Who brought the bomb wrapped up in business cards
And stained with steak?
Who hires a maid to wash his money?
Who keeps politicians on the take?
Who puts outspoken third-worlders in jail
Just to shut them down?
Oh the lies vary from place to place but the truth is still the same,
Even in this town
Money junkies all over the world
Trample us on their way to the bank
They run in every race
Third-worlders see it first:
The dynamite, the dozers, the cancer and the acid rain
The corporate caterpillars come into our backyards
And turn the world to pocket change
Reservations are the nuclear frontline;
Uranium poisoning kills
We're starving in a handful of gluttons
We're drowning in their gravy spills
Their tongues are silver forks
There's a lack of wisdom,
You can hear it on their breath
It's delicate confronting these priests of the golden bull
They preach from the pulpit of the bottom line
Their minds rustle with million dollar bills
You say Silver burns a hole in your pocket
And Gold burns a hole in your soul
Well, uranium burns a hole in forever
It just gets out of control
There was a crooked man who walked a crooked mile
He raised a crooked sixpence to hide a crooked style
He won a crooked vote and smiled a crooked smile
Their tongues are silver forks
There's a lack of wisdom,
You can hear it on their breath
Yesterday a child came out to wonder
Caught a dragonfly inside a jar
Fearful when the sky was full of thunder
And tearful at the falling of a star
Then the child moved ten times round the seasons
Skated over ten clear frozen streams
Words like, when you're older, must appease him
And promises of someday make his dreams
And the seasons they go round and round
And the painted ponies go up and down
We're captive on the carousel of time
We can't return we can only look behind
From where we came
And go round and round and round
In the circle game
Sixteen springs and sixteen summers gone now
Cartwheels turn to car wheels thru the town
And they tell him,
Take your time, it won't be long now
Till you drag your feet to slow the circles down
And the seasons they go round and round
And the painted ponies go up and down
We're captive on the carousel of time
We can't return we can only look behind
From where we came
And go round and round and round
In the circle game
So the years spin by and now the boy is twenty
Though his dreams have lost some grandeur coming true
There'll be new dreams, maybe better dreams and plenty
Before the last revolving year is through
And the seasons they go round and round
And the painted ponies go up and down
We're captive on the carousel of time
We can't return, we can only look behind
From where we came
And go round and round and round
Hey, Baby I just got back from town
Where the bribes are paid
Honey, they turned my offer down
They say the deal's already made
So now I gotta stand and watch
While it all comes down
And the buzzards and the hawks
And the judges and the mob
Circle round
Now if I were the queen of all the world
I would go in chains just to see you free
Of the ropes that bind you
And the role you play
And the pride that hooks you
While the big ones get away
Love junkies wanna change the world:
It quickly stays the same
Money junkies hire all the smart ones
Power junkies run the game
One step at a time
Polarity Hill
If the bad guys don't get you, baby
Then the good guys will
With angels on the take
And the gangsters in the yard
Hey don't the wars come easy
Hey don't the peace come hard
Now if I had a way to reach the sky
I'd grab that crescent moon
Wield it like a knife
Save you from the lies
From the ropes that bind you
And the role you play
And the game that hooks you
Starwalker, he's a friend of mine
You've seen him looking fine
He's a straight talker, he's a Starwalker
Don't drink no wine
Ay way hey o heya
Wolf Rider she's a friend of yours
You've seen her opening doors,
She's a history turner, she's a sweetgrass burner
And a dog soldier
Ay hey way hey way heya
Holy light, guard the night.
Pray up your medicine song.
Oh, stake dealer you're a spirit healer,
Keep going on.
Ay hey way hey way heya
Lightning Woman, Thunderchild
Star soldiers one and all oh
Sisters, Brothers all together
Aim straight, Stand tall
Starwalker he's a friend of mine
You've seen him looking fine
He's a straight talker, he's a Starwalker
Don't drink no wine
Ah way hey o hey...
Aya hey hey heyo way hey heyo
Ay hey hey heya
Hey way hey way heya
Heya wey yoh
I tell you a story, it's a true one
And I'll tell it like you'll understand
And ain't gonna talk like some history man
I look out and I see a land
Young and lovely, hard and strong
For fifty thousand years
We've danced her praises
Prayed our thanks and we've just begun
This is, this is my country
Young and growin' free and flowin' sea to sea
Yes this is my country
Ripe and bearing miracles in ev'ry pond and tree
Her spirit walks the high country
Givin' free wild samples
And settin' an example how to give
Yes, this is my country
Retchin' and turnin', she's like a baby learnin' how to live
I can stand upon a hill at dawn
Look all around me, feel her surround me
Soldier blue, can't you see her life has just begun?
It's beating inside us
Telling us she's here to guide us
Ooh, soldier blue, soldier blue
Can't you see that there's another way to love her? Ooh
Yes, this is my country
And I sprang from her and I'm learnin' how to count upon her
Tall trees and the corn is high country
Yes, I love her and I'm learnin' how to take care of her
Whenever the news stories get me down
I take a drink of freedom to think of
North America from toe to crown
It's never long before I know just why I belong here
Ooh, soldier blue, soldier blue
Can't you see that there's another way to love her?
Soldier blue, soldier blue
Can't you see that there's another way to love her?
Soldier blue, soldier blue
I'm a rambler and a rover and a wanderer it seems
I've travelled all over chasing after my dreams
But a dream should come true and a heart should be filled
And a life should be lived in the Piney Wood Hills
I'll return to the woodlands, I'll return to the snow
I'll return to the hills, and the valley below
I'll return as a poor man or a king if God wills
But I'm on my way home to the Piney Wood Hills
I was raised on a song there
I done right, I done wrong there
And it's true I belong there
And it's true it's my home
From ocean to ocean I've rambled and roamed
And soon I'll return to my Piney Wood home
Maybe someday I'll find someone who will
Love as I love my Piney Wood Hills
I was raised on a song there
I done right, I done wrong there
And it's true I belong there
And it's true it's my home
I'll return to the woodlands, I'll return to the snow
I'll return to the hills and the valley below
I'll return as a poor man or a king if God wills
Can you remember the times
That you have held your head high
And told all your friends of your Indian claim
Proud good lady and proud good man
Your great-great grandfather from Indian blood sprang
And you feel in your heart for these ones
Oh it's written in books and in song
That we've been mistreated and wronged
Well over and over I hear the same words
From you good lady and you good man
Well listen to me if you care where we stand
And you feel you're a part of these ones
When a war between nations is lost
The loser, we know, pays the cost
But even when Germany fell to your hands
Consider dear lady, consider dear man
You left them their pride and you left them their land
And what have you done to these ones
Has a change come about Uncle Sam
Or are you still taking our lands
A treaty forever George Washington signed
He did dear lady, he did dear man
And the treaty's being broken by Kinzua Dam
And what will you do for these ones
Oh, it's all in the past you can say
But it's still going on here today
The government now want the Iroquois land
That of the Senaca and the Cheyenne
It's here and it's now you can help us dear man
My feet, they are naked, my hands on my hips
My eyes to the ocean and open my lips
Eeeee-aaaaa ooooh los pescadores
They come with a crash on the crest of a roar
And they’re out of their boats and they’re on to the shore
Eeeee-aaaaa ooooh los pescadores
And they wrench with the rain and they strain with the rope
They dig I the sand and they bend to the smoke
Eeeee-aaaaa ooooh los pescadores
And the weight of the men and the sound of the sea
The hardness of them and the softness of me
Eeeee-aaaaa ooooh los pescadores
And I'll stand with the fishermen, silent and gay
I'll eat of the sun and I'll drink of the spray
Eeeee-aaaaa ooooh los pescadores
Heaven isn't so far away as people say
I got a home high in my heart
Heaven is right where I come from; I never throw it away
I know the place and I'm going home
I'm going home
I'm going home
See up there, it's not the same
They know your name
And I'm not ashamed to need it I'm going home
I'm going home
I'm going home
You keep on knocking but
I'm not coming out of this state I'm in
I'm travellin' right, I'm gonna get there soon
I'm standing up praying, I'm singing
Saying “Heyo ha ha heyo ha hey ya”
I know the way and I'm going home.
