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  • History of Modern Iran: A Nuclear Islamic Republic | BBC Documentary...59:07
  • Group: More than 100,000 killed in Syrian war [Slide Show]...0:31
  • Whistleblower Behind the NSA Surveillance Speaks Out - Full Interview - Edward Snowden - 6/9/13...12:35
  • Kevin Rudd vs Prime Minister Julia Gillard | Shorten: Why I'm backing Rudd...1:30
  • Obama, Karzai 'reaffirm' Afghan-led peace process with Taliban: White House [Slide Show]...0:31
  • Shenzhou-10 Landing 6/26/2013...2:08
  • Brazil protests: 'we will lose a lot through violence', says president...1:57
  • Turkey protesters ignore Erdogan call for end to demonstrations...1:31
  • NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden: 'I don't want to live in a society that does these sort of things'...12:35
  • Why US Extradition Requests for Snowden are Ignored...3:55
  • Exclusive Video: WikiLeaks Lawyer Confirms Snowden Lands In Russia; Seeks Asylum in Unnamed Country...5:28
  • Uttarakhand floods: Death toll rises to 58, many homes destroyed...10:42
  • Great Singapore Haze - 401 PSI Worst Haze Ever!!!...4:07
  • Afghanistan: Gunfire and explosions as Taliban attack presidential palace...1:13
add video playlist Iran and the West is the name of a three part British documentary series shown in February 2009 on BBC Two to mark the 30th anniversary of the 1979 Iranian R...
Iran and the West is the name of a three part British documentary series shown in February 2009 on BBC Two to mark the 30th anniversary of the 1979 Iranian R...
His­to­ry of Mod­ern Iran: A Nu­cle­ar Is­lam­ic Re­pub­lic | BBC Doc­u­men­tary
Group: More than 100000 killed in Syrian war.
Group: More than 100,000 killed in Syr­i­an war [Slide Show]
Full Interview Released on June 9, 2013 - The 29-year-old source behind the biggest intelligence leak in the NSA\'s history explains his motives, his uncertain future and why he never intended on hiding in the shadows. The individual responsible for one of the most significant leaks in US political history is Edward Snowden, a 29-year-old former technical assistant for the CIA and current employee of the defence contractor Booz Allen Hamilton. Snowden has been working at the National Security Agency for the last four years as an employee of various outside contractors, including Booz Allen and Dell.

The Guardian, after several days of interviews, is revealing his identity at his request. From the moment he decided to disclose numerous top-secret documents to the public, he was determined not to opt for the protection of anonymity. \
Whistle­blow­er Be­hind the NSA Surveil­lance Speaks Out - Full In­ter­view - Ed­ward Snow­den - 6/9/13
Australia: Gillard Faces Challenge From Rudd Former leader Kevin Rudd is fighting Prime Minister Julia Gillard for her job as a Labor Party leadership ballot...
Kevin Rudd vs Prime Min­is­ter Julia Gillard | Short­en: Why I'm back­ing Rudd
Obama, Karzai \'reaffirm\' Afghan-led peace process with Taliban: White House
Obama, Karzai 'reaf­firm' Afghan-led peace pro­cess with Tal­iban: White House [Slide Show]
Shenzhou-10 Landing.
Shen­zhou-10 Land­ing 6/26/2013
Click here for the British & Irish Lions Brick by Brick
The president of Brazil, Dilma Rousseff, gives a presidential address on Friday to urge an end to mass protests and violence in the country. Rousseff has pledged to begin a dialogue with protesters angry about poor public services, government corruption and the increasing cost of hosting the football World Cup. Two-million people marched nationwide in Brazil on Thursday and protesters say they will not cease, despite a police crackdown
Brazil protests: 'we will lose a lot through vi­o­lence', says pres­i­dent
1:57 Demonstrations against the Turkish government continued overnight and into Sunday, as thousands of people took part in a wave of protest in several different cities.

For the second day Ankara has seen a significant amount of the unrest. Several hundred people in the capital were 
reported injured. 

By early morning the streets there and in Istanbul were quieter compared to the previous night.

But more than 900 people have been arrested in over 90 different demonstrations around the country, according to the government. Doctors say many more have been injured.

On Saturday afternoon police pulled back their armoured trucks from the park at Taksim in Istanbul. Thousands of protesters remained there afterwards in jubilation, ignoring the prime minister\'s calls for an end to the demonstrations.

Recep Tayyip Erdogan has admitted \
Turkey protesters ig­nore Er­do­gan call for end to demon­stra­tions
1:31 Copyright © 2013 Praxis Films / Laura Poitras FAIR USE NOTICE: This vid...
NSA whistle­blow­er Ed­ward Snow­den: 'I don't want to live in a so­ci­ety that does these sort of things'
As Edward Snowden flees from the United States, he\'s found sympathetic governments around the world to assist in his flight to asylum. China, Russia, Cuba, a...
Why US Ex­tra­di­tion Re­quests for Snow­den are Ig­nored
3:55 - Amy Goodman interviews Michael Ratner, lawyer for Julian Assange and WikiLeaks, about the breaking news that NSA whistleblower ...
Ex­clu­sive Video: Wik­iLeaks Lawyer Con­firms Snow­den Lands In Rus­sia; Seeks Asy­lum in Un­named Coun­try
The monsoon rains that lashed North India early are continuing to wreak havoc in the region. In Uttarakhand, 58 people have lost their lives close to 60,000 tourists and pilgrims are stranded at various locations due to floods and landslides.

The worst hit is Uttarkashi where another bridge has been washed away. Around 70 homes have been destroyed and nearly 200 camps have been set up for those stranded.
Ut­tarak­hand floods: Death toll rises to 58, many homes de­stroyed
Singapore was covered by a thick blanket of haze on 17 June 2013. The smoke haze from the fires in Sumatra was brought over by prevailing winds blowing from the southwest or west, and has affected Singapore since 13 June 2013. The PSI reading hit 155 at 10pm on 17 June 2013 and a record breaking 401 at 12pm on 21 June, the highest level ever, breaking the record set in September 1997 when the index reached 226. Air becomes \
Great Sin­ga­pore Haze - 401 PSI Worst Haze Ever!!!
An attack by Taliban insurgents on the presidential palace in Kabul has ended with all attackers being killed. Police claimed all the assailants had been killed after a 90-minute gunfight. The attack began soon after 6.30am when at least one man opened fire with an automatic rifle at a gate to the palace in the central Shash Darak district.

Reporters had been gathering at the palace for a press conference with President Hamid Karzai and took cover when the firing broke out.

Officials said five assailants had been killed along with two Afghan guards. Report by Mark Morris.

