy is the Lord
His eyes were filled with tenderness
Encouragement, strength and love
His countenance proclaimed He knew everything
There was to know or ever worth knowing
Being with Him was to have everything I ever wanted
Be everything I ever imagined
And arrive at everywhere I only dreamed of going
Then the same Voice that spoke the worlds into existence
Spoke my name in affectionate tones
He said, "My beloved child, there are those left behind
Who are deeply grieved at your death
They've prayed I return you to your earthly life
And because of their faithfulness to Me
I am willing to grant their request"
I said, "Lord, if my loved ones only knew
The limitless wonders of Heaven
If they could steal but one brief glimpse of glory
I know what they would do"
"Because they loved me, they'd never ask
That I return to the confines of my human body
Lord, I can't go back, please let me stay with You"
For You are the resurrection of the life
The Son of the Living God
You're the only one worthy of honor
And glory and power and praise
Master, only You make all things new
For You alone are Lord and God, Saviour and King
And forever and ever, throughout all eternity
I'll join the hosts of heaven
As they praise You day, after day, after day singing
Lord of all the Earth
Forever He shall reign
Lord of glory, lamb of God
And holy is His name
My soul says
Lord of all the Earth
Forever He shall reign
Lord of glory, lamb of God
And holy is His name
Our Father which art in Heaven
Hallowed by Thy name
They Kingdom come
They will be done
On earth as it is in Heaven
And give to us
Our daily bread
And forgive us our debts
As we forgive our debtors
Thine is the Kingdom
Thine is the Power
Thine is the Glory
Forever and ever and ever and ever
Thy Kingdom come
You said that I would stumble
You said I wouldn't last
But you was wrong
You said that I would crumble from all that's in my past
But you was wrong
You tried to break me, tried to shake me
Tried to take me with your lies
You tried to drop me, tried to stop me
Tried to cop me down to size
You tried to crush me, tried to hush me
Tried to rush me and attack
But Jesus Christ is in my life
And now I comin' back 'cause I can...
Slam temptation with the Word
I can slam each lie that I have heard
I can slam the devil on his back
The rod of God will stop the attack
In my mind there is no fear
In my mind there is no doubt
Yes, I am that Christian that hell warned you about
Not only can I dance, not only can I shout
But I can slam
You told me it was useless
That I would never change
But you was wrong
You told me it was hopeless
That I never would get saved
But you was wrong
You tried to drug me, tried to slug me
Tried to plug me up with guilt
You tried to shoot me, tried to loot me
Tried to boot my mind on tilt
You tried to kill me, tried to still me
Tried to bill me for my sin
But the blood has washed me clean
Since I've been born again
I sho can...
Stand up make a joyful noise
Stand up here today
Stand up make a joyful noise
Stand up give Him praise
He is the only One
He is the King
He is the only One
He's everything
He is the only One
I wanna sing
Now, now, now, now, now, now, now, now
Stand Up and give Him praise.
I can't keep it to myself,
I wanna shout.
I can't keep it to myself,
I gotta let this praise come out.
I've been released, from sins of my past
Taken away from my conscience at last,
Above the noise I hear the voice
Of God givin' the choice for me to say
I do believe and will receive
Within the heart of me the seed of faith
He does accept a baby step
As long as I have kept His word inside
But Jesus knows that I must grow
And tells me I must go ahead and try
Well all right, okay, I guess it's up, up and away
Chorus 1
I'm takin' a step, takin' a step of faith
Walkin' out on the promises God made
Takin' a giant leap in the air
Steppin' out on nothin' and findin' somethin' there
Tellin' the doubt to wait, wait, wait, wait
I'm takin' a step of faith
It turns me out to think I'd doubt
Someone with so much clout from up above
And yet I see the way that He
Can work with me and do it all in love
The past is gone, the future's long
And I need someone strong to help me through
I'm ready now to take the vow
And see just what the power of God can do
Well all right, okay, I guess it's up, up and away
Chorus 1
Take that step now
Keep goin', the left, the right, heel, toe, heel toe
Well all right, okay, I guess I'll ride this horse away
Chorus 2
I'm takin' a step, takin' a step of faith
Walkin' out on the promises God made
Takin' a giant leap in the air
Steppin' out on nothin' and findin' somethin' there
Tellin' the doubt to wait
I'm takin' a step of faith
Step of faith, step of faith
Living for the Lord, trusting in His care
Steppin' out on nothin' and findin' somethin' there
Walking with the Lord, stepping in the light
Jesus Christ is Lord
And God's still on the throne
There's power in the blood
And I'm saved to the bone
If the devil comes against me
He's gonna feel some pain
Cause I can bind him,
Bruise him, cast him out
By the power of Jesus name
No longer on the outside
On the inside I now stand
I'm sold out the whole route
Completely born again
I believe on the third day
Jesus rose from the grave
The world thinks I'm crazy
But I'm just radically saved
(repeat Chorus)
Choose you this day
Tell me who do you serve
Now's the time to stand up
And let your voice be heard
You gotta come out from among the rest
You gotta tell the gospel tale
You tell them black is black
And white is white
And hell is hot
And sin ain't right
And God is holy
And Christ is coming
And righteousness will prevail
I tell it to you once
I tell it to you twice
The only thing that's gonna change this world
Is the gospel of Jesus Christ
Wimpy saints won't survive
In spiritual warfare
If you know that Jesus is the only way
Let me hear somebody say yeah
No longer on the outside
On the inside I now stand
Do you know what it's like to be
I'm sold out the whole route, anybody here born again
I believe on the third day
Jesus rose from the grave
The world thinks we're crazy
Our friends think we're crazy
Our family thinks we're crazy
But we are just what?
Webster's dictionary say a riot is like an unrestrained
Uproar in a public place, turbulent right in your face
With the facts we're gonna spread God's Word
And attack every lie you've heard
Like the doctrines of men that are still fallen prey
To the silvery sword of God's Word today
It's true, we look to heaven and our mansions in the sky
And it's true we've got the gaze of eternity in our eyes
But before this church is raptured
There's no way we're gonna leave here quiet
We want a righteous invasion of truth
We want a R.I.O.T.
Jesus, we're callin' on Your name
Jesus, we're gonna see a change
Jesus, we're taking on Goliath
With a righteous invasion of truth
We're want a R.I.O.T.
Righteous - to conform to the Bible
Invasion an armed attack
Of truth - the real state of affairs
Like a church on the move that will not double back
From the fight, 'cause we're salt and light
And we thrive on Jesus, the theme of our lives
And here's the spin
Love nothin' but God, hate nothin' but sin
It's true, now the time to win nations for the Lord
And it's true, now the hour, the saints must go to war
We'll preach it, we'll sing it
We'll shout it, we'll cry it
'Cause desperate times need desperate action and that means
We need a R.I.O.T.