I'm going home
I'm going home
That's where the heart can rest
The best is there
And only a fool would leave it. I'm going home
I'm going home
I'm going home
I'm going home
I been around, I been to town
Hey, where you think I learned right from wrong
And I'm going home
La da da da da da
La da da da da da
Guess who I saw in Paris
Guess who I saw in Paris
Standing in the street with his thumbs hooked in his belt
Standing with his thumbs hooked in his belt
Standing in the street with his thumbs hooked in his belt
Looking all of seventeen
Guess who invited him up to her room
Guess who made him some tea
Guess who got spaced with him, played his guitar
Guess who fell asleep on his arm
Guess who got lost in his eyes
Guess who kissed him goodnight
Guess who phoned me up this morning while I was still asleep
Not like waking up at all
La da da da da da
Been dreaming of
La da da da da da
Sleepless nights don't bother me at all
If dawn comes I won't worry
Something deep inside keeps me awake
Wish that you were here right beside me
Recall when I was very young
And could not go to sleep
My father sang me songs to make me tired
But memories don't make it easier
So goodnight
Wherever you are sleeping
And I hope that if you dream
You dream of me.
Oh goodnight
Wherever you are sleeping
And I hope that if you dream
You dream of me
Now I lie awake and it's no fun
Tossing and turning
I'd call you if it weren't so very late
But telephones don't bring you close to me
I recall the times we stayed up late
Wide awake but still dreaming
There was nothing on this earth could make me tired
But memories don't make it easier
So goodnight
Wherever you are sleeping
And I hope that if you dream
You dream of me.
Wherever you are sleeping
And I hope that if you dream
God is alive; Magic is afoot
God is alive; Magic is afoot
God is afoot; Magic is alive
Alive is afoot.
Magic never died.
God never sickened;
Many poor men lied
Many sick men lied
Magic never weakened
Magic never hid
Magic always ruled
God is afoot
God never died.
God was ruler
Though his funeral lengthened
Though his mourners thickened
Magic never fled
Though his shrouds were hoisted
The naked God did live
Though his words were twisted
The naked Magic thrived
Though his death was published
Round and round the world
The heart did not believe
Many hurt men wondered
Many struck men bled
Magic never faltered
Magic always led.
Many stones were rolled
But God would not lie down
Many wild men lied
Many fat men listened
Though they offered stones
Magic still was fed
Though they locked their coffers
God was always served.
Magic is afoot. God rules.
Alive is afoot. Alive is in command.
Many weak men hungered
Many strong men thrived
Though they boasted solitude
God was at their side
Nor the dreamer in his cell
Nor the captain on the hill
Magic is alive
Though his death was pardoned
Round and round the world
The heart did not believe.
Though laws were carved in marble
They could not shelter men
Though altars built in parliaments
They could not order men
Police arrested Magic
And Magic went with them,
For Magic loves the hungry.
But Magic would not tarry
It moves from arm to arm
It would not stay with them
Magic is afoot
It cannot come to harm
It rests in an empty palm
It spawns in an empty mind
But Magic is no instrument
Magic is the end.
Many men drove Magic
But Magic stayed behind
Many strong men lied
They only passed through Magic
And out the other side
Many weak men lied
They came to God in secret
And though they left him nourished
They would not tell who healed
Though mountains danced before them
They said that God was dead
Though his shrouds were hoisted
The naked God did live
This I mean to whisper to my mind
This I mean to laugh with in my mind
This I mean my mind to serve 'til
Service is but Magic
Moving through the world
And mind itself is Magic
Coursing through the flesh
And flesh itself is Magic
Dancing on a clock
Oo down Tipi Town
Hoping around
Seeking inspiration
I been out here on the edge of space,
In the human race
I guess I'd gotten lonely but
That's okay
Now it's not the way it should be and
That's okay
I know it's not the way it could be but
That's okay
It's pretty good for kindergarten and
That's okay
Come on, we're only getting started
Thumb-hand, human band
Can understand
Out among the far locations that the
Music's Heaven-sent we can
Fly on instruments
Beyond our isolation and
That's okay
No it's not the way it could be but
That's okay
Here and now it's how it is and
That's okay
It's pretty good for kindergarten and
That's okay
Come on, we're only getting started
Womb-world paradigm
Understand in time
It's a sweet investigation
We're learning rope by rope
Climbing hope by hope
In every combination and
That's okay
No it's not the way it should be but
That's okay
It's wild and it's unique and
That's okay
Love's the magic number and
That's okay
Come on, We're only getting started.
That's okay
Now it's not the way it should be and
That's okay
I know it's not the way it could be but
That's okay
It's pretty good for kindergarten and
That's okay
Come on, we're only getting started
That's okay
We're only getting started
That's okay
We're only getting started
That's okay
Fallen Angels
Fallen Angels
I got a man in the business line
He power hungry, he's a money mine
Smooth as satin he's a big time shark
Fallen Angel
I got a brother, oo he mean as sin
He got a brother who's just like him
Livin' over in Moscow, 2 of a kind.