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Afghanistan: Gun­fire and ex­plo­sions as Tal­iban at­tack pres­i­den­tial palace
The President of Brazil is hoping her promise to spend an extra 25 billion dollars on public transport will overcome public anger. Dilma Roussef also announced economic reforms to try and reduce...
Brazil's pres­i­dent promis­es major re­forms

updated 25 Jun 2013; published 18 Feb 2013
His­to­ry of Mod­ern Iran: A Nu­cle­ar Is­lam­ic Re­pub­lic | BBC Doc­u­men­tary
Al Jazeera 26 Jun 2013, "A nuclear weaponised Iran destabilises the region, prompts a regional arms race, and wastes the scarce resources in the region." Who do you think might have written this sentence? Chances are very few people around the world would know, or would now believe that the person who wrote this sentence is none other than the current president-elect of...
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updated 26 Jun 2013; published 26 Jun 2013
Group: More than 100,000 killed in Syr­i­an war [Slide Show]
Huffington Post 26 Jun 2013, BEIRUT — More than 100,000 people have been killed since the start of Syria's conflict over two years ago, an activist group said Wednesday. The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, which has been tracking the death toll in the conflict through a network of activists in Syria, released its death toll at a time when hopes for a...
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updated 09 Jun 2013; published 09 Jun 2013
Whistle­blow­er Be­hind the NSA Surveil­lance Speaks Out - Full In­ter­view - Ed­ward Snow­den - 6/9/13 26 Jun 2013, Article by Correspondent Dallas Darling "That's not a lie, it's a terminological inexactitude." -Alexander Haig, 1983 More subtler tyrannies face Americans than a surveillance state, especially since whoever controls words and mental cliches dominates a nation's collectivized mind. In the U.S. there is no need for a vast spying and...
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updated 26 Jun 2013; published 26 Jun 2013
Kevin Rudd vs Prime Min­is­ter Julia Gillard | Short­en: Why I'm back­ing Rudd
Skynews 26 Jun 2013, Australian prime minister Julia Gillard has called for a vote on her leadership, with party rival Kevin Rudd confirming he would be challenging the embattled leader. Ms Gillard is hoping to end uncertainty over job...
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updated 26 Jun 2013; published 26 Jun 2013
Obama, Karzai 'reaf­firm' Afghan-led peace pro­cess with Tal­iban: White House [Slide Show]
Middle East Online 26 Jun 2013, US President Barack Obama and Afghan leader Hamid Karzai support the idea of holding talks with the Taliban in its Qatar office, the White House said Tuesday, reviving hopes for a peace process. The announcement came despite a brazen Taliban assault on the Afghan presidential palace in the heart of Kabul Tuesday, in which three security guards and...
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updated 26 Jun 2013; published 26 Jun 2013
Shen­zhou-10 Land­ing 6/26/2013
The New York Times 26 Jun 2013, Three Chinese astronauts returned safely to earth on Wednesday after a 15-day mission that included docking exercises, a televised science demonstration for children and a phone call from their country’s president, Xi Jinping, state television reported. The Shenzhou 10 capsule landed in northeast China, ending China’s fifth manned space mission....
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updated 23 Jun 2013; published 23 Jun 2013
Brazil protests: 'we will lose a lot through vi­o­lence', says pres­i­dent
Canberra Times 26 Jun 2013, Brasilia: Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff's bid to defuse a sudden outburst of national discontent by proposing a referendum on political reforms ran into stiff opposition on Tuesday from politicians and lawyers who questioned its legality. Tens of thousands of Brazilians have taken to the streets this month in the biggest protests in 20 years,...
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updated 02 Jun 2013; published 02 Jun 2013
Turkey protesters ig­nore Er­do­gan call for end to demon­stra­tions
The Associated Press 25 Jun 2013, ANKARA, Turkey (AP) -- Turkish police on Tuesday detained at least 20 people allegedly involved in violent protests, as the country's prime minister continued to lash out at protesters - and a BBC journalist - he claimed were part of a conspiracy to harm Turkey. Police searched some 30 addresses in the capital Ankara and rounded up 20 people with...
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updated 26 Jun 2013; published 09 Jun 2013
NSA whistle­blow­er Ed­ward Snow­den: 'I don't want to live in a so­ci­ety that does these sort of things'
CNN 25 Jun 2013, June 25, 2013 -- Updated 1142 GMT (1942 HKT) (CNN) -- In this high-stakes game of hide-and-seek, Edward Snowden appears to have the upper hand. The exact whereabouts of the computer contractor who leaked secret information about the National Security Agency's surveillance programs are unknown. Journalists, government officials and social media...
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updated 26 Jun 2013; published 24 Jun 2013
Why US Ex­tra­di­tion Re­quests for Snow­den are Ig­nored
Kypost 25 Jun 2013, MOSCOW (AP) -- Russia's foreign minister on Tuesday bluntly rejected U.S. demands to extradite National Security Agency leaker Edward Snowden, who has apparently stopped in Moscow while trying to evade U.S. justice, saying that Snowden hasn't crossed the Russian border. Sergey Lavrov insisted that Russia has nothing to do with him or his travel...
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updated 25 Jun 2013; published 23 Jun 2013
Ex­clu­sive Video: Wik­iLeaks Lawyer Con­firms Snow­den Lands In Rus­sia; Seeks Asy­lum in Un­named Coun­try
London Evening Standard 25 Jun 2013, The 30-year-old IT expert is believed to have arrived at a Moscow airport two days ago but his location is unclear and there is no evidence that he has flown on to another country. Today Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov angrily hit back at claims that Russia was...
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updated 18 Jun 2013; published 18 Jun 2013
Ut­tarak­hand floods: Death toll rises to 58, many homes de­stroyed
Zeenews 25 Jun 2013, Zee Media Bureau Dehradun: The Centre and the Uttarakhand government on Tuesday informed the Supreme Court that the rescue and relief operations and the evacuation of those stranded across the flood-hit state will be completed in the next 72 hours. In its Action Taken Report (ATR) submitted to the Supreme Court, the state government said that the...
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updated 18 Jun 2013; published 18 Jun 2013
Great Sin­ga­pore Haze - 401 PSI Worst Haze Ever!!!
NZ Herald 25 Jun 2013, Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono apologized Monday to Singapore and Malaysia for record-setting pollution caused by forest fires in his country. "For what is happening, as the president, I apologize to our brothers in Singapore and Malaysia," Yudhoyono said. He asked for their understanding and said Indonesia is working hard to...
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updated 25 Jun 2013; published 25 Jun 2013
Afghanistan: Gun­fire and ex­plo­sions as Tal­iban at­tack pres­i­den­tial palace
STL Today 25 Jun 2013, A series of explosions rocked one of the most secure areas of the Afghan capital early Tuesday in an attack outside the presidential palace. The Taliban claimed responsibility for the early-morning attack that came...
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Can Rouhani solve 'the Iran nuclear issue'?
Full Article Al Jazeera
26 Jun 2013