Satan is a madman, a relentless entity
He's the source of every plague known to the human family
We understand the mortal conflict in which we are engaged
And the gates of hell come crashing down when the saints of God begin to praise
Jesus, we're callin' on Your name
Jesus, we're gonna see a change
Jesus, we're taking on Goliath
With a righteous invasion of truth
We want a R.I.O.T.
Jesus, we're callin' on Your name
Jesus, we need to see a change
Jesus, we're taking on Goliath
With a righteous invasion of truth
We want a R.I.O.T.
With a righteous invasion of truth
In the center of the caverns of hell, hidden under layers of evil that have thrived for centuries, sits the morbid domain of the prince of the power of the air. Suddenly, a scaly creature disrupts Satan's ghastly existence with an urgent message. It reads, "Code red problem, conference needed, disaster forecasted!" With a disgusted annoyance this general of evil agrees to confer with his chief demon lieutenant. This is the story of that encounter
Satan: You may enter.
Demon: My Lord Satan.
Satan: State your business and make it fast.
Demon: Sir, we're having problems of cataclysmic proportions.
Satan: Where?
Demon: In the east sector, sir. The damage is vast.
Satan: Is there something wrong with my abortion clinics?
Demon: No, sir, that's all fine. We kill 4,000 unborn a day through, shall we say, surgical removal. It's selective breeding. We eliminate human life in the name of convenience like the Nazis and the Jews and with the government's approval.
Satan: Is there a problem with my pet project, television violence?
Demon: Sir, it's covered, from videos to cartoons. By the time a child graduates high school, he's seen 70,000 murders.
Satan: Is this effective enough?
Demon: Sir, just watch the news.
Satan: Is there a disturbance in my false religions?
Demon: No sir, business is booming. Over 40 million are into New Age and Zen. Over 45 million believe in astrology.
Satan: Looks like we're catching up.
Demon: Yes, sir. Only 50 million claim to be born again.
Satan: Is there a problem with business in general?
Demon: Sir, we're showing tremendous progress. Teenage runaways, each year a million or more. There's a teen suicide every ninety minutes and your specialty, drunk driving, will claim more lives this year that the whole Vietnam war.
Satan: Well is there a disturbance in my... What was that?
Demon: Sir, that's the reason all these demons are on crutches and wobbling.
Satan: What's going on?
Demon: Sir, that's what I've been trying to tell you.
Satan: What is that?
Demon: Sir, that is our problem.
Satan: Only one thing causes warfare of this magnitude.
Demon: Then, sir, you know what we are dealing with up there.
Satan: Yes, it's some of those sanctified
Demon: Try blood bought
Satan: Spirit filled
Demon: Saints of God
Satan: Actually
Demon: Presently
Satan & Demon: On their knees in prayer!
Demon: Sir, they're literal holy terrors. They bind us, cast us out. Then they do those disgusting charismatic jigs. They quote scriptures like the Son of God and, sir, if you don't intervene we all might wind up in a bunch of pigs.
Demon: Sir, that's the good news. The bad news is the subject of their prayers that threatens our survival. What they're praying for is causing hemorrhaging in the realms of darkness.
Satan: And the bad news is?
Demon: Sir, they're praying for revival!
Satan: I hate revival! It just erupts, it's hardly controllable. At the Azusa street outpouring things got rough.
Demon: Yes sir, and when the charismatic movement hit, sir, we were jumping out of windows with all that "untie my bowtie who stolla my honda" stuff.
Satan: Then I'll come in like a flood.
Demon: But they'll say the Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against you.
Demon: It's written in the Word.
Satan: I'll form weapons against them.
Demon: Sir, no weapon formed against them shall prosper. That's in the Bible, too.
Satan: Yes, I've heard. I'll hit them with every filthy, lusty thought you could imagine.
Demon: But it's written, "resist the devil and he must flee."
Satan: Obviously, the enemy is taking the battle more seriously than we are.
Demon: And that's very dangerous, sir, especially for me.
Satan: It's time to launch my final, most vicious attack. I'll remind the saints of their past- how they were liars, cheaters, manipulators and moochers.
Demon: But sir, you know what will happen if you remind the saints of their past.
Satan: And what is that?
Demon: Sir, they'll just remind you of your future.
Attention all Saints of God, man your battle stations!
Sound the alarm loud and long to all men of every nation!
We're kicking down the gates of hell, not stopping till they're level.
For the sentence of destruction's on the forehead of the devil.
Lift your hands in victory, this is our finest hour!
For this sleeping giant called the church is rising up in power!
Cry loud, spare not, this lion's got a roar!
We may have lost some battles, but we will win this war!
We've made it through the fire and our faith in God is strong!
We're a revelation generation with fire in our bones!
We're filled up with the Holy Ghost, trusting in the Bible!
Fasten your seat belts, saints of God, the world is breaking forth in a Revival!
Revival is coming to our land
The Holy Ghost is moving just like a hurricane
Revival is coming to our shore
Get ready for the moving of the Spirit of the Lord
Last Chorus:
It's what we've been waiting for
It's what we've been praying for
From America to England
From Africa to Spain
From Mexico to China
The Spirit of God is being poured out
On all flesh and there is
Party's over, shut it down,
I'm huntin' for someone y'all
He's a lyin' thievin' rattlesnake
And he's broken every law
He's terrorized the lives
Of men and he's under arrest
Because I've been sent
With a warrant from the body of Christ
-Well, tell me what it says then! -
"Satan, bite the dust!"
Every one of you unclean spirits,
I'm runnin' you outta town
Depression, strife,
Disease and fear, your posse's goin' down
-Boy, last tenderfoot who
Talked that big we sent him home in a box -
But I know who I am
Through Jesus Christ so I talk to you demons like dogs
Satan you coward, you molester of souls,
I command you to appear
You're hidin' from the presence of God but
I can feel your fear from here
-You rattled my chain, boy, long enough, you
Got something in your craw? -
A praying church wants you to know
- Know what? -
Your kingdom's gonna fall
-There's gonna be
Trouble here tonight -
'Cause I represent a
Whole new breed of Christian of today
And I'm authorized and
Deputized to blow you clean away
I've got a message to
Deliver from One who's true and just
We'll spit in your eye,
You father of lies
Satan, bite the dust!
-Boy, you gonna take me on and my unholy herd?-
Not only take you on, but
Take you out by the Spirit and the Word
One by one you'll drop
Like flies under foot and in the ground
Because greater is He who is in me
Than the snake I'm starin' down
You demon of alcoholism,
You'll be the first to go
There's deliverance from you
Through Jesus Christ, so, hit the road!