How come the great power got the junkie mind
Fallen Angels
They never get enough
Fallen Angels oo oo
They got the addictions
Fallen Angels
They litter the skies
Fallen Angels
Don't you wanna turn 'em around
Turn 'em around
I got a man in the USA
He runnin' guns with the CIA
He's the best that being bad can be
Who'd think he do it all for me
What's it matter if you're green or red
The Yankee dollar or the commie threat
When the real power in the real world
Gonna deny it all anyway
Fallen Angels
They never get enough
Fallen Angels oo oo
They got the addictions
Fallen Angels
They litter the skies
Fallen Angels
Don't you wanna turn 'em around
Turn 'em around
You believe in the system from the top on down
Potential is a beautiful thing
It's hard to keep believing in the big time
Now you're sinking in the wind
Star light, star bright
Somebody going down tonight
Told the truth when it was time to lie
Got it right
Fallen Angels
They never gel enough
Fallen Angels hoo hoo
They got the addictions
Fallen Angels
They litter the skies
Fallen Angels
Don't you wanna turn 'em around
Turn 'em around
Fallen Angels
They never gel enough
Fallen Angels hoo hoo
They got the addictions
Emma Lee
Lord, she want what she can't have
Emma Lee don't mind
Emma Lee she take the power in her own hands
She just take her time
Emma Lee she never worry bout nothing at all
Her loving loves a storm
Emma Lee she got that Heyo ha ah ha a ha yo
She calm the waters and she step on board
And she sing about
He got that attitude
He got them bayou ways
Got what l want Lord
The sunshine's in love with the man
She sing about
He never hurry away
He love to take his time
Month of June, lord
The sunshine's in love with the man
Women's ways
You never know how they gonna do it,
Women's ways
There's really nothing to it
It's like Emma Lee she see him
And she point him out she sing about
Oo, he gonna taste like wine
His time will come, lord
The sunshine's in love with the man
Women's ways
You never know how we goin' to do it Do it
Women's ways
There's really nothing to it
Women's ways
You never know how we goin' to do it Do it
Women's ways
There's really nothing to it
Coincidence and likely stories
They dog your trail like a pack of lies
They whine at night when the lights are out
You toss and turn, you pitch and roll
Disinformation, you spin it like a silkworm
Just when I need another point of view
Here you come from nowhere, from over the ways
I stand amazed, I see your greatest hits
They blow back down the chimney into everyone's eyes
Creative thinking in the first degree
You're a three-way mirror of a one-way world
It's a perverse company you work for
They build the past, it just can't last
It's obsolete by design
They send you out rerouting history
To make the same old mistakes in a brand new way
Come out from under cover
Ollie Ollie in free
Come out, come out wherever you are
And virgin places don't mean a thing
To people who never bring their hearts along
And fools like them never fall at all
They're tough as sin, let nobody in
They turn and spin your wheels and nobody wins
Coincidence and likely stories
They dog your trail like a pack of lies
They whine at night when the lights are out
You toss and turn, you pitch and roll
Hey, I got a girl at the head of the creek
Goin up to see her about 2 times a week
Kiss her on the mouth, sweet as any wine
Wrap herself around me like a sweet potato vine
Goin up Cripple Creek, goin on a run
Goin up Cripple Creek to have a little fun
Goin up Cripple Creek, goin in a whirl
Goin up Cripple Creek to see my little girl
Now the girls up Cripple Creek about half-grown
Jump on a boy like a dog on a bone
Roll my britches up to my knees
Wade ol Cripple Creek whenever I please
Goin up Cripple Creek, goin on a run
Goin up Cripple Creek to have a little fun
Goin up Cripple Creek, goin in a whirl
Goin up Cripple Creek to see my little girl
Now, Cripple Creek's wide and Cripple Creek's deep
Wade old Cripple Creek before I sleep
Hills are steep and the roads are muddy
and I'm so dizzy that I can't stand steady I'm
Goin up Cripple Creek, goin on a run
Goin up Cripple Creek to have a little fun
Goin up Cripple Creek, goin in a whirl
Indian legislations on the desk of a do-right Congressman
Now, he don't know much about the issue
So he picks up the phone and he asks advice from the
Senator out in Indian country
A darling of the energy companies who are
Ripping off what's left of the reservations. Huh.
I learned a safety rule
I don't know who to thank
Don't stand between the reservation
And the corporate bank
They'll send in federal tanks
It isn't nice but it's reality
Bury my heart at Wounded Knee
Deep in the Earth
Cover me with pretty lies
Bury my heart at Wounded Knee. Huh.
They got these energy companies who want the land
And they've got churches by the dozens
Want to guide our hands
And sign Mother Earth over to pollution, war and greed
Get rich... get rich quick.
Bury my heart at Wounded Knee
Deep in the Earth
Cover me with pretty lies
Bury my heart at Wounded Knee. Huh.
We get the federal marshals
We get the covert spies
We get the liars by the fire
And we get the FBIs
They lie in court and get nailed
And still Peltier goes off to jail
Bury my heart at Wounded Knee (eighth of the reservation)
Bury my heart at Wounded Knee (transferred it secret)
Bury my heart at Wounded Knee (of murder and intimidation)
Bury my heart at Wounded Knee
My girlfriend Annie Mae talked about uranium
Her head was filled with bullets and her body dumped
The FBI cut off her hands and told us she'd died of exposure
Loo loo loo loo loo
Bury my heart at Wounded Knee
Deep in the Earth
Cover me with pretty lies
Bury my heart at Wounded Knee
Bury my heart at Wounded Knee
Bury my heart at Wounded Knee
Bury my heart at Wounded Knee
Bury my heart at Wounded Knee
We had the Goldrush Wars
Aw, didn't we learn to crawl
And now our history gets written in a liar's scrawl
They tell 'ya “Honey, you can still be an Indian
D-d-down at the 'Y'
On Saturday nights”
Bury my heart at Wounded Knee
Deep in the Earth
Cover me with pretty lies
Bury my heart at Wounded Knee.
Deep in the Earth
Cover me with pretty lies
Bury my heart at Wounded Knee
You'd better watch yourself
That's what people say
It's too late for that
I believe I've had my day
Oo, I've had a hard time
With this soft thing of mine
Seems like bad boys always
Knew how to get through to me
Blow my mind
And I believe I'm coming to a bad end
Oh. I believe I'm coming to a bad end
A bad end
Mmm there was a time I was okay
And yo I loved to baby him
Do anything he say
Then he start to turn on me
And it ain't no fun no more
Now there's bruises in the bed at night
Needles in the drawer
There's blood all in the mirror
And there's strangers at the door
And I believe I'm coming to a bad end
Bad end
A bad end
Aah, coming to a bad end
I'm coming to a bad end
Oh, bad end
Sweet and strong the way he loves me
Gentle, Gentle in my heart
I know he can feel
I know that he's real
I know he's a man
Just because he makes me want him
Like I never have before
I'm betting on him
I'm watching him win
All the woman I am
The way he is could heal my every day
Give me with his eyes what diamonds only try to say
And I need his love to help me carry on
To do my little miracles-
Well, love's the fuel I'm flying on
And of all the ways to love a man
I believe the best is this
To feel him beside you
To hold him inside you
Winter boy, born on a snowy day
Came to me on a rainy afternoon
And there'd been summer love
Love I trusted far too well, got away and winter's spell
had broke my heart and left me all alone
And looking for a home to rest my weary heart
for just a while
Then I found it in the smile of a boy
A little boy with midnight in his hair
And promise in his eyes of days and nights still yet to be
Days and nights he'd cling to me
For I am winter's lady and he is winter's child
Though there be summers yet
And the smell of pine comes crying to my heart
Still my joy and my security will lie beside the boy of less impurity
The little boy with midnight in his hair
and diamonds in his eyes
Diamonds made of trust and love for me
I met him on the powwow trail
He was singing and I was a dancer
To the Heartbeat Drum
Heartbeat Drum - heyo heya
Long summer nights
Falling in love
Don't ever want to part,
don't ever wanna say goodbye
Darling don't cry
When I leave the USA
If you like I'll take you home
When I go back to Canada
He's five feet two and he's six feet four
He fights with missiles and with spears
He's all of thirty-one and he's only seventeen
He's been a soldier for a thousand years
He's a catholic, a Hindu, an Atheist, a Jane
A Buddhist and a Baptist and Jew
And he knows he shouldn't kill and he knows he always will kill
You'll for me my friend and me for you
And he's fighting for Canada, he's fighting for France
He's fighting for the USA
And he's fighting for the Russians and he's fighting for Japan
And he thinks we'll put an end to war this way
And he's fighting for democracy he's fighting for the reds
He says it's for the peace of all
He's the one who must decide who's to live and who's to die
And he never sees the writing on the wall
But without him how would Hitler have condemned him at Le Val
Without him Caesar would have stood alone
He's the one who gives his body as the weapon of the war
And without him all this killing can't go on
He's the universal soldier and he really is to blame
But his orders come from far away no more
They come from him and you and me and brothers can't you see
You're not a dream, you're not an angel
You're a man
I'm not a queen, I'm a woman
Take my hand
We'll make a space in the lives
That we'd planned
And here we'll stay
Until it's time for you to go
Yes we're different worlds apart
We're not the same
We laughed and played
At the start like in a game
You could've stayed outside my heart
But in you came
And here you'll stay
Until it's time for you to go
Don't ask why
Don't ask how
Don't ask forever
Love me now
This love of mine had no beginning
It has no end
I was an oak, now I'm a willow
Now I can bend
And though I'll never
In my life see you again
Still I'll stay
Until it's time for you to go
Don't ask why
Don't ask how
Don't ask forever
Love me now
You're not a dream, you're not an angel
You're a man
I'm not a queen, I'm a woman
Take my hand
We'll make a space in the lives
That we'd planned
And here we'll stay
On a bright summer's evening I chanced to go roving
Down by the clear river I rollicked along.
