Welcome to the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

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  • Rachel Maddow talks about Darwin day and the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Read

  • Is it time for an FSM Billboard? Help us design something amazing. Read

  • Steven Klinger's amazing propaganda artwork Read

  • Zach Kopplin is leading the fight against the Louisiana Science Education Act Read

  • Halloween pictures still popular, I'm not sure why. Maybe because of the pumpkins. But probably it's the pirate girls. Read

  • Check out this FSM car at the LeMons 500 (all cars under $500) Read

  • The Cumberland County Courthouse in Crossville, Tennessee saw fit to allow an FSM statue installation on their lawn (for a short time). Read

  • Senator Grassley's megachurch probe was bullshit Read

  • Congratulations to Bomba, t-shirt design contest winner. Read

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Secular message not well received as House of Reps daily prayer

Published June 6th, 2013 by Bobby Henderson


I like this — Arizona Rep. Juan Mendez offered the daily prayer at a floor session, and instead of God talk, he spoke about tolerance and the values we share as humans, and the duty of government to look past religious divisions:

Most prayers in this room begin with a request to bow your heads. I would like to ask that you not bow your heads. I would like to ask that you take a moment to look around the room at all of the men and women here, in this moment, sharing together this extraordinary experience of being alive and of dedicating ourselves to working toward improving the lives of the people in our state.

This is a room in which there are many challenging debates, many moments of tension, of ideological division, of frustration. But this is also a room where, as my secular humanist tradition stresses, by the very fact of being human, we have much more in common than we have differences. We share the same spectrum of potential for care, for compassion, for fear, for joy, for love.

What a great sentiment, and surely the members of the House, even if religious, appreciated such a positive message.

Except for Rep. Steve Smith, who felt it necessary to re-do the prayer the next day in repentance. What a douche.

Some articles:

About Rep. Mendez’s secular daily prayer

About Rep. Smith, butt-hurt, re-doing the prayer

I look forward to the day when Pastafarian members of the House can speak openly about their one True faith.


Where is the evidence?

Published April 7th, 2013 by Bobby Henderson

Here’s a video that has been making the rounds.   Richard Dawkins shows great patience in interviewing Creationist Wendy Wright.  I find it painful to watch but also fascinating.


He has Risen

Published March 31st, 2013 by Bobby Henderson


My friend Gooeld spotted this egg with an uncanny likeness to the FSM. 

Because it is Easter, I want to share a link to a debate on “Did Jesus Really Rise From The Dead?” between Michael Horner and Dan Barker.   Horner is Christian scholar and Barker is a reformed Christian preacher and now an atheist activist.  It is an engaging debate and I suspect no matter your beliefs you’ll find reading this time well spent.

Here’s the link:  Did Jesus Really Rise From The Dead?


Kiva team FSM hit $1.5 Million

Published March 24th, 2013 by Bobby Henderson


Nice work everybody – Kiva Team FSM just reached $1.5 Million in loans.

Kiva is a non-profit micro-lending organization whose mission is to end poverty. We believe making small interest-free loans to 3rd-world entrepreneurs can be a big help. Please consider joining us if you haven’t already. Check it out.

Note —

We are currently 2nd place in the Religious Congregations category, just behind Team Baha’is. We are still ahead of the Mormons.


The Holy Colander, blessed of His Noodlyness because He Boiled for Us inside it, has once again confirmed its rightful place among the Holiest of religious head garments!

Aaron Williams, an Egg Harbor NJ Pastafarian and Sauced Beyond Marinated, has paid tribute to the just Licencing Laws of New Jersey and honoured Lord Glob by wearing the Holy Colander for a renewal photo. Joining Niko Alm with the desire to etch his devotion to the One True Monster in perpetuity, Aaron insisted that the Colander did not breach the Licencing Law.

Despite Aaron Spreading the Truth, the Unenlightened, dedicated as they are to the Law of New Jersey, were compelled to refer this Holy Matter to the State.

Here are some excerpts of  Aaron’s Epistles of Enlightenment to the MVC from the original South Brunswick Patch report written by Davy James:

“What we deem as different or embarrassing is different from what another individual deems as different or embarrassing, in terms of religious practices,” Williams told Patch on Tuesday.

“Had it been a turban or a head scarf, or something from a mainstream religion, then it would’ve been fine,” he said. “I guess since they hadn’t heard of the religion, that’s why they opposed it. But that’s not really acceptable to me. They’re not in a position to discriminate against religions that are mainstream, or not mainstream, just because they may not have heard about it.”

“The people there were very polite, but I’d like to have better training for their employees, so I may be looking into some way to educate their employees on their own policies,” he said. “I feel like after I expressed my opinions and beliefs they were definitely more accepting. I was met with hostility at first and they were asking me what my problem was.

“I didn’t have a problem, they had the problem. After I expressed myself, they realized I wasn’t just some crazy person, but they still didn’t let me wear the strainer for my picture.”

Here is a link to Davy’s original article.