You spirit of infirmity,
You ain't welcome here no more
We lay hands on the sick
And they recover so, out the door!
You demon of false religion,
You've preyed on minds so simple
I bind the spirit of your songs,
So el kabong!
Play that in your temple!
Now Satan you're next in line,
I'm gonna hit you where it hurts
'Cause I'm tired of you in
My family and I'm tired
Of you in my church
I'm not my own,
I'm bought with a price,
I'm a Holy Ghost filled man
And I'm tollin' the bell of
Your eternal destruction
'cross the land
'Cause I represent a
Whole new breed of Christian of today
And I'm authorized and
Deputized to blow you clean away
I've got a weapon with
Two bullets that overcome all sin and crud
One bullet is called the word of my testimony,
And the other one's called The Blood
Satan, bite the dust!
Bite the dust!
Well how do you feel about that, devil?
-I'm afeelin' mighty low-
We are the children of the King
We're not afraid to let our voices ring
Christ is our salvation
He's the light that shines
We are a chosen generation
Redeemed, sactified, engrafted in the the vine
No way, we are not ashamed
Of the gospel or his name
Holy hands are lifted high
To the name of Jesus Christ
(repeat chorus)
There's many voices in the wind
But only one that frees the soul from sin
Do you know Christ is still the answer
For the world today
There is no other name so given
Unto a fallen man that he might be saved
(repeat chorus)
Now way, we are not
Ashamed, no way
We are not ashamed, no way
We are not ashamed
No way-we are not ashamed
No way
No way
(repeat chorus)
Our father who art in Heaven
Hollowed be thy name
Thy kingdom come
Thy will be done
On Earth as it is in Heaven
And give to us
Our daily bread
And forgive us our debts
As we forgive our debtors
Repeat Chorus
Led us not into
But deliver us
Deliver us from evil
Repeat Chorus
Thine is the Kingdom
Thine is the Power
Thine is the Glory
Forever and ever and ever and ever
Repeat Chorus
Thy Kingdom come
Thy will be done
On Earth as it is in Heaven
You've felt in your spirit
God's shown you something new
Something that has strengthened you
And only you can do
But as your desire grew
You got a little depressed
'Cause you found no destination
For your dreams to manifest
Your desire is the confirmation the destination is there
God wouldn't put it in your spirit if it wasn't going nowhere
So set your sights on the promises and don't you be scared
For your desire is the confirmation the destination is there
His vision's for a certain hour
I know it won't be late
His promises will strengthen you
If only you will wait
Don't follow someone else's dreams
Keep your own in sight
For the vision that God gives
Will keep you all your life
If tonight you stood in heaven's court;
to seek eternal favour...
Would you face Jesus Christ as Judge;
or face Him as your Saviour?
There are many who don't quite know for sure;
what that verdict would be...Ever...
So lets imagine for a moment
you are standing dead center...
In the Courtroom of Forever...
Sitting before you is a structure;
massive and intense.
It's here where your fate will be determined;
before this Judge's bench...
Then a voice booms:
"This Court's now in session."
And your adrenaline starts to rush.
Peering down with eyes;
that see through your soul..
Is God the Father, your Judge.
Then off to your left;
across the room...
Is the virtual sillouette of sin.
Stepping out of the shadows of condemnation;
your worst nightmare walks in.
On his face is the smirk of evil incarnate;
his mind fixed on your destruction in Hell.
You've just been introduced to you prosecuting attorney;
none other than Satan himself.
The Bible says he's the accuser of the brethren;
so guess what he's gonna do.
He's gonna accuse you of your sins;
and he knows them all...Both the old ones and the new.
He's prepared his case for years;
now the golden moment is his.
So in arrogance he presents his case to the Judge;
and it comes out sounding something like this...
"God, you see this worthless piece of trash over here!
This one is a sinner to the core! This one's commited adultery,
cursed his neighbors, stolen money, been into drugs, alchohol
and even more! This hopeless wretch has even slammed his friends!
And by the guilty face, this courtroom can tell. That through immoral
incertainty beyond any reasonable doubt, this one deserves eternal
judgement in Hell!"
The words of accusation still echoed;
your every sin thrown up in your face...
Then God opens the book;
with every deed that you courted...
And reviews your records of disgrace.
God says "The book says you did this, this, and this and everything
you were accused of today. Now before I sentence you to Hell forever;
are there any last words you have to say?"
...Now if it's true you were standing there;
in the Courtroom of Eternity.
With God to your front, and Satan-the prosecuter-to your left.
There's one remaining eternal truth;
one that's crucial to remember...
One you should never, ever, ever forget...
Then, on the other side of the Courtroom...
(doom music)
I said, on the other side of the Courtroom...
(doom music)
You ain't hearing me tonight;
(doom music)
...Is the one and only Son of God;
revealed in time and space.
And he's your defense attorney;
who has never lost a case!
It's not Buddha, Muhammad, or Christana(wrong);
or any others who succumb to death!
Ladies and gentlemen;
on the other side of The Courtroom,
is Jesus Christ of Nazereth!
Then Jesus jumps up, says:
"Now what a minute God! I got something to say! May I remind you
that on a cross 2000 years ago, I washed his sins away! I was
crucified, I died, they put me in a tomb--but long about the midnight
hour--the power of God hit me and I walked out of that grave, alive
and well with ressurection power!"
Then the devil says:
"It's in the book! It's written in the book! Check the book!"
God said:
Then He takes the book out, lays it open and says:
"Now we'll see what this book has to say."
He turns to the first page...
The second page...
The third...
By the fourth, the devil seemed shook...
God closes it, says:
"The blood of Jesus must of worked...Because there's absolutely
nothing in this book."
The devil says:
"Now what a minute, check that book again! All his sins are written
down, they're all right there!
God says:
"Devil, maybe you're mistaken all together. Maybe it's this other book
down here..."
Devil cries:
"NO!! Not that book! Not that one!"
God said:
"Devil, why you so uptight?"
God sets the book down...
The dust flies...
And on the cover it says: The Lamb's Book of Life!
Is your name in that book?
Is your name in that book?
Is your name in that book for sure?
If you've been forgiven...
And your name is written...
Then raise your hands-praise the Lord.
Yes, my name's in that book...
My name is in that book...
My name is in that book tonight...
I've been forgiven...
And I know my name is written...
In the Lamb's Book of Life...
(three blows of the mallet)
This court is ajourned...
(fade out)
In the vast expanse of a timeless place,
Where silence ruled the outer space,
Ominously, towering it stood,
The symbol of a spirit war
Between the one name Lucifer,
And the Morning Star, The ultimate of good.