I heard an old man making sad lamentation;
He was rocking the cradle and the child not his own.
cho: Hi ho, hi ho, my laddie lie aisy
For perhaps your own daddy might never be known.
I'm sitting and sighing and rocking the cradle,
And nursin' the baby that's none of my own.
When first that I married your inconstant mother
I thought myself lucky to be blessed with a wife.
But for my misfortune, sure I was mistaken
She's proved both a curse and a plague on my life.
She goes out every night to a ball or a party
And leaves me here rockin' he cradle alone.
The innocent laddie he calls me his daddy
But little he knows that he's none of my own.
Now come all ye young men that's inclined to get married
Take my advice and let the women alone.
For by the Lord Harry, if ever you marry
They'll leave you with a baby that's none of your own.
It's time to open your eyes
Take a look outside and all around
To North and South and up and down
The weather is right the time is here
There'll never be a better year
For brotherhood to take it's root
To bloom it's blossom to sprout it's shoot
Open, open, open your eyes
It's time to find the place to hoe
Find the place to plant your row
Where the seeds of love can grow and grow
Your heart's the perfect spot you know
It's time to clean your garden plot
Of sticks and stones and other old rot
Time to plant a brand new world
Where promises keep and paths unfurl
To young and old to boy and girl
To rich and poor to woman and man
To black and white and gold and tan
To big and little and fast and slow
Oh see how brotherhood can grow
Let the sun shine in your face
To everyone of every race
Ooo you better wake up
Man it's like you're dead and gone
See you movin around the same ol neighborhood
Same ol thoughts in your head spin around
Oh I know that you're a city boy
But if you got a chance to go - ah - ah
Would you come out to a new world
I promise that I'll take it slow - ah - ah
Aya Aya Are you ready?
Aya Aya Come on now
Aya Aya It's a new world
Aya Aya Cho cho fire
Aya Aya Listen to the drum beat
Aya Aya That's my heartbeat
Aya Aya Have a little fun now
Aya Aya Cho cho fire
Look like you're burnin out to me Babe
No good to nobody no how
Think you need a new experience
Need a little powwow in your soul
See the people get excited
Know the best is yet to come
You can see the people gatherin from miles around
See em running for the drum - ah - ah
Aya Aya Are you ready?
Aya Aya Come on now
Aya Aya It's a new world
Aya ay Cho cho fire
Aya Aya Listen to the drum beat
Aya Aya That's your heartbeat
Aya Aya Have a little fun now
I never saw so many business suits,
I never knew a dollar sign that looked so cute,
I never knew a junkie with a money jones
He's Saying "who's selling Park Place who's buying Boardwalk"
These old men they make them dirty deals
Go in the back room and see what they can steal
Talk about your beautiful [and spatious skies]***
Its about geranium, its about the water rights
Put mother nature on a luncheon plate
They cut her up and call it real estate
Want all the resources and all of the land
They make a war over it
Blow rigs up for it
The reservation now the poverty row
Thers something cooking, and the lights are low
Somebodys is trying to save our mother earth
Im gonna help them
To save it
To sing it
and bring it
No No Keshagesh
You can't do that.
No More No More NO More NO MORE
no No No No Keshagesh
You can't do that.
No More No More NO More NO MORE
No No No No Keshagesh
You can't do that.
No More No More NO More NO MORE
No No No No Keshagesh
You can't do that.
No More No More NO More NO MORE
Ol columbus he was looking good
when he got lost in our neighbourhood
garden of eden right before his ees
now its all spyware
now its all income tax
Ol brother midas looking hungry today
what he cant buy he'll get some other way
send in the troopers if the native resist
oh, old story boys, thats how you do it boys
Look at these people, [they are on a roll]***
gonna have it have ita ll, gonn have complete control
want all the resources and all of the land
theyll break the law for it, blow things up for it
when all our champions are off in the war
Their final rip off [here and is on]***
mr greed i think your time has come
we; re gonna sing it
and pray it
and live it
then say it
No No Keshagesh
You can't do that.
No More No More NO More NO MORE
no No No No Keshagesh
You can't do that.
No More No More NO More NO MORE
no No No No Keshagesh
You can't do that.
No More No More NO More NO MORE
no No No No Keshagesh
You can't do that.
No More No More NO More NO MORE
no No No No Keshagesh
You can't do that.
Sat beside a beaver dam and watched the winter grow
Ice was hard with little tracks appearing in the snow
Fog is in the valley now and all the geese are gone
Cross the moon I saw them go and
Still this love goes on and on
Still this love goes on.
Once I watched the summer flowers turn the fields to sun
Up and down the mountainside I watched the summer run
Now the fields are muffled in white and snow is on the dawn
Morning comes on shivering wings and
Still this love goes on and on
Still this love goes on.
In every dream I can smell the Sweetgrass burning
And in my heart I can hear the drum
and hear the singers soaring
and se-e the jin-gle dancers
and Still this love goes on and on
Still this love goes on.
Fancy Dancer come up north to see some friends of his
Fell in love in a powwow town and you know how that is
Beaded girls and painted ponies turn your life around
and now you're singing "Ke sakihiten" ha on and on
On and on and on and on and
In every dream I can smell the Sweetgrass burning
And in my heart I can hear the drum
and hear the singers soaring
and se-e the jin-gle dancers
and Still this love goes on and on
When I was a wee thing, I heard my mother say
That I was meant for rambling and would easy go astray
And before that I would work, I would rather sport and play
With my Johnny on the banks of red roses
On the banks of red roses, my love and I sat doon
He took out his tuning box to play his love a tune
In the middle of the tune, his love got up and cried
Oh Johnny, lovely Johnny, would you leave me?
So they walked and they talked until they came upon a cave
Where the night before her darling had spent digging on her grave
Aye, the night before her darling had spent digging on her grave
On the bonnie, bonnie banks of red roses
Oh no, oh no, cried she, that grave's not meant for me
Yes, oh yes, my darling, that your bridal bed shall be
Yes, oh yes, my darling, that your bridal bed shall be
And he's made her to lie down on red roses
And all on his way homeward, his heart was filled with fear
Every maid he came upon, he thought it was his dear
Yes, every maid he came upon, he thought it was his dear
Who he made to lie down on red roses
Recorded by Jean Redpath. Probable source: Hamish Henderson.
