Zeroman is a Canadian animated television series that aired on the Canadian cartoon network Teletoon (in English) and on Télétoon (in French). It tells the adventures of incompetent sixty-six-year-old postman Les Mutton (voiced by Leslie Nielsen) who also happens to be the superhero known as Zeroman. As Zeroman, Les fights the crime that plagues Fair City in a similar fashion to Nielsen's Lieutenant Frank Drebin character in the Naked Gun series. Although a second season was once announced as in production, the death of Leslie Nielsen guaranteed that another season will not happen.
Every day i'm suffering from terminal addiction flood bank memory, turning me away frome me suck it down and cut it up Humanness and self-distress Every day addicted downward circling, burning at both ends, addicted Reality is futile, it poisons my existence pseudo images, policy, management I need alcohol, cocaine and demerol caffeine, nicotine, vicodin, heroine addicted