Enveloped by a trillion planets,
Clean as lightning and hard as granite,
A cosmic coliseum would host the end
Of the war between the lord of sin and death,
And the Omnipotent Creator of man's first breath,
Who will decide who forever will be the Champion.
The audience for the 'Fight of the Ages' was assembled and in place.
The angels came in splendor from a star.
The saints that had gone before were there: Jeremiah, Enoch, Job.
They were singing the "Song of Zion" on David's harp.
The demons arrived, offensive and vile, cursing and blaspheming God.
Followed by their 'trophies' dead and gone.
Hitler, Napoleon, Pharaoh, Capone,
Tormented and vexed and grieved.
Waiting for their judgment From the Throne.
Then a chill swept through the mammoth crowd and the demons squealed with glee,
as a sordid, vulgar, repulsive essence was felt.
Arrogantly prancing, hands held high, draped in a sparkling shroud
Trolled by demons, Satan ascended from Hell.
Then Satan cringed, the sinners groaned!
The demons reeled in pain as a swell of power like silent thunder rolled
With a surge of light beyond intense, illuminating the universe,
In resplendent glory appeared the Son of God.
Then a Persona, yes, Extraordinaire appeared in center ring.
God the Father will oversee the duel.
Opening the Book of Life, each grandstand hushed in awe as
majestically He said,
"Now here's the rules. He'll be wounded for their transgressions,
bruised for iniquities"
When He said, "By His stripes they're healed," the devil shook!
He screamed, "Sickness is my specialty. I hate that healing junk!"
God said, "You shut your face, I wrote the book!"
Then the Father looked at His only Son and said,
"You know the rules.
Your blood will cleanse their sins and calm their fears."
Then He pointed His finger at Satan and said,
"And I know you know the rules.
You've been twisting them to deceive My people for years."
Satan screamed, "I'll kill you Christ! You'll never win this fight!"
The demons wheezed, "That's right, there ain't no way."
Satan jeered, "You're dead meat, Jesus, I'm gonna bust you UP tonight!"
Jesus said, "Go ahead, make my day!"
The bell rang, the crowd cheered, the fight was on,
And the devil leaped in fury.
With all his evil tricks he came undone.
He threw his jabs of hate and lust.
A stab of pride and envy but the hand that knew no sin blocked every one.
Forty days and nights they fought, and Satan couldn't touch Him.
Now the final blow saved for the final round.
Prophetically Christ's hands came down
And Satan struck in vengeance!
The blow of death felled Jesus to the ground.
The devils roared in victory!
The saints shocked and perplexed as wounds appeared upon His hands and feet.
Then Satan kicked Him in His side, and blood and water flowed.
And they waited for the 10 count of defeat.
God the Father turned His head,
His tears announcing Christ was dead!
The 10 count would proclaim the battle's end.
Then Satan trembled through his sweat in unexpected horror, yet...
As God started to count by saying,
"Hey wait a minute, God..." "...9..." "Stop! You're counting wrong..."
His eyes are moving...
His fingers are twitching...
"Where's all this Light coming from?"
"He's alive!"
"Oh - nooooo!"
"And yet,"
He has won!
He has won!
He's alive forevermore!
He is risen, He is Lord,
He has won!
He has won!
He's alive forevermore,
He is risen!
He is Lord!
Proclaim the news in every tongue,
Through endless ages and beyond
Let it be voiced from mountains loud and strong
Captivity has been set free, salvation bought for you and me
'Cause Satan is defeated,
And Jesus is The Champion
The demons where planning on having a party one night.
They got beer and Jack Daniels and pretzels,
a little Red wine, and some white.
They were celebrating how they crucified Christ, on that tree.
But Satan, the snake himself, wasn't so at ease.
He took his crooked finger and he dialed the phone by his bed,
To call an old faithful friend, to know for sure, that he was dead.
He said, "Grave, Grave tell, did my plan fail?"
Old Grave just lauged and said, "Oh man, the dude is dead as nails."
Well hey, hey, hey on Friday Night, they crucified the Lord at Calvary,
But He said, "Don't dread, in three days, I'm gonna live again, you'll see."
When problems try to bury you and make it hard to pray,
It may seem like Friday night, but Sunday's on the way!
A tranquilizer and a horror flick could not calm Satan's fear.
So Saturday night, he calls up the grave...scared, of what he'd hear.
"Hey, Grave, what's goin' on?"
Grave said, "Man, you called me twice, and I'll tell you, once more again boss, the Jew's on ice!"
Devil said "Man grave, do you remember when old Lazurus was in his grave?
You said everything's cool and four days later, BOOM, Ol' Lazurus, he was raised!
Now this Jesus, He is much more trouble than anyone has ever been to me.
And look Grave He's got old Devil shook cuz He said, He's only gonna be dead for three!"
Sunday morning Satan woke with a jump, ready to blow a fuse.
He was shaking from the tips of his pointed ears,
to the toes of his pointed shoes.
He said "Grave tell me is He alive? I don't want to lose my neck!"
Grave said, "Your evilness, maintain your cool. You are a wreck!"
Grave said, "Now just cool your jets, Big D, my sting is still intact,
You see, Jesus is dead forever, he ain't never coming back,
so just mellow out man, just go drink up or shoot up,
but just leave old Grave alone, and I'll catch you la.....
Then the stone was rolled awa and it bounced a time or two,
and an Angel stepped inside and said, "I'm Gabriel, who're you?