Who knows what tomorrow brings
In the world where few hearts survive
All I know is the way I feel
If it's real, I'll keep it alive
The road is long
And there are mountains in our way
But we climb a step everyday
Love lift us up where we belong
Where the eagles cry on a mountain high
Love lift us up where we belong
Far from the worlds we know
Up where the clear winds blow
Some hang on to used to be
They live their lifes looking behind
When all we have is here and now
All our lives out there to find
The road is long
And there are mountains in our way
But we climb a step everyday
Love lift us up where we belong
Where the eagles cry on a mountain high
Love lift us up where we belong
Far from the worlds we know
Up where the clear winds blow
Time goes by, no time to cry
Life's you and I, alive, today
Love lift us up where we belong
Where the eagles cry on a mountain high
Love lift us up where we belong
Far from the worlds we know
Up where the clear winds blow
Love lift us up where we belong
Where the eagles cry on a mountain high
And love lift us up where we belong
Far from the worlds we know
I can hear the rivers flowing
And I can see the winds blowing
Since the endless marching of the time
And if you don't know what I'm feeling
Take a look 'cause I'm revealing
Everything that's now
Running through my mind
I'm telling you the time is coming
You're gonna have to start
Your poor legs running
Out of this old world
You refuse to call your own
Hard it's coming and it may be tomorrow
You're gonna have to beg and to borrow
Sanity from a man you've never known
And if you don't know what I'm feeling
Take a look 'cause I'm revealing
Everything that's now
Running through my mind
And I can see the rivers flowing
I can hear the wind blowing
Since the endless marching of the time
Mirrors come from every angle
I'm telling you
You're gonna have to dangle
Your mind from a living while
You're gonna think so small
I swear the day is coming, coming soon
The truth is gonna bust a lot of balloons
There's gonna be a lot of people
Learning to crawl
And if you don't know what I'm feeling
Take a look 'cause I'm revealing
Everything that's now
Running through my mind
And I can see the rivers flowing
I can hear the wind blowing
Smackwater Jack, he bought a shotgun
'Cause he was in the mood for a little confrontation
He didn't think about the noose
He just let it all hang loose
He couldn't take no more abuse so he shot down the congregation
You can't talk to a man with a shotgun in his hand
With a shotgun in his hand
Now Big Jim the chief stood for law and order
He called for the men to surround the border
And from his bulldog mouth
As the posse headed south
Came a cry, "we got the right to clean up the streets for our wives and our daughters"
You can't talk to a man when he don't wanna understand
And he don't wanna understand
The account of the capture wasn't in the papers
But you know they hung old Smack right then and there instead of later
And the people were quite pleased
That the outlaw had been seized
And on the whole it was a very good year for the undertaker
You can't talk to a man when he don't wanna understand
Eagle man, climbing the skies
Red light of evening falls like rain
Rainbow’s my yarn, the sky is my loom
I will weave sunsets later on
Snow woman, climbing the wind
Blue light of winter fills her baskets
Changing woman, dance on the weather
Lightning and feather mark her trail
Life lovers, splinting the worlds
Healing the broken and the lame
Reach out to me, give me your hands
We close the circuits of time
Angel Ranger, stay here by me
Guide my transmission of energy
Oldest religions, simple and clear
Pour out a lesson into our dreams
Eagle man, climbing the skies
Red light of evening falls like rain
Rainbow’s my yarn, the sky is my loom
Take my hand for a while
Explain it to me once again
Just for the sake of my broken heart
Look into my eyes and maybe I will understand
How love I counted on was never there
You see, I thought that you might love me
So you caught me it seems off balance with a heart
So full of love and pretty dreams that two should share
And so I know but please before you go
Take my hand for a while
Explain it to me once again
Hey, Baby I just got back from town
Where the bribes are paid
Honey, they turned my offer down
They say the deal's already made
So now I gotta stand and watch
While it all comes down
And the buzzards and the hawks
And the judges and the mob
Circle round
Now if I were the queen of all the world
I would go in chains just to see you free
Of the ropes that bind you
And the role you play
And the pride that hooks you
While the big ones get away
Love junkies wanna change the world:
It quickly stays the same
Money junkies hire all the smart ones
Power junkies run the game
One step at a time
Polarity Hill
If the bad guys don't get you, baby
Then the good guys will
With angels on the take
And the gangsters in the yard
Hey don't the wars come easy
Hey don't the peace come hard
Now if I had a way to reach the sky
I'd grab that crescent moon
Wield it like a knife
Save you from the lies
From the ropes that bind you
And the role you play
And the game that hooks you
This ae night, this ae night
Every night and a'
Fire and sleet and candle lighte,
And Christ receive thy saule
When from hence away art past
Every ...
To whinny moor thou com'st at last
And ...
If ever thou gavest hosen and shoon
Sit thee down and put them on.
If hosen and shoon thou ne'er gav'st nane
The whinnies shall prick thee to the bare bane.
From whinny moor when thou may'st pass
To Brig o' Dread thou com'st at last.
If ever thou gavest meat or drink
The fire shall never make thee shrink.
If meat or drink thou ne'er gav'st nane
The fire will burn thee to the bare bane.
This ae night, this ae nighte
T'es pas un autre, t'es un homme, mon homme à moi,
J'suis pas une autre, je suis ta femme, ta femme à toi,
Et cet amour qui voit le jour entre nos bras,
Restera nôtre jusqu'au jour où tu partiras.
Tu viens d'ailleurs, je suis jeudi, tu es dimanche,
J'aime les fleurs, tu aimes les pluies et les nuits blanches,
Tu m'es venu, d'ailleurs je ne t'attendais plus,
Et tu es moi jusqu'au jour où tu partiras.
Ne me demande pas comment
Ne me demande pas pourquoi
Dis-moi seulement je t'aime mon amour.
Ce grand amour qui se veut être le premier
Ce grand amour qui se veut être le dernier
Fragile aux pluies comme le coeur des saules-pleureurs
Pleurera à l'heure où tu partiras.
Ne me demande pas comment
Ne me demande pas pourquoi
Dis-moi seulement je t'aime mon amour.