May His Noodlyness Touch the Unenlightened that they become strengthened by Protein, and that the Colander takes its true place not only among the world’s great head garments of faith but on the photo of every Pastafarian driver licence holder!


(Thanks to South Brunswick Patch and Davy James)


Snow evangelism spotted at Wayne State

Published February 17th, 2013 by Bobby Henderson


This FSM snow design was discovered on Wayne State’s campus today. And here on reddit.

I would love to see some more snow evangelism.


Merry ChriFSMas and happy Holidays everyone

Published December 30th, 2012 by Bobby Henderson


[banner made by Dustin M– click for fullsize]

Happy Holidays everyone! I want to share a collection of my favorite displays this season.

But first, check out what is to my knowledge the first ChrisFSMas song, composed by Rade – who, incidentally, makes his home in the same town (Hallein, Austria) as F.X. Gruber, who composed Silent Night.

Now that you’re in a Holiday mood, here are the displays:

Possibly my favorite this year, here’s Scott and Jeanette’s knitted tree-topper.

scott and jeanette's knitted tree-topper

It would not feel like ChrisFSMas without a festive and historically accurate Nativity scene – this one, courtesy of Dmitry:


Here’s an ornament spotted on Dmitry’s Holiday tree:


Abbey found this Holiday stocking at her house:


And the FSM perched atop her tree:


He was spotted on a number of other trees as well:


alexis's chrisFSMas tree - majestic

Katherin's tree - original

haley's tree - beautiful

michelle and kyle's tree

mikes chrisFSMas tree - glorious

He was also spotted in Holiday lights in a window:

Alex's window display - we hear a number of neighbors inquired about the display -- excellent!

and here He is in a yard:


Here’s Mark from New Zealand’s wreath:

Mark's wreath

And He was seen in a number of Holiday treats:


angel's cookie

dalton cookie

Happy Holidays everyone!



Pennsylvanian Pastafarians fight for Holiday Display

Published November 30th, 2012 by Wayne

Holiday is the most important celebration of the year not only for Pastafarians worldwide but indeed, for everybody. It is the one day of the year where we are all Touched by His Noodly Appendages and we commemorate…well, nothing at all really, but that isn’t the point. Understanding this, the Most Irreverend Minister Tracy McPherson of the Pennsylvanian Pastafarians and her Noodly Flock have come together in request for a display celebrating Holiday.

Here is the link for the original speech given by Tracy:

And the second speech:

Being of course the world’s largest and most prominent non-religion that has a deity who is truly edible and Full of Complex Carbohydrates, there has been much media coverage of the request for Holiday displays:



Unfortunately, the County Commissioners have not been Touched, and the request has been refused. However, the battle for reason continues. Tracy is pushing to get an appearance on the Daily Show with John Stewart, and you can show your support by emailing Guestpitch@thedailyshow.com

Here is an update pasted from Tracy’s facebook page, Evangelical Pastafarianism, on the refusal:

“UPDATE: West Chester, PA – Despite many phone calls and emails of support, as well as statements by Pastafarian supporters for Holiday Tree and from atheist supporters for the Tree of Knowledge, commissioners Farrell and Costello rejected t

he motion to nullify Resolution 58-10 which was passed in 2010 and stops all displays except the Jewish menorah, the Christian nativity, and select “secular” christmas symbols picked by the commissioners such as a wreath, a tree, candy canes, santa, and a choo-choo train.Commissioner Cozzone courageously voted to nullify the resolution in favor of a more inclusive display. We thank her for that. However, since her two colleagues voted against it, the motion did not pass.As your minister, I am now exploring legal options to bring equality to this county. I will post a video of today’s speech as soon as I am able. It included several moving passages from Our Scriptures.”
Thank you Minister Tracy, truly, You are Covered In Sauce, and Have Been Touched By His Noodly Appendages! R’amen!

UPDATE: Pastafarians can also enjoy the feeling of being evangelical by visiting the splinter church at www.evangelicalpasta.com


Halloween Evangelism

Published October 31st, 2012 by Bobby Henderson

It is that time of the year again, when Pastafarians can dress in official pirate regalia and Spread the Word without fear of religious persecution.  And while some may be wearing these costumes for other reasons, I have to believe that some day they too will be Touched by His Noodly Appendage.

Please send me your Halloween Evangelism photos and I’ll post them here.  As always, pirate girls are encouraged to send in their photos. For academic reasons.  Or maybe some sort of equal opportunity thing, I don’t know.

Below are some photos from this year and some of my favorites from previous years. Keep them coming.






Pumpkin art is one of my favorite forms of evangelism.  Here are some great pieces:









More to come.  Send me your photos!


FSM Begins Rapture In The Northeast

Published October 26th, 2012 by Bobby Henderson


Too bad I live in Vancouver, I was hoping to be one of the first to feel the pull of the Holy Tentacles.

Even in name, a contradiction,


Strong evidence of the FSM’s presence for sure, but I think it’s hasty to refer to this as Rapture. Perhaps He is there for protection?  Have any Easterners felt the Touch of His Noodly Appendage?

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