
James Allman: symbol of the fighting spirit of the Socialist League

A short account of the activity of James Allman in the Socialist League

The law of freedom in a platform - Gerrard Winstanley

Set out in 1652, this is Winstanley's vision for a future without money or such extreme laws of private property as we have today. Winstanley was aware that the English Civil War meant a consolidation of power for the Merchant Classes and Landowners and he - quite rightly - predicted the misery and corruption to come.

Interview with Agustín Guillamón, historian of the Spanish Revolution

In this 2013 interview, Agustín Guillamón, the author of Ready for Revolution: The CNT Defense Committees in Barcelona, 1933-1938, discusses the Spanish Revolution, the reasons why he dedicated his life to this subject, its historiography and its lessons.

The Pullman strike, 1894 - Jeremy Brecher

Striking railway workers confront the National Guard in Chicago, 1894

Jeremy Brecher's excellent history of the massive but ultimately unsuccessful boycott and strike by the American Railway Union led by Eugene Debs against the tyrannical Pullman Palace Car Company.

US coal miners' strikes, 1894 - Jeremy Brecher

Jeremy Brecher's excellent account of the overlapping American miners' strikes in 1894: an unsuccessful national strike and a successful striking Cripple Creek, Colorado.

Morain, Pierre 1930-2013

Morain coming out of prison

A short biography of Pierre Morain, the first French militant to be imprisoned in the struggle against colonialism in Algeria

Revolt in a Norfolk seaside resort: anarchist-communism in Great Yarmouth

A short history of socialist and anarchist Yarmouth in the late 19th century.

Death of a Leeds comrade

An obituary of the Leeds anarchist Fred Corkwell by George Cores

The Homestead strike, 1892 - Jeremy Brecher

State militia sent to break the Homestead strike

Jeremy Brecher's detailed history of the 1892 strike of workers at the Carnegie Steel Company against the eventually successful attempt of the employer to break their union, the Amalgamated Association of Iron and Steelworkers.

An introduction to radical politics in Kerala, India

CPI-M sign in Kerala.

There is a place in India where one cannot walk more than a block without seeing a white hammer and sickle upon a red flag. Giant stone statues of Lenin hide peculiarly behind coconut trees in lush overgrown plots of land and little old men read communist newspapers next to frescoes of Ernesto “Che” Guevara. This place is Kerala, India - A region in rapid transition from socialist pragmatism to capitalist wealth accumulation.