And if you're wondering where the Lord is, at this very hour,
We can't contain what's inside
Thunder and lightning can't hide
Freed from the past
Destined to win
Taking the Gospel where it's never been
We're on, we're on, we're on a mission
And we'll go
Where the brave
Dare to fly
We're on a mission
And we know
It's a race
Do or die
To know Him and make Him known is our creed
Letting the fire be freed
Mission 3:16
We don't know what we will find
Deep behind enemy lines
We are the called
We are the few
Ready to serve Him and willing to do
He did not come into the world
But to save us
He came so He could set us free
Not enslave us
Freely we received
Freely we must give
The message of salvation to live
Yes, to live
I am the resurrection and the Life
He that believeth in me
Though he were dead
Yet shall he live
A certain man had died
In the town of Bethany
And Lazarus was his name
The Bible says he was
A man that Jesus loved
And his sisters thought
It was a shame
Mary and Martha longed
For Jesus healing touch
To come and raise their brother
Cause they loved that boy so much
But Jesus has a plan not known to any man
That would soon take away their pain
They were for Jesus
To come and say
Lazarus, Lazarus, Lazarus Come Forth
When he died he went to where
The saints of God did stay
In the holding place
They lived beyond the tomb
There he saw Elijah, Moses, Samuel, even Ruth
And all the others jammed up in a room
He turned around and saw
Ol' Gideon standin' by the door
He walked up and said hey brother
What's this group here for
Well Giddie said
Well alright this is testimony night
Have a seat man cause
The meeting is starting soon
While Mary and Martha
Just wanted to see
Lazarus, Lazarus, Lazarus Come Forth
Moses shook his stick
Said now this meeting come to order
Can I get a witness
For the Lord tonight
Abraham kicked it off
Said I want y'all know
That I knew him
He gave a child to my barren wife
Isaac waived hi hand said
Hey daddy I knew him too
Jacob jumped up says
Amen Grandpa, preach it
Old dignified Solomon
Adjusted his robe and said
I knew him, He made me so smart
I started to teach it
Ezekiel said I knew him
As a wheel within a wheel
Job said man he healed me
When I was almost dead
Sampson said I knew
When some Philistines tried to jump me
I took a donkey jawbone and busted a few heads
Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego said
We knew him in the fiery furnace
Jonah said man he gave me a second chance
Daniel cried out I knew him
In a hungry den of lions
The Holy Ghost hit King David
He just started to dance
Lazarus got so excited
He shouted Hey I knew him too
Moses put down his stick
Said hey who's the new kid
Needless to say the room got real quiet
When Lazarus said But I knew him
In a way you all never did
You see man I walked with him and talked with him
I saw how his teachings awed the crowds
Those famous tears of compassion I could actually see
He used to come over to my house after church
And my sisters would make him dinner
And every month I even supported his ministry
You see man I watched him confront the Pharisees
I was there when he feed the five thousand
I heard the people gasp when he healed the lame
You see man I even remember the littlest things
The things that most folks would forget
Like the simple, loving way He'd just call my name
Up at the grave stone rolled away
With a loud voice Jesus started to say, Lazarus
You see it just seems like yesterday
I could hear that man saying my name
As a matter of a fact it seemed like today
Excuse me brothers I think I hear him calling me now
Lazarus....Hey Jesus
Lazarus, Come Forth
Come Forth, I command you, Come Forth
Jesus said, Lazarus, Lazarus, Lazarus Come Forth
Like he was saying sickness be healed
Mountains be moved
When he said, Lazarus Come Forth
Mary don't weep Martha don't moan
Here come your boy Comin' Forth
He that believeth in me
Though he were dead
Help me make a joyful sound
Momma and Daddy, girls and boys
Help me make a joyful noise
Come on gimme a shout of victory
Overcomers and conquerors are we
Cast off the spirit of worry and doubt
Lord, loose us tonight cause it's time to break out
Hallelujah, hallelujah
Hallelujah, I got the joy in me
Hallelujah, hallelujah
Hallelujah, I got the joy in me
Lift your praises to the sky
We're gonna get down with some church tonight
We gonna dance and we gonna shout
We gonna turn this whole place inside out
Come on gimme a shout of victory
Overcomers and conquerors are we
Cast off the spirit of worry and doubt
Lord, loose us tonight cause it's time to break out
I get joy when I think about
They said I'd never make it
They said I would not last a day
They said when things got heated up
I would get blown away
But I'm still here Lord
Still strong, and I'm still
Holdin' on (every day), holdin' on (everyway)
Holdin' on (every minute), Holdin' on (I'm still in it)
I got strength to stand
I'm holdin' on to God's unchangin' hand
They said I was too fragile
That livin' right was just a dream
They said I didn't have the stuff
To try and swim up stream
But I'm still here Lord
Still strong, and I'm still
Holdin' on (through the fire), holdin' on (I'm goin' higher)
Holdin' on (through the flood), Holdin' on (through the blood)
I got strength to stand
I'm holdin' on to God's unchangin' hand
Through the darkness, and through the night
I walk by faith and not by sight
Because I'm hangin' on to God's Word
Holdin' on for what I've heard
Thinkin' through the mind of Christ
Walkin' in the way that's right
His promises are true, His love is everlasting
His power is available only for the asking
When you sow the Word, faith is what you reap
You can be rough, tough, hard to bluff, if you keep
Holdin' on (every day), holdin' on (everyway)
Holdin' on (every minute), Holdin' on (I'm still in it)
I got strength to stand
I'm holdin' on to God's unchangin' hand
I got strength to stand
I'm holdin' on to God's unchangin' hand
Spoken: "Good afternoon everyone. This is your First Officer speaking, and it's a beautiful day for flyin'.
There's a few clouds in the distance, but, we'll be climbin' above them very quickly. Your Captain will
be speaking to you periodically. We're first in line for take off. And it's great to have you with us. Thank you."
"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome aboard Major-C Airlines flight 777 to Jam City. As a victory precaution
please place all excess baggage under your feet or in an enclosed area behind you. The exit row on
our flight today is row 666. For those of you seated by the exit row please familiarize yourself with
the passenger salvation card located in the seat pocket in front of you. Thank you for flying with us
and once again, welcome aboard."
God is exalted
God is exalted
I'm takin' off, off to a higher place
A higher level where the devil
Don't have power 'cause Christ be the King
In other words, this be a Jesus thing
So hold on tightly 'cause there just might be
Friction and turbulence, so grab a grip
And stop trippin' 'cause the devil want to see you
Slippin' into darkness
Put on your wings, fly through the clouds
Our destination is Salvation
So make sure you check into the right location
And don't forget to get that first class reservation
Which be the blood of the Lamb
Jesus Christ is the caption in command
And with Christ as the caption we are sure to
Fly the friendly skies
God is exalted and Satan is defeated
Jesus Christ is Lord
God is exalted and Satan is defeated
Jesus Christ is Lord
Spoken:"Ladies and gentlemen the Captain has illuminated the fasten seat belt sign due to turbulence in the area.
We do ask that you return to your seats with your seat belts securely fastened."
Watch out, there's a storm ahead
We're hittin' the air pockets, but just like rockets
We're breakin' free spiritually
A three point landing guaranteed
Stay buckled to the Word of God
It keeps us strong, away from wrong
Uppity, uppity up where we belong
So off we go
But now you all see the R.I.O.T. posse
Ain't gonna crash like a kamikaze
So let's keep flying to the sky and
Don't listen to the devil cause he be lyin'
Spoken:"Because of turbulence any traditionally service will be discontinued at this time"
"Hello everyone this is your First Officer again. The Captain has informed me that in order to avoid the choppy weather, we'll be climbing to a much higher altitude, where we know the air is smooth. You'll like it better up there. Thank you."