"A nuclear weaponised Iran destabilises the region, prompts a regional arms race, and wastes the scarce resources in the region." Who do you think might have written this sentence? Chances are very few people around the world would know, or would now believe that the person who wrote this sentence is none other than the current president-elect of...
File - Hassan Rouhani in Mashhad, Iran.
photo: Creative Commons

Syria Death Toll: 100,000 Killed In War, Syrian Observatory for Human Rights Says
Full Article Huffington Post
26 Jun 2013

BEIRUT — More than 100,000 people have been killed since the start of Syria's conflict over two years ago, an activist group said Wednesday. The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, which has been tracking the death toll in the conflict through a network of activists in Syria, released its death toll at a time when hopes for a... War
This citizen journalism image provided by Aleppo Revolution Against Assad's Regime which has been authenticated based on its contents and other AP reporting, shows dead bodies on a street in Aleppo, Syria Tuesday, Jan. 29, 2013.
photo: AP / Aleppo Revolution Against Assad Regime

You Don't Need Surveillance in a Euphemistic State
Full Article
26 Jun 2013

Article by Correspondent Dallas Darling "That's not a lie, it's a terminological inexactitude." -Alexander Haig, 1983 More subtler tyrannies face Americans than a surveillance state, especially since whoever controls words and mental cliches dominates a nation's collectivized mind. In the U.S. there is no need for a vast spying and...
FBI agents continue to investigate the scene in Watertown, Mass. Tuesday, April 23, 2013 where Boston Marathon bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was captured last Friday, hiding in a backyard boat.
photo: AP / Elise Amendola

Australia: Gillard Faces Challenge From Rudd
Full Article Skynews
26 Jun 2013

Australian prime minister Julia Gillard has called for a vote on her leadership, with party rival Kevin Rudd confirming he would be challenging the embattled leader. Ms Gillard is hoping to end uncertainty over job...
Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard speaks during a news conference at United Nations headquarters Wednesday, March 9, 2011.
photo: AP / Jason DeCrow

Obama, Karzai support Taliban talks in Qatar
Full Article Middle East Online
26 Jun 2013

US President Barack Obama and Afghan leader Hamid Karzai support the idea of holding talks with the Taliban in its Qatar office, the White House said Tuesday, reviving hopes for a peace process. The announcement came despite a brazen Taliban assault on the Afghan presidential palace in the heart of Kabul Tuesday, in which three security guards and... Obama
Afghanistan's President Hamid Karzai, center, greets the guards of honor as he arrives to the Presidential Palace for his inauguration in Kabul, Afghanistan, Thursday, Nov. 19, 2009
photo: AP / Anja Niedringhaus

China: Astronauts Return Safely
Full Article The New York Times
26 Jun 2013

Three Chinese astronauts returned safely to earth on Wednesday after a 15-day mission that included docking exercises, a televised science demonstration for children and a phone call from their country’s president, Xi Jinping, state television reported. The Shenzhou 10 capsule landed in northeast China, ending China’s fifth manned space mission.... 10
File - China's astronauts from left Liu Yang, Jing Haipeng and Liu Wang salute before they depart for the Shenzhou 9 spacecraft rocket launch pad at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in Jiuquan, China, Saturday, June 16, 2012.
photo: AP / Ng Han Guan

Rousseff's plan for Brazil runs into trouble
Full Article Canberra Times
26 Jun 2013

Brasilia: Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff's bid to defuse a sudden outburst of national discontent by proposing a referendum on political reforms ran into stiff opposition on Tuesday from politicians and lawyers who questioned its legality. Tens of thousands of Brazilians have taken to the streets this month in the biggest protests in 20 years,...
Brazil's President Dilma Rousseff smiles during a meeting with Portugal's Prime Minister Jose Socrates at the Planalto presidential palace in Brasilia, Brazil, Sunday, Jan. 2, 2011. Rousseff was sworn in as Brazil's first female president Saturday.
photo: AP / Eraldo Peres

Turkish PM lashes out at protesters
Full Article The Associated Press
25 Jun 2013

ANKARA, Turkey (AP) -- Turkish police on Tuesday detained at least 20 people allegedly involved in violent protests, as the country's prime minister continued to lash out at protesters - and a BBC journalist - he claimed were part of a conspiracy to harm Turkey. Police searched some 30 addresses in the capital Ankara and rounded up 20 people with...
Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan addresses his supporters and lawmakers at the parliament in Ankara, Turkey, Tuesday, June 25, 2013.
photo: AP

In high-stakes hide-and-seek, Snowden keeps much of the world guessing
Full Article CNN
25 Jun 2013

June 25, 2013 -- Updated 1142 GMT (1942 HKT) (CNN) -- In this high-stakes game of hide-and-seek, Edward Snowden appears to have the upper hand. The exact whereabouts of the computer contractor who leaked secret information about the National Security Agency's surveillance programs are unknown. Journalists, government officials and social media...
A TV screen shows a news report of Edward Snowden, a former CIA employee who leaked top-secret documents about sweeping U.S. surveillance programs, at a shopping mall in Hong Kong Sunday, June 23, 2013.
photo: AP / Vincent Yu

Russia rejects US demand for Edward Snowden's extradition
Full Article Kypost
25 Jun 2013

MOSCOW (AP) -- Russia's foreign minister on Tuesday bluntly rejected U.S. demands to extradite National Security Agency leaker Edward Snowden, who has apparently stopped in Moscow while trying to evade U.S. justice, saying that Snowden hasn't crossed the Russian border. Sergey Lavrov insisted that Russia has nothing to do with him or his travel...
A supporter holds a picture of Edward Snowden, a former CIA employee who leaked top-secret information about U.S. surveillance programs, outside the U.S. Consulate General in Hong Kong Thursday, June 13, 2013.
photo: AP / Kin Cheung

Kremlin denial adds to mystery over whistleblower Edward Snowden
Full Article London Evening Standard
25 Jun 2013

The 30-year-old IT expert is believed to have arrived at a Moscow airport two days ago but his location is unclear and there is no evidence that he has flown on to another country. Today Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov angrily hit back at claims that Russia was... Snowden
A banner supporting Edward Snowden, a former CIA employee who leaked top-secret documents about sweeping U.S. surveillance programs, is displayed at Central, Hong Kong's business district, Thursday, June 20, 2013.
photo: AP / Kin Cheung

Uttarakhand: 127 more bodies recovered, toll mounts to 807
Full Article Zeenews
25 Jun 2013