T'es pas un autre, t'es un homme, mon homme à moi,
J'suis pas une autre, je suis ta femme, ta femme à toi,
Et cet amour qui voit le jour entre nos bras,
He's as heavy as a lead weight, baby
He's as skinny as a wire
He's a prophet of a new day, baby
He's a keeper of the fire
He's got a funny kinda voodoo, baby
You oughta see him at the zoo
He's got a heavy kinda hoodoo, baby
And he can lay it on you
He can say it like an angel, baby
He can say it like a blowhorn
He can see a-seven devils, baby
And never even give a whole turn
Been haunted like a razor, baby
He's been tested in the blood
He's a walker on the hot coals, baby
And he's a-heavenly bound
I saw him walkin' in the valley, baby
I could see him through the trees
I saw him talkin' to the moon there, baby
He was walkin' on his knees
He can play it like a rainbow, baby
He can play it like a clown
He can play it like a river, baby
And he can follow you down
He's as heavy as a lead weight, baby
He's as skinny as a wire
He's a prophet of a new day, baby
A reckless world out of control
And he's the one supposed to tame it
A restless heart out on patrol
He was in love but he couldn't name it
And Baby comes to lay his heart down
When his tough is wearing thin
When the world has had enough of him
He knows just what I'll say
Too much is never enough
When it comes to loving you
You'll see
Too much is never enough
I'll be there
All the way to where forever goes
Our world just suddenly went so dark
Whatever was there, we couldn't read it
I saw his dreams go up in smoke
He only said, "I just don't need it"
And then he held me to his heart
Although his world was falling down
He dried my tears and he held me close
And he said, "We'll make it Baby"
Too much is never enough
When it comes to loving you
You'll see
Too much is never enough
I'll be there
Dressmaker, dressmaker
I'm singing at the hall next Saturday night and he'll be there
He's been gone for so long, I want him back again
Make me the sweetest dress you can
Make it a soulful shade of blue with a ribbon at the hem
A ribbon white for loyalty to show that I remember when
A soulful shade of blue, looked into my eyes
And tell him, I want him back again
Dressmaker, dressmaker
Don't make it loud or bright, just make it a sweet and gentle style
Then maybe he'll remember me it was not so long ago
I'll miss his sweet and gentle smile
Make it a soulful shade of blue with a ribbon at the hem
A ribbon white for loyalty to show that I remember when
A soulful shade of blue, looked into my eyes
And tell him, I want him back again
And when I think about all I missed
All those kisses that you gave to someone else
I wish I'd been around
But I was up there in the air
While you were over here
With both feet on the ground
Who'd have ever thought it
That it should've been you and me
Got to find a way to show it
This effect you have on me
When I think about what I missed
I wish I could've been your girl
And when I think about all I've lost
I don't ever count the cost
'Cause of what we've got for free
Now it's later
And maybe better late than never I don't know
But here you are with me
Dance me around again
Hold me like it's never gonna end
'Cause finally I've found somebody
Who's always been a friend
When I think about what I missed
I wish I could've been your girl
Dance me around again
Hold me like it's never gonna end
Finally I've found somebody
Who's always been a friend
When I think about what I missed
I've damn near walked this world around
Another city, another town
Another friend to say goodbye
And another time to sit and cry
Oh, it's many a mile
I have spent on this road
It's many a mile I have gone
Well, there was one, he knew me best
You know, he gave my poor heart rest
He was my world, my heart, my dear
And now he's gone to God knows where
Oh, it's many a mile
I have spent on this road
It's many a mile I have gone
I've seen your towns, they're all the same
The only difference is in a name
And the only home I ever known
Was a suitcase and the open road
Oh, it's many a mile
I have spent on this road
It's many a mile I have gone
So, I'll fill my glass up to the brim
And through my glass, my world looks dim
I know outside there's love somewhere
Maybe, my rambling will take me there
Oh, it's many a mile
I have spent on this road
It's many a mile I have gone
And it's many a mile
I have spent on this road
Word is up to the king's dear daughter
And word is spreading all over the land
That's she's been betrayed by her own dear brother
That he has chosen another fair hand
Many young man had a song of her beauty
And many a grand deed for her had been done
But within her sights she carried the child
Of her father's youngest, fairest son
Tell to me no lies
Tell to me no stories
But saddle my good horse and I'll go and see my own true love
If your words be true ones, then that will mean the end of me
Brother oh brother what lies be these ones
They say your love to another I lose
There's a child within me of thy very own lineage
And I know it's I that thou would chose
And have you yet told your father or mother
All that thou has told here to me
And he's taken off his good braided sword
And I am down beside his knee
No I've not told no one but you my dear one
For it's a secret between us two
And I would come home and quit all my roaming
And spend my days only waiting on you
Too late too late for change my sister
My father has chosen another fair bride
And he stabbed her easy and lovingly lay her
Down in her grave by the green wood side
And when he's come home to his own wedding of feasting
And his father asks why he's weeping all so
He says such a bride as a I've seen on this morning
Eyes of blue
Or eyes of green
Eyes of amber
Eyes of starlight
Have come again as they have
Come before
Heart of fire light
Heart of the flowers of the
Heart of snow
You come again and you are
Midnight wind
With hands of
Moon beams
And clouds
And call me
To you
And though I never know you
Wistful lover
Until you're gone
You're here to teach me
How to love
A dream of loving love
Breath of jasmine
Breast of silk
Breast of music
The desert sands
That take my tears
Are of your magic too
Eyes of blue
Or eyes of onyx,
Eyes of amber
Eyes of starlight
You come again as you have
We are drifting and rolling along the road
Tryin' to bear my heavy load
Like a log that's been passed on the side
I'm so heavy and so tired
And I know me a few men in my time
None of them worth a lousy dime
And they make me work like a doggone slave
Won't be happy till I'm in my grave
And I've been drifting and rolling along the road
Tryin' to bear my heavy load
And like a log that's been passed on the side
I'm so heavy and so tired
My world you don't took it and torn it in two
Who'd ever thought it of a boy like you
It looked hot, I thought it was a sugar and spice
Salty water turned to ice
I've been drifting and rolling along the road
Tryin' to bear my heavy load
And like a log that's been passed on the side
Little wheels spin and spin, big wheels turn around and around
Little wheels spin and spin, big wheels turn around and around
Little wheels spin and spin, big wheels turn around and around
Little wheels spin and spin, big wheels turn around and around
Merry Christmas, Jingle Bells
Christ is born and the devil? s in Hell
Hearts they shrink pockets swell
Everybody know and nobody tell
Little wheels spin and spin, big wheels turn around and around
Little wheels spin and spin, big wheels turn around and around
Little wheels spin and spin, big wheels turn around and around
Little wheels spin and spin, big wheels turn around and around
Oh the sins of Caesar? s men
Cry the pious citizens
Who petty thieve the 5 and 10s
And the big wheels turn around and around
Little wheels spin and spin, big wheels turn around and around
Little wheels spin and spin, big wheels turn around and around
Little wheels spin and spin, big wheels turn around and around
Little wheels spin and spin, big wheels turn around and around
Blame the angels, blame the fates
Blame the Jews or your sister Kate
Teach your children how to hate
And the big wheels turn around and around
Little wheels spin and spin, big wheels turn around and around
Little wheels spin and spin, big wheels turn around and around
Little wheels spin and spin, big wheels turn around and around
Little wheels spin and spin, big wheels turn around and around
Turn your back on weeds you? ve hoed
Silly sinful seeds you? ve sowed
Add your straw to the camel? s load
Pray like Hell when your world explode
Little wheels spin and spin, big wheels turn around and around
Little wheels spin and spin, big wheels turn around and around
Little wheels spin and spin, big wheels turn around and around
Little wheels spin and spin, big wheels turn around and around
Swing your girl fiddler say
Later on the piper pay
Do see do, swing and sway
Dead will dance on judgment day
Little wheels spin and spin, big wheels turn around and around
Little wheels spin and spin, big wheels turn around and around
Little wheels spin and spin, big wheels turn around and around
Sun is up
Day is on
Look for me
I'll be gone
cause today's the day
I'm gonna see him again
He's an Indian cowboy in the rodeo
and I'm just another little girl
who loves him so
He's an Indian cowboy in the rodeo
and I'm just another little girl
who loves him so
Once he stopped
and talked to me
I found out
how dreams can be
with a big wide smile
and a big white hat
He's an Indian cowboy in the rodeo
and I'm just another little girl
who loves him so
He's an Indian cowboy in the rodeo
and I'm just another little girl
who loves him so
Sun is up
Day is on
Look for me
I'll be gone
cause today's the day
I'm gonna see him again
He's an Indian cowboy in the rodeo
and I'm just another little girl
who loves him so
He's an Indian cowboy in the rodeo
and I'm just another little girl
Get your scaprbook out
Lay it on the bed
Fix the disapointment
In your head
She's lying down there there on the floor
Not exactly what you waited for
There once was a woman who took you by the hand
And showed you you could be a man
But now there's nothing left to say
And I'd be grateful if you'd just go away.
