Rats Like Cheese
"Rats Like Cheese" is the eighth episode of the Batman television series in its first season. First broadcast February 3, 1966, and repeated on May 19, 1966, it continues and concludes the story that began in "Instant Freeze."
Plot synopsis
In the former episode, Dr. Schimmel, (also known as Mr. Freeze) previously left Batman and Robin frozen solid. An ambulance takes them to the Gotham City Hospital, where doctors use the "Super Hypertherm De-icifier" chamber to slowly restore their body temperature to normal levels. But Mr. Freeze has escaped with Princess Sandra's rare diamond, the "Giaclio Circlo".
From his frozen lair, Mr. Freeze learns of their rescue as he watches the news. A henchman enters and reports the success of "Operation: Beautiful Diamond", and Mr. Freeze commands him to bring "something" into the coldest part of the lair, where Freeze can survive without his suit and his men must keep to special "hot paths" or face death from the extreme cold. Watching further, Freeze sees Princess Sandra and Bruce Wayne throw out the first pitch at a baseball game. At that game, the scheduled pitcher, ace Paul Diamante, has failed to appear. A Tiger Moth biplane skywrites over the stadium, "Three Strikes, you're out Batman." It is another message from Mr. Freeze and Dick reveals that Diamante means "diamond" in Spanish.