He's exalted
God's exalted
Spoken: "In preparation for landing, return tray tables and seat backs to their full upright and locked positions. And please, hang on tight."
Spoken: "Ladies and gentlemen, it is our pleasure to welcome you to jam city. If you need further assistance
check with a uniformed Major-C agent who will direct you to the nearest transport vehicle.
On behalf of the entire crew, it has been our pleasure to have you on board today.
George Washington, Thomas Jefferson
Samuel Adams, First Chief Justice John Jay
Names synonymous with the spirit of our country
Founding fathers of the U.S.A.
Over 200 years ago they shook off the chains of tyranny from Great Britain
By divine call
Citing 27 biblical violations they wrote the Declaration of Independence
With liberty and justice for all
But something happened since Jefferson called the Bible the cornerstone
For American liberty then put it in our schools as a light
Or since "Give me liberty, or give me death," Patrick Henry said
Our country was founded on the Gospel of Jesus Christ
We eliminated God from the equation of American life
Thus eliminating the reason this nation first began
From beyond the grave I hear the voices of our founding fathers plead
You need God in America again
Of the 55 men who formed the Constitution
Fifty-two were active members of their church
Founding fathers like Noah Webster who wrote the first dictionary
Could literally quote the Bible chapter and verse
James Madison said, "We've staked our future on our ability to follow
The Ten Commandments with all our heart"
These men believed you couldn't even call yourself an American
If you subvert the Word of God
In his farewell address, Washington said, "You can't have national morality apart from religious principle," and it's true
'Cause right now we have nearly 150,000 kids carrying guns
To these war zones we call public schools
In the '40's and '50's student problems were chewing gum and talking
In the '90's, rape and murder are the trend
The only way this nation can even hope to last this decade
Is put God in America again
The only hope for America is Jesus
The only hope for our country is Him
If we repent of our ways stand firm and say
We need God in America again
Abe Lincoln said, "The philosophy of the classroom in one generation
Will be the philosophy of government of the next"
So when you eliminate the Word of God from the classroom and politics
You eliminate the nation that Word protects
America is now number one in teen pregnancy and violent crime
Number one in illiteracy, drug use, and divorce
Everyday a new holocaust of 5,000 unborn die
While pornography floods our streets like open sewers
America's dead and dying hand is on the threshold of the Church
While the spirit of Sodom and Gomorrah vex us all
When it gets to the point where people would rather
Come out of the closet than clean it
It's a sign that the judgment of God is gonna fall
If there's ever been a time to rise up Church, it's now
And as the blood bought saints of the living God proclaim
That it's time to sound the alarm from the Church house to the White House
And say, "We want God in America again"
I believe it's time for America to stand up and proclaim
That one nation under God is our demand
And send this evil lifestyle back to Satan where it came from
And let the Word of God revive our dying land
For Jesus Christ is coming back again in all His glory
And every eye shall see Him on that day
That's why a new anointing of God's power's coming on us
To boldly tell the world you must be saved
Because astrology won't save you, your horoscope won't save you
The Bible says these things are all a farce
If you're born again, you don't need to look to the stars for your answers
'Cause you can look to the very One who made those stars
History tells us time and time again
To live like there's no God makes you a fool
If you want to see kids live right
Stop handing out condoms and start handing out the Word of God in schools
The only hope for America is Jesus
The only hope for our country is Him
If we repent of our ways
Stand firm and say
We need God in America again
We need God in America
God in America
One peaceful afternoon I picked up from my mailbox the strangest looking letter I'd ever seen, a chilling little envelope bordered with flying bats, and serpents whose eyes were tinted green. The letter was addressed to me so as I opened it I froze. What I read turned my complexion three shades of blue. It said, 'My name is Isaac Horowitz. I'm a male witch, a warlock and I feel I need to spend some time with you.'
Now as a Christian from a little church with God's call on my life, a man of faith and power with a challenge to grow I did what any saint would do in my situation. I tore it up said, 'Lord, no way I'm gonna go.' Then gently and methodically the Holy Spirit spoke and reminded me we're God's voice to our nation. It's the church's responsibility to witness, so reluctantly I accepted this witch's invitation.
He had the house you'd expect, the old English cottage, a 'Nightmare on Elm Street' special right to the core, the overgrown ivy, the gate that creaked when opened, somehow you'd expect Freddy to answer this door. The doorbell rang, a hollow gong, the knob twisted then opened, and Isaac stood before me with a grin. His jet black hair and well trimmed beard flowed with his black silk clothes. My skin crawled as he said, 'Please come on in.'
His house was filled with every occultic symbol you could fathom; Hanging pentagrams and horoscope signs, a Ouija board and dungeons and dragons game set on the table, a crystal ball with an incandescent shine. Then graciously he handed me some steaming herbal tea. Its presence caused my memory to jog...I thought of every horror flick I'd seen when I was a kid and thought if you drink this stuff next day you'll be a frog.
Then he led me to a high backed chair as he meticulously began to unfold his scenario with evil patience. I was given a giant leather bound book jammed with newspaper clipping, thus the reason for this witch's invitation. With eagerness he pointed to each article with pride. He said, 'I healed this woman through a Babylonian chant; See this man, I cured him while performing druid worship; I was paid to curse this man with AIDS by his aunt.'
On and on, page after page, delightfully he flaunted each incident for an hour without a breath. He said, 'Do you realize through my understanding of the dark regions that I can make you rich or even curse someone to death?' I sat literally intimidated by the immensity in demon power while his face shone with a satanic arrogant bliss. Then placing his hands on the arms of my chair and leaning into my face he said, 'What can your God do to compete with this?'
I knew then how Moses felt, how when his rod turned to a serpent and the three Egyptian magicians did the same. It's as if you're sitting there in that stunned moment while your faith get violated and all you feel is weak, powerless and lame. I desperately and deeply prayed saying, 'Jesus give me wisdom - I don't want to put you through some foolish test. Then a shaft of light shot through my soul lighting my eyes with fire. God stood me up and I threw the book back in his chest.
I said 'Isaac, I'll not compare God's miracles versus Satan's - the issue's not God's kingdom and Satan's lair. The real comparison is the condition of your soul and the condition of mine, and you puppet of the devil, that I will compare. My friend, one day they're coming for you - the soft associates in your incantations - the friendly demons you think you now control. The time will come when you'll be lying in bed wheezing like a dying animal and those spirits lay claim to the rights they own to your soul.'
'Then the room will grow dark, and the most hideous evil faces will come flaming out of the floor with a yell! The vile informants that promised reincarnation will claw your spirit and victoriously drag your soul to hell!'