In her jewerly box
She still keeps your high school ring
And I know you'll remember
Her last virgin spring.
BUt it just ain't happening any more.
Won't you save my life if you can.
There were Choctaws in Alabama
Chippewas in St. Paul
Mississippi mud runs like a river in me
America - Oo she's like a mother to me
O beautiful for spacious skies
For amber waves of grain
For purple mountain majesty
Above the fruited plain
America, America
God shed his grace on thee
And crown thy good with brotherhood
from sea to shining sea
from sea to shining sea
There were cliff towns in Colorado
Pyramids in Illinois
Trade routes up and down the Mississippi River to see
America - Oo she's like a mother to me...
O beautiful for vision clear
that sees beyond the years
Thy night time sky
Our hopes that fly
undimmed by human tears
America, America
God shed His grace on thee
Til selfish gain no longer stain
the banner of the free
And crown thy good with brotherhood
from sea to shining sea
off into outer space you go my friends
we wish you bon voyage
and when you get there we will welcome you again
and still you'll wonder at it all
see all the wonders that you leave behind
the wonders humble people own
I know a boy from a tribe so primitive
he can call me up without no telephone
see all the wonders that you leave behind
enshrined in some great hourglass
the noble tongues, the noble languages
entombed in some great english class
off into outer space you go my friends
we wish you bon voyage
and when you get there we will welcome you again
and still you'll wonder at it all
an anthropologist he wrote a book
he called it "myths of heaven"
he's disappeared, his wife is all distraught
an angel came and got him
his hair was light, his eyes were love, his words were true,
his eys were lapis lazuli
he spoke in a language oh so primitive
that he made sense to me
off into outer space you go my friends
we wish you bon voyage
and when you get there we will welcome you again
The rain is falling lightly on the buildings and the cars
I've said goodbye to city friends, department stores and bars
The lights of town are at my back, my heart is full of stars
And I'm gonna be a country girl again
Oh yes, I'm gonna be a country girl again
With an old brown dog and a big front porch and rabbits in the pen
I tell you, all the lights on Broadway don't amount to an acre green
And I'm gonna be a country girl again
I spent some time in study, oh, I've taken my degrees
And memorized my formula, my A's and B's and C's
But what I know came long ago and not from such as these
And I'm gonna be a country girl again
Oh yes, I'm gonna be a country girl again
With an old brown dog and a big front porch and rabbits in the pen
I tell you, all the lights on Broadway don't amount to an acre green
And I'm gonna be a country girl again
I've wandered in the hearts of men looking for the sign
But here I might learn happiness, I might learn peace of mind
The one who taught my lesson was the soft wind through the pines
I'm gonna be a country girl again
Oh yes, I'm gonna be a country girl again
With an old brown dog and a big front porch and rabbits in the pen
I tell you, all the lights on Broadway don't amount to an acre green
And I'm gonna be a country girl again
Oh yes, I'm gonna be a country girl again
With an old brown dog and a big front porch and rabbits in the pen
I tell you, all the lights on Broadway don't amount to an acre green
I tippy-toe across your dream each night
So as not to wake you
Asleep in your summer
A garland of flowers
Yellow and white around your waist
While I walk these paths of ice
Ice my breast
And strings of ice my hair
My hands two hooks of steel
Ice nose, snow eyes
Frozen open mouth
Flakes of snow your bridal veils
I come down the soft white path
Bouquets of poppies
Shall I tell you of the night
It was long ago
Late November and the snow
Just about to fall
And the moon was big and bright
Cold and sharp and clear
And the air was biting
Softly, swiftly down the road
Never made a sound
Someone came from far away
Someone tall and old
As I looked into his eyes
No reflections came
And I gave him bedding
Oh, my little rosary
How I miss you so
Never used you very well
Now, I never will
I am farther from you now
Than the two ends of eternity
My belly is a-cravin', I got a shakin' in my head,
I feel like I'm dying, and I wish I was dead.
If I live 'til tomorrow, that'll be a long time,
But I'll real and I'll fall and I'll rise on cod'ine,
And it's reel, and it's real, one more time.
Well, when I was a young girl, I learned not to care
Off whiskey, and frlick I often did swear.
My mother and father said, Whiskey's a curse.
But the fate of their baby was many times worse,
And it's reel, and it's reel, one more time.
Stay away from the cities; stay away from the town,
Stay away from the man pushin' codeine around,
Stay away from the stores where the remedy is fine,
For better your pain than be caught on cod'ine,
And it's reel, and it's reel, one more time.
You'll forget you're a woman, you'll forget about men,
Try it just once, and you'll try it again.
You'll forget about life, you'll forget about time,
And you'll live off your days as a slave to cod'ine,
And it's reel, and it's reel, one more time.
But, if I die tomorrow, still one thing I've done,
I've heeded the warning that I got when I was young.
My one satisfaction, it comes when I think
That I'm livin' my life without bendin' to drink,
And it's real, and it's real, one more time.
And my belly is a-cravin'; I got a shakin' in my head,
I feel like I'm dying, and I wish I was dead.
If I live 'til tomorrow, that'll be a long time,
But I'll reel and I'll fall and I'll die on cod'ine,
(I'm cutting my) own way
Through my own day
And all I dare say is
It's my own
(Got my) own seeds
Got my own weeds
I've got my own harvest
That I've sown
I can tell you
Things I've done
And I can sing you
Songs I've sung
But there's one thing
I can't give
For I and I alone can live
The years I've known,
The life I've grown.
Got a way I'm going,
And it's my Way.
I've got my own stakes
In my own game
I've got my own name
And it's my Way
I've got my own kith
I've got my own kin
I've got my own sin
And it's my Way
I've got my own peace
I've got my own wrath
I've got my own path that only I can go
I've got my own sword in my own hand
I've got my own plan that only I can know
Don't be sighing
Don't be crying
Your day will come; your day alone
Years you'll know and a life you'll grow
You got a way to go and it's all on your own
I've got my own world
I've got my own life
I've got my own strife
And it's my Way
I've got my own wrong
I've got my own right
I've got my own fight
And it's my Way
I've got my own prayers
I've got my own fears
I've got my own tears
And it's my Way
I've got my own joy
I've got my own load
I've got my own road
And it's my Way
The years I've known,
The life I've grown.
Got a way I'm going,
And it's my Way.
Don't be sighing
Don't be crying
Your day will come; your day alone
Put down the story of what I've known
Your bound for glory all of your own
Put down the story of what I say
You're bound for glory
He lived alone in town
His friends were many and true
He drank and took the easy love
Of street girls that he knew
And he met a girl one day
Said "come home with me tonight"
"Oh no!" she cried "I never will."