Zee Media Bureau Dehradun: The Centre and the Uttarakhand government on Tuesday informed the Supreme Court that the rescue and relief operations and the evacuation of those stranded across the flood-hit state will be completed in the next 72 hours. In its Action Taken Report (ATR) submitted to the Supreme Court, the state government said that the...
An injured Indian pilgrim cries in pain as Indian army soldiers carry him after he was rescued from the higher reaches of mountains at a makeshift helipad at Joshimath, in northern Indian state of Uttarakhand, Monday, June 24, 2013.
photo: AP / Rafiq Maqbool

Indonesia formally apologises for smoky haze
Full Article NZ Herald
25 Jun 2013

Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono apologized Monday to Singapore and Malaysia for record-setting pollution caused by forest fires in his country. "For what is happening, as the president, I apologize to our brothers in Singapore and Malaysia," Yudhoyono said. He asked for their understanding and said Indonesia is working hard to...
Tourists visit a sightseeing spot as the Marina Bay Sands Hotel in the background is shrouded with haze in Singapore on Saturday, June 22, 2013.
photo: AP / Joseph Nair

Taliban attack presidential palace in Afghanistan
Full Article STL Today
25 Jun 2013

A series of explosions rocked one of the most secure areas of the Afghan capital early Tuesday in an attack outside the presidential palace. The Taliban claimed responsibility for the early-morning attack that came...
Smoke rises from the eastern gate of the presidential palace in Kabul, Afghanistan, Tuesday June 25, 2013
photo: AP / Rahmat Gul

Young Canadian Climbs Into Third Round
Full Article The New York Times
26 Jun 2013

WIMBLEDON, England – As one Canadian slumps on the tennis tour, another is on the rise. No one is saying the former, Milos Raonic, is set for a big fall in the rankings. But the man with one of the biggest serves in men’s tennis has not been able to build on his breakthrough in 2011, with his best results still coming at smaller tournaments. Like...
Milos Raonic of Canada returns a shot against Jo-Wilfried Tsonga of France during their match at the BNP Paribas Open tennis tournament
photo: AP / Mark J. Terrill

Sharapova Ousted in 2nd Round of Wimbledon
Full Article The New York Times
26 Jun 2013

LONDONMaria Sharapova has been knocked out of Wimbledon by a 131st-ranked qualifier on a day when injuries forced the withdrawal of seven other players. The third-seeded Sharapova, the Wimbledon champion in 2004 champion, lost 6-3, 6-4 to Michelle Larcher de Brito of Portugal in the second round at the All England Club. It’s the second...
Day 7 of the Sony Open Maria Sharapova (RUS) vs Elena Vesnina (RUS) at Crandon Park Tennis Center Key Biscayne, Florida - March 24, 2013
photo: WN / Aaron Gilbert

Gerrard on course for pre-season return following shoulder surgery
Full Article Goal
26 Jun 2013

Six weeks after undergoing shoulder surgery, the Liverpool midfielder is on course to return to fitness in time for the club's pre-season training next month Liverpool captain Steven Gerrard insists he is recovering well from shoulder surgery and should be back in action in time for pre-season training. The 33-year-old featured in every minute of...
Liverpool's Steven Gerrard celebrates after scoring the third and winning goal of the game from the penalty spot during their English Premier League soccer match against Tottenham Hotspur at Anfield in Liverpool, England, Sunday March 10, 2013.
photo: AP / Clint Hughes

Woods hopes he is fully health for the next major
Full Article The State
26 Jun 2013

BETHESDA, Md. — Tiger Woods says he hopes his left elbow will be fully healed when he gets to...
Tiger Woods
photo: Creative Commons / Keith Allison

Casillas: Mourinho made me cry
Full Article Goal
26 Jun 2013

The Blancos skipper admits he has suffered after being consigned to the bench for five months by the Portuguese coach last season Iker Casillas has revealed that his treatment at the hands of Real Madrid boss Jose Mourinho reduced him to tears. The Spain international was ostracised during the second half of last season, and forced to spent five...
Spain goalkeeper Iker Casillas jumps to catch a ball during a training session ahead of Sunday's Euro 2012 soccer championship final between Spain and Italy in Kiev, Ukraine, Saturday, June 30, 2012.
photo: AP / Antonio Calanni

Vettel looking bolster F1 title hopes in Britain
Full Article The State
26 Jun 2013

LONDON — With the controversy over Mercedes' in-season testing settled, the focus this weekend shifts to the British Grand Prix and three-time defending champion Sebastian Vettel's bid to win yet another title. Coming off the Canadian Grand Prix in which he beat Ferrari's Fernando Alonso by 14 seconds, Vettel has shaken off some early season...
Red Bull driver Sebastian Vettel, of Germany, steers his car during the Formula One U.S. Grand Prix auto race at the Circuit of the Americas
photo: AP / David J. Phillip

Real Madrid president Perez: Ancelotti has never known pressure like this
Full Article Goal
26 Jun 2013

The Blancos supremo has told the Spanish club's new coach that another European crown is what the members and supporters covet above all else Real Madrid president Florentino Perez has labelled Carlo Ancelotti "one of the world's top coaches" but warned the Italian that he will never have experienced anything like the pressure he will have to cope...
New Real Madrid coach Manuel Pellegrini , left, smiles at Real Madrid's President Florentino Perez at the Santiago Bernabeu stadium in Madrid, Tuesday, June 2, 2009
photo: AP / Daniel Ochoa de Olza

Gerrard: I'll be fit for pre-season June 26, 2013
Full Article ESPN
26 Jun 2013

Liverpool captain Steven Gerrard says he is around two weeks away from a return to full training as he recovers from shoulder surgery. PA PhotosSteven Gerrard expects to be back and raring to go for the 2013-14 season • • • Gerrard missed the final two games of his side's...
Liverpool's Steven Gerrard celebrates after scoring against during their English Premier League soccer match at The Etihad Stadium, Manchester, England
photo: AP / Jon Super

Jared Leto in drag for 'Candy' magazine - pictures
Full Article Digital Spy
26 Jun 2013

Jared Leto has dressed in drag for the cover of Candy magazine. The 30 Seconds to Mars star donned a pink wig and red lipstick for the publication, which describes itself as "the first transversal style magazine" and has previously featured James Franco in drag. © Candy Magazine / Terry Richardson Jared Leto dresses in drag for Candy Magazine...
 Jared Leto arrives at the American Eagle Party during the Sundance Film Festival in Park City, Utah, Saturday, Jan. 20, 2007. (AP Photo/Kevork Djansezian)   (js1)
photo: AP/Kevork Djansezian