Then I grabbed the book and said, 'In that moment which mantra, which incantation you gonna chant to tell them to leave you alone? My friend, I know beyond a shadow of a doubt what I would say...'I'm bought with the blood of Jesus! Let me go!' '
I said, 'Isaac, when you tossed that book in my lap, you gloated with a sinister victory. You rejoiced when you saw your name in black and white. Now I rejoice, but not that your counsel of demons are subject to Jesus, but that my name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life!' Then Isaac jumped up from his chair and screamed, 'You must leave now!' I said, 'I will, but one last obligation - Next time think twice before you rumble with a man of God!!! And by the way thanks for your.. uhh... witch's invitation.
It doesn't matter who you are
It doesn't matter where you've been
It doesn't matter what the scar
It doesn't matter what the sin
It doesn't matter how you fell
'Cause somewhere along the way
There's healing for your life today
There's a river that flows
From the fountain of God
And it heals everything along the way
I have tasted and known
That for every broken heart
There is healing in Jesus' name
He looks beyond how far you've gone
He looks beyond how you were hurt
He looks beyond who stole your song
He looks beyond what made it worse
He looks beyond where others failed
To reach out to you and say
There's healing for your life today
There's a river that flows
From the fountain of God
And it heals everything along the way
I have tasted and known
That for every broken heart
There is healing in Jesus' name
It's a river of love
It's a river that lives
It's the River of Life
Living water it gives
There's a river that flows
From the fountain of God
And it heals everything along the way
I have tasted and known
That for every broken heart
There is healing in Jesus'
Healing in Jesus'
There is healing in Jesus' name
A fortune made, a goal achieved
But in God's sight, what does it mean?
If I don't glorify Your name
The things I do, I'll do in vain
Oh Lord, to please You
Is what I yearn
Help me remember this truth I've learned
That Kingdoms come and Kingdoms go
But through the Word of God I know
When all in life is done and past
Only what's done for Christ will last
To sacrifice and reach a star
But then lose sight of who You are
Is never worth the price, I know
To gain the world and lose the soul
I know now what You've tried to say, Lord, to me
My spirit can understand
Now, I can see
One peaceful afternoon
I picked up from my mailbox
The strangest looking letter I'd ever seen
A chilling little envelope
Bordered with flying bats and eerie serpents
Whose eyes were tinted green
That letter was addressed to me
So as I opened it, I froze
What I read turned my complexion three shades of blue
It said, "my name is Isaac Horowitz
I'm a male witch, a warlock
And I feel I need to spend some time with you."
Now, as a Christian from a little church
With God's call on my life,
A man of faith and power, with a challenge to grow
I did what any saint would do
In my situation
I tore it up said, "Lord, no way I'm gonna go."
Then gently and methodically the Holy Spirit spoke
And reminded me, we're God's voice to our nation
It's the church's responsibility to witness
So reluctantly I accepted this...
Witch's invitation
He had the house you'd expect
The old english cottage
A nightmare on Elm street special right to the core
The overgrown ivy,
The gate that creaked when opened
Somehow you'd expect Freddy to answer this door
The doorbell rang the hollow gong,
The knob twisted, then opened
Then Isaac stood before me with a grin
His jet black hair and well-trimmed beard
Flowed with his black silk clothes
My skin crawled as he said,
"Please..come on in"
His house was filled
With every occultic symbol you could fathom
Hanging pentagrams and horoscope signs,
A Ouija board and dungeons and dragons game
Set on the table
A crystal ball with an incandescent shine
Then graciously he handed me some steaming herbal tea
It's prescence caused my memory to jog
I thought of every horror flick I'd seen
When I was a kid and thought:
"You drink this stuff, next day you'll be a frog"
Then he led me to a high-backed chair
As he meticulously began to unfold his scenario
With evil patience
I was given a giant leather-bound book
Jammed with newspaper clippings
Thus the reason for this...
Witch's invitation
With eagerness he pointed to each article with pride
He said,
"I healed this woman through a Babylonian chant
See this man? I cured him
While performing druid worship
I was paid to curse this man with AIDS, by his aunt"
On and on, page after page,
Delightfully he flaunted each incident for an hour
Without a breath
He said, "do you realize through my understanding of the dark regions that I can make you rich?
Or even curse someone to death?"
I sat literally intimidated
by the immensity in demon power,
while his face shown with a Satanic arrogant bliss.
Then placing his hands on the arms of my chair
He said, "what can your God do to compare with this?"
I knew then how Moses felt,
How when his rod turned to a serpent
And the three magicians' did the same.
It's as if you're sitting there
In that stunned moment while your faith gets violated
And all you feel is weak, powerless and lame
I desperately and deeply prayed
Saying, "Jesus give me wisdom
I don't wanna put you through some foolish test."
Then a shaft of light shot through my soul
Lighting my eyes with fire
God stood me up, and I threw the book back in his chest
I said, "Isaac,
I'll not compare God's miracles versus Satan's
The issue's not God's kingdom in Satan's lair,
The real comparison is the condition of your soul
And the condition of mine,
and you puppet of the devil that I will compare.
My friend, one day they're coming for you
The soft associates in your incantations
The friendly demons you think you now control
The time will come when you'll be lying in bed
Wheezing like a dying animal,
and those spirits lay claim
To the rights they own to your soul.
Then the room will grow dark,
And the most hideous faces you ever saw
Will come flaming out of the floor with a yell
The vile informants that promised reincarnation
Will claw your spirit and victoriously
Drag your soul to Hell."
Then I grabbed the book and said,
"In that moment,
Which mantra, which incantation you gonna chant
To tell them to leave you alone?
My friend,
I know beyond a shadow of a doubt what I would say...
I am bought with the blood of Jesus, let me go!"
I said, "Isaac, when you tossed that book in my lap,
You glowed with a sinister victory
You rejoiced when you saw your name in black & white
Now I rejoice,
But not that your cousel of demons
Are subject to Jesus,
But that my name is written
In the lamb's book of life!"
Then Isaac jumped up from his chair and screamed,
"You must leave now!"
I said, "I will, but one last obligation.
Next time think twice
Before you rumble with a man of God.
And by the way, thanks for your, uh...
