
Turkey: The cure for state terror isn't democracy

The article that follows was written by the comrades of our section in Turkey – a young section, both in the history of the ICC and in the age of its members. Both as revolutionaries and as part of the generation that has led the revolt, these comrades have been actively involved in the movement on the streets and this represents a first report ‘on the spot’ and a first attempt to analyse the significance of the movement.

In Brazil, demonstrations against transport price increases: police repression provokes the anger of youth

An article written by group of the International Communist Current in Brazil on the recent wave of protests sparked by public transport price rises.

Caroline Lucas: Green scab

Caroline Lucas: scab

Caroline Lucas (aka St Caroline), Green MP for Brighton Pavilion, today proudly tweeted she had scabbed on the Brighton refuse workers' strike despite her earlier claims of support.

Poland does away with the 8-hour day

The avant-garde of neoliberal horrors has finally done away with the 8-hour working day.

Greece: Thousands gather in an anti-government protest at suspension of state broadcaster ERT

Anarchists and workers show solidarity with the fired 2,656 employees of state TV and radio of Greece.

Istanbul: An impression of the barricades

A Taksim square barricade

Impressions from occupied Taksim Square from Saturday 8 June.

Pop-Up Union to ballot for strike

Pop-Up Union to ballot for strike

Workers opposed to privatisation decided to ballot for industrial action after Sussex uni bosses refused to stop the ongoing outsourcing process. The move comes less than three weeks after the Pop-Up Union, an unconventional rank-and-file initiative, became officially listed as a trade union.

Opposing the EDL: Leeds 1st June 2013

The occurence at the cenotaph in Leeds on the first of June and its implications for resisting the EDL.

Halo 4 contractor calls for unionisation of the games industry

Put work on standby until games industry staff get better treatment

A former Quality Assurance tester at Certain Affinity studios, is calling upon games industry staff to be aware of the negative aspect of contractor work and need to organise for better conditions, pay and respect.

Solidarity is needed - please help to get Alexey Sutuga out from prison on bail!

Member of Autonomous Action, anarchist Alexey Sutuga has been remanded
for more than a year. Police has intentionally delayed the
investigation, they were only working on the case for the first 2-3
months of the arrest, and since then investigation has stalled.