John Lennon 'auditions' for 'The Voice' - viral video
Full Article Digital Spy
26 Jun 2013

John Lennon and The Voice USA have been mashed together to make it appear like the Beatles legend is auditioning on the reality show. The musician 'performs' the iconic song 'Imagine' to coaches Blake Shelton, Maroon 5's Adam Levine, Shakira and Usher, but none of them turn around and instead offer criticism afterwards. The YouTube video has...
Julian Lennon, son of late Beatles legend John Lennon, is shown during an interview at the media preview for his photography exhibit, Tuesday, Nov. 30, 2010 in Miami. The exhibition called "Timeless" features about 30 of Lennon's hand-signed portrait and landscape photographs and will run Dec. 1-5 at Miami's Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts.
photo: AP / Wilfredo Lee

Chris Brown charged with hit-and-run, driving without a license
Full Article The Los Angeles Times
25 Jun 2013

Rapper Chris Brown has been charged with driving without a valid license and hit-and-run, both misdemeanors, in connection with a May 21 fender bender, Los Angeles city prosecutors said Tuesday. Brown rear-ended another vehicle with his Range Rover and then failed to exchange information with the other driver, said Frank Mateljan, a spokesman for... Brown
Chris Brown performs during SpringFest/Best of the Best Miami 2011at Bicentennial Park Miami, Florida - May 29, 2011
photo: WN / Aaron Gilbert

Michael Jackson's doctor had conflict of interest, expert testifies
Full Article The Los Angeles Times
25 Jun 2013

The director of Stanford University’s sports medicine program testified Monday that Michael Jackson’s doctor for his “This Is It” concert series, who administered a fatal dose of the anesthetic propofol to the singer, had conflicts of interest with the tour promoter that “were likely to lead to poor medical... Murray Jackson
FILE - In this Nov. 16, 2009 file photo, Dr. Conrad Murray, a physician for the late pop star Michael Jackson, appears at a child support hearing at Clark County Family Court in Las Vegas. Edward Chernoff, a lawyer for Murray, says the doctor is returning to work at his Houston clinic on Monday Nov. 23, 2009.
photo: AP / Isaac Brekken

Robin Thicke's new single 'Blurred Lines' tops charts with rapey lyrics (Video)
Full Article The Examiner
25 Jun 2013

Reportedly, it has become this year’s second biggest selling track with a record of total UK sales to 718,000. Furthermore, the Official Charts Company records state that 133,000 copies of the track have been sold in the previous week. The 36-year-old Thicke has caused an outrage among the women all around the world with the negative portrayal of... Lines Thicke
Robin Thicke performing at the 5th annual
photo: WN / Aruna Gilbert

Wiz Khalifa announces new album 'Blacc Hollywood'
Full Article The Examiner
25 Jun 2013

The Taylor Gang MC plans to release his new album titled 'Blacc Hollywood' later this year. He made the big announcement via Twitter. “Im droppin an album later this year too. & namin dat bitch Blacc Hollywood,” he wrote. This album will be the follow-up to last year's 'O.N.I.F.C.' which spawned the smash single 'Work Hard, Play Hard.' Wiz...
Wiz Khalifa and Taylor Gang perform during The 2050 Tour at the Bank United Center on the University of Miami campus Coral Gables, Florida - December 1, 2012
photo: WN / Aaron Gilbert

Elvis Costello to end 30-year absence with Derry gig
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
25 Jun 2013

Elvis Costello will make his first appearance in Northern Ireland in almost 30 years when he appears in Londonderry this week. Costello will be accompanied by his band The Imposters at the The Venue in Ebrington on Thursday. Costello and the Imposters played to five-star reviews in London earlier this month — the city where his career began. He...
:Elvis costello
photo: Creative Commons / Victor Diaz Lamich

Kanye West Gives Ridiculous Explanation For The Title Of His Single 'I Am A God'
Full Article Business Insider
25 Jun 2013

“You can’t say that you love music and then say that Kanye West can’t come to your show!" First Kanye West titled his latest album "Yeezus" like Jesus, then he compared himself to Steve Jobs and now he is giving a ridiculous explanation for his song title "I Am A God." West gave a new interview to W magazine in which he makes no attempt to... Am A God West
Kanye West  Kanye West GOOD MUSIC Showcase SXSW 2011
photo: Creative Commons / David Wolf

Woody Allen's Blue Jasmine Reveals Plot Details And New Stills
Full Article Cinema Blend
26 Jun 2013

While legendary director Woody Allen is already hard at work adding Oscar winners to his next untitled feature, audiences still don’t have a solid grasp on what his most recent drama, Blue Jasmine, is all about (outisde of Cate Blanchett playing a miserably uppity woman who thinks she’s better than everyone else). Thanks to Entertainment Weekly,...
Director Woody Allen attends the Cinema Society screening of "Whatever Works" on Wednesday, June 10, 2009 in New York.
photo: AP / Peter Kramer

Sofia Vergara Shares A Ton Of Bikini Shots On Instagram [Pics]
Full Article The Inquisitr
26 Jun 2013

Sofia Vergara isn’t just an incredibly successful film and TV star. She’s also obsessed with snapping slightly-NSFW selfies and posting them on her Instagram, Twitter, and WhoSay accounts. Wednesday offered a whole new slew of bikini pictures from the 40-year-old Colombian beauty....
Sofia Vergara
photo: Creative Commons

Kristen Bell 'proposes' to Dax Shepard after DOMA dropped
Full Article Digital Spy
26 Jun 2013

Kristen Bell has 'proposed' to Dax Shepard on Twitter following the Defence of Marriage Act being ruled unconstitutional. The couple - who welcomed their daughter Lincoln Bell in March - had previously refused to tie the knot until same sex couples could do the same. © WENN Following the Supreme Court's ruling today that DOMA is...
Kristen Bell in town to promote  Hit and Run
photo: Creative Commons / ravend

Jodie Sweetin Speaks Out Following Separation From Third Husband
Full Article IMDb
26 Jun 2013

Jodie Sweetin is thanking her fans for their support as she endures yet another split. "Thank you to everyone for being kind and...
Jodie Sweetin
photo: PMA /

Alyssa Milano Posing Braless In Cover Shoot For National Magazine
Full Article The Examiner
26 Jun 2013

Now hearing the news that Alyssa Milano was going braless in a cover shoot for the magazine “Maxim,” for their July/August, 2013 issue just makes this writer applaud the actress. That move took guts. The actress is no longer 25 years old. She is now 40 years old. But she looks great. She looks fit and she looks real. The actress is proving that...
Alyssa Milano MLB
photo: Public Domain / Rob39