Nothing is impossible
Nothing's out of reach
All good things will come to those
Who faithfully believe
When you see a mountain
Standing is your way
Known that it will move for you
If only you will pray
'Cause prayer can move a mountain
Prayer can stop the doubt
And prayer can calm the raging heart of unbelief
For I know when I go on my knees
God will move for me
And prove what He can do
Through prayer
Somewhere there's a miracle
Waiting 'round the bend
How He's blessed you in the past
He'll do it once again
You're not forgotten
Or been turned away
The Lord's about to move for you
If only you will pray
I know that He won't leave me all alone
The Lord has kept me safe till now
He'll show me when
He'll show me how
And I know that I can't make it on my own
But with the power of God in me
There's nothing great that I can't be
No mountain high, no valley low
Will change my mind 'cause this I know
Move, move, right now
We're the people of God, and we're here to say
Living for the Lord is the better way
We're the people of God, and we're on a quest
Raising up a banner of righteousness
Full of hope, faith and fire
We're the chosen, rising to a higher plane
A performance, stirring up the gift that was dormant
War, no we're not afraid
Send a giant out, we'll take him down with the Word, and Spirit
This generation needs to hear it now
A demonstrate with God's power
Extra, extra read all about it
Satan lost the war and no doubt it works
This holy power and it's ours to devour foes
Who come against us 'cause it sends us out
And strong in the spirit
This generation needs to hear it now
And demonstrate with God's power
Someone hurts us, He's the One who mends us
God before us, who can be against us
Redemption, yes, we're living proof
I've been alone and I've been forgotten
I know what it feels like to be on the bottom.
Nothing to look forward to and nobody there.
I've felt the grip of the spirit that takes you
Under the ways of depression that makes you
Numb to the feeling of hope and you just don't care.
And I seek Your will
More and more each day.
But I'm weak and I
Feel I've lost my way.
And I'm hoping I
Will find You through the maze
Of all of my confusion when I pray.
Lord, I need to hear You say
That You're there for me
That You're with me still.
And I need to hear You say
That You care for me,
That You love me and You always will.
I know it's not a one way street
And what I need to hear from You,
You need to hear from me.
Lord, You need to hear me say
That I'm there for You
That I'm with You still
And You need to hear me say
That I care for You
Come into this house,
magnify the Lord
Lift up holy hands, our
hearts in one accord
For He's worthy, worthy
of all our praise
Stop dissin' just listen,
let me kick a little slang
I'll tell you all about
where we power people
hang out
With power over demons
and anything that's
We've trained our brains
to know Christ is the
Look plain and simp', the
devil's a pimp
The power of praise can
heal your limp
You've been spurned and
burned by a life with no
Bust out of prison with
the risen life Saviour
You've been used and
abused, sold down the
I've got news you can
choose, you need to be
With Christ you win,
without Christ you lose
But if you jam with the
Lamb, you're smooth
Amputation situation first
Cut out the jive, cut into
You need a healin' touch,
a big strong hand
Come rock with the flock
with the brothers that
He's worthy of honor
and glory
Worthy of power
and praise
Worship and bow down
before Him
Exalt His name today
Welcome into this place
Welcome into this broken vessel
You desire to abide in the praises of your people
So, We lift our hands
As, We lift our hearts
This is my Bible
I am what it says I am
I have what it says I have
I'll do what it says I'll do
This is my Bible
It has given me new life
It is the Word of God
When I'm lost and gone astray
It helps me find my way
When I quote it I well see
T minus 35 seconds
We're just a few seconds away from switching
To the redundancy sequencer
T minus 27 seconds
We have gone for redundance sequencer start
T minus 20 seconds and counting
T minus 15, 14, 13
T minus 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4[Incomprehensible]
93 million miles from the blistering surface of the sun
Hangs the planet earth
A rotating sphere perfectly suspended in the center of the universe
The ultimate creation from an infinate mind
An unbelievably intricate complex design
A supernatural testimony, an irrefutable sign that there is a God
The size, position and angle of the earth
Is a scientific phenomenon to see
A few degrees closer to the sun we'd disintegrate
A few degrees further, we'd freeze
The axis of the earth is tilted at a perfect 23 degree angle
And it's no mistake that it is
This allows equal global distribution to the rays of the sun
Making it possible for the food chain to exist
Or take for example the combination of nitrogen and oxygen
In the atmosphere we breathe every day
It just happens to be the exact mix that life needs to prosper
It doesn't happen on any other planet that way
You see the Bible says the invisible things of God
Are clearly seen through His creation, to believe this is not hard
If there's a design, there's a designer if there's a plan, there's a planner
And if there's a miracle, there is a God
There is a hope, there is a light
There is an answer to all answers
There is a flame that burns in the night
And I know, I know, I know there is a God
The Scripture says the heavens declare the glory of God
And the skies proclaim the work of His hands
If we allow our minds to drink in all the truth that just surrounds us
Creation itself will help us understand
Did you know the moon controls the tides?
It's the maid that cleans the ocean
Even the waves don't crash the shores in vain
The tides drag impurities into the depths of the sea
It's nature's constant recycling chain
It simply boggles the mind to think that the stars will rotate
With such exact precision that it's true
That the atomic clock with an error factor
Of less than three seconds per millennium is set by the way we move
Though they silently orbit, the sun, the moon, the stars
Are like celestial evangelists above
Who circle the earth every 24 hours shouting
In every language that there is a God
Atheism is the wedge under the foundation of our faith
Trying to topple our relationship with Christ
When the fool said in his heart there is no God
He rejects the truth God painted on the canvas of the night
Atheism has never created an artistic masterpiece
Never healed a fatal disease or calmed a fear
Atheism has never still given answers to our existence
Peace to a troubled mind or even dried a tear
For it's God who created heaven and earth
And flung the stars in space
And breathed in the handful of dirt and it became a man
It's God who sits on the circle of the earth
And measures the mountains in a scale
And holds the seven seas in the palm of His hand
It's God who sent His only begotten Son to the cross of Calvary
To save our souls from Hell and grave
It's God who creates, God who delivers
God who heals and God who is worthy of a thunderous ovation of praise
There is a hope, there is a light
There is an answer to all answers
There is a flame that burns in the night
And I know, I know, I know there is a God
There is a hope, there is a light
There is an answer to all answers
There is a flame that burns in the night
And I know, I know, I know there is a God
There is a God, there is a God, there is a God
Jesus is the Light
Jesus is the Light
Jesus is the Light of the world
Jesus is the Light
Jesus is the Light
Jesus is the Light of the world
Callin' all saints
Callin' all sinners
Callin' every boy and girl
I'm tellin' you tonight
It's tight but it's right
Jesus is the Light of the world
In John chapter 1, the one by God the Son
Tells us why the Lord He was sent
It says in Him is life and the life is the light
That shines on the darkness of man
There was one sent from God
Who's name was John, who came as a witness you see
He said "I testify, that Jesus is the Light so everybody might believe"
Jesus, Jesus is the Light
Jesus, Jesus is the Light
Jesus, Jesus is the Light
Jesus, Jesus is the Light
Jesus, Jesus is the Light of the world