And she left him there alone
And the days went by, and days
Went by and they did long
For each other every hour
But still she'd not be bound
"In the places of young men
I never will be found
But think you not that I don't love
For my heart is ripe and full"
"How cold you are!" he said
"I guess you must not care
For me. But tell me,
Where it is you'd go
For I'd take you anywhere"
"Then come to a forest green
Where I may love you free
Beyond the confines of your walls
And beyond the sweetest words"
"And beyond the mountains high
Beyond the fields of shame
And beyond the prettiest wedding ring
For I'd never take your name"
"And wander with me now
Or wander all forlorn
But know I love you, tearful one,
Much more than I can show"
He could not understand
He thought she could not care
"Oh, take me far away," she'd cried
And he could not hear her prayer
And he wandered off alone
To never know her dream
And she still dwells within the forest
Longing for his love
"So, wander with me now
Or wander off alone
But know I love you, tearful one,
Every little baby that's ever been born, been spanked and made to cry
Every young woman that's ever been loved, been shaken and made to sigh
Every young woman that's ever been loved has told, told me true
Take his heart and run away as he would do to you
Every young man I've ever seen been mean as he could be
Every last one I've loved and run as he would do to me
Take it from me that a man can be more trouble than you'll ever know
He'll love you some and when he's done, he'll laugh and let you go
So they told me, and they told me little else
But I tell you to better find out for yourself
Handsome stride and shoulders wide disguise a heart of stone
Lovers' wiles and tender smiles are better left alone with his head
Hung low and his shoulders down and a tear in the bottom of his shoe
He'll beg and tease and vow on his knees, and then betray you, true
He'll say I'm tired, I'm broke, I'm sick I love you, while he cries
He'll say I'm sorry through his tears and all the time he lies
Shudder and sulk when he's at his best, try one if you will
You can have mine and all the rest, you know I've had my fill
So they told me, and they told me little else
Jeramiah Jeramiah
Honey won't you please get up and light the fire
Jeramee-oh Jeramee-oh
It's so cold and dark down here the folks can't see oh
Will the meeting come to order to discuss
just exactly what the hell is gonna become of us
Sweet Melinda Sweet Melinda
She didn't know the price until she walked right in there
Now they've got her Now they've got her
Banging on her head with everything they've taught her
She's very hip but she is not too very cool
Big uniform he flipped her over with a backwards golden rule
Some will tell you Some will tell you
Tell you what you really want ain't on the menu
Don't believe them Don't believe them
Cook it up yourself and then prepare to Serve them
Dance Dance to the music in the skies
Sweet William rose one morning bright
And dressed himself in blue
"Come tell to me the long lost love
Between Lady Margaret and you"
"I know no harm of Lady Margaret," said he
"And I hope she knows none of me
But tomorrow morning before eight o'clock
Lady Margaret my bride shall be"
As Lady Margaret was in her chamber high
A-combing up her hair
She spied sweet William and his bride
As they to the church drew near
She threw down her ivory comb
And tossed back her hair
And from the room a fair lady came
That was seen in there no more
The day being gone and the night being come
When most men were asleep
Sweet William spied Lady Margaret's ghost
A-standing at his bed feet
"How do you like your bed?" she said
"And how do you like your sheet?
And how do you like the fair lady
That lies in your arms asleep?"
"Very well do I like my bed," said he
"Very well do I like my sheet
But better do I like the fair lady
That is standing at my bed feet"
The night being gone and the day being come
When most men were awake
Sweet William said he was troubled in his head
From a dream he had last night
He called his weary waiting maids
By one, by two, by three
And last of all, with his bride's consent
Lady Margaret he went to see
He went unto the parlor door
He knocked until he made things ring
But none was so ready as her own dear brother
To arise and let him in
"Is Lady Margaret in the parlor?" said he
"Or is she in the hall
Or is she in her chamber high
Among the gay ladies all?"
"Lady Margaret is not in the parlor," said he
"She is neither in the hall
She is in her coffin
And a-lying by the wall"
"Tear down, tear down, those milk white sheets
They are made of silk so fine
That I may kiss Lady Margaret's cheek
For ofttimes she has kissed mine"
The first that he kissed was her rosy cheek
The next was her dimpled chin
The last of all was her clay-cold lips
That pierced his heart within
"Tear down, tear down those milk white sheets
They are made of silk so fine
Today they hang around Lady Margaret's corpse
And tomorrow they will hang around mine"
Lady Margaret died of pure, pure love
Sweet William died of sorrow
They are buried in one burying ground
Both side and side together
Out of her grave grew a red rose
And out of his a briar
They grew in a twining true lover's knot
Well, Johnny be fair and Johnny be fine and wants me for to wed
And I would marry Johnny, but my father up and said
I'm sad to tell you daughter what your mother never knew
But Johnny is a son of mine and so he's kin to you
Well, Jimmy be fair and Jimmy be fine and wants me for to wed
And I would marry Jimmy, but my father up and said
I'm sad to tell you daughter what your mother never knew
But Jimmy, too, is a son of mine and so he's kin to you
Well, Billy be fair and Billy be fine and wants me for to wed
And I would marry Billy, but my father up and said
I'm sad to tell you daughter what your mother never knew
But Billy, too, is a son of mine and so he's kin to you
You never seen a girl so sad and sorry as I was
The boys in town are all my kin and my father is the pa
If this continue I shall die a single miss
So I'll go to mother and complain to her of this
Oh daughter, haven't I taught you to forgive and to forget
Even if this all is true, still you needn't fret
Your father may be father to all the boys in town, still
Now that your big eyes have finally opened
Now that you're wondering how must they feel
Meaning them that you've chased across
America's movie screens
Now that you're wondering how can it be real
That the ones you've called colorful, noble and proud
In your school propaganda, they starve in their splendor
You've asked for my comment, I simply will render
My country 'tis of thy people you're dying
Now that the long houses breed superstition
You force us to send our toddlers away
To your schools where they're taught
To despise their traditions
You forbid them their languages, then further say
That American history really began
When Columbus set sail out of Europe
Then stress that the nation of leeches that conquered this land
Are the biggest and bravest and boldest and best
And yet where in your history books is the tale
Of the genocide basic to this country's birth
Of the preachers who lied, how the Bill of Rights failed
How a nation of patriots returned to their earth
And where will it tell of the Liberty Bell
As it rang with a thud o'er Kinzua mud
And of brave Uncle Sam in Alaska this year
My country 'tis of thy people you're dying
Hear how the bargain was made for the West
With her shivering children in zero degrees
Blankets for your land, so the treaties attest
Oh well, blankets for land is a bargain indeed
And the blankets were those Uncle Sam had collected
From smallpox-diseased dying soldiers that day
And the tribes were wiped out and the history books censored
A hundred years of your statesmen have felt
It's better this way
And yet a few of the conquered have somehow survived
Their blood runs the redder though genes have paled
From the Gran Canyon's caverns to craven sad hills
The wounded, the losers, the robbed sing their tale
From Los Angeles County to upstate New York
The white nation fattens while others grow lean
Oh the tricked and evicted they know what I mean
My country 'tis of thy people you're dying
The past it just crumbled, the future just threatens
Our life blood shut up in your chemical tanks
And now here you come, bill of sale in your hands
And surprise in your eyes that we're lacking in thanks
For the blessings of civilization you've brought us
The lessons you've taught us, the ruin you've wrought us
Oh see what our trust in America's brought us
My country 'tis of thy people you're dying
Now that the pride of the sires receives charity
Now that we're harmless and safe behind laws
Now that my life's to be known as your 'Heritage'
Now that even the graves have been robbed
Now that our own chosen way is a novelty
Hands on our hearts we salute you your victory
Choke on your blue white and scarlet hypocrisy
Pitying the blindness that you've never seen
That the eagles of war whose wings lent you glory
They were never no more than carrion crows
Pushed the wrens from their nest
Stole their eggs, changed their story
The mockingbird sings it, it's all that he knows
"Ah, what can I do?", say a powerless few
With a lump in your throat and a tear in your eye
Can't you see that their poverty's profiting you?