British born actress Mischa Barton
photo: AP / Simon Dawson

'Krrish 3' first look to be unveiled online Thursday
Full Article Newstrack India
26 Jun 2013

Tweet New Delhi, June 26 (IANS) The first look of much-awaited movie "Krrish 3", the third instalment of Bollywood's hit superhero franchise, will be unveiled online with a motion poster. Superstar Hrithik Roshan will give fans a sneak peek into the movie through social-networking platform Facebook Thursday afternoon. As part of the digital...
Bollywood actor Hrithik Roshan
photo: AP / Manish Swarup

Indian Bollywood actress Rakhi Sawant perfoms during the opening ceremony of the Indian Cricket League (ICL) in Hyderabad, India, Friday, Oct. 10, 2008. Nine teams are taking part in this month long tournament.
photo: AP / Mahesh Kumar A

Park sees blueprint for ties
Full Article China Daily
26 Jun 2013

State visit by ROK president will put Peninsula on top of agenda Republic of Korea President Park Geun-hye said on Wednesday that Seoul and Beijing will outline a blueprint for common prosperity. Park made the remarks in an exclusive interview with China Daily on the eve of her...
South Korea's President Park Geun-hye speaks to the nation at the presidential Blue House in Seoul, South Korea, Monday, March 4, 2013. Park took office as the country's first female president a week ago.
photo: AP / Lee Jae-won, Pool

Door opens on better homes for poor
Full Article China Daily
26 Jun 2013

Premier Li Keqiang pledged to improve housing conditions for the underprivileged and promote urbanization by accelerating shantytown reforms. The overall condition of the Chinese economy has been stable since the start of this year and the government is determined to carry out measures that can...
China's newly appointed Premier Li Keqiang waves to journalists as he leaves a press conference after the closing ceremony of the National People's Congress at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing Sunday, March 17, 2013. China's new leaders pledged to run a cleaner, more efficient government and slash spending on official perks Sunday as the ceremonial legislature wrapped up a pivotal session to install a new leadership in a once-a-decade transfer of power.
photo: AP / Andy Wong

Disney’s Tom Staggs: 'Excited to explore' ways to bring Star Wars to parks
Full Article Business Journal
26 Jun 2013

Richard Bilbao Reporter- Orlando Business Journal Email | Twitter The Walt Disney Co. knows it has a goldmine in the Star Wars brand. The company has been sprinkling more money into the brand since it bought Lucasfilm Ltd. for $4.05 billion back in October 2012, but apparently there's still plenty more to come. I’m referring to the...
Disneyland Park is a theme park located in Anaheim, California, owned and operated by the Walt Disney Parks and Resorts division of The Walt Disney Company.
photo: Creative Commons / Cd637

How management 'pack' revived Delta Air Lines
Full Article The State
26 Jun 2013

NEW YORKDelta Air Lines is on track for its fourth straight annual profit, its best stretch since the six years ended in 2000. Its passengers file fewer complaints about lost bags and late flights than those flying its chief rivals. Delta's merger with Northwest is considered a blueprint for combining airlines. That performance has come...
Delta Air Lines B767-300
photo: Creative Commons / shin Suzuki

'Hawaii Five-0' to premiere fourth season at Waikiki Beach Sept. 26
Full Article Business Journal
26 Jun 2013

Staff Pacific Business News The CBS crime drama "Hawaii Five-0" will premiere its fourth season at Sunset on the Beach in Waikiki on Sept. 26. Hawaii News Now reports the Sunset on the Beach event is scheduled for the night before the "Hawaii Five-0" season premiere on CBS in its new Friday time slot. The show used Sunset on the Beach to launch its...
View of Diamond Head from Waikiki Beach. Diamond Head is part of the complex of cones, vents, and their associated eruption flows that are collectively known to geologists as the Honolulu Volcanic Series,
photo: Creative Commons / Cristo Vlahos

Hawaiian Airlines launches flights from Honolulu to Sendai, Japan
Full Article Business Journal
26 Jun 2013

Staff Pacific Business News Hawaiian Airlines has launched service to Sendai, the first scheduled service between the northern Japanese city and Hawaii since 2004. The thrice weekly flights, which began on Tuesday, are also among the first new flights to serve the Sendai Airport since it was closed for more than a month after the March 11, 2011,...
A Hawaiian Airlines Boeing 767-300ER departing from Runway 8R (the Reef Runway) at Honolulu International Airport.
photo: Creative Commons / Musashi1600

Pork import decision reserved
Full Article Stuff
26 Jun 2013

Judges reserved their decision about import standards for fresh pork yesterday in the Supreme Court at Wellington, as the local industry fought government regulations it alleged would allow potentially diseased meat to enter New Zealand and compete with local produce. The New Zealand Pork Industry Board appealed against the Ministry for Primary...
Pork meat
photo: WN / Yolanda Leyba

Retail demand for sugar likely to improve next week
Full Article The Hindu
26 Jun 2013

Sugar prices on the Vashi wholesale market ruled flat on Wednesday amid thin trade. Supply from producers was higher despite local demand easing with month-end in sight. In the physical market, most of the activities remained limited for bold and fine variety. Retailers are...
Sugar should be taken in a small quantity to maintain normal blood glucose level.
photo: WN / Priya Dashini

History of Modern Iran: A Nuclear Islamic Republic | BBC Documentary
History of Modern Iran: A Nuclear Islamic Republic | BBC Documentary
  • Order:
  • Duration: 59:07
  • Updated: 25 Jun 2013
Iran and the West is the name of a three part British documentary series shown in February 2009 on BBC Two to mark the 30th anniversary of the 1979 Iranian R...|_BBC_Documentary

Group: More than 100,000 killed in Syrian war [Slide Show]
Group: More than 100,000 killed in Syrian war [Slide Show]
  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:31
  • Updated: 26 Jun 2013
Group: More than 100000 killed in Syrian war.,000_killed_in_Syrian_war_ Slide_Show

Whistleblower Behind the NSA Surveillance Speaks Out - Full Interview - Edward Snowden - 6/9/13
Whistleblower Behind the NSA Surveillance Speaks Out - Full Interview - Edward Snowden - 6/9/13
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  • Duration: 12:35
  • Updated: 09 Jun 2013
Full Interview Released on June 9, 2013 - The 29-year-old source behind the biggest intelligence leak in the NSA's history explains his motives, his uncertain future and why he never intended on hiding in the shadows. The individual responsible for one of the most significant leaks in US political history is Edward Snowden, a 29-year-old former technical assistant for the CIA and current employee of the defence contractor Booz Allen Hamilton. Snowden has been working at the National Security Agency for the last four years as an employee of various outside contractors, including Booz Allen and Dell. The Guardian, after several days of interviews, is revealing his identity at his request. From the moment he decided to disclose numerous top-secret documents to the public, he was determined not to opt for the protection of anonymity. "I have no intention of hiding who I am because I know I have done nothing wrong," he said. Snowden will go down in history as one of America's most consequential whistleblowers, alongside Daniel Ellsberg and Bradley Manning. He is responsible for handing over material from one of the world's most secretive organisations -- the NSA. READ MORE:
  • published: 09 Jun 2013
  • views: 35522

Kevin Rudd vs Prime Minister Julia Gillard | Shorten: Why I'm backing Rudd
Kevin Rudd vs Prime Minister Julia Gillard | Shorten: Why I'm backing Rudd
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:30
  • Updated: 26 Jun 2013
Australia: Gillard Faces Challenge From Rudd Former leader Kevin Rudd is fighting Prime Minister Julia Gillard for her job as a Labor Party leadership ballot...|_Shorten_Why_I'm_backing_Rudd

Obama, Karzai 'reaffirm' Afghan-led peace process with Taliban: White House [Slide Show]
Obama, Karzai 'reaffirm' Afghan-led peace process with Taliban: White House [Slide Show]
  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:31
  • Updated: 26 Jun 2013
Obama, Karzai 'reaffirm' Afghan-led peace process with Taliban: White House
  • published: 26 Jun 2013
  • views: 3,_Karzai_'reaffirm'_Afghan-led_peace_process_with_Taliban_White_House_ Slide_Show

Shenzhou-10 Landing 6/26/2013
Shenzhou-10 Landing 6/26/2013
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:08
  • Updated: 26 Jun 2013
Shenzhou-10 Landing.
  • published: 26 Jun 2013
  • views: 6
  • author: china2057

Brazil protests: 'we will lose a lot through violence', says president
Brazil protests: 'we will lose a lot through violence', says president
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:57
  • Updated: 23 Jun 2013
Click here for the British & Irish Lions Brick by Brick The president of Brazil, Dilma Rousseff, gives a presidential address on Friday to urge an end to mass protests and violence in the country. Rousseff has pledged to begin a dialogue with protesters angry about poor public services, government corruption and the increasing cost of hosting the football World Cup. Two-million people marched nationwide in Brazil on Thursday and protesters say they will not cease, despite a police crackdown
  • published: 23 Jun 2013
  • views: 661'we_will_lose_a_lot_through_violence',_says_president

Turkey protesters ignore Erdogan call for end to demonstrations
Turkey protesters ignore Erdogan call for end to demonstrations
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:31
  • Updated: 02 Jun 2013 Demonstrations against the Turkish government continued overnight and into Sunday, as thousands of people took part in a wave of protest in several different cities. For the second day Ankara has seen a significant amount of the unrest. Several hundred people in the capital were reported injured. By early morning the streets there and in Istanbul were quieter compared to the previous night. But more than 900 people have been arrested in over 90 different demonstrations around the country, according to the government. Doctors say many more have been injured. On Saturday afternoon police pulled back their armoured trucks from the park at Taksim in Istanbul. Thousands of protesters remained there afterwards in jubilation, ignoring the prime minister's calls for an end to the demonstrations. Recep Tayyip Erdogan has admitted "mistakes" in the police response to the unrest and promised that complaints will be investigated. Many have been shocked at the repression. Tear gas, water cannon and pepper spray have been used. Amnesty International described the use of force as brutal. The protests began in Istanbul against plans to redevelop a park. They have revealed a panorama of grievances at the way Turkey is run. Some compare the authoritarianism of the ruling party to a dictatorship. The prime minister insists it is committed to secularism despite its roots in political Islam. Find us on: Youtube Facebook Twitter
  • published: 02 Jun 2013
  • views: 14366

NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden: 'I don't want to live in a society that does these sort of things'
NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden: 'I don't want to live in a society that does these sort of things'
  • Order:
  • Duration: 12:35
  • Updated: 26 Jun 2013 Copyright © 2013 Praxis Films / Laura Poitras FAIR USE NOTICE: This vid...
  • published: 09 Jun 2013
  • views: 1683684
  • author: theta00'I_don't_want_to_live_in_a_society_that_does_these_sort_of_things'

Why US Extradition Requests for Snowden are Ignored
Why US Extradition Requests for Snowden are Ignored
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:55
  • Updated: 26 Jun 2013
As Edward Snowden flees from the United States, he's found sympathetic governments around the world to assist in his flight to asylum. China, Russia, Cuba, a...
  • published: 24 Jun 2013
  • views: 7821
  • author: RTAmerica

Exclusive Video: WikiLeaks Lawyer Confirms Snowden Lands In Russia; Seeks Asylum in Unnamed Country
Exclusive Video: WikiLeaks Lawyer Confirms Snowden Lands In Russia; Seeks Asylum in Unnamed Country
  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:28
  • Updated: 25 Jun 2013 - Amy Goodman interviews Michael Ratner, lawyer for Julian Assange and WikiLeaks, about the breaking news that NSA whistleblower ...;_Seeks_Asylum_in_Unnamed_Country

Uttarakhand floods: Death toll rises to 58, many homes destroyed
Uttarakhand floods: Death toll rises to 58, many homes destroyed
  • Order:
  • Duration: 10:42
  • Updated: 18 Jun 2013
The monsoon rains that lashed North India early are continuing to wreak havoc in the region. In Uttarakhand, 58 people have lost their lives close to 60,000 tourists and pilgrims are stranded at various locations due to floods and landslides. The worst hit is Uttarkashi where another bridge has been washed away. Around 70 homes have been destroyed and nearly 200 camps have been set up for those stranded.
  • published: 18 Jun 2013
  • views: 2616,_many_homes_destroyed

Great Singapore Haze - 401 PSI Worst Haze Ever!!!
Great Singapore Haze - 401 PSI Worst Haze Ever!!!
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:07
  • Updated: 18 Jun 2013
Singapore was covered by a thick blanket of haze on 17 June 2013. The smoke haze from the fires in Sumatra was brought over by prevailing winds blowing from the southwest or west, and has affected Singapore since 13 June 2013. The PSI reading hit 155 at 10pm on 17 June 2013 and a record breaking 401 at 12pm on 21 June, the highest level ever, breaking the record set in September 1997 when the index reached 226. Air becomes "hazardous" when the PSI breaches 300. This video taken from a high rise building in the Redhill area, shows how bad the haze was.
  • published: 18 Jun 2013
  • views: 60869!!!

Afghanistan: Gunfire and explosions as Taliban attack presidential palace
Afghanistan: Gunfire and explosions as Taliban attack presidential palace
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:13
  • Updated: 25 Jun 2013
An attack by Taliban insurgents on the presidential palace in Kabul has ended with all attackers being killed. Police claimed all the assailants had been killed after a 90-minute gunfight. The attack began soon after 6.30am when at least one man opened fire with an automatic rifle at a gate to the palace in the central Shash Darak district. Reporters had been gathering at the palace for a press conference with President Hamid Karzai and took cover when the firing broke out. Officials said five assailants had been killed along with two Afghan guards. Report by Mark Morris. Subscribe to ITN News! Like us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: Visit our homepage: More stories from ITN: Dynamo 'levitates' on side of London double decker bus: Roller coaster accident: Tourists rescued from ride in China: World's Ugliest Dog Contest 2013: Wing-walker and pilot die during stunt in Ohio: Amazing moment deaf three-year-old boy hears for the first time: Postal workers catch toddler in 5-storey fall: Maria Sharapova on equality in tennis: 500-strong mob rushes David Beckham in Shanghai leaving at least seven injured Robot performs Gangnam style: High speed chase in Los Angeles ends in dramatic fashion: Topless protest: Femen campaigners target Belarus president: House swept away by floods in India: Soldier faints during Trooping the Colour parade: Check out Truthloader, the new home of citizen journalism on YouTube. Subscribe now at See 2013's Most Watched Videos: See our Top 20 Most Watched Videos: See 2012's Most Watched Videos:
  • published: 25 Jun 2013
  • views: 1394

Brazil's president promises major reforms
Brazil's president promises major reforms
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:26
  • Updated: 25 Jun 2013
The President of Brazil is hoping her promise to spend an extra 25 billion dollars on public transport will overcome public anger. Dilma Roussef also announced economic reforms to try and reduce...'s_president_promises_major_reforms

Ecuador's President Rafael Correa gives a thumbs up to supporters as he stands with the Emir of Qatar Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani, not in picture, on a balcony at the government palace in Quito, Ecuador, Saturday, Feb. 16, 2013. Correa is running for another term in tomorrow's presidential election. Members of the National Assembly will also be elected. Wizards v/s Heat 03/30/11 File - President Barack Obama talks to reporters. Cheese packets

Dilma Rousseff Real Madrid's Gonzalo Higuain from Argentina, left, in action with Zaragoza's Alvaro Gonzalez, during a Spanish La Liga soccer match at the Santiago Bernabeu stadium in Madrid, Spain, Saturday, Nov. 3, 2012. Arena Castelão, a stadium in Fortaleza - Brazil, one of the venues of the FIFA 2014 World Cup, 15 January 2013 Builder Constructionman Nathan Crowell, right, assigned to Naval Mobile Construction Battalion (NMCB) 5, receives his annual influenza vaccination.

UN General Assembly approves Syria resolution Tottenham Hotspur's manager Andre Villas-Boas celebrates after Gareth Bale scored the winning goal during the English Premier League soccer match between West Ham and Tottenham Hotspur at Upton Park stadium in London, Monday, Feb. 25, 2013. Cuba 2008. Travel. Presidential candidate Ollanta Humala, left, talks with reporters at his father's home in Lima, Peru, Monday April 11, 2011. Unofficial results showed Humala won the most votes in Sunday's presidential race and is headed into a runoff against Keiko Fujimori, the daughter of imprisoned former President Alberto Fujimori. Peru will hold a presidential runoff election on June 5.

The Examiner
Do the 911 calls placed by Zimmerman prove racial profiling? A transcript from George Zimmerman's police call on the night of the Trayvon Martin shooting is projected during the...
Baltimore Sun
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - At 85, Oscar-winning actor Martin Landau is writing his memoirs, teaching at the famed Actor's Studio, and will soon appear on TV as octogenarian oil tycoon...
BBC News
Media in mainland China and Hong Kong continue to demand answers and an apology from Washington on whistleblower Edward Snowden's revelations of US cyber-espionage. Communist...

An Israeli soldier walks atop a tank near the Quneitra crossing to Syria, Thursday, June 6, 2013.
The Israeli army has significantly increased its manpower on the Syrian border close to the only border crossing between the two countries, which became the scene of a battle between Syrian government and opposition fighters yesterday. The reserve...
photo: AP / Sebastian Scheiner
French President Francois Hollande, left, shakes hands with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, right, prior to their summit meeting at Abe's official residence in Tokyo Friday, June 7, 2013.
TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan and France on Friday agreed to boost nuclear cooperation to secure a larger share of global atomic energy markets as Tokyo's pro-nuclear government looks to restart reactors despite public unease in the wake of the Fukushima...
photo: AP / Toru Yamanaka
People gather at Tower Bridge over the river Thames in central London, to watch a 1,000-boat flotilla part of the four-day Diamond Jubilee celebration to mark the 60th anniversary of the Queen Elizabeth's accession to the throne, Sunday, June 3, 2012.
Almost half of the UK population in 2020 will get cancer in their lifetime - but four in every 10 will survive the disease, the country's leading cancer charity has said. The startling prediction from Macmillan Cancer Support came with a warning...
photo: AP / Lefteris Pitarakis
Myanmar opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi attends a meeting of the Committee and Commission founded by Myanmar's Lower House, the Myanmar Bank Association, and officials from the Ministry of Finance and Revenue, at the Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry (UMFCCI) Tuesday, April 9, 2013, in Yangon, Myanmar.
Burma's opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi has underlined her desire to become the country’s president, saying to pretend otherwise would be dishonest. She also said that if everyone in the country benefited from democratic reforms it would be harder...
photo: AP / Khin Maung Win
A North Korean soldier looks at the southern side through a pair of binoculars at the border village of the Panmunjom (DMZ) that separates the two Koreas since the Korean War, in Paju, north of Seoul, South Korea, Tuesday, March 19, 2013.
SEOUL, South Korea -- North and South Korea agreed Thursday to hold their first government dialogue in years, an abrupt change after tensions over the North's nuclear program this year escalated into one of the divided peninsula's worst...
photo: AP / Lee Jin-man
THE GRAND KREMLIN PALACE, MOSCOW. President Putin with Lyudmila Putin at a party after the inauguration ceremony.
MOSCOW — Vladimir Putin pulled off one of his most audacious pieces of stagecraft, attending a ballet with his rarely seen wife and then announcing their marriage is over. But how will it play to his audience of 143 million Russians? Connect With Us...
photo: Russian Presidential Press and Information Office
 Garry Kasparov of Russia (dn1)
Share 0 Russian chess grandmaster Garry Kasparov has fled his country because he says he fears political persecution if he stays. "I kept traveling back and forth until late February, where it became clear that I might be part of this ongoing...
photo: AP-Stanislav Peska-CTK